Tel. No. (860) 713-6145

April 5, 2004

State of Connecticut

Department of Consumer Protection

Occupational & Professional Licensing Division

165 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, Connecticut 06106

The five hundred ninety third meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board, held on March 19, 2004, was called to order by Acting Chairman Mr. Robert Hurd at 8:46 a.m. in Room No. 121 of the State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Present: Robert B. Hurd Board Member

Carole W. Briggs Board Member

Paul H. Bartlett Board Member

Christopher Mazza Board Member

Robert M. Kuzmich License and



Of Consumer Protection

Steven J. Schwane Administrative Hearings

Attorney/Department of Consumer Protection

Peter R. Huntsman Attorney General’s


Bruce Spiewak AIA/CT

Diane Harp Jones AIA/CT

Not Present S. Edward Jeter Chairman/Board Member

Note: The administrative functions of this Board are carried out by the Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division. For information, call Richard M. Hurlburt, Director, at (860) 713-6135.

1. Old Business

1A. Submission of the minutes of the January 16, 2004 meeting of the Board; for review and approval. The Board voted, unanimously, to approve the minutes as submitted. (Bartlett/Briggs)

1B. Continuation of discussion concerning the offering of services by out-of-state architects and/or architect corporations without first being registered and the policy of NCARB on this matter and E-Mail received from Bruce Bockstael, dated October 22, 2003, concerning this same issue. The Board decided to postpone further discussion on this matter until their May 21, 2004 regular meeting so that Mr. Jeter can be present for the discussion. Mr. Kuzmich also reminded the Board that they asked Mr. Huntsman to draft a response, for their review, concerning their opinion on this matter. Mr. Kuzmich also clarified for the Board that this issue concerns the position of the State Properties Review Board relative to the Department of Public Works interview process for architects and the Board’s response on this process relative to the practice of architecture.

Mr. Huntsman did present the Board a draft concerning their position. Mr. Hurd asked that this item be placed on the Board’s May agenda since they previously voted to postpone further action on this item until Mr. Jeter was present for the discussion. Mr. Huntsman asked the Board if they would briefly review this draft now so that he can make any substantial changes to it before the May meeting. Mr. Huntsman will e-mail this draft to Mr. Kuzmich for future distribution.

Mr. Huntsman outlined his thought process in the preparation of this document distinguishing, among other items, the Department of Public Works (DPW) formal public selection process of architects versus “an architect looking to increase his clientele”. Ms. Briggs noted that she believes this document appears to be an accurate presentation of the Board’s position. She asked that the Board members be sent Mr. Bockstael’s documentation concerning the DPW interview process prior to the May 2004 Board meeting for their reference in reviewing Mr. Huntsman’s draft.

1C. Continuation of discussion on Board Policy regarding the approval process for reciprocal license applications. Mr. Huntsman stated that the architectural statutes require that the Board meet to approve licenses and because of the way they are worded, he believes that approval of applications by electronic means is not possible. Mr. Huntsman did note that a meeting can be held by means of a conference call provided that the meeting is properly posted. Mr. Kuzmich noted that he has had problems in the past coordinating this type of call through State facilities. Mr. Hurd does not object to leaving the meeting schedule as is and conduct business in accordance with it. Ms. Briggs noted that the Board can hold this meeting method in reserve should the need arise.

1D. Application of Mr. Enrico J. Chiarillo, Jr., dated June 9, 2003, for licensing by examination in the State of Connecticut. Mr. Hurd updated the Board on the history of Mr. Chiarillo’s application. He noted that Mr. Chiarillo file has been reviewed and it has been determined that Mr. Chiarillo possesses sufficient credentials in the areas of education, experience, and training in architecture to qualify him to take the Architect Registration Examination. The Board voted to have Mr. Chiarillo’s examination scores transferred to Connecticut via NCARB’s test administrator and to place Mr. Chiarillo’s application on the May 2004 agenda as a candidate for licensing by written examination. (Briggs/Bartlett) It is noted that Mr. Mazza abstained from the vote.

2. New Business

2A. The following candidates have passed the Architect Registration Examination and are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in Connecticut: (Briggs/Bartlett)

1. Edward R. Dionne, III

2. Faith Rose

3. David C. Symonds

2B. Applications for reciprocal licensing; the following individuals are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut on the basis of reciprocity with an NCARB Certificate Record or by Direct Reciprocity; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut: (Briggs/Bartlett)

|1. |Aliber, Jennifer |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 106065) |

|2. |Bargmann, Jay D. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 57729) |

|3. |Beard, Richard D. |Reciprocity w/Texas |(NCARB File No. 30,999) |

|4. |Brahaney, Marcus C. |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 53927) |

|5. |Buttner, Craig L. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 83367) |

|6. |Cali, James |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|7. |Catomeris, Miltos |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 105219) |

|8. |Cicalo, James A. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 85453) |

|9. |Dudley, George B. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|10. |Fahey, Michael G. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 51032) |

|11. |Franceschi, Carl R. |Reciprocity w/Virginia |(NCARB File No. 98836) |

|12. |Frenette, Edward R. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 22038) |

|13. |Hatch, Robert B. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 84872) |

|14. |Hetherington, J. Dwight |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|15. |Hines, Sara N. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |Direct |

|16. |Hunnewell, Jr., James F. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 29705) |

|17. |Kerr, Robert D. |Reciprocity w/California |(NCARB File No. 77400) |

|18. |Larocque, Stephen J. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 41187) |

|19. |Lazzari, James |Reciprocity w/Hawaii |(NCARB File No. 41585) |

|20. |Marino, Robert E. |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |Direct |

|21. |Mead, William S. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 69524) |

|22. |Meeks, Lawrence D. |Reciprocity w/Arizona |(NCARB File No. 51474) |

|23. |Mori, Toshiko |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 56650) |

|24. |Nord, Alan R. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 24351) |

|25. |Osmolskis, Paul A. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|26. |Petruscak, Jaroslaw A. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|27. |Porfilio, Jr., Raymond L. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 100912) |

|28. |Rahimian, Mohammad |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 93758) |

|29. |Rouleau, Robert N. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |Direct |

|30. |Sanford, James L. |Reciprocity w/Vermont |Direct |

|31. |Sartain, Rodney L. |Reciprocity w/Alabama |(NCARB File No. 62156) |

|32. |Sidnam, Caroline N. |Reciprocity w/New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 60602) |

|33. |Sizemore, Michael M. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 18146) |

|34. |Stapleton, James D. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 76950) |

|35. |Stor, Kevin L. |Reciprocity w/New York |Direct |

|36. |Sullivan, Suzanne S. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 104548) |

|37. |Tennant, Peter F. |Reciprocity w/New Hampshire |Direct |

|38. |Toates, John F. |Reciprocity w/Pennsylvania |(NCARB File No. 69914) |

|39. |Trondowski, Bogue J. |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 108177) |

|40. |Wedge, Carole C. |Reciprocity w/Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 55389) |

|41. |Wesolowski, Christopher |Reciprocity w/New York |(NCARB File No. 105038) |

|42. |Woodward, Elise F. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 27554) |

|43. |Wright, Gregory W. |Reciprocity w/Georgia |(NCARB File No. 62892) |

2C. Applications for the Corporate Practice of Architecture; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following application; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following application for the corporate practice of architecture in Connecticut: (Bartlett/Briggs)

Hnedak Bobo Group, Inc. L. Kirkpatrick Bobo,

104 S. Front Street CEO

Memphis, TN 38103 Connecticut Lic. No.


2D. Applications for Joint Certificate of Registration for the Corporate Practice of Architecture and Professional Engineering; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following applications; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following applications for the corporate practice of architecture and professional engineering in Connecticut: (Briggs/Bartlett)

Symmes, Maini, McKee Associates Thomas A. Coffman,

Architecture & Engineering of CT, Inc. President

50 Weston Street CT. Lic. No. ARI.6345

Hartford, Connecticut 06120

Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Cahal Stephens, CEO

Architecture & Engineering of CT, Inc. CT. Lic. No. 10467

50 Weston Street

Hartford, Connecticut 06120

2E. "CHRO Reviews" CHRO CRITERIA PER SECTION 46a-80; Mr. Hurd noted that there are no applications before the Board today.

2F. Any correspondence and/or business received in the interim.

1.) New Board Member Christopher Mazza was sworn-in by Attorney Steven Schwane. Mr. Mazza’s appointment fills the recent vacancy for Public Member. The Board and Department congratulated Mr. Mazza and look forward to working with him in the future.

2.) Ms. Jones asked that the Department of Consumer Protection and the Board update AIA/CT on their legislative package for the May 2004 meeting. She also asked if it would be possible to have the Department separate from their legislative package all items concerning the Architectural Licensing Board and present these items as a separate bill.

Mr. Schwane updated Ms. Jones and the Board on the Department’s legislative package noting that the news was not good. He explained that the Department had all their legislation as a part of a single bill. The Department agreed to remove all “controversial items” from the bill to expedite the review and approval process but to the best of his knowledge, the bill has not left and will not leave the committee to which it was assigned. Mr. Schwane cautioned the Board that too many individual bills is not a good strategy.

Ms. Jones offered AIA/CT’s support to the Department in any way they can for the resubmission of their 2005 legislative package. Mr. Schwane informed the Board that the Department has a new legislative liaison. Ms. Jones offered to meet with this person or anyone else in the Commissioner’s Office, as appropriate, at the appropriate time.

Mr. Hurd asked that the Department’s legislative package be placed on the Board’s May agenda for further discussion.

3.) Ms. Jones informed the Board of two A.R.E. candidates whose test scores, for sections they have recently taken, have been delayed in mailing by the NCARB. She further explained that these candidates will be promoted by their employers once they are licensed and the costs for the examinations will be reimbursed by the same. She asked the Board if there is anything they can do to help.

Mr. Kuzmich noted that these candidates are participants in the Direct Registration Program that Connecticut participates in. As such, the Department does not receive their test scores until the examination is passed in its entirety and they make an application to the Department for a license. Mr. Kuzmich explained that, technically, these individuals are not Connecticut candidates at this point and that there is little the Department can do. The Board asked that Mr. Kuzmich contact the NCARB and inquire as to the status of their test scores and to determine what, if anything, can be done to expedite their processing.

4.) Mr. Schwane noted that he may need the assistance of a professional member of the Board to assist in a complaint matter involving the use of the term architectural designer. Mr. Bartlett volunteered to assist should Mr. Schwane need it.

The meeting adjourned at 9:32 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board is scheduled for Friday, May 21, 2004 at 8:30 a.m.; State Office Building; Room 121; 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert M. Kuzmich, R.A.

Board Administrator


rev. (04/12/04)


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