Phillipsburg, New Jersey

SUMMARY DRAFTTOWN OF PHILLIPSBURGTOWN COUNCIL MEETINGTuesday, April 02, 20197:00 P.M. — REGULAR SESSION AMENDED AGENDACALL TO ORDEROPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT STATEMENTTHIS MEETING IS CALLED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW. THIS MEETING OF APRIL 02, 2019 WAS INCLUDED IN A NOTICE SENT TO NEWSPAPERS OF RECORD AND POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND HAS REMAINED CONTINUOUSLY POSTED AS THE REQUIRED NOTICES UNDER THE STATUTE. IN ADDITION, A COPY OF THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERKINVOCATION AND FLAG SALUTE Flag salute led by Ja'vyn Mendes-BranchROLL CALL Council President Fulper, Council Vice President McVey, Councilman Davis(A), Councilwoman DeGerolamo, Councilman Lutz,APPROVAL OF MINUTES Executive minutes of January 22, 2019 - ApprovedPROCLAMATION — Autism Awareness MonthDISCUSSION- Michelle Crosson — Martha Kahan, President of No nonsense Neutering — TNR (Trap Neuter Release) programWays to improve the quality of life for the residents of Town of Phillipsburg. Manage the colonies. Trap, neuter, release is the best solution. Cannot eradicate completely because more cats come and replace. If you trap, neuter release eventually the colony expires on its own. Michelle Crosson, ACO noted she has paid $600 already for spay and care for feral cats, whereas No Nonsense only charges $35 to spay female cat. It is a very cost effective Program and one that will work well for Town of Phillipsburg. Martha Kahan, President gave presentation.PAYMENT OF BILLS THESE BILLS ARE STILL TABLED — Waiting on Mayors responseOne Bill remained tabled — William Benz $487.50UEZ — kiosk $10, 871.00.Stephen R. Ellis $48.49Garden State Farms $275.00Devo Associates - $ 468.60SUMMARY DRAFTROLL CALLCouncil MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxxCouncilman LutzxxCouncil Vice President McVeyxCouncil President FulperxPUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS Joe Meyner – 392 South Main StreetNoted NYC big fan of spay/release Program because it keeps the rat/mice population down. Stated typo regarding place of Budget Meeting using old Municipal Bldg. address. Questioned O2019-38A, why does Chief of Police need to be present, as he understood this Ord was regarding 200K temporary appropriation debt repayment service.Clerk Kleiner stated because of BondCouncil President responded as a courtesy to Chief StettnerJM- asked if the Bond rate was 3.89% as noted in the Mayor’s Cover letter or less than 1% as CFO Merlo talked aboutCouncilwoman DeGerolamo noted these are both NEIT, not 1% but thought 2 point something and both are pending information we discussed at the Budget Hearing.JM – and I’ll be able to see the Budget tomorrowRF – Any others, none; therefore close Public portionMAYORS AND ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS – Sewer-subcommittee – Are you at same place – nothing to report at this timeRedevelopment Committee – Councilman Lutz noted the committee is moving forwardRF – noted sub-committee moving forward despite rumors, spoke to Chief Stettner and the Police Dept is happy that Council is involved in the moving forward, noting that whatever is the cheapest solution for the taxpayers that will be the avenue taken, but currently nothing will happen until Council has numbers , but he will address under New BusinessORDINANCES — SECOND READING \02019-02 (First Reading 01-08-2019) Tabled 01-08-2019- Discussed at work session 01-15-2019 FIRST READING 03-05-2019 SECOND AND FINAL READING 04-02-2019ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 67, VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, SECTION 28, PARKING LOTS, OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG IN ORDER TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN SPACES AS VETERANS PARKING ONLYDiscussionRF – second and final reading of O2019-02 any Public CommentsNoneRF – any comments from panelML – thought Mayor noted in letter he wants us to drop this?RF – Mayor does not have privilege of removing item from Agenda once placed on Agenda. Noted he feels Parking for Veterans of utmost importance, so he kept on Agenda for Council to review. He added would still like to amend to include area around Legion for designated Veteran parking as well, as Clerk Kleiner did not advertise Work Session for action taken, will be accepted as is tonight and amended at next Council Meeting.ROLL CALLCouncil MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxxCouncilman LutzxCouncil Vice President McVeyxCouncil President FulperxxORDINANCES — FIRST READING NONERESOLUTIONS - CONSENT AGENDA * *Matters listed on the Consent Agenda Resolution are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion of the Council and one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member requests an item to be removed for considerationNO CONSENT AGENDA TONIGHTR: 2019-63A RESOLUTION IMPOSING LIEN FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES — TABLEDDiscussionRF – asked if Clerk Kleiner knew if DPW was cutting grass on Private Property without invoice. Noted address in question was 108 Fleming Drive. Asked for Resolution to be Tabled until determined if practice of DPW continuing to provide services without invoice.ROLL CALL Council MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman LutzxCouncil Vice President McVeyxCouncil President FulperxxR: 2019 — 64A RESOLUTION ENTITLED MUNICIPAL BUDGET NOTICEDiscusssionCouncilman Lutz - asked if the General Government/General Administration on page 12 was referring to the Business Administrator, as BA is not noted elsewhere?RF – replied yes. Also noted he still wanted to cut another 70k from the Budget to make the tax rate flatROLL CALL Council MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxCouncilman LutzxxCouncil Vice President McVeyxxCouncil President FulperxR: 2019-65RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AUTHORIZING REFUND OF TAX OVER PAYMENTDiscussion - NoneROLL CALLCouncil MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxCouncilman LutzxxCouncil Vice President McVeyxxCouncil President Fulperx14.OLD BUSINESS — also including any tabled items from previous meeting 0: 2019-03 First Reading 01-22-2019 Tabled 01-22-2019 REMAINED TABLEDBOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE STORM SEWERCOLLECTION SYSTEM, BY AND IN THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, IN THE COUNTY OF3SUMMARY DRAFTWARREN STATE OF NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,300,000 THEREFOR ANDAUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,300,000 BONDS OR NOTES TO FINANCE THE COST THEREOF0: 2019-04 First Reading 01-22-2019 Tabled 01-22-2019 REMAINED TABLEDBOND ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM BY AND IN THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, IN THECOUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $1,300,000 THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,300,000 BONDS OR NOTES TO FINANCE THE COST THEREOFRESOLUTION TO APPROVE PRIOR TO BOND 02019-07R: 2019-38A Tabled 02-19-2019 — until Chief can appear at meetingA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EMERGENCY TEMPORARY APPROPRIATION REMOVED INDEFINATELYROLL CALLCouncil MembersFirstSecondYea,NayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxxCouncilman LutzxCouncil Vice President McVeyxxCouncil President Fulperx0: 2019 -07— Tabled 02-19-19— until Chief can appear at meeting REMAINED TABLEDBOND ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING BOND ORDINANCE NUMBER 2017-03 FINALLY ADOPTED APRIL 18, 2017 AND PROVIDING FOR THE RENOVATION AND CONVERSION OF 675 CORLISS AVENUE INTO AN ADMINISTRATIVE AND PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING TO HOUSE THE ADMINISTRATIVE, POLICE, FIRE AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTS, BY AND IN THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, IN THE COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY; APPROPRIATING $6,500,000 THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $6,190,000 BONDS OR NOTES OF THE TOWN TO FINANCE PART OF THE COST THEREOFSECOND READING will be April 16, 20194THESE WILL HAVE A SECOND READING ON April 16, 20190: 2019 — 12 First Reading 03-26-19 Second and Final Reading on April 16, 2019ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 290, FEES OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG REGARDING POLICE REPORTS0: 2019 — 13 First Reading 03-26-19 Second and Final Reading on April 16, 2019AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTYOF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 530 "SOLID WASTE; RECYCLING," SECTION 3 "SOLID WASTE; RECYCLING," OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG TO ADDRESS THE MAINTENANCE OF WASTE RECEPTACLES0: 2019- 14 First Reading 03-26-19 Second and Final Reading on April 16, 2019ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER 67, VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, SECTION 28, PARKING LOTS, SUBSECTION I ENTITLED MUNICIPAL LOTS, PAYMENT REQUIRED OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG IN ORDER TO REMOVE RIVERSIDE WAY LOTNEW BUSINESS -ML – Noted Joe Cappozzo’s building, 224 Stockton street, noticed it was being demolishedRF – asked if written letter was sent to owners of Star Dollar, Ice House and 224 Stockton St regarding the condition of the properties, noting that 224 Stockton seemed to be the only one where action was being taken. DG – Asked if anything sent to Inspections? Noting it needed to start there, and were there reports? She continued that the condition of the Ice House was a disaster. Trash, broken wood/glass, squatters, no roof. This owner contacted back in 2014, was supposed to be fined $500/week until addressed. Can’t ask for Habitability w/o Inspections Report. Can we put on Top of List with Star Dollar?Attorney Wenner – Stated last work done at this address was fa?ade, knocked down leaning brick wall, sidewalk repairDD – no sidewalk thereRF- Asked Attorney Wenner if it was Mayor’s responsibility to levy fines?RW – Responded yes, that Mayor’s Office issues summonses for finesRF – Noted then it has been since 2014 – No work and No Fines for 5 years. Regarding Star Dollar, he spoke to Owner, approached him about a land swap. Town would offer a parcel they own and take over Star Dollar and demolish. Not sure what happened, Mayor did not communicate. Hoping to contact owner and have done before November election.FM – Asked had Owner’s been given proper notification. Have they been made aware?DD- need Inspections out firstPUBLIC PETITIONS (Time public can speak)Joe Meyner – 392 South Main StreetStated he thought Mr. Duddy (inspections) found walls solid – added he can see potential of what Ice House could be, the old stone, owner may not know of current problems.RF – thanked himEmil Brisson – 94 Bullman StReminded Council, use microphones, hard to hear. Noted at Freeholders meeting 2/27 there was a statement made by Freeholder Kern that the Phillipsburg Town council has expressed some interest in learning more about joining the County Library System, Freeholder Kern continued that topic was raised by Council President Fulper and Councilman McVey at a Public Hearing. Mr. Brisson did not know to what Public Hearing the freeholder referred to, and that the Councilmen were going on a fact-finding process before putting to Voters. Good news said Sarnosky. Brisson asked if there was any validity.FM – Noted it is his job to fact find, that is what he was elected to do and then discuss. He added at last meeting he stated after the Budget Process, he would make himself available as to be liason to Library to work back and forth with information. Introduced because info there that concerned himEB – Questioned whether or not interest was expressed in joining the County Library? Added in Budget Hearing it sounded like Council supports the PFPL?RF – Noted he would explore whatever will save the taxpayers dollars, but stated the Council supports the Phillipsburg Free Public Library. EB – Not here on any Political Agenda, just want to know if statement trueRF – Noted, nothing to hide, reached out to Freeholder Kern at the urging of Library Director Messling regarding money they were trying to re-coup from Federation of Library. Reiterated this Council supports the PFPLEB – Glad to hear – appreciate the support of our Public Library.Nico Malitsis – 150 South Main StreetStated there because of Garbage situation, piles of trash in front of his Business, not nice for his customers or himself.RF – Responded Council was in process of creating an Ordinance to address situation, must be in cans, not loose trash, but Mayor does have to enforce. Agree it is disgusting and he empathizes/sympathizes and problem should go away within the month.Closed Public CommentsCOUNCIL OPEN TIME ML – Noticed Garbage in Vacant lot on South Main Street, Attorneys Row, something needs to be doneDD – Stated in last month, been called a five letter word in front of paid professionals and Town employees. Today on Facebook I am being accused of trying to keep Police in my back yard. Do not appreciate a personal attacked on Facebook by Public Official in my Town. Stated would never put the health of Police at risk to keep them in my back yard. Really bothered by commentRF – wrote my statement – please see attached 17. MOTIONSSUMMARY DRAFTTransfer of Firefighter of Kerry Carpenter from Warren Chemical Company to Alert Hook and Ladder Company.ROLL CALLCouncil MembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman DavisxCouncilwoman DeGerolamoxxCouncilman LutzxxCouncil Vice President McVeyxCouncil President FulperxEXECUTIVE SESSIONR: 2019 – 66 – A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG FOR THE PURPOSE OF . . . Litigation and contractual — action will be takenCouncilwoman DeGerolamo moved to go into Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lutz.Reconvened after 30 minutesMotionAttorney Wenner stated first motion regarding Hoyd vs TOP and Firth Youth Center – authorizing a settlement of $7,000 dollars.Councilman Lutz moved for settlement to be accepted. The motion was seconded by Council President Fulper.DiscussionNoneVOTE:YEAS: Fulper, DeGerolamo, Lutz, McVeyNAYS: NoneABSENT: DavisMotionProfessional Services – Van Cleef – studies for new Municipal Complex authorizing execution of Professional Services Contract in accordance with proposal submitted March 26, 2019 for 675 Corliss Avenue in the amount of 162k for rehab/renovationDiscussionDD – Just to clarify, this is to have everyone in the same building? RF – Should have been done in 2017VOTE:YEAS: Fulper, DeGerolamo, Lutz, McVeyNAYS: NoneABSENT: DavisMotionProfessional Services – Van Cleef – authorizing execution of Professional Services Contract in accordance with proposal submitted March 26, 2019 for the Armory in the amount of 15k to revamp work previously doneVOTE:YEAS: Fulper, DeGerolamo, Lutz, McVeyNAYS: NoneABSENT: DavisADJOURNMENTCouncilman Lutz moved to adjourn at 9:03 PM. ................

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