
ELLSWORTH CONNECTIONS: A HOME AWAY FROM HOMEHOLIDAY MEAL PROGRAMCONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (CONOPS)Background: Ellsworth Connections: A Home Away From Home and the Holiday Meal Program are community-driven initiatives designed to connect local families with Airmen and military families to build relationships and a sense of home away from their hometown. The intent of the overarching Ellsworth Connection Program is to provide support to Airmen and their families as they transition to their assignment at Ellsworth. This is especially important for Airmen who may be separated from family, sometimes for the first time. The Holiday Meals Program is a subset of the larger Ellsworth Connections construct and for 2020 serves as a soft start to the larger program. The Holiday Meals effort focuses on pairing Airmen and local families for holiday meals from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Stakeholders/Partners: Community leaders/partners (including but not limited to the ecumenical community, Elevate Rapid City, Military Affairs Committee, SDEDA, service clubs, local businesses), generous local families, Ellsworth AFB leaders (Commanders, Chiefs, First Sergeants), Airmen and their family members.Timelines: The program will operate from Nov – 1 Jan of each year. Initial information will be distributed to the community and Airmen beginning mid-late October. Deadlines for applications (so plans can be made with adequate lead time) are the first Friday in November for Thanksgiving meals and the first Friday in December for Christmas and New Year’s meals. Processes: Advertisement: SDEDA and the religious community will advertise the opportunity to host Airmen through various media, including but not limited to Black Hills Wire, public service announcements, announcements at meetings, service clubs, newsletters and correspondence within the ecumenical and business community. On-base advertisement to Airmen will be through various meetings (Stand Up, COD (Council of Deputies), CAB (Community Action Board) etc), email, social media, Shirts and Chiefs, Airman and Family Readiness (posting on web site and sending through Key Spouse channels), and Public Affairs.Host Family Solicitation Applications: Applications will be available on as well as in hard copy. A sample form is at Attachment 1.Airmen Applications: Applications will be available through Commanders, Chiefs, Shirts and at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. For Airmen’s comfort, they have the option to ask to be paired with another Airman so they are not alone in the host homes. Applications for Airmen to participate must be approved by leadership within their unit. Once approved, non-electronic applications will be submitted to Airman and Family Readiness who will provide the electronic and hard copies to the 28 MSG POC. Applications will be scanned in for easier review by the pairing committee. A sample form is at Attachment 2. Note: For online applications, unit approval can be given via email or telephonically. Matching Process: Once applications are received, a committee comprised of community members and Ellsworth representatives will meet to review and pair Airman and families, considering preferences, concerns with pets, food etc. Communication with Participants: Once the matches are made, Airmen and Hosts will be notified by committee members and will receive a short intro sheet about their host/Airman (Attachment 4). The unit leadership and First Sergeant of selected Airmen will also be informed. Airmen and Hosts will receive an information sheet with relevant information, to include contact information. Notification will include a basic overview of tips and reminders for their time together. The Host is responsible to reach out to the Airman to arrange the meal. If a participant needs to contact the program at any time throughout the process, they can send an email to ellsworthconnections@ Feedback: Both the Host and Airmen will be asked to provide feedback on the program at the end of their experience. This will allow us to continue to improve the process. Sample forms at Attachment 3.Process Flow: A flow chart depiction of the process is at Attachment 5. Way Forward: We hope that some of the holiday meal pairings will create initial matches for the larger Ellsworth Connections: A Home Away from Home Program. Participants will be asked if they wish to continue their relationship in this venue. Attachment 1 – Host Family ApplicationThank you for your interest in hosting Airmen at your home for a meal during the holiday season.The holidays are a time for celebration, family, and camaraderie. However, for some of our EAFB Airmen it can be a lonely time where they are unable – maybe for the first time – to spend the holiday at home with their family. To ease their worry and to offer Airmen a place to celebrate a holiday meal with a local family. Therefore, Ellsworth Connection: A Home for the Holiday’s goal is to connect Airmen with local families who are willing to open their home and share their holiday meal.Please fill out the form below. We are gathering host families either Thanksgiving or Christmas meals, or both. We will be connecting host families and Airmen prior so arrival times and other details can be coordinated. Please note that current COVID-19 precautions set by the installation commander prohibit Airmen from attending gatherings of more than 14 people.The information you provide is secure and only used for the purposes of this program.Application deadlines:Thanksgiving meal – November 6, 2020Christmas and/or New Year’s meal – December 4, 2020First Name (required)Middle InitialLast Name (required)Today's Date (required)Street Address(required)Apartment #City (required)StateZip Code(required)Home PhoneCell PhoneEmail (required)Preferred Method of Communication (required)Home PhoneCell PhoneEmail Date of Birth (required)How long have you lived in the area(required)Religious AffiliationPlease list your current employerDo you have pets in the house (Required)YesNo If yes, what kind and how many?Do you, or anyone in your household, use tobacco products? (Required) YesNo How many Airmen are you willing to host at your house for a holiday meal? (Required)What day/time will you be hosting dinner(s)? (Required)Are you able to make food accommodations should an Airmen have any?YesNo Please give the name and information of others who will be attending the holiday meal AttendeeAgeRelation to applicantAttendeeAgeRelation to applicantAttendeeAgeRelation to applicantAttendeeAgeRelation to applicantAttendeeAgeRelation to applicantAttendeeAgeRelation to applicantHave you, or anyone in your household, served in the Military? BranchFromToRank at DischargeI certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.I am a volunteer to participate in the Ellsworth Connection Program. I understand that foreseeable and unforeseeable risks and dangers may arise from the negligence, misconduct, or malfeasance of Program participants, which might lead to personal injury, property damage, or death. I understand that my execution of this Release and Liability Waiver is a prerequisite for voluntary participation in the Program.I do hereby forever waive all claims of liability and release all United States Air Force entities to include Ellsworth Air Force Base, the 28th Bomb Wing, all affiliated units and commanders, and Program partner organizations from all civil liability, claims and lawsuits which may arise from my participation in the Program or from the negligence, misconduct, or malfeasance of Program participants.I do hereby agree to assume full responsibility for my safety and indemnify, save, hold harmless, and defend the Government of the United States, its departments, agencies, employees, officers, and agents active officially or otherwise, from any and all liability, claims, demands, and actions that may occur, resulting from my participation in the Program. This Release and Liability Waiver shall bind all of my heirs, successors, and assigns.I agree to the release of personal information provided by me in the above application to the Program's organizers, the participating Airmen assigned to me by the Program, and as indicated in the Program's Host Family Application.This Release and Liability Waiver shall NOT affect my ability to personally sue, file claims against, or file police reports concerning the Airmen I host.I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the foregoing, and voluntarily agree to its terms.Host families are advised that the Program will establish policies and rules to prohibit underage Airmen from consuming alcohol at all official events. Use of alcohol in the host family's home is always discretionary, but host families are reminded that serving alcohol to underage military members is a crime under South Dakota law. Furthermore, consumption of alcohol by underage military members is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Conviction under South Dakota law or the UCMJ will have serious repercussions on the military member's career.I acknowledge and agree to the terms of the Release and Liability Waiver Full Name (Required)Date (Required)Attachment 2 – Airman ApplicationELLSWORTH CONNECTIONS: A Home Away From Home for the HolidaysOur local community has opened their hearts and homes by extending an invitation for you to join host families for a meal during the holiday season. We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to meet a local family and share some fellowship and cheer. The information below will be used to best match you and a family and will not be shared for any other purpose. We will need to give your contact information to the host family so you can connect to make arrangements for the meal. Airman InformationFull Name:Rank:LastFirstM.I.Other Family Members:Unit: Length of time at Ellsworth:Hometown:AgeEmailCell Phone:What is your preferred method of communication? Cell Phone ?Email ?Do you have any pet allergies/concerns? YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX If yes, what kind?Do you prefer to be in a tobacco-free home?YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Do you have any food allergies/dietary restrictions? YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX If yes, what foods?______________________Do you want to be paired with other Airmen for your visit? YES NO FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX If yes, please give us a name(s) if you have a preference ______________________Please list any dates you are unavailable: Please provide any preferred dates/days of the week: Anything else we should know to make the best match to a host family? Unit RecommendationSignature:Date:(Commander, Superintendent, First Sergeant) Unit First Sergeant Contact InformationAnything else the unit wants the program or host family to knowAttachment 3 – FeedbackELLSWORTH CONNECTIONS: A Home Away From Home for the HolidaysPlease Give Us Your FeedbackThank you for participating in the Ellsworth Connections: A Home Away From Home for the Holidays program. In order to make this better for the next year, we would really like to get your candid feedback on how it went. Were you a Host or Airman visitor? Host FORMCHECKBOX Airman FORMCHECKBOX Did your visit go well? YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Please tell us why or why notWas the application process smooth? YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Please tell us why or why notWhat did you like best about the program? What could the program do better? Do you plan on continuing to participate in the Home Away from Home Program YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Optional InformationIf you would like to discuss your experience or would like to continue your relationship with your Host/Airman for the Ellsworth Connections Program, please gives us the following informationDo you wish to be contacted YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Please give us your name and contact information Do you want to continue your relationship with your Host/Airman? YES FORMCHECKBOX NO FORMCHECKBOX Please give us the name of the Airman/family you want to be matched with Attachment 4A Home Away From Home for the HolidaysThank you again for agreeing to be part of the “A Home Away From Home For the Holidays” Program. We have matched you with an Airman and hope you both have a wonderful experience this season. Below is information on your Airman, to include some background and contact information. Please reach out to them at your convenience to set up your holiday meal. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at Airman InformationFull Name:Rank:LastFirstM.I.Unit: Length of time at Ellsworth: Hometown:Age: Please note your Airman FORMCHECKBOX is FORMCHECKBOX is not of legal age to consume alcohol. Please help protect our Airman and make sure they abide by all SD and Federal laws regarding consumption and operating a vehicle. Thank youCell Phone:Email:The Airman prefers you contact them via Cell Phone ?Email ?Food/Dietary Concerns: None FORMCHECKBOX Additional Airmen joining: None FORMCHECKBOX Favorite foods they like to enjoy during the holidaysDates they are unavailable: Preferred dates/days of the week: Other informationContact POC: A Home Away From Home for the HolidaysThank you again for agreeing to be part of the “A Home Away From Home For the Holidays” Program. We have matched you with a host family and hope you both have a wonderful experience this season. Below is information on your host, to include some background and contact information. They should be in contact with you soon. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at ellsworthconnections@Host InformationHost FamilyAddress: Other Family Mbrs/Ages Cell Phone:Email:Pets in the home: None FORMCHECKBOX Additional Airmen joining: None FORMCHECKBOX Dates they are available: Other informationAttachment 5PROCESS FLOW: 28905206350Airman Submits Application to unit leadership00Airman Submits Application to unit leadership37920321528100031673807620Unit leadership concurs and submits to A&FRC/Sends to MSG POC00Unit leadership concurs and submits to A&FRC/Sends to MSG POC165955414605Application Submitted by Host Family00Application Submitted by Host Family302484113823190025544564919980End of Process00End of Process34028904015978If both parties agree00If both parties agree39936654534012Pair moves into full Ellsworth Connection Program00Pair moves into full Ellsworth Connection Program17139393934759If requested00If requested18355234125520004367684462743One participant asks to continue to Ellsworth Connection00One participant asks to continue to Ellsworth Connection344917141793090020969942296421Host reaches out to Airman to make arrangements for the meal00Host reaches out to Airman to make arrangements for the meal25276363708400Feedback Submitted00Feedback Submitted25478063110230Holiday meal occurs00Holiday meal occurs2292725353620002332990568325Pairing Committee reviews and matches Hosts and Airmen00Pairing Committee reviews and matches Hosts and Airmen23329901557058Hosts and Airmen notified of matches00Hosts and Airmen notified of matches319367638141100 ................

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