Possible Side Effects of Vincristine

Possible Side Effects of Vincristine (Table Version Date: April 12, 2022)COMMON, SOME MAY BE SERIOUSIn 100 people receiving Vincristine, more than 20 and up to 100 may have:Headache, jaw pain and/or bone/muscle painNumbness and tingling of fingers or toesSwelling of lower legsMuscle weakness and difficulty walkingConstipation, which may be severe, as a result of a bowel blockage Nausea, vomiting, diarrheaPain or redness at the site of injectionHair lossOCCASIONAL, SOME MAY BE SERIOUSIn 100 people receiving Vincristine, from 4 to 20 may have:High pressure which may cause headaches, dizziness, blurred visionLow blood pressure which may cause feeling faintAnemia which may cause tiredness, or may require blood transfusionsSwelling that may be accompanied by confusion and dizzinessParalysisDifficulty with balance and hearingLoss of appetite, weight lossDifficulty emptying the bladder or urinating, excessive, frequent, or painful urinationHoarsenessDrooping eyelids, abnormal eye movementRARE, AND SERIOUSIn 100 people receiving Vincristine, 3 or fewer may have:SeizureComaVisual loss with a chance of blindnessAllergic reaction which may cause rash, low blood pressure, wheezing, shortness of breath, swelling of the face or throat ................

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