UNKNOWN, BL (Before the Light)

Solanar Develop Interstellar Travel, destruction of Toa Humans Develop Interstellar Travel Sarga War establishes the first Interstellar Conflict The Rikkan-Solanar Wars The Yaru War, Corruption of Naran biology

1 OL (Of the Light)

Khi'Hinnese Monks Discover The Light in H'ar

First Century, OL

Founding of Rifak H'ar Xik'khi'hi, The Order of the Light Establishment of the Grand Temple of the Light at Rho

Second Century, OL

The Order of the Light establishes its system of hierarchy The Six Sects begin to form (Venefari, Dominari, Ouiori, and


Third Century, OL

The first Crystal Sabers are forged by Master Ferrick Shae Ordo Bellati and Ordo Vindori are established

Fourth Century, OL

331 ? The Sellonae War Begins 335 ? The Sellonae War Escalates, forming the Grand Alli-

ance and the Freedom Confederation

Fifth Century, OL

406 ? Supreme Master Navona Syntauri demands the Order of the Light intervene to end the Sellonae War; The Tallunian Peace Conference formally ends the Sellonae War, calls for the establishment of a new political entity

407 ? The United Sellonian Empire is declared, the Dominari Dynasty is established

408 ? The Military Establishment Act is passed, creating the first Imperial Navy

410 ? The Kingdom of Lurio refuses to join the Empire, prompting the Lurian Wars

425 ? The Lurian Wars conclude with a Lurian victory, establishment of an independent Kingdom of Lurio; The Gatrellian Reforms restructure the Imperial Legions

The Crystal Saber becomes the official weapon of the Order of The Light, and instruction becomes mandatory for all Guardians

Sixth Century, OL Seventh Century, OL Eighth Century, OL

Imperial Golden Age

Ninth Century, OL

The Empire reaches the peak of its territorial expanse The Golden Age concludes with a string of natural disasters

and political scandals, prompting calls for political change The Bacterial Infection ("The Hungry Death") begins on

Arbora, ultimately wiping out massive numbers of Shumi 891 ? Grand Master Ra'Vana secretly dispatches a scouting

vessel into the Unknown Territories 895 ? Emperor Lucius II attempts to seize greater power,

but is blocked by Vindori intervention; The Vindori issue their first series of reforms, reducing imperial power 898 ? Lucius II dies, the first Imperial Election is held; Emperor Decius Sophia takes the throne as the first Vindori Emperor; The Dominari Rebellion begins; The Dominari invade and begin to strip-mine the planet of Lomali, as well as numerous other worlds under their control 899 ? The Battle of Myssryn forces the Dominari into a retreat, ending the Dominari Rebellion The Dominari disappear as their power is phased out of The Light

Tenth Century, OL

919 ? Emperor Decius dies, Imperial Election places Empress Laevinia IV on the throne

922 ? Current Year; Re-Establishment of Starfall Academy on Titus

? 2021 Quest Productions, LLC


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