Short Answer Question

Human Biology 3A

Winter Quarter 2001-2002

March 21, 2002


HONOR CODE: In recognition and in spirit of the Honor Code, I certify that I will neither receive nor give unpermitted aid on this examination, and I have neither given nor received unpermitted aid in preparing for this examination. I will report to the best of my ability all Honor Code violations I observe.

Name: (please print) __________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________

SUID: ________________________________


1. FIRST, immediately write your Code number on one side of EVERY PAGE of this exam AND on the scantron sheet.

2. You should have the following exam pages: page 1 is the cover sheet, pages 2-21 contain exam material, and page 22 is the score sheet.

3. Look through the exam before answering any questions. Note the point value of each question and allot your time accordingly. Be sure to allow enough time to complete the short answer questions.

4. Put your NAME, SUID#, and CODE on your scantron sheets on both sides. Use the SCANTRON sheet to answer all TRUE/FALSE and MULTIPLE CHOICE questions. Use a No. 2 pencil only for your answers. There is only one correct answer per question. Be sure to fill in the bubbles carefully and remove all stray marks from your scantron sheet.

5. Answer the questions on pages 10-21 on your test copy. Use a non-erasable blue or black PEN only for the short answer questions. We will not accept regrades if the original exam was written in pencil or red ink.

6. DO NOT EXCEED THE ALLOTTED LINE LIMIT FOR EACH QUESTION!!! The limits are intended to indicate how general or specific the answer should be. Only the material within the alloted space will be graded.

You have 3 HOURS to complete the exam. GOOD LUCK! (

PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE (2 points each)

Pick up your number 2 pencil and your scantron sheet and get rolling! Put your NAME, SUID#, and CODE NUMBER on the scantron immediately. Answer the following multiple choice questions on your scantron. Remember to choose the BEST answer, and be careful when you bubble in your answer.

1. The free energy for the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is given by:

ΔG = ΔG° + 1.4 kcal/mol•log10

Assume that the standard free energy ((G°) for this reaction is -7 kcal/mol. At equilibrium, what is the ratio of ADP to ATP?

a. 10-5

b. 10-3

c. 1

d. 103

e. 105

2. Although most proteins adopt a well-defined folded structure in solution (and in cells), some proteins are unstructured and unfolded. An example of such a protein is Sic1, a cytosolic protein that plays an important role in cell cycle regulation in budding yeast. A variety of structural methods have unequivocally established that Sic1 is floppy and unfolded, not structured and folded.

On the basis of this information, which of the following hypotheses seems most likely to be true?

a. Sic1 contains an unusually high proportion of cysteine residues

b. Sic1 contains an unusually low number of phosphorylation sites

c. Sic1 contains an unusually low proportion of hydrophobic residues

d. Sic1 is an unusually large protein

e. Sic1 forms a beta barrel

3. Which of the following statements about components of the cell membrane is FALSE?

a. Membrane lipid molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.

b. In cells, the two layers of a lipid bilayer have different lipid compositions.

c. Channel proteins pump ions up their concentration gradients.

d. The lipid bilayer is essentially impermeable to ions and large polar molecules, but is permeable to small nonpolar molecules such as carbon dioxide and steroid hormones.

e. Transmembrane proteins usually span the lipid bilayer as one or more alpha helices.

4. The transport of protons between the intermembane space and the mitochondrial matrix is critical for ATP synthesis. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Components of the electron transport chain pump protons from the intermembane space into the matrix.

b. ATP synthase can pump protons into the intermembrane space.

c. The movement of protons into the intermembrane space makes the pH of the intermembrane space increase.

d. The movement of protons into the intermembrane space makes the electrical potential of the intermembrane space become more negative.

e. Plants have chloroplasts and can therefore live without mitochondria.

5. Which of the following statements about proteins is FALSE?

a. Signal sequences direct proteins to the correct cellular compartment.

b. Proteins enter the nucleus through nuclear pores.

c. Proteins unfold to enter the mitochondrion.

d. When secretory vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, their protein contents are deposited in the cytoplasm.

e. A single protein molecule may contain multiple start transfer and stop transfer sequences.

6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Protein kinases transfer phosphate from ATP to serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues on substrate proteins.

b. Trimeric G-proteins transfer phosphate from GTP to serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues on substrate proteins.

c. Cyclic AMP is the regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinases

d. Seven-pass transmembrane receptors transfer phosphate from ATP to serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues on substrate proteins.

e. Seven-pass transmembrane receptors transfer phosphate from GTP to serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues on substrate proteins.

7. During mitosis, the mitotic cyclins abruptly decrease in concentration as cells move from metaphase to anaphase. What best explains this decrease?

a. A decrease in the rate of cyclin transcription

b. A decrease in the rate of cyclin translation

c. An increase in the rate of cyclin proteolysis

d. Export of cyclin from the nucleus

e. An increase in the synthesis of S-phase cyclins

8. An IgG molecule is composed of:

a. One heavy chain and two light chains

b. Four peptide chains held together by disulfide bonds

c. A pentameric array of heavy chains and light chains

d. Two Class I MHC proteins and two Class II MHC proteins

e. Chicken wire, donut juice, and oregano

9. Which of the following statements is true of BOTH spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

a. There is continuous proliferation of the gametes after puberty.

b. Cytoplasmic bridges connect the gametes in development.

c. There is unequal distribution of the cytoplasm between daughter cells.

d. Support cells actively contribute to the development of the gamete.

e. A small minority of gametes complete meiosis.

10. Calcium is directly involved in all of the following aspects of fertilization EXCEPT:

a. corticle granule release

b. acrosomal reaction

c. sperm motility

d. sperm binding to ZP3 glycoprotein

e. all of the above aspects of fertilization involve calcium

11. Please choose the phrase that completes this sentence and makes it a TRUE statement: "Mammalian cleavage: ______________"

a. is synchronous.

b. begins before the egg has completed meiosis.

c. results in the determination of the zygote into three major cell types.

d. is characterized by compaction of cells.

e. uses maternal mRNA after the 8-cell stage.

12. The epiblast contains all of the cells that will generate the embryo. However, not all the cells in the epiblast differentiate into embryonic structures. Which of the following extraembryonic tissues are derived from the epiblast?

a. the lining of the yolk sac

b. the lining of the amnion

c. the cytotrophoblast of the chorion

d. the synctiotrophoplast of the chorion

e. the uterine endometrium of the decidua

13. The first cells to migrate through the node in mammalian gastrulation will most likely form:

a. anterior ectoderm

b. anterior endoderm

c. posterior ectoderm

d. posterior mesoderm

e. posterior endoderm

14. Ectoderm: skin ::

a. endoderm : rib cartilage

b. endoderm : lungs

c. endoderm : gonads

d. mesoderm : lining of the gut

c. mesoderm : peripheral neurons

15. As an induction experiment, you remove the notochord from a developing chick before the onset of neural tube differentiation. You then implant various substances in place of the notochord. Which of the following implants would NOT induce normal pattern formation in the neural tube?

a. Cells taken from a notochord at 8 weeks gestation.

b. Cells taken from an active neural floor plate.

c. Cells taken from an active ZPA.

d. A bead soaked in Shh.

e. All of these implants would induce normal patterning of the neural tube.

16. You have in your possession two chimeric mice that were made using transgenic laboratory techniques. Both mice have patches of black fur and patches of white fur. Assume that the gene for fur color is on an autosomal chromosome, black fur color is a completely dominant allele, and white fur is recessive. One mouse is male, one is female, and both have functional reproductive systems with chimeric germ cells. You allow them to mate. All of the following progeny could be produced from this mating EXCEPT:

a. A female mouse with all white fur

b. A male mouse with all white fur

c. A male mouse with all black fur

d. A female mouse with black and white fur

e. Two female mice with white fur who are conjoined twins

17. Please choose the phrase that completes this sentence and makes it a true statement. "Embryonic stem cells: ____________."

a. can differentiate into only one cell type.

b. are derived from the trophoblast.

c. can be extracted from cloned embryos.

d. can be derived from the bone marrow.

e. are often used to make cloned embryos.

18. Hox genes are involved in patterning the anterior-posterior axis of the body. Which of the following statements about Hox genes is FALSE?

a. There is significant expression of all Hox genes in the anterior region of the body.

b. Knocking out particular Hox genes causes segment-specific malformations.

c. Each segment of the body is associated with a unique combination of Hox gene


d. The similarity of Hox expression patterns between Drosophila and mammals suggests that this patterning mechanism is ancient.

e. Exogenous retinoic acid exposure can dramatically alter Hox gene expression.

19. You have a culture of mouse limb bud cells that transcribe a gene, "A," in response to Shh. Which of the following changes in these cells would INCREASE transcription of A?

a. Their Patched proteins cannot bind to Shh.

b. Their Smoothened proteins cannot bind Ptch.

c. Their Gli is non-functional.

d. Their Shh is non-functional.

e. Their Slimb cannot bind to smoothened.

20. Which of the following families of molecules plays a central role BOTH in sex determination AND in axis formation of the limb bud?

a. TGF(

b. FGF

c. IGF

d. Hedgehog

e. WNT

21. The formation of one differentiated cell type from another is a process known as transdifferentiation. Which of the following is the predominant mechanism of transdifferentiation?

a. Selective gene deletion

b. Segregation of alleles

c. Differential gene expression

d. Independent assortment of chromosomes

e. Expression of the differentiation gene

22. In "Intimations of a Creature," Matthew P. Scott contrasts the conservation of Hox genes in many species with the diversity of body plans that exist today. Which of the following is NOT a mechanism he proposes to explain how such genetic conservation and phenotypic diversity coexist?

a. The expression of the Hox genes is regulated differently in different species.

b. Convergent evolution produced genetic similarities that subsequently diverged in different species.

c. Downstream responses to Hox gene products differ among species.

d. Some ancestral creature possessed Hox gene precursors that acquired changes in different species.

e. Transposable elements relocated the DNA binding sites of Hox gene products in different species.

23. You extract 3 different cell types (A, B and C) from a mouse. Each of these cell types expresses a different cell-surface cadherin (A-cad, B-cad and C-cad). You shake up the cells and let them segregate naturally. You find that all of the A cells clump together as a ball in the center of your dish, surrounded first by a ring of B cells, then by a ring of C cells. You add a chemical that inactivates B-cad, and repeat the procedure above. Which of the following do you see?



a. b. c.


d. e.


24. You are a developmental biologist working on limb formation in the beloved Nikwark (a newly discovered mammal). To understand Nikwark limb development, you perform the following experiment: you transplant the AER of a forming arm bud onto another region of the main body. Which of the following do you observe?


25. Which of the following treatments would produce lordosis behavior in adult rats that were spayed/neutered during infancy?

a. Treatment of a female rat with testosterone during infancy and estrogen during


b. Treatment of an infant female rat with estrogen

c. Treatment of a male rat during adulthood with estrogen

d. Treatment of a male rat with testosterone during infancy and adulthood

e. Treatment of a male rat with estrogen during infancy and testosterone during adulthood

26. Which of the following acts as an endocrine signal?

a. Cytokines released by a T helper cell

b. Testosterone released from the testes of a pubescent male

c. SRY gene expression in the embryonic genital ridges

d. Sonic Hedgehog released from the notochord

e. IGF-1 released by chondrocytes during a pubertal growth spurt

27. The following list includes six landmarks of human development. Please choose the sequence that represents the order in which these landmarks are reached.

I. Establishment of the anterior-posterior axis of the body

II. Completed differentiation of the bipotential gonad into an ovary or testis

III. Ossification of the fetal skeleton

IV. Maturation of the lungs

V. Completed sexual differentiation of male or female external genitalia

VI. Commencement of the fetal heartbeat

a. I ( III ( IV ( II ( V ( VI

b. I ( III ( II ( V ( IV ( VI

c. I ( III ( II ( V ( VI ( IV

d. I ( VI ( II ( III ( V ( IV

e. I ( VI ( V ( II ( III ( IV

28. All of the following events are important stimuli leading to parturition EXCEPT:

a. Release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland

b. Inhibition of hypothalamic activity by increased uterine stretching

c. Increased secretion of corticotropin releasing hormone by the placenta

d. Pressure of the infant’s head on the uterine walls

e. Increased estrogen:progesterone ratio in the maternal bloodstream

29. Achondroplasia is a congenital disorder, caused by a mutated FGF receptor (FGFR 3). Which step in the process of endochondral ossification is prematurely terminated by the mutated FGF receptor?

a. Differentiation of mesenchyme cells into osteoblasts

b. Differentiation of mesenchyme cells into chondrocytes

c. Differentiation of chondrocytes into osteocytes

d. Proliferation of chondrocytes

e. Hypertrophy of chondrocytes

30. Which of the following neural and cognitive changes is NOT associated with normal aging in human beings?

a. Delay in recalling stored memories

b. Increase in crystallized intelligence

c. Gradual loss of stored memories

d. Slow and steady decline in brain weight

e. Delay in storing new memories

31. Which of the following cells would you expect to divide the greatest number of times in culture?

a. A liver cell from an adult tortoise

b. A fibroblast cell from an infant chicken

c. A neuron from an infant tortoise

d. A hematopoietic stem cell from an adult chicken

e. A fingernail clipping from Leonard Hayflick

32. Non-accidental death in human beings is characterized by all of the following phenomena EXCEPT:

a. Refusal of food and drink

b. Lack of desire to get out of bed

c. Waning consciousness

d. Shortness of breath and the “rattle of death”

e. Increased activation of apoptotic pathways

33. Which of the following treatments for depression generally brings about the promptest therapeutic response?

a. psychological counseling

b. electroconvulsive therapy

c. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

d. tricyclic antidepressants

e. monoamine oxidase inhibitors

34. The only people in the United States with a right to medical care are:

a. prisoners.

b. homeless people.

c. pregnant women.

d. infants.

e. senior citizens.

35. Which of the following is a symptom that often exists in episodes of mania AND depression?

a. inflated self-esteem

b. consistent fatigue

c. insomnia

d. indecisiveness

e. pleasure-seeking behavior

36. You want to use the measurement of corollary discharge as a diagnostic test for a schizophrenic patient who experiences auditory hallucinations. During speech production and listening, you expect this patient to exhibit:

a. ERPs that are very similar during both speech production and listening.

b. ERPs with a dampened N1 component during speech production.

c. ERPs with a dampened N1 component during listening.

d. ERPs with a larger P1 component during speech production.

e. ERPs with a larger P1 component during listening.

Short Answer Questions (102 points)

Please put away your scantron and take out a non-erasable blue or black pen. Please answer the following short answer questions in the space provided. Please do not exceed the space provided to answer your question. Answers that exceed the allotted space will not be graded. Please write only one line of writing per allotted line.

Question 1 (21 points)

A. (6 points) You are a doctor at an infertility clinic and a couple comes in for advice. The woman is affected by a genetic disease which is caused by a mutant gene in the mitochondrial genome. It is of utmost importance to the couple to conceive a child who is genetically related to at least one of the parents and who will not be affected by this disorder. You think back to the artificial reproductive technologies you learned about in the Core and devise two procedures through which you might help this couple realize their wish.

1. An offspring genetically related to the mother could be produced by cloning. Please detail the exact procedure by which you could accomplish this, starting with a somatic cell from the mother and finishing with a 2-celled zygote.




2. An offspring genetically related to both parents could be produced through transferring the combined genetic material from both parents into an enucleated donor oocyte.

a. You begin by isolating the couple's gametes and then use ICSI to achieve fertilization. What are four of the steps in the natural process of fertilization that you have skipped by using ICSI? Please list them in order of occurrence.

1) ______________________________

2) ______________________________

3) ______________________________

4) ______________________________

b. After what event would you transfer the genetic material from this fertilized oocyte to the enucleated donor oocyte?


B. (6 points) After carefully considering the moral and ethical issues surrounding human cloning, you agree to carry out the couple's wish to use cloning technology to get their baby. You obtain a zygote through cloning and allow it to develop in vitro for 9 days. You want to ensure that development of the cloned embryo is proceeding normally.

1. Please label the tissues and cavities in the following diagram of a 9-day-old embryo developing in utero. Note that 1-4 refer to tissue types, while 5 and 6 refer to cavities.


2. You expect your 9-day-old embryo developing in vitro to differ from this 9-day-old embryo in utero. What essential process has not been able to occur and how might this affect embryonic development?



3. You continue to let the embryo develop in vitro until it is 15 days old. At this time, you notice that it has formed two primitive nodes. What consequence would this have if you transferred the embryo to the uterus and it was carried to full term?


C. (9 points) You clone yet another embryo which appears to be normal at 15 days of age and transfer it into the mother's uterus. You carefully monitor its development, paying special attention to formation of the neural tube.

1. Please answer the following questions regarding the diagram of neural tube formation given below.


a. From what germ layer does the notochord develop? _____________________

b. What is the name of the tissue labeled "B?" _____________________

c. Structure "A" affects structure "B" through a process called ____________________

d. What is the name of structure "C?" _____________________

2. After you have implanted the embryo into the woman's uterus, you advise her about proper nutrition and drugs to avoid during her pregnancy. What two recommendations would you give her in order to reduce the risk of neural tube or limb defects?



3. In addition, you explain to the woman that you want to monitor the course of her pregnancy using certain diagnostic procedures. Please name and describe the appropriate procedure for diagnosing neural tube defects. Include the time of gestation when this procedure would be done.



Question 2 (17 points)

A. (11 points)

1. Human development can be viewed as the temporal and spatial control of differential gene expression. Give evidence for this statement by describing examples of three specific times and places in development where this principle is shown. Include the specific cell types which show the expression, the effect, and the genes involved. Choose one from the sex determination pathway, one from neural tube differentiation, and one from early development (from fertilization through neurulation).







2. For one of the examples you chose in the preceding answer, describe what happens if gene(s) are misexpressed, with respect to time or place.




B. (6 points) Another guiding principle of experimentation has been the concept of objects being "necessary" and/or "sufficient" for their functions in development. Imagine that you are investigating the role of Pax9 gene products in tooth development in mice. You know that FGF8 induces Pax9 expression and that BMP4 inhibits it. Pax9 is expressed at the right time and the right place to induce ectomesenchyme to become molars.

1. Design an experiment you could perform on your mice to test if Pax9 expression is NECESSARY for molar induction. Describe results that would prove Pax9 is necessary.




2. Design an experiment you could perform on your mice to test if Pax9 is SUFFICIENT for molar induction from ectomesenchyme. Describe results that would prove Pax9 is sufficient.

Question 3 (9 points)

A. (3 points) The picture below depicts a foot with two sets of digits. The two largest toes fused during development into one large toe prominent in the midline.


Many studies have explored limb development in the chick. Assuming limb development of the chick is identical to that of the human, explain what might have gone wrong in the development of the human foot depicted above.




B. (6 points)

Let's follow the development of the foot above from the perspective of one cell! We meet our

brave hero when he is just a young mesenchymal cell named Pinky. He is taught his place in the great anterior-posterior axis of the body by the paracrine signal

which alters expression of the family of transcription factors. Now along with his neighbors, Pinky releases to initiate the formation of the limb bud and induce the formation of the from the ectoderm cells. To become part of the hindlimb, Pinky must express .

The newly formed releases to Pinky's receptors so that he can proliferate. Pinky stays in the progress zone leaving behind the new cells he created. Based on the long amount of time he has spent in the progress zone, he becomes a distal structure through the expression of , which is the gene specifying the most distal position on the limb. Navigating his way through the dense sea of cells and molecules, Pinky migrates to the most distal, posterior position of the hindlimb where the expression of Sonic Hedgehog is (circle one) HIGH / LOW . Sonic Hedgehog is emitted from a region known as the .

Wnt7a determines the axis, and transcription of this gene is high inside Pinky. Therefore, he resides on the side of the hindlimb. Next week: a cell named Brain in the harrowing adventure of neurulation!

Question 4 (8 points)

You are a pediatrician and a joyful couple brings in their newborn son to your practice for a checkup. You notice that the baby’s gonads have not yet descended. By doing an ultrasound, you see both male and female internal genitalia. After informing the parents of your findings, they immediately request a karyotyping to study any genetic defects.

A. (4 points) If the karyotyping shows that the baby is XY with normal sex-determining gene expression, what happened in the developmental process?

1. What gonads developed? (circle one) TESTES / OVARIES

2. How could this individual have both sets of internal genitalia? Detail one possible mechanism.


B. (4 points) If the karyotyping shows that the baby is XX with normal sex-determining gene expression, what happened in the developmental process?

1. What gonads developed? (circle one) TESTES / OVARIES

2. How could this individual have both sets of internal genitalia? Detail one possible mechanism.


Question 5 (15 points)

After a little bit of medical magic, the baby boy is fine and proceeds to have a nice childhood. But at the age of 13, he is still small for his age and gets picked on at school. His parents are concerned about his size and bring him back to your practice.

A. (1 point) You perform several tests and discover that the defect in bone growth lies in the IGF-1 response pathway in chondrocytes. What does IGF-1 signal chondrocytes to do?


B. (6 points) The parents heard about cases where growth hormone was given to children and helped to increase the rate of growth substantially. They insist you prescribe growth hormone immediately because precious time’s a wastin’!

1. From where is growth hormone released in the body?


2. Explain the role of growth hormone in bone growth.


3. Explain why prescribing growth hormone alone will not help to increase the boy’s growth.


C. (6 points) With all these issues to deal with so early in their son’s life, the parents worry that he may have more severe physiological problems as he ages. They inquire about how aging occurs. Please explain two possible theories of cellular senescence.



D. (2 points) Aging results in physical characteristics such as brittle bones and gray hair. What is the only behavioral modification that has been experimentally proven to help deter the signs of aging? Explain the evidence.


Question 6 (16 points)

A. (3 points) In class, we discussed several types of anti-depressant drugs that affect serotonin transmission. Pick one such drug and describe how it affects serotonin signals in the brain. In your description, include: (1) how the drug interacts with the brain’s endogenous receptors or enzymes, and (2) its ultimate effect on serotonin signaling (up or down).



B. (13 points) We discussed the evidence that schizophrenia is caused by a dysfunction in dopamine signaling in the brain.

1. Schizophrenia is probably a disease of: (circle one) TOO LITTLE / TOO MUCH dopamine.

2. Treating schizophrenia can produce symptoms similar to Parkinson's Disease. Explain how this occurs. Include in your explanation relevant neural pathways, neurotransmitters, and symptoms.






3. Below is the sequence of the D4 dopamine receptor. Like other dopamine receptors, it has 7 transmembrane domains.

a. Please find TWO of these transmembrane domains in the sequence below and circle them. You may assume that one or two anomalous amino acids in a row do not affect the region around them (for instance, two hydrophilic residues in a row would not disrupt a hydrophobic region).


b. What type of secondary structure do these regions you circled probably have? Why?


c. Of the three classes of receptors that we studied in class, what receptor type must this sequence represent? (circle one)

G-protein-linked receptor

Tyrosine kinase receptor

Ion channel

Using the data from the sequence, explain what distinguishing feature made you choose this receptor and rule out the others.



Question 7 (11 points)

A. (3 points) One day, you receive a phone call from the police that your niece Brenda has been arrested trying to break into the city Mayor’s office, claiming that she has “a plan for how to solve world hunger.” When you pick her up from the police station, she explains that by standing in a certain place in her apartment, she can hear secret conversations between the President and his aides about a great conspiracy to starve the world’s poor and blame it on her, Brenda. Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of these assertions, Brenda relates them with a flat, blunted affect.

1. If you were asked to diagnose Brenda with a mental disorder, which one would you choose?


2. What are TWO signs and symptoms of this disorder that Brenda exhibits?


B. (8 points) Brenda's twin brother, Brandon, suffers from bipolar disorder.

1. What drug would be most effective in stabilizing Brandon's manic episodes (Cade’s “miracle cure”)?


2. This drug works by ‘turning down’ IP3 signaling pathways in the brain. Fill in the following explanation of the IP3 pathway. We have provided a word bank for you to draw from.

i. A neurotransmitter binds to a 7-pass transmembrane receptor.

ii. This binding releases a _________________, which swaps a _________________ molecule for a _________________ molecule.

iii. This new, activated messenger then turns on the enzyme _________________,

iv. Which converts _________________ into IP3 and _________________.

v. The IP3 is eventually degraded by the enzyme _________________ into _________________.

Word bank:

|Adenylyl cyclase |Inositol phosphatase |

|Calcium |Phosphate |

|Calmodulin |Phospholipase C |

|cAMP |PIP2 |



|G-protein |Serine |

|GTP |Threonine |

|Inositol |Tyrosine kinase |

3. Of the above 5 steps, indicate the step likely to be DIRECTLY affected by Cade’s miracle cure (circle one):

i ii iii iv v

Explain how this effect “turns down” the IP3 signal:




Questions that didn't quite make the final cut…

1. Please label twins Brenda and Brandon in the picture below. Which of the other cast members of 90210 do you think are affected by a mental illnesses? What signs or symptoms lead to you this conclusion?




2. What did Barry White suggest during the act of Simbryo fertilization?

a. "Let's get down"

b. "Yo mama"

c. "Uh-huh"

d. "That’s right, girl"

e. "Let's make love"

3. Which of the following substances would Professor Ferrell be most likely to add to his spaghetti sauce?

a. Donut holes

b. Dopamine

c. Breastmilk

d. LSD

e. Oregano

4. Which of the following CAs would be most likely to be abducted by Nikwarks? Please provide a rationale.

a. Ashaunta

b. Jenny

c. Scott

d. Steve

e. Vivian

Rationale: __________________________________________________________________

5. You would most expect to find a photo of which of the following creatures in Dr. Carpenter's office?

a. Sheep

b. Chicks

c. Dollies

d. "CC" the cat

e. Sonic the hedgehog

6. Which of the following individuals are Dr. Fu's kids?

a. Olivia

b. Ian

c. Mo

d. John Lithgow

e. Dr. Fu has no kids!

7. If you could clone anyone, who would it be?


8. What was the most interesting, exciting, or shocking thing you learned in A-side this quarter?



More on death…

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas (not John Donne)

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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|SHORT ANSWER 1 |21 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 2 |17 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 3 |9 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 4 |8 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 5 |15 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 6 |16 | |

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|SHORT ANSWER 7 |11 | |

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|TOTAL |169 | |


B cells scattered


C cells

scattered on dish

B cells

scattered on



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