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Student Sentences Using TENACIOUSThe tenacious women would not let go of the last remaining flat screen TV on Black Friday. Not surprisingly, this resulted in a vicious fight. (Alethea Lim)Martin Luther King, Jr was often called tenacious; his strength was indefatigable during the 1960’s civil rights era. (Nicole Ramirez)My Nonna always told me an elder’s tenacious grip on their loved one’s hands was them holding on to the ones who are important. (Veronica Reed)Usain Bolt has globally proven to millions of people his tenacious attitude by the world record he holds. (Daniel Valenzuela)The hiker was considered tenacious because he staunchly walked up the steep, rugged hill despite his broken leg. (Taylor Leidigh)The teen was tenaciously clinging to his old life as he wanted to remain the same forever; however, he had to eventually grow up and mature. (Jean Pierre Vilcherrez)Despite the insurmountable odds they faced, the clone commandos of Delta Squad tenaciously destroyed the underground droid factory to support their clone brothers on the surface. (John Sarmiento)The girl tenaciously gripped her purse as she struggled to keep it away from her attacker. (Kiana Watson)The leader of Jamaica succeeded in reversing his father’s obsequious policy towards Cuba. (Jordyn King)The French citizens, in the wake of a national disaster, held a tenacious grip on their Christian beliefs, refusing to believe there wasn’t any good left in the world. (Brooke Tipton)Although Tris was at the bottom of the list of people who worked hard and showed it, she had a tenacious attitude to show she was one of them. (Mokera Wilson)I tenaciously try to hold my relationships and friendships together because I’m afraid of being along. (Christian Judd)The Patriots defense in number one in the league; they attack the ball with tenacious ferocity. (Zach Parker)Whenever I’m feeling down or have a sad look, Zach is tenacious about seeing what’s wrong; he has a high fervor to protect what’s important to him. (Jordan Innis) Tinker Bell tenaciously warded off the belligerent Hawks that sprung on the fairies peaceful gathering. (Emma Potter)When the K-9 team let the hounds loose, the dogs clenched on to the criminals with a tenacious bite. (Lorenzo Purificacion)A young teenager tenaciously held on to the limited edition shoes after running around earning money for them for a week. (Tiffany Luong)The runner’s tenacious attitude would not allow him to stop before finishing. (Tom Isidro)Even though Carl was smaller than his other teammates, his tenacious attitude allowed him to accomplish just as much as they did. (Dhanaye Verrett)The rock climber showed relentless tenacity when he would not give up while climbing Mount Everest. (Zach Walker)He was known for his tenacity in court, not only because he was strong and powerful, but also because he won almost all of his cases. (Larsen Zambrano)Day after day, sentence after sentence, the tenacious Laura continues to enlighten us about the world of Harry Potter. (Aaron Hamilton)The tenacious puppy continued to fight the ferocious waves that separated him from his owner. (Trini Luong)Considering it was the girl’s last year in high school, she practiced tenaciously to win the lead in the school play. (Victoria Speller)The tenacious beast killed everyone in the battle without tiring causing him to be the only victor. (Hannah Thompson)The mighty locomotive #9, a tenacious runaway bullet of raw kinetic energy, races past its destination with no sign of stopping. (???)Jasper tenaciously gripped his dog’s leash to prevent the mutt from chasing his neighbor’s cat. (Jasmin Smalling)Unhappy with the city’s decision to tear down the community library, the tenacious women got 6,000 people to sign the petition. (Yazmine Rosales)Harry Potter tenaciously searched for Tom Riddle’s seven horcruxes which enclose his split soul. This was the one thing that kept Tom alive. (Laura Dilger) Her tenacious nature, while commendable, was no match for the sheer brawn that the ogre possessed. (Delaney Caverly)Student Sentences Using OBSEQUIOUSObsequious sheeple need to grow a brain and learn how to think for themselves. (Andrew Duffy)The little boys was so obsequious that he did everything his father told him to do just so he wouldn’t get in trouble. (Cianne Rodriguez)Calvin was obsequious towards his wife, for he feared that she would leave him in the same way that his mother left his father. (Jasmin Smalling)Some sales associates can be too obsequious when one is just trying to browse through the store. (Brittney Hormuth)The servant’s obsequious service to the master led to his new promotion. (Alexis Jones)In the United States military, you must be an obsequious soldier to move up the ranks. (Angel Wood)In the early 1800’s, slaves were expected to be obsequious. If they did not obey their (for lack of a better word) “master,” they faced consequences. (Jayden Lucas)Some people can be very obsequious when it comes to people they idolize. (Hannah Krizmencic)After the teenager was caught sneaking out, she was very obsequious – aiming to get back into her parents’ good graces once again. (Brooke Tipton) The obsequious man never raised his voice or spoke against his wife’s manipulative personality. (Stephanie Balisacan)Hermione Granger despised how obsequious house elves were to their masters; as a result, Hermione created S.P.E.W. (Laura Dilger)Voldemort passes by his followers, eyeing them with disgust, radiating from his pale face for they were only but a means to an end for the Dark Lord. (???) ................

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