Global History Timeline

Global History Timeline

Works Cited Davis, Photograph by Loren. "15,000-Year-Old Idaho Archaeology Site Now among America's Oldest." National Geographic, 30 Aug.

2019, culture/2019/08/coopers-landing-idaho-site-americas-oldest/. Deloria, Vine, et al. Spirit & Reason the Vine Deloria, Jr. Fulcrum Pub., 1999, p. 37. Fen Montaigne, Jennie Rothenberg Gritz. "The Story of How Humans Came to the Americas Is Constantly Evolving." ,

Smithsonian Institution, science-nature/how-humans-came-to-americas-180973739/. "New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago." ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 18 Nov. 2004,

releases/2004/11/041118104010.htm. "Humans in California 130,000 Years Ago? Get the Facts." National Geographic, 7 May 2020,

news/2017/04/mastodons-americas-peopling-migrations-archaeology-science/. Sonneborn, Liz. Chronology of American Indian History. Facts On File, 2007. Valadez, Jamie, and Carmen Watson-Charles. "Tse-Whit-Zen." Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, culture-history/tse-whit-


Created by Shana Brown, 2021


3500 BCE 3000 BCE 2500 BCE 2000 BCE

1500 BCE 1000 BCE 500 BCE

1 CE

500 CE

1000 CE

1500 CE

NW Indians begin preserving fish 4000 BCE

Old Copper Culture (Great Lakes) 3000-2500 BCE

Olmec Civilization 1500 BCE ? CE 300

Maya CE 250-900

Aztec CE 1350-1521

Adena Culture (now Ohio) 1000 BCE ? CE200

Inca CD 1200-1532

Ancient Greece 800-338 BCE

Iroquois Confederacy (NE US) CE 1400

Mesopotamia 3500-2000 BCE

Poverty Point Trade Center (Louisiana) 1800 BCE-500

Islamic Empire CE 670--1500

Ancient Egypt 3100-1070 BCE

Hopewell (MI, OH) 200 BCE-CE400

Zimbabwe CE 700-1450

Ancient Rome 509 CE-476 CE

Toltec (Mexico) CE 9001200

Cochise Desert Culture 7000 BCE-CE 1

Medieval Europe CE 476-1492

Mali CE 1200-1450

Huang Ho Valley 1799-1122 BCE

Patayan (Arizona) CE 875-1500

Ancient China Dynasties 2000 BCE-CE 200

Ghana CE 4001200

Mississippian CE 700-1550

Ancient India 3000 BCE-CE 500

Hohokam (Arizona) CD 400-1500

Clovis infant "Anzick Boy" buried with wealth of artifacts (Montana)

ca. 12,960 ? 12,565 BCE

Global Ancient History Timeline

Coast Salish village cix?cn (ch-WHEET-son), Washington ca. 750 BCE-?

Songhai CE 1000-1600

Dine (SW US) CE 1450-present

Axum CE 100-1400



SE Asian Empires and Kingdoms


Japan CE 500

Korea 2333-100 BCE

Created by Shana Brown, 2021

Korea CE 200

Khmer (Cambodia) CE 1100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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