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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

1. Match the names:

|Rufus |Weasley |

|Percy |McLaggen |

|Augusta |Fortesque |

|Barnabus |Slughorn |

|Florean |Zabini |

|Horace |Scrimgeour |

|Emmeline |Gaunt |

|Cormac |Vance |

|Blaise |Cuff |

|Morfin |Longobttom |

2. How many Horcruxes did Voldemort make?

a. 7

b. 6

c. 5

d. 4

3. What are the Inferi?

a. animated corpses

b. fire demons

c. a creature resembling a lobster

d. a creature resembling a hedgehog

4. Who is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

a. Snape

b. Slughorn

c. Scrimgeour

d. Pince

5. When is Tom Riddle's birthday?

a. Autumnal Equinox

b. New Year's Eve

c. Winter Solstice

d. Christmas Day

6. Where does the "Slug Club" first meet?

a. On the Hogwarts Express

b. In Slughorn's Office

c. In the Room of Requirement

d. By the lake

7. What position did Scrimgeour hold in the Ministry of Magic before becoming

The Minister?

a. Head of Magical Law Enforcement

b. Head of the Department of Mysteries

c. Head of the Auror Office

d. He didn't work for the Ministery

8. Which was not an OWL Harry earned?

a. Arithmancy

b. Potions

c. Charms

d. Transfiguration

9. Which bridge is destroyed by Voldemort?

a. London

b. Castle

c. Hungerford

d. Brockdale

10. What does Slughorn disguise himself as when Dumbledore goes to his house?

a. a chair

b. a couch

c. a magazine rack

d. a lamp

11. Why does Voldemort recruit Draco into the Deatheaters?

a. Draco can get close to Dumbledore

b. to punish Lucius

c. to test Draco's loyalty

d. Draco is expendable

12. How many OWLS does Hermione receive?

a. 8

b. 9

c. 10

d. 11

13. Who is not a Deatheater?

a. Antonin Dolohov

b. Regulus Black

c. Fenrir Greyback

d. Walden Macnair

14. What happened to Ollivander?

a. he was killed by Deatheaters

b. he was recruited by Deatheaters

c. he was kidnapped by Deatheaters

d. nothing

15. Who was captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year?

a. Dean

b. Harry

c. Ron

d. Angelina

16. What is necessary for the casting of an Unbreakable Vow spell?

a. a wand

b. a Bonder

c. a candle

d. a bell

17. What spell prevented Slughorn from remembering his discussions with Tom

Riddle correctly?

a. Felix Felicis

b. Memory Charm

c. Obliviate

d. Homorphorus Charm

18. Who is engaged to "Phlegm"?

a. Charlie Weasley

b. Bill Weasley

c. Percy Weasley

d. Arthur Weasley

19. What has Tonks' petronus transformed into?

a. a stag

b. an otter

c. a wolf

d. an immense four-legged creature

20. Who is the Half-Blood Prince?

a. Dumbledore

b. Hagrid

c. Voldemort

d. Snape

21. How does Harry save Ron from the poisoned mead?

a. an antidote

b. the Heimlich manuver

c. an hepzibah

d. a bezoar

22. Does Ron pass his Aparition test?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. I don't know

23. Which is an Horcrux created by Voldemort?

a. Rowena Ravenclaw's broach

b. Helga Hufflepuff's cup

c. Tom Riddle's diary

d. Nagini

24. What does the Sectumsempra curse do?

a. causes leeks to grow out of the target's ears

b. cuts the target

c. divides the target into seven pieces

d. causes loud noises and sparks

25. Which item was invented by Fred and George and sold in Weasley Wizard


a. Nosebleed Nougats

b. Reusable Hangman

c. Belch Powder

d. Sneakoscope


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