The Lesson of Trafalgar: Biden Approval & 2024Primaries

[Pages:12]The Lesson of Trafalgar:

Superior strategy, innovative tactics, and bold leadership can prevail even over larger numbers and greater resources.


The Trafalgar Group @trafalgar_group

Biden Approval & 2024 Primaries

May 2021

Partnered with:

Nationwide Survey

? Conducted 04/30/21 - 05/06/21 ? 1574 Respondents ? Likely Primary or General Election Voters ? Response Rate: 1.79% ? Margin of Error: 2.47% ? Confidence: 95% ? Response Distribution: 50% ? Methodology: Polling-Methodology

Biden Approval

How do you think Joe Biden is handling his job as President?

Approve: 48.3% Disapprove: 47.5%

Biden 2024

What best describes what you would most likely do if Joe Biden were to run for re-election in the 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary? *Likely Democrat Primary Voters only*

Democrat 2024

If Joe Biden chooses not to run in 2024, which of the following possible candidates would you be most likely to support In the Democrat Presidential Primary? *Likely Democrat Primary Voters only*

9.3% 8.0% 5.4% 4.2%



Trump 2024

What best describes what you would most likely do if Donald Trump were to run in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary? *Likely Republican Primary Voters only*

GOP 2024

If Donald Trump chooses not to run in 2024, which of the following possible candidates would you be most likely to support In the Republican Presidential Primary? *Likely Republican Primary Voters only*

GOP 2024 (Trump Supporters)

If Donald Trump chooses not to run in 2024, which of the following possible candidates would you be most likely to support In the Republican Presidential Primary? *Likely Republican Primary Voters who expressed support for Trump*


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