The 2009 International Youth Culture and Study Tour

The 2009 International Youth Culture and Study Tour

to Taiwan, The Republic of China


A.   Objective: To enhance cultural exchanges with youths in Europe, boost Taiwan tourism and encourage European youths to seek a better understanding of every aspect of life in Taiwan. This includes the country´s social and economic situation, its culture and education, democratic development and environmental protection. This might be achieved by their personal participation in some or all of the planned activities. Another aim is to encourage more people from Europe to visit Taiwan and spread the word about Taiwan’s many advantages and also to encourage friendship between the young of Europe and Taiwan.

B.   Organizer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

C.   Date: July 28-August 10, 2009 (first group); August 18-31 (second group).

D.   Venue: Taiwan

E.   Participants: Youths aged 18 to 40.

F.    Total: 80

G.  Language: English, French or Chinese

H.   Activities

1. Chinese traditional culture and adventures related to the quintessential Chinese culture and folk activities.

2. Introduction to the history, culture, political, economic and social situation of the Republic of China.

3. Informal, interactive Chinese conversation teaching to facilitate the future use of conversational Chinese.

4. Some workshops on pop culture involving youths from different countries to promote cultural exchanges from home and overseas countries

5. A featured introduction to dance, song, culture, economy and trade from different countries

6. Visits to important government institutions and the facilities of political and economic agencies, academic units and scenic spots across Taiwan. Promote a deeper understanding and recognition of the Republic of China by highlighting Taiwan’s development in the fields of technology, democracy, economy and trade.

7. Welcome, farewell and charitable parties and visits to popular night markets of Taiwan.

I.       Expense:

1.    All food, lodging and activity expenses in Taiwan are paid by Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2.    A return air ticket, luggage-carrying fee, personal insurance and medicare should be paid by each participant.

J.     Appendix. Prepare the following:

1.    Materials such as an introduction of the participant’s country, youth activities and pop culture from different countries.

2.    Some folk songs and dances featuring different countries.

3.    Personal business cards containing the country name and some gifts.

4.    Business suit or traditional attire for formal occasions.

5.    Inform R.O.C.(Taiwan) consular units in your country after the confirmation of the ticket booking to Taiwan to allow for transfers and registration.

Contact Information

CHO Ming-Fong

Director of Cultural Division

Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium

Tel.: +32-2-289 12 30

Fax.: +32-2-502 17 07


Jennifer CHU

Cultural Division

Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium

Tel.:+32-2-289 12 31

Fax.:+32-2-502 17 07



|Schedule(subject to change) |

|for the 2009 International Youth Culture and Study Tour to the Republic of China (Taiwan) |

|Date & Day |Activity |Lodging |

| |Morning |Afternoon |

|2nd day |1. Brief Introduction and Orientation |1. Visit Taiwan Innovative Design Center in|Welcome Party |Taipei |

| |2. Learning Basic Chinese |Nankang Software Science Park | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

|3rd day |1. Visit Government Information Office |1. Tour of Taipei City and to the Discovery|A Fashion Tour to the |Taipei |

| |Increase understanding about the R.O.C. in |Center of Taipei - A Tour of Culture and |Top of World-Taipei | |

| |all aspects |History |101 | |

| | |Visit special spots unfamiliar to general | | |

| |2. Welcome Reception Hosted by Francis OU, |tourists and the Discovery Center of |TAIPEI 101 is the | |

| |Minister of Foreign Affairs |Taipei, one of the city's trendiest |largest – ever | |

| | |exhibition halls – officially opened in |engineering project in | |

| |3. Lunch |2002. Visitors can learn more about Taipei |the history of Taiwan’s| |

| | |'s history and culture, communities and |construction business. | |

| | |resources. In addition, it aims to give |101- floors above | |

| | |visitors an overview of the city's major |ground and 5 stories | |

| | |construction projects. |below, the | |

| | | |508-meter-tall Taipei | |

| | |2. Dinner |101 is the most | |

| | | |advanced skyscraper | |

| | | |construction that will | |

| | | |help promote Taipei. | |

|4th day |1. Visit National Taiwan College of |1. Visit Council for Economic Planning and |Visit renowned Shih-Lin|Taipei |

| |Performing Arts |Development (CEPD) |night market for tasty | |

| | | |food. | |

| |2. Lunch |2. Visit Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |To further understand the R.O.C.’s economic| | |

| | |development and cross-strait relations | | |

|5th day |1. Hsin-Chu City by High Speed Train from |1. Heading for Yingge |Workshop on |Taipei |

| |Taipei |A culture tour to Yingge Ceramics Museum |International Youth | |

| |2. Visit Hsin-Chu Science Park |for DIY workshop in ceramic production. |Cultural Exchanges | |

| | | |(Themes: pop culture | |

| |3. Lunch |2. Dinner |for international | |

| | | |youth, etc.) | |

|6th day |1. Heading for Ilan City via Syueshan Tunnel |1. Heading for Taroko National Park in |Talent Show for |Tien-Shian |

| | |Hualien- |International Youth | |

| |2. Visit National Center for Traditional Art | | | |

| |(learning puppet show) |Taroko National Park is located in the east| | |

| | |of Taiwan. It lies across 3 administrative | | |

| |3. Lunch |areas, Hualien County, Taichung County, and| | |

| | |Nantou County. The huge difference of | | |

| | |altitude within the park provides the | | |

| | |visitor with the pleasure of experiencing | | |

| | |obvious climate change along the Central | | |

| | |Cross-Island Highway. Many waterfalls, | | |

| | |diverse species of plant and animal, and | | |

| | |indigenous Taroko people, form a rich and | | |

| | |unique ecosystem. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

|7th day |1. Visit Taroko National Park: Yanzihkou |1. Visit Tzu Chi Foundation to understand |Night in Hualien |Hualien |

| |(Swallow Grotto); Jiucyudong Tunnel |how this charitable organization developed | | |

| | |itself to care for people in need over the | | |

| |2. Lunch |years | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

|8th day |1. Heading for Taichung |1. A Cultural and Historical Tour to Lukang|Night in |Taichung |

| |2. Lunch | |Taichung-experiencing | |

| | |After drastic changes in history and |leisure and recreation | |

| | |environment over time, Lukang served as an |time | |

| | |exporting harbour for the Dutch in the 17th| | |

| | |century. Originally the second largest city| | |

| | |in Taiwan, Lukang became the featured | | |

| | |township because of its transformation, and| | |

| | |historical sites. One of the | | |

| | |characteristics was its ancient lanes and | | |

| | |narrow gates. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

|9th day |1. Heading for Sun Moon Lake. A Folk and |1. Visit Formosan Aboriginal Culture |Birthday Party |Sun Moon Lake |

| |Scenic Tour |Village-Aboriginal Life Experience | |Youth Hostel |

| | | | | |

| |Sun Moon Lake, situated in Nantou County’s |The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village is | | |

| |Yuchih Township, in the center of Taiwan, is |divided into four sections. The first | | |

| |the island’s largest lake. It is a beautiful |section is mainly comprised of a visitor's | | |

| |alpine lake, divided by the tiny Lalu Island.|relaxation center, namely the Shueishalian | | |

| |The eastern part of the lake is round like |European Palace Garden. The second section | | |

| |the sun and the western side is shaped like a|consists of a fountain performance with | | |

| |crescent moon, hence the name “Sun Moon |multi-coloured lights and musical | | |

| |Lake”. |accompaniment. The third section is | | |

| |Its crystalline, emerald green waters reflect|comprised of a visual and games plaza. The | | |

| |the hills and mountains which rise on all |fourth section is mainly based on the | | |

| |sides. Natural beauty is enhanced by numerous|original village buildings and mountain | | |

| |cultural and historical sites. Its beauty is |culture of Taiwan's Aborigines. | | |

| |created by the combination of mountain and |In addition to rides in the park, footpaths| | |

| |water scenery, and its 760-meter elevation |link each of the Aboriginal villages. | | |

| |helps give the impression of a Chinese |Consequently, visitors here not only are | | |

| |landscape painting with mist-laden water and |able to learn about the various features of| | |

| |clearly defined levels of mountains. |the Aboriginal culture, but can also enjoy | | |

| | |the natural landscape. | | |

| |2.Lunch | | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

|10th day |1. Heading for Kaoshiung -A Visit to the |1. A Visit to Taiwan Economic Construction |Kaoshiung |Kaoshiung |

| |Asian Vegetable Research and Development |A tour of the Natural Ecology Recreation | | |

| |Center |Park and Orchid Plantation Center | | |

| | |2. Dinner | | |

| |2. Lunch | | | |

|11th day |1. A Visit to National Sun Yet-Sen |1. A Hakka Culture Tour-DIY and |Night for International| |

| |University- |paper-umbrella Experience in MeiLong Hakka |Youth Culture Exchange | |

| |View Exchanges with Taiwan Students |Folk Village; |( in Groups) |Taipei |

| |2. Lunch |2. Returning to Taipei | | |

| | |3. Dinner | | |

|12th day |1. A Visit to the Presidential Office |1. A Chinese History and Treasure Tour to |Seminar on Female |Taipei |

| |Formerly known as the Governor-General's |National Palace Museum |Mainstream Issues | |

| |Office and headquarters to the Japanese |The collection of cultural artifacts held | | |

| |colonial administration in Taiwan, the Office|by the National Palace Museum includes an | | |

| |of the President was first designed after a |enormous treasure trove of objects | | |

| |prolonged competition that was held in two |inherited from the previous Sung, Yüan, | | |

| |stages in 1906 and 1910 respectively. |Ming and Ch'ing dynasties. It is actively | | |

| |Construction began in 1912 and by 1915 a |and successfully carrying out a number of | | |

| |beam-raising ceremony was held to commemorate|events to bring the public closer to the | | |

| |the completion of the main structure. The |museum, and to present a diversified and | | |

| |building's British-style brick construction, |new Museum to Taiwanese and overseas | | |

| |colonnades, gables, vaulted windows, |visitors. | | |

| |oeil-de-boeuf windows, brackets, Roman | | | |

| |columns and composite columns reflect classic|2. Dinner | | |

| |European elements common during the Japanese | | | |

| |Occupation. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |2. Seminar on Climate Change and | | | |

| |Environmental Protection Issues | | | |

|13th day |Opinion Exchanging and Experience Sharing |Free Time | |Taipei |

|14th day |Closing Ceremony & Farewell Party | |

| |Pack-up for Leaving | |

| |Departure for Taoyuan Internation Airport | |


Application Form

2009 International Youth Culture and Study Tour

to the Republic of China(Taiwan)


This application form should be typed by the applicant. Each question is recommended to be answered clearly and completely in order to make the most appropriate arrangements.

1. Which period of time and group would you like to apply for?

( Please check by priority with the number 1,2,3,4)

| |English group |French group |

|July 28- Aug. 10 (first tour) | | |

|Aug.18-Aug.31(second tour) | | |

2. Personal Data

|a.Name |Title : Mr./Mrs./Ms. |Please attach a photograph that has been |

| |Surname(Last name): |taken within the last 3 months. |

| |Given Name(s): | |

| |Chinese Name (if any): | |

|b. Date & Place of Birth | mm / dd / yy | |

|c. Nationality | |d.Passport Number: |

|e. Gender |□ Male   |f. Marital Status |□ Single |

| |□ Female | |□ Married |

|g. Parents’ Info. |Father |Mother |

| |Name: |Name: |

| |Nationality: |Nationality: |

| |Place of Birth: |Place of Birth: |

|h. Contact Information |Permanent Address: |

| | |

| |Mailing Address (if different from above): |

| |Telephone: e-mail: |

|i. Any Chronic Diseases |□ None |

| |□ Yes If yes, Please specify. |

|j. Contact Person, |Name: Relationship: |

|in Case of Emergency |Address: |

| |Tel: E-mail : |

3. Educational or Professional Background

|Level |Name of Institution |Country &City |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

4. Reference (optional)

|Name |Position |Phone Number , e-Mail or Mailing Address |

| | | |

| | | |

5. Present Employment (if any)

|a. Organization/ Company | |

|b. Position | |c. Period of Employment from |

|C. Type of Organization |□ Government/ □ University/ □ Parliament |

| |Agency Institution Staff |

| |□ Local □ NGO □ other: |

| |Enterprise --------------------------------- |

6. Applicant’s Signature : Date

_____ /_____/_____


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