Everards Leicestershire & Rutland Cricket League

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|Leicestershire & Rutland Cricket League sponsored by Everards |

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|Chairman: Nigel Kinch | |Secretary: Kevin Smyth |

|nkinch haulage@btinternet | |kevsmyth2003@ |

Agenda for Exec Meeting

6th November 2019, Banks Road

|Nigel Kinch |Brad Peake |Colin Green |

|Richard French |Sam Rowe |Mark Ward |

|Roger Stead |Robin Whait |Chris Pople |

|Paul Whiteman |Kevin Smyth |Jonny Lawrance-Owen |

|Andy Hibberd |Pratap Odedra | |



• Approval and signing of previous minutes.

o Committee to email Chris Pople with question ideas for a player survey, which he can publish on social media.

▪ Should 40 over game be moved further up the divisions to Div4, 5, 6?

▪ Could the toss be automatically awarded to the away team?

– This adds an incentive to prepare a good pitch.

– The standard of pitches seemed to be poorer last season.

– Colin Green estimates that half the clubs who have recently obtained covers don’t cover the pitch properly before a match day.

▪ Could the run-chase batting bonus points be calculated as a percentage of the other teams score rather than set runs? (i.e. 75% of total rather than within 50 runs for example).

– Chris Pople and Kevin Smyth to look at this further.

▪ Would clubs like to make it compulsory to have a trained umpire at each club?

o All other matters approved.

• Matters arising;


• AOB (declared at this point)


• New business

o Presentation Dinner Review

▪ Thanks to Sam Rowe and Brad Peake who did a great job organizing the dinner.

▪ 50+ responses to the social media feedback survey:

– The feedback was generally positive.

– Focus on individual performance awards may have helped attract more people.

– 80% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied.

– Weakest feedback was in the area of entertainment.

– Drinks were expensive at the bar.

– Attendance has dwindled somewhat. Leicester City game on that night, plus Diwali that week may have had an impact. Still 360+ people attended which is a good number.

• Grounds/Facilities

o Blaby’s covers ended up in the river after the recent floods. Other grounds have also suffered with flooding.

• Finance/Grants/Loans

o Carillion Old Boys are hoping to repay £1,000 of the League’s loan by this Friday so will not be thrown out of the League for now. This will continue to be reviewed.

• Disciplinary updates


• League website/Fixtures

o Team withdrawals

▪ Teachers & Mossdale have an ongoing dispute with the football club that share the pavilion.

– They may be unable to re-gain access to the pavilion, which would have implications for their ground rating (currently C-grade, would move to a U-grade) and therefore their position within the divisions.

– The League needs confirmation, by 30th November, that they can host C-grade cricket next season otherwise they will be U-grade and relegated accordingly. Paul Whiteman will contact them about this.

▪ Child Welfare

– Teams which don’t have Welfare Officers or representatives at the welfare training will be removed from the League. There are still 2 clubs (Mahers and Leicester Stars) who hadn’t booked onto the course by the 31st October deadline. Andy Hibberd will continue to chase this up.

▪ Queniborough

– They need a 15m high net to resolve disputes with neighbours. However, there are several ongoing factors which may possibly contribute to them not playing at the ground this coming season.

▪ Once the team withdrawals have been cemented by the November 30th deadline, decisions can be made regarding new teams entering the league and the final league tables for 2020 season.

o Promotions and Relegations

▪ Committee votes in favour of relegating Newbold Verdon.

▪ The top 14 teams from Div4 with B-rated grounds, with the most points, will be reorganized into Div3.

▪ There are 8 or 9 new teams who have applied to join the league. If accepted into the League, they would have to attend the soonest possible Child Welfare training once they have joined the league.

• Social media


• Secretary Report


• Leicestershire CCC Community Team

o Clubmark – all clubs who were on track have been re-accredited. 3 new clubs have also received Clubmark.

o Groundsmen and Regional Pitch Advisor – Julian Morris can visit and survey pitches and give feedback and advice on pitch repair and development.

▪ The right clubs would have to be picked to receive this help as it would be of much more benefit to some clubs than others.

▪ Colin Green will liaise with Andy Hibberd who can contact the clubs who would most benefit in order to gauge interest.

▪ The £150 fee will be funded 50:50 by the club and the League.

o Hallam Fields ground in Birstall – lots of work is needed on the ground to bring it up to standard, there’s a good chance that it won’t be ready for this coming season.

▪ It has potential to be a B-grade ground in the future.

▪ Asian Sports seem best placed to play on this ground. It’s suggested that Asian Sports play some friendlies this season to see how it plays. There then may be an option for Asian Sports to take a 15-year lease on the ground.

o City Council are looking at license agreements.


o St Oswald’s ground building is still a work in progress.

o At the latest LCCDO meeting clubs requested the League to re-consider the East/West split so that the Asian clubs are distributed more evenly.

• Umpires

o Proposal to increase the expenses for the umpires. There hasn’t been an increase since 2012. This will be discussed at the upcoming Umpires Meeting.

• Tier Rep Reports


• AOB (as declared above)

o Discussion about making it compulsory for a club to have a trained umpire. This can be asked on the upcoming player survey.

• Chairman


Meeting closes: 20:46

Date of next Committee Meeting: Thursday 5th December

Date of AGM: Thursday 9th January 2020.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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