One Hundred Selected Words, Abbreviations, prosigns & Q ...

[Pages:3]"One Hundred Selected Words, Abbreviations, prosigns & Q signals for CW Practice." Compiled by Phil Anderson, W?XI, Lawrence, KS, Nov 3, 2010.




2 and

3 the

4 you

5 that


7 to

8 know

9 of

10 it

11 yeah

12 in

13 they

14 do

15 so

16 but

17 is

18 like

19 have

20 was

21 we

22 it's

23 just

24 on

25 or

26 not

27 think

28 for

29 well

30 what

31 about

32 all

33 that's

34 oh

35 really

36 one

37 are

38 right

39 uh

40 them

41 at

42 there

43 my

source spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken


spoken: ref 1 Top fifty of top 200 spoken words from Greensberg list

op-manual: Selected common CW abbreviations, pro-signs, and Q signals from ARRL Operating Manual, 8th Edition.

written ref 2 From top most used English words from US, UK, and Australia. The top 42 of this list are included in the 100 at left.

Note 1: The ten most frequently spoken words account for approximately 25% of all spoken. Top 100 spoken words account for about 66% of all spoken.

Note 2: No record has been found for the frequency of CW abbreviations, prosigns, and Q signals. My guess of most common is those listed.

Reference 1: "Speaking in Shorthand - A Syllable-Centric Perspective for Understanding Pronunciation Variation," Steven Greenbert

Reference 2: The 500 Most Commonly Used Words world - english .org/ english 500.htm

44 mean 45 don't 46 not 47 with 48 if 49 when 50 can 51 r 52 tu 53 rtu 54 tnx 55 name 56 rst 57 cq 58 agn 59 ant 60 dx 61 es 62 fb 63 ga 64 ge 65 hi 66 hr 67 hw 68 nr 69 om 70 pse 71 pwr 72 wx 73 73 74 QRL 75 QRM 76 QRN 77 QRQ 78 QRS 79 QRZ 80 QTH 81 QSB 82 QSY 83 /AR 84 /KN 85 /BK 86 /AS 87 /SK 88 he 89 as 90 his

spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken spoken op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual op-manual written written written

roger thank you roger thank you thanks

again antenna

And, & fine business go ahead good evening laughter here how number old man please power weather best regards busy interference noise send faster [] wpm send slower [] wpm who calling? location fading change freq [] over go only back to you wait clear

91 from 92 had 93 by 94 some 95 were 96 out 97 other 98 where 99 your 100 up

written written written written written written written written written written


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