DATE: January 25, 2012

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, MD 21202


Diane Cho, Chair

Stephen Parker

Gary Bowden

Gary Ey

Paul Edmeades

William Parham

ABSENT: Magda Westerhout

OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director

Terry A White, Administrative Secretary

Milena Trust, Assistant Attorney General

John Corkill, AIAMD

Janet Morgan, Outreach Coordinator


Diane Cho, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.


Motion(I) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried to approve the November 14, 2011 meeting minutes with corrections.


The Complaint Committee reported on the status of the following complaints:

11-AR-09 - Open; Sent to investigation

11-AR-12 - Open; More information needed

12-AR-02 - Open Misrepresentation, sent to investigation

12-AR-03 - Open; Offer consent order and fine

12-AR-04 - Open; Offer consent order and fine

12-AR-05 - Open; Send notice to cease and desist or get

a firm permit

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January 25, 2012

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Motion (II) was made by Mr. Edmeades, seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried to accept the report of the Complaint Committee.


The Board approved the following applications for reciprocal licensing:

Brian J. Frickie 12799 David B. Dial 16816

Jonathan M. Chamberlain 16818 Lloyd A. Sigal 16819

Joel L. Pearson 16820 Ferdinando Micale 16821

Gary M. Smeling 16822 Ronald L. Budde 16823

Richard C. Mutter 16824 Jerome J. Bankovich 16825

Mark F. Williams 16826 Jeffrey H. Berman 16827


The Board approved the following applications for the Architectural Registration Examination:

Raymond C. Curtis, III Janice M. Fredwest

Christina L. Halvorsen Kellie L. Hollenbeck

Tenille M. Jordan Melanie A. Morales

Bryan M. Rouhan Noel C. Rupprecht

Zachary R. Schooley Andrew C. Suljack

Grace M. Whang


The Board approved the following applications for the Certificate of Authorization:

Architecture+ Engineering Group, P.C. 16796

Wilson Architects, Inc. 16800

Parette Somjen Architects, LLC 16770


The Board unanimously approved 12 applications for Reinstatement.

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January 25, 2012

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Motion (III) was made by Mr. Edmeades, seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried deny 5 application for architectural examination due to incompleteness.


Report on Staff Issues

Ms. Edwards reported that the investigator who was hired and started work on November 14, 2011 resigned on November 16, 2011. The position was offered to the second person on the list who declined. The Division has initiated the process to advertise the position again.


Legislative Policy Memo

The Board reviewed the Legislative Policy Memo dated January 17, 2012 from Secretary Sanchez. It served as a reminder that Board members should not offer testimony to the General Assembly unless specifically authorized by the Secretary and should not contact a General Assembly member with regard to an issue in his or her capacity as a representative of the Board.

Legislative Update

Ms. Trust reported that she, Chairman Harclerode (P.E. Board), and Barbara Portnoy (CID Board) will testify on the special fund bill. The bill is being introduced on behalf of the Department of Legislative Reference as a result of the CID sunset bill which recommended that the special fund be continued without term limitations.

Ms. Trust stated that she and Ms. Cho will testify before the Senate committee next week regarding the Architect's CE bill. It was noted that this bill if passed would allow the Board to form a committee of board members, AIA representatives, and others to develop regulations on the specifics of CE requirements. As the situation stands now, no changes to the CE requirements can be made without changing the law which is difficult. If the bill passes, the Board will be able to align their requirements with NCARB's requirements if desired without having to change the law.

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January 25, 2012

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Ms. Trust reported that to her knowledge the firm permit bill has not been submitted as yet. Mr. Corkill stated that the MSPE alluded to possessing a copy of the bill at the Design Council meeting.

From the Joint Chairs

Ms. Trust reported that the Joint Chairs discussed the possibility of changing the respective licensing statutes to enable retired design professionals to serve as board members. This issue has mainly been discussed by the Board of Architects and the Board for Professional Engineers, The chairs discussed this issue at length, pointing out both the positive (time availability) and negative (no need to comply with the continuing competency requirements and keep current knowledge) effects of such proposition. The chairs all agreed that while the issue may be worthy of further discussion, there is no need at this point for a common legislative initiative.

Mr. Parker suggested that possibly an emeritus member could serve in a capacity similar to a public member.

Continuing Education

Mr. Parker inquired as to whether the Board has withheld a licensee's renewal because of the inability to obtain the required continuing education. Ms. Edwards replied that it has happened. Ms. Trust noted that sometimes individuals ask for an extension of time to complete continuing education. There is a misconception that the Board can extend someone's expiration date, but they cannot. The Board can only exempt someone from the requirements for military service or medical issues.

Mr. Parker stated that NCARB may set standards for extenuating circumstances. Mr. Parker stated that the NCARB model law has been adopted by AIA. Mr. Edmeades noted that the Maryland law is not aligned with NCARB model law. Mr. Parker further stated that other states are concerned about states like Maryland where someone may get 8 credits one year and 16 credits the next which does not meet the NCARB model law. This is causing Maryland architects problems with getting reciprocity in other states. Ms. Trust stated that passage of the CE bill would assist the Board in being able to promulgate regulations that would align Maryland's requirements with NCARB's.

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January 25, 2012

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NCARB Region 2

Paul Edmeades reported that the Regional meeting will be held March 23-24 in Nashville, TN. He will attend as the funded delegate from Maryland. He stated that proposed revisions to Region 2 bylaws have been disseminated. The changes are mainly a clean-up of language and bring the Region's bylaws into conformance with the current NCARB bylaws. They will be discussed and approved at the regional meeting. He further reported that he is nominations chair for Region 2 and requests for nominations for region 2 officers will be sent to him.

Personnel Changes

The Board was informed that Commissioner Stanley Botts retired in January 2012, and Harry Loleas has been named as Interim Commissioner. Ms. Edwards read a thank you note from Stan Botts.


There being no further business, motion (IV) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Edmeades and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

__________With Corrections

_____Without Corrections


Diane Cho, Chair




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