Top Ten Challenges Facing The Next Secretary of …

[Pages:24]Top Ten Challenges Facing The Next Secretary of Homeland Security

Homeland Security Advisory Council

September 11, 2008

Top Ten Challenges Facing the Next 1 Secretary of Homeland Security


3 Cover Letter 4 HSAC Tasking 5 Executive Summary 6 Top Ten Challenges 14 Acknowledgments 15 Process 16 Appendix A: Council Members, Subcommittees, and Staff 21 Appendix B: Homeland Security Advisory Council Reports

Homeland Security Advisory Council U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528

Chair William H. Webster

Vice Chair James R. Schlesinger

Members Richard Andrews Norman R. Augustine Kathleen M. Bader Elliott Broidy Kenneth C. Canterbury, Jr. Frank J. Cilluffo Jared L. Cohon Ruth A. David Louis Freeh Lee H. Hamilton Glenda Hood Herb Kelleher Don Knabe John Magaw Patrick McCrory Edward Mueller Erle A. Nye Sonny Perdue Richard D. Stephens Lydia W. Thomas John F. Williams Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

Advisory Council Staff Charles J. Adams Mike Miron Candace Stoltz Jennifer Myers Amanda Rittenhouse

Executive Director Jeffrey D. Stern

September 11, 2008

Secretary Michael Chertoff U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, D.C. 20528

Dear Mr. Secretary,

On this September 11 anniversary, as we reflect on that dark day seven years ago and remember those who were lost, we present to you a report detailing the ten top strategic challenges that will face your successor. It is the hope of the Homeland Security Advisory Council that this report will give the next Secretary insight into the key challenges facing this Department at this time.

During the course of our deliberations, it became evident that this list of challenges should not be presented in any particular priority order. Instead, these key issues are interdependent and equal in importance. Each of these challenges must be addressed and overcome to achieve a more secure, prepared, and resilient America. The challenge for the new leaders will be to make hard political choices between competing and equal priorities. This report provides a template that may help the new leadership successfully navigate some of those hard decisions that lie ahead.

We appreciate the opportunity to advise you on our most important homeland security matters during this crucial time. On behalf of the members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, it has been an honor to serve you, the members of this Department, and the American people in this advisory role.


Judge William H. Webster Chair, Homeland Security Advisory Council


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