«Title» «First_Name» «Last_Name»

The Rotary Club of Newmarket

c/o 287 Prospect Street

Newmarket, Ont. L3Y 3V3

February 13, 2019

To: [Insert name of Guidance Counselors, Business Department Heads, Youth Organization contact]

Camp Enterprise May 2-5, 2019

YMCA Cedar Glen, Nobleton, ON

The Rotary Club of Newmarket and twelve other Rotary Clubs will be hosting our 43rd annual youth entrepreneurship camp, Camp Enterprise from May 2 – 5, 2019.

Rotary is looking for students interested in business and entrepreneurship, preferably in grade 11 or 12. This 3 ½ day event challenges students to apply the principles of business development, labour relations, team management and funding a business in a camp setting and provides students the opportunity to interact with business leaders through a series of activities and discussions.

Cost: Paid for by the Rotary Club of Newmarket. (Selected students are asked to submit a deposit of $100 by cheque payable to the Rotary Club of Newmarket which will be returned when they check-in at camp. )

Transportation: Provided by Rotarians unless parents choose to drop-off and pick-up their own child.

Please visit campenterprise.ca to see a video of the previous camp, the previous year’s program, extra application forms, and other information. Our website is being updated so if there are additional questions please feel free to contact me directly.

Enrollment is limited so we are requesting that you assist us in finding the next generation of business leaders. We ask that you have applications ready for a Rotarian to pick up no later than Friday March 8, 2019.

Applications will be reviewed by the Rotary committee who will select the students.

We encourage students to submit a resume or personal statement along with the application.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (insert telephone #)

or email:



Rotary Club of Newmarket

Att: Camp Enterprise Application


A business camp where youth explore the nature, development and opportunities of business and the free enterprise system

Please contact your guidance office

Camp Enterprise


May 2 - 5, 2019

YMCA Cedar Glen

Former Camp Enterprise Students

Rotary International

|What is Camp Enterprise? | building in business and life. |What Is The Cost? |

|Started in Canada in 1976, by the Youth Service |The acting out of an educational but enjoyable, |Supported by the Rotary Clubs of the area, there is|

|Committee of the Rotary Club of Toronto. Camp |business game. |no cost to students or schools. The cost to |

|Enterprise is a 31/2 day program for high school |Presentation of the fundamentals of the free |participating Rotary Clubs is about $250 per |

|students. |enterprise system. |Student. All presenters and Rotarians volunteer |

| |Participatory labour and management agreement |their time and skills. |

|The program consists of a series of panels, |negotiations. | |

|presentations and discussions on the subjects of |A presentation on communication and financing. |What Is Rotary? |

|business and the free enterprise system where |A presentation on business ethics. |Rotary is a world-wide organization of business |

|students can interact with business professionals. | |professionals dedicated to the idea of “Service |

| |Are There Any Recreational Activities? |Above Self”. Each member of each Rotary Club is |

|Based upon a program of the American Management |In addition to the presentations, discussions, |unique in that they are the only person in their |

|Association, the Camp Enterprise concept developed |etc., there is also generous amount of “free time” |club representing a certain profession. |

|by Rotary has now been adopted in various areas |scheduled to allow students to participate in |Membership in Rotary is evidence of the fact that |

|around the world. |recreational activities and to interact with other |highly successful, busy men and women can, at the |

| |students on a more social basis. |same time, be heavily involved in valuable service |

|What is the Objective of Camp Enterprise? | |work in the community. Rotary members use the Four |

|The objective of Camp Enterprise is to expose, |Who Attends Camp Enterprise? |Way test to guide them in every day |

|explore, and spur the student’s imagination on the |Up to 64 students from Grade 11 and 12, from local |decision-making. |

|whole subject of business and private enterprise. |secondary schools within the local Rotary Clubs | |

| |jurisdiction are hosted by the Camp. |The Four Way Test |

|In providing students with a broad view of | |Is it the truth? |

|professional, business and management careers, the |What Are The Facilities? |Is it fair to all concerned? |

|program presents business and management as |Camp Enterprise is located at YMCA Cedar Glen 13300|Will it build goodwill and better friendships? |

|challenging positions offering enormous personal |11th Concession Nobleton, on 905-859-9622. Glen |Will it be beneficial to all concerned? |

|satisfaction. While allowing the individual to |Cedar has rustic chalet accommodations to house two| |

|exercise maximum creativity, the program at the |or three people per room. Each room has its own |Who is The Rotary Club? |

|same time emphasizes obligations to serve and |washroom with shower. |The Rotary Club has local business and professional|

|contribute in the community. |All sleeping accommodations are chaperoned by |men and women as members. Members of Rotary |

| |Rotarians. |volunteer their time and services by working on |

|What Topics are Covered? | |many projects. Please check out Rotary at |

|Presentation and panel on starting a business. | | |

|Presentation and discussion exercise on planning | | |

|and team | |To apply for Camp Enterprise, see your school’s |

| | |guidance councilor. |

Setting a Course for the Future of Youth

Rotary District 7070-7080

Camp Enterprise Application

Sponsoring Club: Newmarket Rotary Club – District 7070

Name: _________________________________________________ m / f / other

Address: __________________________City: ________________ Postal Code:________

Home Phone Number: ___________________

E-mail: ________________________________ School: _________________________

Parent Name (s): __________________________Work number: ___________________

Parent Cell Phone Number: __________________

Alternate Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number: __________________________

Consent and Release

This Consent and Release is executed by the undersigned student and the undersigned parents or individuals who are responsible for the undersigned student.

In consideration of the selection of the undersigned student to participate in Camp Enterprise at YMCA Cedar Glen and use of the premises, lodge and facilities of Cedar Glen and the education, training, recreation and fellowship that will be afforded the undersigned student by participation in the Camp, all of the undersigned herewith agree to the participation of the undersigned student and hereby, for ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damage which any of the undersigned may have personally or on behalf of the undersigned student, or which may hereafter accrue against the organizing Rotary Clubs and YMCA Cedar Glen and their respective officers, agents, representatives, successors and assigns, for any illness or injury which may be sustained and suffered by the undersigned student in connection with or arising out of participation in Camp Enterprise.

Medical Consent

In case of accident or sudden illness of any member of my family attending Camp Enterprise at Cedar Glen, I hereby authorize the Rotary Club on my behalf to place him/her in an appropriate public Hospital, at the discretion of the camp medical staff, for emergency treatment if I cannot be reached to take this responsibility.

Optional Activity: The undersigned gives consent for the applicant to participate in the outdoor adventure and skill development activities, which may include, but are not restricted to, archery, high ropes and low ropes course, nature hikes. Camp personnel supervise all of the activities.

Media Release: Photographs and names of the participants may be used in Camp Enterprise promotional materials and/or may appear on the Camp Enterprise Web Site.

Signature of Student: ________________________ Date: ________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ________________________

(updated Feb 2019)

Camp Enterprise

Rules of Conduct:

1. We expect all participants, students, staff, Rotarians and property to be treated with respect.

2. No mixing of males and females in dormitory rooms at any time.

3. No personal vehicles at Camp. Rotarians will provide transportation unless arranged with the sponsoring Rotary Club. If parents decide to drive their child, please complete information below.

Grounds for expulsion from the camp:

1. The possession of drugs or alcohol, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol

2. Failure to obey the directions from chaperones.

3. The unauthorized leaving of the Camp property.

4. Damage to Camp Enterprise or Cedar Glen property.

(The Parent or Guardian will be called and asked to pickup any student who is expelled from the camp and will be responsible for cost of any damage).

General Notes:

• All participants are expected to remain in their rooms after curfew.

• Each participant and parent/guardian must agree to and sign the YMCA Cedar Glen Assumption of Risk and Authorization Form.

• By submitting this application, I hereby agree to obey the Rules of Conduct for Camp Enterprise.

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________

❑ I will be driving my son/daughter to Camp Enterprise and picking them up. I understand that Camp starts at 3:00 on Thursday afternoon and is finished by 1:30 Sunday afternoon.

My contact information is: (Home #)________________________

(Cell#) _______________________ (Other) _________________________

Please list any dietary restrictions:

Rev.Nov, 13


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