Truths From The Book Of Titus Sermon Series


This series of messages was constructed by Shawn Evans, while a student in the Doctorate

Course at The Center For Expository Bible Preaching. For you to enroll in this wonderful

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Truths From The Book Of Titus Sermon Series

By Brother Shawn P. Evans

Section #1 The Preacher

1). The Call Of A God Called Preacher 2). The Conduct Of A God Called Preacher 3). The Commission Of A God Called Preacher

Section #2 The People

2-1). The Example Of The Elderly Men 2-2). The Example Of The Elderly Women 2-3). The Example Of The Elderly Statesmen

Section # 3 The Practical

3-1). The Grace Of God Towards Men Part 1 3-2). The Grace Of God Towards Men Part 2 3-3). The Goodness Of God Towards Men 3-4). The Gathering of God Taking Men 3-5). The Goodbye Of A God Called Preacher

Truths From The Book Of Titus Section 1 The Preacher Sermon #1

The Call of a God Called Preacher Titus 1:1

Introduction: In the course of the ministry preachers may preach to thousands and thousands of people. Most,

however, are lost and headed for a devils hell. Preachers preach and preach may not see the results of their work. But there is a time when someone to whom the preacher preached the Gospel to bears the fruit of God and this becomes pleasant fruit to the preacher.

In the case of Paul, who preached the Gospel for years and years, he saw the fruit of this ministry in the life of one his converts named Titus. His name just so happens to mean pleasant. Titus was a man who loved the Lord and wanted to serve Him. In this message I would like to show you a few of the characteristics of a God called man. He can serve to us preachers and Christians alike as a Model of a God Called Man. I). The Redemption of Titus A) Salvation of Titus 1) Greek man sought under the ministry of Paul by the grace of God 2) Greek man saved under the ministry of Paul by the grace of God B). Sonship of Titus 1) Son of God (born again...John 1:12) 2) Son of Paul (Titus 1:4 notice the words "...mine own son after the common faith...") II). The Refreshing of Titus A). Succoring from Titus 1). Titus gives comfort 2 Corinthians 7:6 B). Succoring for Titus 1). Titus gets comfort 2 Corinthians 7:13 III). The Relationship of Titus A). Side-kick of Paul

1). Friendship (2 Corinthians 8:23) 2). Fellowship ( Titus 1:4) B). Supporter of Paul 1). Co-worker of Paul in the Gospel (2 Corinthians 8:23) IV). The Routes of Titus A). Sent to Corinth 2 Corinthians 12:17-18 B). Stationed at Crete Titus 1:10-13

Conclusion: The Lord saved Titus from hell and He lead Titus to follow the Apostle Paul to aid him and comfort him and to be a friend. We can learn a lot from this man of God. What a great example he has left us to follow.

Truths From The Book Of Titus Section 1 The Preacher Sermon #2

The Conduct Of A God Called Preacher

I. The Pastors Family Matters

A. The Preacher Is To Be Pure 1. His Life Is Unpolluted 2. His Life Is Unblemished

vs. 6

B. The Preacher Is To Be Of One Partner

1. His Marriage Is Unadulterated

2. His Marriage Is Unblemished

C. The Preacher Is To Be a Godly Parent

1. Children Are Not Disobedient

2. Children Are Not Disorderly

II. The Pastors Frame of Mind

vs. 7-8

A. The Pastor Needs To Be A Man Of Godly Discipline

1. He Is To Be Controlled By The Word In The Matter of His Temper

2. He Is To Be Controlled By The Word In The Matter of His Temptation

a. The Allurement Of Arrogance

b. The Allurement Of Alcohol

c. The Allurement Of Accumulation

B. The Pastor Needs To Be A Man Of Godly Desire

1. He Is To Have A Love For Hospitality

2. He Is To Have A Love For Holiness

C. The Pastor Needs To Be A Man Of Godly Devotion

III. The Pastors Final Manual

vs. 9

A. He is To Protect The Faithful Word

1. He Is Defending It

2. He Is Delighting In It

B. He Is To Proclaim The Faithful Word

1. He Has Been Preached To

2. He Is Preaching To

C. He Is To Produce In The Faithful Word

Truths From The Book Of Titus Section 1 The Preacher Sermon #3

The Commission Of A God Called Preacher

(Learning About Damaging Dilemmas)

(Titus 1:10-16)

Introduction: Titus was left at Crete by the Apostle Paul for two reasons and they are mentioned in verse 5 of this first chapter. He is to set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders. Along the way of doing this, Paul warns Titus of some problems or dilemmas that need to be addressed.

I. The Dilemma Of Deceit

vs. 10-11

(Titus 1:10) For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

A. Detailing of The Deceivers

There are times in the ministry when the preacher has to confront people and call them out. Here Paul shows us that Titus was to call to mind these types of people who caused deception.

1. They Are Perverse


These people who were deceptive in their ways had no rule over them and they were disobedient.

2. They Are Profitless


These people who were deceptive were vain talkers, thus making their speeches of no real gain, making them profitless.

3. They Are Phonies


These deceivers were fakes, they were phonies. God wants us to be in subjection to Him, speak as the oracles of God, and be real to both God and man.

B. Dethroning Of The Deceptions

Paul writes to Titus and tells this young preacher that the mouths of these men must be...

1. Stopped

This means that what was being said must not continued

2. Shut Up

This means that what was being said must cease

C. Destruction Of The Deceptions

1. The Deceivers Ravage Houses

subvert whole houses

They ruined the houses, literally turned the houses upside down.

2. The Deceivers Ransack Houses

for filthy lucre's sake

They taught the people false things just for dirty money

II. The Dilemma Of Degradation

vs. 12-15

A. The Report Of their Degradation

(Titus 1:12) One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

1. The Commentary Of Their Sinfulness Epimenides, who was considered a prophet amongst them. See Laertius, and Cicero in his first book of divination. - Geneva Study Bible on Titus chapter 1

2. The Conduct Of Their Selfishness (The Text Gives Us The Comments On Each Sin) 1) Liars (alway liars) 2). Lewd (evil beast) 3). Lazy (slow bellies) (fat) B. The Rebuke Of Their Degradation (Titus 1:13) This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

1. Notice The Severity Of The Rebuke Paul says to rebuke them sharply, meaning that Titus was not be a coward, but have boldness in his rebuke

2. Notice The End Of The Rebuke (Titus 1:13) This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; The reasoning for the sharp rebuke that they would love the truth and not follow the falsehoods that crept in. C. The Realm Of Their Degradation (Titus 1:15) Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure ; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Realm or region of the sinfulness was that of the mind and it showed forth into their lives. This is true of people in general, for what is truly on the inside will someday work it's way out. The Christian should bring forth the fruits of righteousness in their lives, but there are times when we quench the Spirit of God and give heed to the flesh.

III. The Dilemma Of Delinquency vs. 16

A. The Declaration Of Their Delinquency (Titus 1:16) They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. Plainly the verse shows us that they say one thing and do another, sort of like a lot of us Christians. B. The Discrepancy Of Their Delinquency


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