REL / HUM 293 Beginning Latin Week 2 NAME (Anglica

REL / HUM 293 Beginning Latin Week 2 NAME (Anglica) ______________________

NŌMEN (Latīna) _____________________

Give your own last name and, if you wish, you may choose a Latin first name for yourself


A. Cambridge, Stage 2, pages 20-23 - trānsfer in Latīnam : Translate into Latin :

(for some of the sentences you may have to refer back to Stage 1,

i. The friend is in the hall.

ii. The friend greets Caecilius.

iii. The father greets the friend.

iv. The friend greets Metella.

v. The mother greets the friend.

vi. The friend greets the slave.

vii. The slave greets the dog.

viii. The cook is in the kitchen.

ix. The cook is working in the kitchen.

x. The cook enters the kitchen.

xi. The food is ready.

xii. The mother tastes the food.

xiii. The father praises Grumio.

xiv. The friend is in the garden.

xv. The son calls the friend.

xvi. The dog is in the kitchen.

xvii. The dog is on the table.

xviii. The dog stands on the table.

xix. The cook is angry.

xx. The cook is anxious.

B. Wheelock, chapter 1, pages 1-4 : caput 1, paginae 1-4 : scrībe et dīce :

write out the conjugations of the following verbs.

Say them aloud as you write them, and think of their English meaning.

|Person ▼ |laudāre |intrāre |labōrāre |spectāre |gustāre |vocāre |

|Singular |1 - I | | | | | | |

| |2 - you, thou | | | | | | |

| |3 - he, she, it | | | | | | |

|Plural |1 - we | | | | | | |

| |2 - you, y'all | | | | | | |

| |3 - they | | | | | | |

|Person |monēre |sedēre |salvēre |respondēre |vidēre |

|Singular |1 - I | | | | | |

| |2 - you, thou | | | | | |

| |3 - he, she, it | | | | | |

|Plural |1 - we | | | | | |

| |2 - you, y'all | | | | | |

| |3 - they | | | | | |

C. Grote's Notes, for Wheelock, chapter 1, Download, print out, and read.

do the notes help you ? Yes ___ No ___

D. Vocabulary : Wheelock, pages 5-6 : put a check at the right when you have completed each task :

I. Make a set of Flash cards (instructions in the Class Notes for this week) ________

II. During the day, go through the set, Latin to English ________

III. During the day, go through the set, English to Latin ________


A. Cambridge Course, Stage 2 - "mercātor", pagina 24 - scrībe et lege fābulam Latīnam, tum trānsfer in Anglicam : (write out the Latin story, saying the words aloud, then write out the English translation.



B. Wheelock, caput 1, Vocabulary, paginae 5-6 : trānsfer : translate :

i. They love me.

ii. We are thinking. (We think)

iii. nōn me amat.

iv. vidētis me.

v. saepe me terrent.

vi. He does not love me. (He loves me not)

vii. We often go astray.

viii. You (singular) warn me.

ix. I am well. (in good health)

x. me laudās.

C. Prof. Mark Damen's Notes for Wheelock, chapter 1 - Download, print out, and read.

do the notes help you ? Yes ___ No ___

D. Vocabulary : put a check below when you have completed each task :

II. During the day, go through t your Flashcards, Latin to English ________

III. During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Latin ________


A.. Cambridge Course, Stage 2 - "in triclīnio", pagina 25 - scrībe et lege fābulam Latīnam, tum trānsfer in Anglicam : (write out the Latin story, saying the words aloud, then write out the English translation.



B. Wheelock, chapter 1, "sententiae", paginae 7-8 - scrībe et lege sententiās in Latīnā, tum trānsfer in Anglicam : write out the sentences, saying them aloud as you write, and translate them.

You do not need to write out the English of sentences 16-20, just the Latin.
















16. What does he see?

17. They are giving nothing.

18. You ought not to praise me.

19. If I err, he often warns me.

20. If you love me, save me please!

C. From the Resource Links for Wheelock, chapter 1, try some of Prof. Marchesi's drills

(keep the Vocabulary drill for Thursday) Which drill did you like most ? __________

D. Vocabulary : put a check below when you have completed each task :

I. During the day, go through your Flashcards, Latin to English ________

II. During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Latin ________


A1. Cambridge Course, Stage 2 - Practicing the Language, pagina 27 -

scrībe exercitātiōnēs A, B, et C, Latīnā et Anglicā - Write out Exercises A, B, & C, in Latin and English























A2. Cambridge Course, Stage 2 - "amīcus", pagina 28, scrībe et lege fābulam Latīnam, tum trānsfer in Anglicam : (write out the Latin story, saying the words aloud, then write out the English translation.



B. Wheelock, caput 1 - "The Poet Horace contemplates an Invitation", paginae 8-9, scrībe et lege Latīnā, tum trānsfer in Anglicam : (Write and speak in Latin, then translate into English)



C. From the Resource Links for Wheelock, chapter 1, try some of Prof. Marchesi's Vocabulary drills

Do the drills help ? __________

D. Vocabulary : put a check below when you have completed each task :

I. During the day, go through your Flashcards, Latin to English ________

II. During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Latin ________


A1. Cambridge Course, Stage 1 - paginae 30-32

i. Give the Latin word for an under-tunic :

ii. What was the outer garment which only Roman citizens were allowed to wear :

iii. What was the full-length outer tunic which Roman women wore :

iv. What was the shawl which Roman women wore :

v. What was the name for the market place / town square :

vi. When was the main meal of the day eaten, and what was it called :

vii. What was the name for the dining room, and what did its name mean :

viii. What was the name of the table in the dining room :

ix. What does the phrase "ab ovo usque ad mala" mean :

A2. This week's Question Words are quis - who? quem - whom? quid - what ? ubi - where?

Using the Cambridge course, p.2-7 & 20-23, answer the following questions in Latin.

Responde in tōtā sententiā Latīnā. Answer in complete Latin sentences.

There are several choices for some of the answers, e.g. the friend or the slave may be in the garden, or you may want to say that the dog is in the garden. Choose just one person or thing for your answer:

i. quis Caecilium salūtat?

ii. quem amīcus salūtat?

iii. quis est in atriō?

iv. ubi est canis?

v. quis in culinā labōrat?

vi. quem māter spectat?

vii. quid māter gustat?

viii. quis est anxius?

ix. quis est in mensā?

x. quis in triclīniō bibit?

B. Wheelock , chapter 1 - pages 10-11

i. If someone says "Salvē, discipule!" - is s/he speaking to a guy or a gal ?

ii. If someone says "Salvēte, discipulae!" - is s/he speaking to a guy , a gal, a bunch of guys,

or a bunch of gals ?

iii. When does one say "Valē"

iv. When does one say "Salvēte"

v. How would you answer the question "Quid est nōmen tibi?"

(you may choose a Latin name for yourself if you wish.

vi. Guys' names usually end in -us, gals' names usually end in -a)

C. From the Resource Links for Wheelock, chapter 1, try some of the U. of Houston drills

Do the drills help ? __________

Which of this week's drills did you like best? ______

D. Vocabulary : put a check below when you have completed each task :

I. During the day, go through your Flashcards, Latin to English ________

II. During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Latin ________


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