4 Periods of Modern European History - Timeline - Weebly


476 C.E.

4 Periods of Modern European History - Timeline

PERIOD I : 1450-1648



End of the Roman Empire/



(Beginning of the Middle Ages)




Black Death appears in Europe

Severe depopulation

1378 Beginning of Great Western Schism

1450 1453 1492

Printing press in Europe End of 100 years war Columbus's voyage

1517 1534 1543

1545 1555

95 Theses

Act of Supremacy

On the Revolution [de Revolutione] of Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus) Council of Trent begins Peace of Augsburg

1588 Defeat of the Spanish armada 1598 Edict of Nantes

Major increase in literacy Rise of sovereign states Expansion of European influence

1417 ? 1450 ?

end of Great Western Schism Fall of Constantinople

start of Reformation start of English Reformation start of Scientific Revolution

1509 1513

Praise of Folly (Erasmus) The Prince ( Machiavelli)

1524 Peasant Rebellions

1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)

Start of Catholic and Counter-reformation Recognized Lutheranism as a religion

1558 1562 1572

Beginning of Spanish Decline End of French Wars of Religion

Elizabeth's Act of Uniformity Beginning of French Wars of Religion St. Bartholomew Day Massacre


End of Elizabeth I's reign/

Beginning of Stuart rule in England

1618 1632


Beginning of 30 years war

Dialogues (Dialoga) Concerning 2 Chief World Systems (Galileo) Beginning of English Civil War



Peace of Westphalia


End of 30 years War

PERIOD 2 : 1648-1815 Top Tier


1653 End of the Fronde

Firmly establish reign of Louis xiv

1688 Glorious Revolution

End of English absolutism




1649 Execution of Charles I

1651 Leviathan (Thomas Hobbes)

1683 1685 1687

Battle of Vienna

Edict of Nantes revoked by Louis XIV

Mathematical Principles [Principia] of Natural Philosophy (Newton)

1689 Two Treatises on Gov't (Locke)/ English Bill of Rights


Death Louis XIV


War of Austrian Succession

1763 End of 7-years War 1776 Declaration of Independence 1787 U.S. Constitution written 1789 Storming of the Bastille

1799 Napoleon becomes Consul

1701 Act of Settlement

Beginning of decline of French Absolutism

1715 End of the War of Spanish Succession 1720 Mississippi Bubble scandal

1725 Death of Peter the Great

Beginning Austro/Prussian Rivalry

1748 Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu)

1756 Diplomatic Revolution

Britain established as world Power

(over France)

American Colonies establish

1776 Wealth of Nations (Smith)


American federal government


Beginning of French Revolution

1792 Execution of Louis XVI

Rise of Napoleon

1804 Napoleon crowns himself Emperor




Congress of Vienna

end of Napoleonic Wars

PERIOD 3 : 1815 - 1914

Top Tier


Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages


Conservatives embrace classical economic policies

1815 Beginning of Concert of Europe




1821 Greek Revolution

1848 Revolutions across Europe 1856 Crimean War ends

Rise of Nationalist and Democratic movements

End of Concert of Europe

1830 July Revolution in France

183 2

Great Reform Bill (Britain)

1845 Beginning of Great Hunger in Ireland

1848 Communist Manifesto written (Marx)

1858 On The Origin of the Species (Darwin)

1871 End of Franco-Prussian War Unification of Germany

1894 Dreyfus affair


Russo-Japanese War

Russian loss encourages revolution in Russia

1905 Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity



Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Beginning of WWI

PERIOD 4 ? 1914-present

Top Tier



1917 1918 1919

1922 1923

Russian Revolutions WW1 armistice Treaty of Versailles

Mussolini elected Prime Minister of Italy Occupation of the Ruhr begins

1929 US Stock Market crash


Hitler elected German Chancellor

Russia exits WW1/ begins Communism End of WW1 fighting Germany is blamed for WWI Rise of Fascism Hyperinflation encourages fascism in Germany

Beginning of Great Depression

Nazi party takes control of Germany

1938 Munich Pact 1939 German Invasion of Poland

1941 1943

Germans start Operation Barbarossa Italy Surrenders

1945 German, then Japanese surrender 1948 Berlin Airlift

1953 1956

End of the Korean War Kruschev secret speech

1961 1962 1968

1975 1979

1985 1989

1991 1993 1999


Berlin Wall built Cuban Missile Crisis Prague Spring

US leaves Vietnam USSR invades Afghanistan

Gorbachev elected Soviet Premier Fall of Berlin Wall

Fall of USSR Maastricht Treaty The Euro adopted as the common EU currency

September 11th attacks in the U.S.

Appeasement fails Beginning of WW 2

Russia enters WW2/ Britain is spared Italy switches sides

End of WW2 First major Cold War Crisis

First proxy war ends in a draw Perceived softening of Soviet Communism

Symbolized Communist oppression in Eastern Europe Height of Cold War nuclear tension Brezhnev doctrine reaffirms Soviet dominance American loss after 20 year Cold War conflict Known as the "Soviet Vietnam" Soviet oppression eased Reunification of Germany End of Cold War Established the European Union Expansion of European economic power Beginning of War on Terror



1915 1916 1917

Sinking of Lusitania Easter Rising (Ireland) US enters WWI


1922 1923 1924

End of Russian Civil War Hitler attempts Beer Hall Putsch (Munich) Death of Lenin


1934 1935 1936 1938

Japan invades Manchuria (China)

Night of Long Knives eliminates Hitler's enemies Italy invades Ethiopia Stalin's Great Purge Begins Kristallnacht riot against German Jews

1940 1941 1943


Fall of France US enters WW2 Tehran Conference


1949 Soviets test their first atomic bomb

1956 1957

1960 1961

Cold War Crises in Hungary, Poland, Suez Launch of Sputnik I starts space Race

U2 Spy plane incident Failed US invasion of Cuba (Bay of Pigs)

2001 US begins war in Afghanistan


Beginning of European migrant crisis

2016 Brexit referendum

Largest refugee migration since ww2 increases nationalism Threatens European unity

2007 2009 2014

US subprime Mortgage crisis Beginning of European debt crisis End of NATO combat operations in Afghanistan

Four Periods of Modern European History

I. 1450 ? 1648

Renaissance Reformation Scientific


II. 1648 -1815

Absolutism Enlightenment

III. 1815 ? 1914

Industrialization Nationalism Imperialism

IV. 1914 - Present

World Wars Cold War new millennium



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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