Mrs. Brown's Math Zone [licensed for non-commercial use ...

Welcome to Mrs. Brown’s Geometry Class!Star City High School: Room 181Email: Required Materials- 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper- graph paper- pencil- calculatorCalculatorsA graphing calculator or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is recommended for this class. If you wish to use a school-owned calculator, then you must pay $5 by Friday September 3. I will reserve the right to clear memory of any calculator on or before any quiz and/or test.Classroom Rules1. Be nice.Show respect to teacher and fellow students. There will be no put-downs allowed in the classroom. This also means that you may not talk back or argue with the teacher. 2. Follow directions.This includes all written and oral instructions of the teacher.3. Be e to class prepared everyday. I do provide pencils in class for an exchange of a shoe. We will be working in class everyday and you must bring your own supplies before the class begins. Criteria for CreditYou must follow the guidelines below for credit on all of your work. All work is shown.Work is done in pencil. You will not receive credit for work turned in that has been worked in pen.Each assignment is appropriately labeled with the student’s name, the assignment number and the period number in the upper right hand corner.Work is neat and organized with undesired work or answers neatly crossed off or erased. This also means that there are not an excessive amount of scribble marks on the paper.Failure to follow these guidelines may result in loss of full credit for the assignment.GradingLate assignments will not be accepted, there are no exceptions. If you are absent, you will make up your homework according to the Student Handbook policy.All tests/quizzes missed due to absences must be made up according to the Student Handbook.Grades will be figured according to the Student Handbook.Points for the year:Interim Assessments/Chapter Tests – 100 pts eachQuizzes – 15 – 30 pts eachHomework – 10 pts eachWeekly Bellringers – 15 pts eachQuarter and semester grades are based on the following scale:90 – 100 A80 – 89 B70 – 79 C60 – 69 D0 – 59 FHomeworkYou will be given homework daily. Homework is due at the beginning of the next class period. Homework may be made up according to the Student Handbook policy. Otherwise, late homework will not be accepted.Testing &QuizzesThere will be Interim Assessments given twice a Quarter to determine progress for the End-Of-Course test in April.Chapter tests will be given in class accordingly. There will only be one chance for the chapter tests. If absent for a test, you must make-up the test in benchmark or tutoring (before or after school).There will be a weekly quiz on every Friday. These quizzes will cover the material for the week, but may also pull from any previous material. There will not be a quiz if a test has been taken that week.ProjectsYou will be required to complete various projects throughout the year. These projects will vary from individual work, partner, or groups. You will be expected to think critically and to apply skills learned to different aspects in real world scenarios.Cheating PolicyAny violation of the following will result in student work not being graded and possible disciplinary action.No communication of any kind is to take place.A student’s eyes never appear to be directed at another’s work.All books and materials are on the floor out of sight.All scratch work is to be turned in with the test or quiz.No sharing calculators.Calculators may be cleared of programs before certain tests or quizzes.Some calculators will not be allowed on certain tests or quizzes.Students never present someone else’s work as their own.Classroom PoliciesHall PassesAll Students must go by the office and sign in to return to class from using a hall pass. There will be a notebook for you to sign out/in when using a hall pass.Resource AreaThere will be a resource area in the room with necessary items for the class. These items include stapler, hole punch, tissue (if available), extra worksheets, and reference material.TardinessYou are to get your required materials (paper, pencils, calculator) and be in assigned seat before the tardy bell begins to ring. If you fail to be in your seat, then you will be counted tardy and must sign in the front office.Tips for SuccessAll students can earn an A/B if they:Follow study tips on the Study Checklist.Practice good classroom manners.Accept that learning is something that no one can do for you.Seek help when you need it.Turn in all assignments on time following the criteria for credit.Expect the best from yourself. (I do!!)Student Name (print):__________________________________ Class Name:Pre-APGeometry Class Period:___________I have read and understand the rules and regulations outlined in this syllabus. I will adhere to the guideline or otherwise accept the consequences outlined in this syllabus.Student Signature:_____________________________________________Date: ________________________I have read and understand the expectations of my child during this class.Parent Signature:______________________________________________Date: ________________________Student InformationAddress__________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip Code_________________________ Home Phone:________________Email Address:____________________________________________________________Father/Male Guardian Name:_______________________________________________Phone #1:_____________________________ Phone #2:________________________Email Address:____________________________________________________________Mother/Female Guardian Name:____________________________________________Phone #1:_____________________________ Phone #2:________________________Email Address:___________________________________________________________-209550-104775Class Schedule 2010-2011PeriodSubjectTeacherRoom #1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8thOptionalSports/Activities Involved in:____________________________________________________ ................

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