NEWS BRIEFS – October 5th, 2020Tonight’s Theme: FERVENT…. Hands-on, knees down, never-give up.. practical, purposeful praying.The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man/woman availeth much says James 5:16.(Sub-title: GOOD vs. EVIL) Your enemy is dead set on all we hold dear. He does it strategically. He does it specifically. He’s doing it right this minute – aimed at personally drawn targets. So let’s go to our WAR ROOMS this October addressing the topics that affect us all the most, especially the condition of our country. This month craft your own personalized prayer strategies – post them and pray them, anywhere you can put them into active deployment. Because the truth is: Victories don’t happen by accident. From : THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE Two TowersTheoden: I will not risk open war.Aragorn: Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.As you enter your WAR Room (IE: prayer closet) here is an acronym for prayer to consider: Prayer Releases All Your Eternal ResourcesWe all know that President Trump and First Lady Melania have been diagnosed with COVID19. (As well as many officials in Washington.) Of course our prayers continue for their complete healing and divine health. (I just have to say that the timing of all this is suspect in my mind… just saying!) President Trump is 74 years old. A billionaire. Doesn’t need a cent. Could be on a beach anywhere in the world. Has worked his whole life. Raised children who have work ethics out of this world. Possibly the most hated man in America right now. Diagnosed with covid and is still showing up! I have wondered if I were in his shoes, if I’d still be showing up, fighting for a country where millions of the citizens hated me? And there he sits, in Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend working away… Leaders confront challenges head on, and that is exactly what he is doing. I think we all know that the media is biased against him. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the media is in bed with the antagonist. For the record… President Trump did not shut down our state or any other state. He did not kill the economy of our state or any others. The governors did. Our state and local vote matters!! The deadline to register is October 26th.We are all aware of the hostile debate debacle last week. It was interesting to say the least. There’s actually more there than meets the eye… besides President Trump probably not feeling too well. I’m quoting Mario Murillo who I happen to think is right on about most everything he says.“The debate was pathetically rigged. It was rigged electronically. It was rigged by the moderator. It was rigged by the entire leftist regime.” He goes on to say, “I cannot understand why any Christian can’t figure out that this election is about choosing between good and evil. How can anyone sincerely pray, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, and then vote for the party that votes to kill babies, defund the police, supports riots and violence, supports socialism/communism and on and on… “ ANTIFA AND BLACK LIVES MATTER SOLDIERS HAVE TURNED PORTLAND INTO AN ANARCHIST TRAINING GROUND TO SPREAD DOMESTIC TERRORISM TO OTHER CITIES.The violence on the streets of America is in direct correlation to the rising spirit of Antichrist that is covering not only us, but the whole world, in a dark, dank layer of darkness. Listen to the words of the woman who will be president if Joe Biden wins in November. Listen to Kamala Harris as she promises you, threatens you as she says "the riots will not stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day." If the Democrats win in November because you wasted your vote, don't bother calling 911 when the riots break into your home. There won't be anyone on the other end of the line.”VP Pence and Kamala Harris will debate this Wednesday night. We might want to tune it. Che’ Ahn, a pastor in CA said, (and I agree) “Your vote should have nothing to do with what you LIKE or what you FEEL. It should be whatever GOD wants!” We must VOTE Biblically !! I saw this posted on Facebook recently. A vote is not a valentine, you aren’t confessing your love for the candidate. It’s a chess move for the world you want you and your children to live in.James Dobson in his October newsletter titled “Final Thoughts About the Election” (which I’ll attach to my notes) has many good comments. Here are a few…***************************************Colorado allows the decision to kill a baby up until the moment of birth for any reason. Only 6 other states and only 4 other countries in the world allow these extreme abortions.“Every week, babies in the 3rd trimester are killed in Colorado by a man names Warren Hern. He injects an overdose of medication into their hearts. Two days later, he delivers a dead baby.. a baby that could have lived on its own outside of his/her mother’s womb. There will be a vote in CO called Prop 115. If passed, it will end late term abortion. I know this is far from our end goal, but my goodness , everyone should agree that late term abortion must end. If you live in CO, vote YES on Prop 115 and spread the word.” Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife (Movie: Unplanned)You are probably aware that Pres. Trump signed an executive order protecting babies who manage to survive abortions and ordering doctors to provide them with life-saving medical care. Can you even believe it takes an executive order to provide this care ?**************************The more I learn about about Amy Coney Barrett, the more I admire her. She is a scholar and judge, grounded in faith and family. She really is meant for such a time as this. Like Esther who called on people to fast and pray – we must do the same. Her confirmation hearing is set for October 26th. So timely that Sean Feucht will be in Washington DC #LetUsWorship on Sunday, October 25th on the National Mall. Five human trafficking victims have been rescued, 46 arrests made in wide massive Houston-wide sting operation. The arrests took place in two missions over a four-day span in September.This is an interesting statistic I saw last week. Total annual deaths in US? 2018: 2,839,205 2019: 2,855,000 2020: thru 9/24 2,033,736 2020’s overall death rate is on pace to be LESS than both 2018 and 2019 (There would have to be 821,264 more deaths between now and the end of this year to catch up to 2019 with no COVID. Pretty sure you haven’t seen these stats in the news. Great NEWS !!! Did you see the report that 6 out of 10 counties that are the healthiest communities in America are found right here in CO !! Douglass County is #2 and Broomfield County is #4**************************************Pastor JD Farag in his 9/27 Prophecy update talked about What is the Truth? Fact vs. Fake As usual, his Sunday Bible prophecy updates are full of good information. This one thought keeps swirling around in my head since I listened. We MUST start with the scripture as FACT and not current events . Many, he says, are looking first at world events and trying to make them fit into prophecy. I have personally been cautioned by the Holy Spirit Himself, to be very careful who/what I listen to and actually heard the Lord say, “Listen only to me.” (2 Timothy 2:15 says: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.) A few BULLET points:The truth I read about Breonna Taylor – she wasn’t an EMT, she was terminated in 2017 (she was knee deep in criminal/drug dealing activities with her ex boyfriend. She was on jailhouse recordings running drugs for her ex boyfriend. She was under surveillance months for running drugs. She was on the warrant as was her car & her apartment. The officers did in fact knock & announce despite obtaining a no knock exception on the warrant.. Breonna’s boyfriend fired at the officers striking an officer. The officers fired back & Breonna took the shots. She was NOT asleep in her bed. The city of Louisville will pay $12 million to the estate of Breonna Taylor and the city of Louisville will implement police reforms as part of the settlement. The protests have continued nationwide that began May 25th after the George Floyd incident.Chances are we wouldn’t even have known about this event if it didn’t feed the narrative and the agenda. We know ALL LIVES MATTER… black, white, police… you name it… 2. There have been 2509 total earthquakes in the lower 48 states of the U.S. in the past week or so that we know of.1092 earthquakes came from the ongoing swarm in the Salton Sea area in California in just the last 4 days.365 from the continuing swarm in Nevada.222 from the continuing swarm in Ridgemont / Searles Valley, CA 74 in Oklahoma.53 from the continuing swarm in Idaho.51 in Montana.345 on the West Coast, not including L.A. / San Diego area.203 in the Los Angeles and San Diego area.The continuing swarms in Ridgemont / Searles Valley, CA, Nevada and Idaho started only this year, all within the past six months time frame. Just a the media fans the flames of panic porn….* 40% of positive cases are asymptomatic.* 80% recover without special treatment.* 20% require hospitalization to some degree.This is NOT A BIG DEAL for the overwhelming majority of people.NOTE: Of course it IS a big deal and heartbreaking for those who get desperately ill and a TRAGEDY when anyone dies from COVID. COVID is real… and it is contagious… true… but it is not a pandemic, nor even an epidemic . (based on definition) No doubt this disease is contagious however and spreads easily. My guess is that many of us would test positive… however I DO NOT recommend getting tested for a variety of reasons unless absolutely necessary. More on those reasons later… 4. The whole vaccine discussion is forthcoming in future zoom discussions, as well as the orchestrated chaos in America and the controlled demolition of the world’s economies and governments. Did you hear about Amazon’s announcement about Amazon One ( a new payment technology)… a pay with your palm , free contactless service they will be offering? Also …on the horizon.. ID 2021 (That group meets in January). Soon there will be a digital ID for everyone & everything.Is it possible that the 6’ social distancing, the masks and the washing of hands is all part of a Satanic ritual, and that we are part of the pre-conditioning preparing us for what’s ahead??? More on that later.NO CLASS next week… 10/12… Happy Birthday on 10/15 to our Terri !!! Opportunities ….In person and ZOOM Class on Psalm 91 beginning in a few weeks. Details in your emails.This coming Saturday, Priscilla Shirer and her brother Anthony Evans will host a virtual FERVENT event. A virtual ticket is $20 and can be used from 10/10 4 p.m. through 10/12 at 4 p.m. Why not invite a few women and men to watch? She is one of my all- time favorite Bible teachers…and also the author of the book FERVENT and lead actress in the movie WAR ROOM that many of you have seen. ................

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