Toastmasters International

Club Mission: We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.Club Meeting RolesThought of the DayPresents a short inspiring or thought-provoking comment, statement or passage. Toastmaster Chairs the meeting, ensuring a smooth flow from one section to another and that the meeting stays within time. Leads member introductions, asking a question that each member will answer during their introduction.Grammarian/Word of the DayProvides a Word of the Day with a clear definition and example of usage. Listens carefully throughout the meeting to everything said. Reports on the frequency and appropriate use of the Word of the Day as well as effective use or abuse of the English language.TimerTimes each segment of our meeting. Timing of participants commences with the first word or gesture indicating interaction with the audience. Operates the signal cards according to directions from the Toastmaster and records speaker’s times.Ah CounterNotes words and sounds used as “crutches” or “pause fillers” by each member. Words such as, but not limited to ‘and’, ‘well’, ‘but’, ‘so’, and ‘you know’, as well as ‘ah’, ‘um’ and ‘or’. Also notes the repetition of words or phrases.SpeakerPrepares and delivers a speech based on the project objectives, with an opening, body and closing.Table Topics MasterPrepare general interest topics. Call on speakers in turn, starting with those with no or smaller speaking roles. Table topics provides members practice for impromptu speaking.Table Topic SpeakerDelivers a 1-2 min speech answering the question presented by the Table Topics Master. Answers in the form of a speech with an opening, body and closing.General EvaluatorHosts the evaluation section of the meeting. Responsible for the evaluation team, consisting of the Timer, Speech Evaluators, Grammarian and “Ah” Counter. Provides a fair and objective evaluation of the meeting and how roles were performed.Speech EvaluatorActively listens and provides constructive feedback based on how closely the speaker met the project objectives as well as the speaker’s own objectives. Provides a brief (2-3 minutes) oral evaluation, as well as a more detailed written evaluation to the speaker. Feedback should be honest and supportive, highlighting areas of strength and areas for develop. QuizmasterListens throughout the meeting and creates questions to ask members based on events during the meeting. These questions are intended to test our listening skills.Club Executive RolesPresidentSets the tone for the club and provides helpful and supportive leadershipVice President EducationWorks with each member to help them achieve their goals. Tracks and verifies member progress. Creates agendas for each meeting, striving to fill all roles before the meeting.Vice President MembershipManages inquiries from potential new members and follows up with guests after they attend a meeting. Promotes the club and its benefits. Facilitates the process of guests becoming members.Vice President Public RelationsPromotes the club to the local community and raises awareness of the Toastmasters club.SecretaryMaintains all club records and files. Takes minutes for each club and executive meeting.TreasurerManages the club’s bank account and financial records. Pays club approved bills and submits membership dues on time to Toastmasters International.Sergeant at ArmsManages the club’s physical properties, such as banner, lectern and timing device. Sets up meeting room for each meeting including assisting speakers with technology requirements.Toastmasters StructureClubsWe are one of approximately 16,400 clubs within approximately 142 countriesAreasAn Area consists of 4-6 clubs. We are in Area 22.DivisionsA Division consists of 3-7 Areas. We are in Division F.DistrictsOur District 45 consists of 7 Divisions and are located across 3 provinces (NS, NB, PE) and 3 States (ME, NH, VE).RegionsRegions are made up of several Districts. Our club is in Region 9 and covers Eastern Canada and Eastern US to NY. ................

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