Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Chapter 7 Test

1. Which of the following is not a stage of brand recognition?

a. Preference

b. Introduction

c. Recognition

d. Rejection

2. Product extensions include

a. Warranties

b. Testimonials from satisfied customers

c. Instructional CDs

d. All of the above

3. Amateur athletes

a. Are now being paid to play college games

b. Perform on college teams

c. Are represented by agents

d. Can endorse products and businesses

4. The recruitment process for top high school athletes to play at colleges

a. Is highly competitive

b. Is regulated by the NCAA

c. Cannot include additional financial rewards

d. All of the above

5. An advantage of customized entertainment over entertainment for the masses is

a. More people will buy it

b. It can be impromptu, based on the audience

c. No information is needed about the customers

d. None of these

6. Baby Boomers are important to entertainment marketers because

a. They have discretionary income

b. They are interested in leisure-time activities

c. They are expected to be active throughout retirement

d. Of all of these

7. Penetration pricing is

a. Used to attract a large share of the market early

b. Used to discourage competition

c. A low-price strategy

d. All of the above

8. Sales level off during which stage of the product life cycle?

a. Introductory stage

b. Growth stage

c. Maturity stage

d. Decline stage

9. During the decline stage of the product life cycle, all of the following are options except

a. Regionalizing

b. Recommitting

c. Raising prices

d. Discounting

10. Which of the following is not a component of the product mix?

a. Product line

b. Packaging

c. Brand

d. Distribution channels

11. The latest trends in television production include

a. Customized entertainment

b. Locally produced children’s programs

c. Fewer dedicated sports channels

d. Both A and C

12. Which of the following is not part of the marketing mix?

a. Selling

b. Promotion

c. Price

d. Product

13. Having a profit motive means

a. Charging higher prices

b. Increasing the number of products offered

c. Producing what consumers want

d. Making decisions to use resources in ways that result in the greatest profit

14. The guidelines and goals set for different entertainment venues are called

a. Industry norms

b. Industry standards

c. Industry trends

d. Tiers

15. The first step in marketing research involves

a. Defining the problem c. Collecting Data

b. Analyzing current conditions d. None of these

16. ______ Spontaneous and changing a. Blue-chip athletes

b. Brand

17. ______ A product’s final total assorted features c. Customizing

d. Fringe benefits

18. ______ Incentives received in addition to a base salary e. Impromptu

f. Licensed brand

19. ______ The legal protection of words and symbols g. NCAA

used by a company h. Penetration price strategy

i. Positioning

20. ______ Items added to a product to make it more j. Product enhancements

k. Product extensions

21. ______ The introduction, growth, maturity and decline l. Product life cycle

stages of product marketing m. Product line

n. Product mix

22. ______ Introduces a new product at a very high price, o. Skimming price strategy

emphasizing quality and uniqueness of the product p. Tiering

q. Trademark

23. ______ A group of similar products with slight variations

to satisfy the different needs of consumers

24. ______ Features added to the basic product that satisfy additional needs and wants with the

same purchase

25. ______ A voluntary organization through which the nation’s colleges and universities govern

their athletics programs.

26. Tourism

a. Is the world’s largest industry

b. Is the world’s tenth largest industry

c. Has little impact on the world’s economy

d. None of the above

27. Which of the following has led to growth in the sports and entertainment industry?

a. A higher standard of living and increased discretionary income among average consumers

b. Rising gasoline prices combined with periods of decreasing productivity in the US economy

c. Less competition among sports and entertainment businesses

d. None of the above

28. Demographics

a. Categorizes market segments by age, gender, race, income and educational level

b. Refer to the frequency of use of a product

c. Refer to interests, values, and emotional responses

d. Consider different parts of the country where market segments live


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