Repairers of the Breach

Ninja Sheep - Part Two - Tess Lambert - 13-06-2020So the article that I want to take us to, it's by a newspaper called ‘The Advertiser’. It's titled “The Seven Mountains Conspiracy”, and it was written January 7 of 2019 by Jamie Seidel.The Dark Ages have a certain appeal to some. It was a time when good and evil was white and black. Church over-ruled state. And the word of priests was as law.So the first thing this article is going to do is take you back to what time period? The 1260. When we go to the world, what do we want to do? We want to show them the union of ‘church’ and ‘state’ as it existed under the rule of the papacy, and the kings in the 1260 time period, and then we want to show how Protestantism is doing the work that the ‘mother’ did before. The first thing this news article is going to do, is take every Nethanim to the right side of that issue, to the 1260 time period. It was when the Roman Catholic church effectively ruled the whole of the Western world. Under idealised eyes, it controlled every aspect of civil life. Parish priests held sway over small towns and communities. Cardinals and Popes could bend kings and nobles to their will.In reality, things rarely worked out that way. But it was the accepted doctrine of the times.Now, some evangelical groups want that all-encompassing power back.So, it existed in the 1260 under the roman catholic church, and now some branches of Evangelical Protestantism want to return to that same structure. They call themselves Dominionists.Their declared goal is to take control of society. And the US government is in its sights.It wants ‘One nation, under God’ … their god.Only once this is achieved, followers believe, will Jesus return in the Second Coming, initiating the End of Days and the prophecies of the Book of Revelation.It’s a cross-denominational movement which appears to have been born among television and radio evangelists in the 1970s.That's when we go back to. 1979. By that stage they formed the Moral Majority, but that wave was occurring through the 1970’s. It's a cross-denominational movement. They cite one passage, Genesis 1:28, as justification:And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.It is interpreted as being God’s mandate for his followers to control every aspect of life.These new apostles are preaching a message which puts church above state, and their interpretation of Christian lore above secular law.And they have a plan to have this enforced.So they believe in the union of ‘Church and State’, but church control state, because it's God's people that were given dominion in Genesis 1:28 to control every living thing that moveth from, in this stage, the fish of the sea. Now who moves? The President of the United States. The work of the church to control every living thing; it's mandated by God and it's referred to as ‘Dominionism’; the word taken from the ‘dominion’ of Genesis 1:28. The argument goes something like this:The long-awaited Second Coming has not yet happened as the criteria outlined in the Bible have yet to be met. Christians have not been taking part in their communities. Instead, they’ve been huddled in their own churches. This has exposed the very pillars of society susceptible to the influence of the devil.It’s up to believers to change this, they argue, by seizing control of key institutions.Some evangelical movements believe this is demanded by prophecy. They argue the Bible verses of Isiah 2:2-3 instruct their followers to take control:And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.”So “the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains”. “Mountains”, plural. It argues that there are seven such mountains. Where do they get the seven mountains from? We know there's plural mountains, we know that God's people are to have dominion, Revelation 17 1-18. So they take it from revelation 17, but particularly hinging on verse 9.And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains. The prophetic passage talks of an evil woman ‘drunken with the blood of the saints’ who rides a beast of ‘seven heads and 10 horns’. It ends telling how this beast will be turned against the woman, destroying her.Most theologians see the reference to ‘seven’ as being Rome - famously built upon seven hillsBut some evangelicals argue this beast - and its seven heads that are mountains - represents the structure of society itself.I will erase these lines, the Priests, Levites and Nethanims, 144,000. The purpose of this was to remind you, what does the work for the Nethanims of preparing them for harvest? - is these external sources. It's not us. So a source like this, is exactly what a Nethanim needs to understand. If they do they will face this one world government issue, that divides two classes and they will identify the threat.So they go to Genesis. Genesis gives Adam, God's servant, dominion over everything that moves.They go to Isaiah, and they see that there are mountains. Plural. And that the house of the lord will be established on top of these plural mountains.Then they go to Revelation 17 which speaks about plural mountains, and it says that these seven mountains are the entire structure of society. So you have all the structures of society. They're being controlled by an evil woman who they see as this Satanic Deep State, and that it is their work, to control all of these aspects of society to bring about the kingdom of god on earth.So this is now the ‘Seven Mountains Prophecy’.Says advocate David Barton, “if you're going to establish God's kingdom, you've got to first have these seven mountains”, quoting David Barton, and then he will list what these seven mountains concretely are.So these seven mountains that form the foundations of society are: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government. These are the Seven Mountains, according to them, that form the entire foundation of a society. And it is their Biblical mandate. They have been given by God, the authority, to have ‘dominion’ over every aspect of society. So they're always going to come back to this argument. You'll hear it over and over again from these evangelicals supporting Trump, - that they're defending the first amendment, because they believe in freedom of all religions. Muslims can have freedom, Jews can have freedom. But is a Muslim given the mandate to control the ‘Seven Mountains’? No!You catch them here, and it shows what they're truly wanting to establish. A Muslim for them, has not been given dominion by god to control the ‘Seven Mountains’ of society.One of the leaders in this thinking, who created, I think it was foremost in establishing this, calling it this ‘Seven Mountains’ mandate, was David Barton. So we're going to come back and look at him. We're going to show how he defends this; that this role, not just of a Christian, but how he sees this as being the role of the United States as a country.Just to quote some of the things that David Barton has said about these mountains.Education: he says, “A re-introduction of biblical truth and Bible-centric values is the key to renewal and restoration in America’s failing educational system.”So it's failing, if you want to save the education system, you need to reintroduce Bible teaching and Bible ernment: “We must see a shift in this arena in order to preserve the Christian heritage that America was founded upon. The goal is to put in place righteous political leaders that will positively affect all aspects of government.”He's put that quite nicely considering the intention.BUSINESS: “We believe it is the Lord’s will to make his people prosperous and that He desires for His Church to use its wealth to finance the work of Kingdom expansion. Simply put: Prosperity with a purpose.” White Christian evangelicals in the United States remain a powerful voting bloc. Though they are a diminishing group. But this loss of prominence has proved galvanising.Dominionist thinking is becoming mainstream among this minority group, and Seven Mountains is regarded by many as a road-map to ‘regain’ control of the United States.The idea first emerged In 1975 when Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), had what they describe as a miraculous revelation. Both had been given a dream by God, they declared. Its message revealed the need to dominate the Seven Mountains, interesting what they call it, the seven (Spheres) of influence.Since then, the theology has been pushed into political circles through media events, youth movements and campaign activities.Central to its teachings is that members must build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. And that starts with turning the United States into a Christian state. The movement first met with some sympathy under which president? Which president do you think? Ronald Reagan.At the 1980 Republican National Convention, attended by some 17,000 evangelical Christians, Ronald Reagan famously declared: “I know you can’t endorse me, but ... I want you to know I endorse you and what you are doing.”Reagan won in a landslide, primarily attributed to a ‘Moral Majority’. And his governance has since been called ‘the God strategy’ after evangelicals were appointed as Secretary of the Interior, Surgeon General and to the Department of Education.But, under both Bush Republican presidencies, evangelical influence waned.The Seven Mountains movement’s leaders felt they had been betrayed. Despite encouraging words during their campaigns, Presidents George H. Bush and George W. Bush just did not follow up with the desired appointments.Because what do you have to do? You have to appoint these Evangelical leaders in their political sphere to key government positions. And Regan did that, but the Bush administrations, not so much.President Trump, however, represents a new opportunity: an opportunity that has been delivering. The Seven Mountains movement experienced something of a revival in the early 2000s under evangelist Lance P. Wallnau and political activist David Barton.So, there’s another key leader. But this has gone mainstream within certain branches of Protestantism.Wallnau is one of the theology’s most vocal prophets. He is a forceful advocate of the need to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’.But, now that only a few remote tribes in South America’s Amazon and the Bay of Bengal’s the Andaman Islands have not been ministered to, Wallnau is endorsing a broader interpretation of the passage. He sees it as an instruction to inject his version of Christianity into the way societies are run.Go forth and teach all nations. Teach the nations themselves. Not just individuals within the nations. Go to the nations, go to the governments of those nations, go into the societies that form those nations and cause them to follow the law of God, or their interpretation of the law of God.President Trump is the vessel for such change. Wallnau has declared Trump has a ‘Cyrus anointing’ upon him.So these are the people, some of the people, saying that Donald Trump is the modern-day King Cyrus; that he has been anointed by God; he's a prophetic figure for them. - a reference to the ancient Persian King Cyrus who, despite being no friend of Israel, defeated the Babylonians and set that nation free. Cyrus was therefore blessed by God for doing his work.In the modern context, the ‘anointing’ of Trump means evangelical Christians can also set their religion ‘free’.To that end, Wallnau boasted to fellow evangelical leader David Barton that he had ‘ninja sheep’ working with activists, politicians - and members of Donald Trump’s presidential transition team. The next section is called “of ‘Ninja Sheep’ and ‘Underground Agents’”. So remember a few weeks ago, we looked at Ellen White quotes, and we showed how she talked about secret societies and we went through three particular quotes fairly quickly, and in all of those passages she's talking about secret societies, but they're not that secret. The secret Societies that she said would form against African Americans like the Ku Klux Klan back then. They were not that secret. Everyone knew who the Ku Klux Klan was. They knew who the leaders were. They often knew who the individual participants were. It's not that secret. You don't only know that the Ku Klux Klan exists because you see some people shaking hands in a strange way they advertise themselves. In another quote, she talks about a secret society, and it was all about the taxes he had to pay, the fact that they would drink a lot, they would swear, they would not speak in a Christian way, he would have to pay taxes to this society. That secret society was not that hidden. So when she talks about secret societies, these societies are not that secret. In fact, they advertise themselves, but we still know that there is societies, there is confederacies coming together at the end of the world.I want to suggest, in opposition to Walter Veith’s idea of this satanic deep state which lines up with this (Globalism) so-called threat, that when we see this Confederacy, this is what we actually should be looking for, and they're advertising themselves.Wallnau asserts Satan is in control of academia, entertainment, politics and business.So he says, there's a deep state and it's controlled directly by Satan. “Our real enemies are the ones that are shaping laws, shaping media, and shaping the next generation.” Satanic deep state, the enemy. To fight them, he's promoting what he calls, ‘the Seven Mountains Underground’. - an affiliation of producers (media), directors (media), attorneys (law), politicians and economists.So these are people high up in their own spheres that he refers to as ‘Ninja Sheep’ and underground agents.“We should be moving to the top of these mountains,” So down here, you might have someone in education who's down here (at the base of the mountain), but they believe in in dominionism and you need to move them to the top of this mountain, so you can have Protestantism, or the church control that mountain of education.“Christians are called to go into proximity to the gates of hell.” This is quoting him directly. “That’s why they’re showing up in government. They should be showing up in journalism…”So these ninja protestant Dominionist sheep, some of them are lower down, they need to rise up the ranks in all of these different mountains.I’m quoting him, “I’m working with believers that I call ninja sheep—those are believers that are actual believers but have to maintain discretion with their public profile.So they can't advertise it too broadly.“And what we want to do is we want to reinstall a culture that honours God and that revives again a morality that’s essential to the survival of America as a Christian-influenced nation.Remember, separation of church and state does not mean an influential separation.“So the underground is where we meet and we basically have now mobilised nationwide believers to intercede pray and be informed and then show up at the decisive flashpoints in culture where there can be a presence behind what Trump’s assignment is. So it’s pretty exciting.”So you have two different versions of what a secret society looks like. I’m saying, this is the true version of what these confederacies look like if you see people work behind the scenes, but you can still identify it. You can still know who they are, and what they're doing.Barton seized upon the seven mountains as the logical outcome of his controversial and incorrect belief, that the founding fathers of the United States were all born again Christians. So what is he going to do? To come up with this idea of the United States and the Seven Mountains. That he's going to do is, come back to this history we discussed here (time line of Modern Israel), he's going to come right back to 1798. And what does he have to do? What do they always have to do? They have to come back to this method of ‘parable teaching’, and what do they have to do to the ‘literal’? Why is conspiracy theories such a threat to parable teaching? To form a conspiracy theory, you have to destroy the ‘literal’. If you destroy the ‘literal’, no one can go to that ‘literal’ and make a ‘spiritual application’.So if down here at the beginning (Millerite period), the founding fathers were all strong protestants who believed in a union of church and state, what's going to be your spiritual application of that (our time period)? Your spiritual application will be really just going ‘literal to literal’. They (Protestants) believed in church and state (during the Millerite period), therefore down here (our time period) the United States should be a church state union.He has to take apart the ‘literal’ and who does he particularly have to attack? Who does he have to take down? Thomas Jefferson. We discussed this history with John Adams and his administration, his connection with that conservative branch of Protestantism. How he was not opposed to church state unions, and they really essentially believed in also almost a system of a monarchy, even Alexander Hamilton. But Thomas Jefferson, he was not a strong protestant every legitimate historian can see that he was not a very religious man. he was more of a deist, if anything. So what they have to do to justify this, is go back and rewrite the history around Thomas Jefferson.On the media broadcast group, will be posted later, an article that discusses this in quite a bit of detail. I think actually I have that here. He wrote a book called, “The Jefferson Lies”. This is David Martin, the man behind one of the men behind this ‘seven mountains theory’. He's going to try and destroy the literal, so he wrote a controversial book called “The Jefferson Lies”; purported to tell the real story behind our nation's third president. According to Barton, Thomas Jefferson was for most of his life an Orthodox Christian who freely blended church and state, and never seriously backed a war between the two. The audacity of the claim was apparently Barton’s undoing, although Barton has long been a thorn in America’s united side, Americans united for separation of church and state, his downfall came from an unlikely source. Conservative Christian scholars grew weary of his abuse of history. So he actually got into trouble because even other conservative Protestant scholars could no longer deny the extent to which he was abusing the history that surrounded Thomas Jefferson. This article will be posted later and it will go through all of those different … it talks about Warren Throckmorton, Michael Coulter, professors at Pennsylvania’s Grove City College, how they published a detailed refutation of Barton’s book. But as one of these men said, this is Garrett Epps, he's a journalist for the Atlantic, he said, “for at least the past 20 years, Barton has been a tireless producer of books and pamphlets designed to demonstrate that America was founded by Christians and should be governed by Christians; that the separation of church and state is a myth and that Protestant Christianity should be a part of government. In that time he has come to occupy a position of influence within the Republican Party. His success is appalling, First, because he is not a historian of any kind. He advertises a historian, but he does not have the qualifications of a historian. And second, because even by the standard of today's right wing, he is just obviously crazy. But there are people who listen to him, and it’s part of that movement that's become mainstream based on these crazy theories.In 1996, Americans United, discovered that Barton had issued a fact sheet admitting that nearly a dozen quotations he attributed to the founding fathers in the book ‘The Myth of Separation’, ‘The Myth of the Separation of Church and State’, it's another book he wrote, could not be confirmed. Barton had to pull his book off the shelves, added more material to it, and reissued it under the name ‘Original Intent’. Remarkably none of this slowed Barton down. In fact, he and his wall builders organization, began a rapid rise among the religious right. Barton began appearing at national conferences where he would present his cut and paste version of history to adoring audiences. Along the way, he became aligned with people like Pat Robertson, focus on the family founder James Dobson, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and former US house speaker Newt Gingrich, and other leaders of the religious and political right. They lauded Barton as a premier Christian historian.Time Magazine in 2005, named Barton, one of the nation's most influential Evangelicals. He was soon chosen as Vice Chairman of the Texas Republican Party. In 2010, Barton’s reach grew even wider after he was adopted by Glenn Beck and given air time on the fox news channel.So this is the man who has for decades, it really began in the 1970s, there was other people, using Genesis, Isaiah, Revelation 17, to come up with this ‘Seven Mountains’ mandate to control all of society through conservative Protestantism. Then we see that to do that, David Barton has really given them the tools to do that, by challenging the literal history of America’s founding, particularly Thomas Jefferson. He has to destroy Thomas Jefferson, as anyone who believed in the separation of church and state, and make him to be this strong protestant who combined the two in his administration.Then they have formed through this cross-denominational movement what Wallnau refers to as his ninja sheep.Separation of Church and State is enshrined in the US Constitution. Though this has always been an intense arena of dispute.It’s intended to prevent the repeat of the crises many fled during the founding of the United States: (What where they fleeing? They were fleeing the 1260 years of Papal persecution.) Combinations of individual churches and states that oppressed other faiths.The Constitution itself specifies “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States”. So no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office. And we'll read how they have warped that.The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”Seven Mountains and Dominionist evangelicals don’t see this as a problem. The United States is a Christian country, founded by Christians, they argue, so the Constitution should be interpreted through a Christian (lens, a Christian) perspective. The Country’s motto is after all, ‘In God We Trust’. Didn't become that motto till 1956.“We realised that it only takes 3-5 per cent of a leadership operating at the top of a cultural mountain to shift the culture’s view of an issue”. So they don't need a great mass of people.… the promotional page of an upcoming Seven Mountains ‘International Culture Shapers Summit’ declares. Under Trump, they’ve been getting more than that.His Vice President, Michael Pence, is an outspoken evangelical. The former conservative talk-back radio host has even been declared a ‘covenant man’ - putting him alongside the likes of Moses, Jacob and Noah - for his apparent obedience to God in a corrupt and sinful political arena.Trump’s new Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, (no longer, Bill Barr replaced him, but he was attorney general) once proposed banning non-religious people from being appointed to the judiciary. He also said judges needed a ‘biblical view of justice’: (Quoting him,) “What I know is that as long as they have that worldview, that they’ll be a good judge. And if they have a secular worldview, that ‘this is all we have here on Earth’, then I’m going to be very concerned about how they judge.”So Matthew Whitaker, who Trump appointed as the attorney general of the United States says, that no one has the right to be a judge, to be appointed to the judiciary in the United States; No one should be, who is not a Protestant Christian, because otherwise how will they understand a Biblical view of justice?They'll then go through the people that Trump has appointed but i want to do that in another way. Did US progressive churchgoersBut US progressive churchgoers are increasingly bristling at Trump’s brash character, and divisive approach to race, immigration and women.They’ve started to push back. Coming back to this split within Protestantism (between the Liberals and the Conservatives). They've never been completely united.Among those raising their voice in opposition is Anglican bishop Michael Curry, who officiated at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. He’s pushing a manifesto - Reclaiming Jesus - and warning of a “dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches”.The manifesto rejects white nationalism, calls out political exploitation of racial bigotry, denounces misogyny and sexual misconduct, defends immigrants and refugees - and advocates renewed focus on the poor.(Quoting him) “Representatives of Christianity were buying into political agendas that very often do not reflect the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth,” Bishop Curry said.But the religious right is showing little sign of being moved.And Trump’s keen to keep them on side.Elections, he warned, (Quoting Donald Trump are) “a referendum on your religion, it’s a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment.”“We’re going to protect Christianity,” Trump declared. “I can say that. I don’t have to be politically correct.”This is what has begun with the presidency of Ronald Reagan, struggled through the next successive presidents, and then they found their man, their anointed one, in Donald Trump.So in 10 minutes I just want to quickly touch on some of the people that's behind this ‘Seven Mountain’ theology. So religious leaders, but I also want us to think about the political leaders. (To columns set up).We discussed David Barton. we discussed Lance Wallnau. there's others. We have talked extensively before about Paula White. She has been Donald Trump's spiritual advisor since before he was president and she is a Prosperity Gospel Dominionist speaker. Just a couple of weeks ago when there was really the crisis in America, you really were just first starting to see that this was going to be huge. The crisis regarding the systemic racism, combined with the coronavirus crisis. She spoke to Trump and many Evangelicals interpreted her words as prophetic. Paula White's Prophetic Word to President Donald Trump. This was May 10 2020.This might have been before, at least in the coronavirus crisis time.She prayed “over President Trump and first lady, vice president and second lady”. So Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and their wives. She then prayed over the administration, but she prayed directly over the President and the Vice President. She declared “Psalm 89:21: Let Your hand establish President Trump, and let Your arm strengthen him. I declare Psalm 98:1, that Your right hand and Your holy arm will give him (Trump) victory. We declare victory in the name of Jesus! Isaiah 58:11 says, 'Guide him continually.' And You said in Psalm 78:72 that You will guide him by the stillfullness of Your hand. [As] You declared in Psalm 43, send out Your light and truth and let him lead his household, his administration, in the name of Jesus."“Isaiah 58 says, now Lord we pray for your mercies, for they are new every morning. I declare new mercies for hospital workers, new mercies for doctors, nurses, CEOs, and employers, for the president, and vice president.”She goes through Isaiah chapter 43. “I ask the Lord to do a new thing in our nation by giving waters in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”“Malachi 4:2 says Jesus arise over the nation with healing in your wings.” And then the prophetic word.“President, one last word like David who had victory, after victory, after victory, after victory, would face his biggest battle; it was called Ziglag. And they would take his wives, and his children, and the city would be burned down, and he cried, and he wept and he began to pray out to God, and God gave him a word; and through fasting and praying, I believe this is the word for you and for this nation. The lord spoke to him and said pursue and go after them, and you shall without fail recover all.”“Sir, the word of the Lord, I believe for this nation, and for this administration is, you Donald Trump will recover all.”She is a leading Dominionist speaker, who's been behind Donald Trump from the very beginning. We could say, “Donald Trump responds well. Thank you very much Paula, incredible Paula, thank you.Other people then respond, but it's seen as her prophetic word to Donald Trump, and she's led all through his administration.Ralph Drollinger, while I’m up here, I’ll put Kenneth Copeland, but that there's many.(On Board under ‘Religious’ column, there is listed: David Barton, Lance Wallnau, Paula White, Ralph Drollinger, Kenneth Copeland.)And I want to move on to the people in his administration, so i'll just touch on it quickly. I might go into Ralph Dollinger in more detail at another time because he's very interesting what he does. He is the one that said that an institutional separation of church and state, does not mean an influential separation; so that the church controlling the government as one of the mountains, they are not the same institutions, but they are influencing the government. There's a protestant influence over everything the government just does. In that article where he says that, it's by ‘Capital Ministries’, it's directly a ministry that was created in 1996 to minister and convert those rising up in the political arena. If I could just go to this, and name out the sponsors of ‘Capital Ministries’, his article.Sponsors: Bible study sponsors, Vice President Mike Pence, Ben Carson, Betsy Devos, Sonny Perdue, Rick Perry, Mike Pompeo, Tom Price, Scott Pruitt, Jeff Sessions, Bill Cassidy, Stephen Danes, Johnny Ernst, James Langford, and it goes on for quite a while. Those are sponsors behind what Ralph Drollinger is teaching, and we know what he's teaching about the separation of church and state.He recently argued that the coronavirus was caused by the sin, the moral sin of the United States. It's the judgment of God for America’s immorality. He says, “these individuals who have a proclivity towards lesbianism and homosexuality and the religion of the environment, have infiltrated the US government. They have infiltrated high positions in the US government; the educational system, the media and entertainment industry, and are largely responsible for God's consequential wrath on our nation.” So it's these satanic actors that are responsible for the coronavirus, because it is the judgment of God. And, as you would expect, it's the work of the Protestant church to take that back.Kenneth Copeland, in a blog post, he wrote, “how to pray for the seven mountains of influence in America”.“If you're looking for a strategic and effective way to pray for the US, learn how to pray for the seven mountains of influence in America.”That was just the title of one of his blog posts.He said, (Kenneth Copeland), that the covid-19 pandemic has ended, or will soon end. He said, at one point, that God told him “that it would soon be over as Christian’s prayers have overwhelmed it, and that the pandemic was brought to America by displays of hate towards President Donald Trump by critics which had interfered with God's divine protection.” So, those who criticize Donald Trump are responsible for the coronavirus because, when they criticize Donald Trump, God can no longer have his divine protection over the United States.Now I’ll move quickly into the ‘Political’ arena. We already discussed him a little. You could say a lot about him. Mike Pence. He's considered one of the most dangerous, most radical of the protestants within the U.S. government, but I’ll move over him quickly.There's a couple of others we discussed before. Matthew Whitaker. He was the US attorney general before Bill Barr. You had Jeff Sessions, Matthew Whitaker, and Bill Barr. “Trump's attorney general once proposed banning non-religious people from being appointed to the judiciary.” We read that quote.Then you have Ted Cruz. His father is actually one of these dominionist preachers. His father is a pastor, and his father teaches the seven mountains mandate, which is why you have Ted Cruz's far right leaning political positions, and his position on church and state, and of course, he supports Donald Trump.Scott Pruitt. This one's interesting. These are the people Donald Trump is appointing to key areas within these mountains so to speak. Scott Pruitt had to resign in disgrace because he was shown to have financial indiscretions in his role, but Donald Trump had appointed him to the administer of the environmental protection agency. So he appointed him as minister over the environment. But if you believe in the seven mountains mandate, part of that, the reason they can't accept climate change, is they believe, we humans have dominion over the earth. So if we do something, and it causes a species to go extinct, or damage to the environment, who cares? It doesn't matter. That is our resource. It belongs to a human being.He said, he was a former trustee. By the way, the Southern Baptist theological seminary; so you already know the Southern Baptist connection, he said, “Americans who want stricter environmental standards, are contradicting the Bible. The biblical worldview, with respect to these issues, is that we have a responsibility to manage and cultivate, harvest the natural resources that we've been blessed with, to truly bless our fellow mankind. God wants humans to use natural gas and oil, not keep it in the ground.”So his whole perspective about the environment is framed about what he believes biblically. Those natural resources, that natural gas, is there for us, for a human being to use, and it's seen as an attack on what God gave us, to even suggest, or to bring in natural sources of energy.Interesting one. Ben Carson. It doesn't matter. It no longer matters if you're Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, or Adventist. It doesn't matter. Ben Carson said, “the US must not hide behind political correctness. We Americans must be proud of who we are. We cannot give away our values and principles for the sake of political correctness.” At a December camp meeting, Ben Carson was asked by Mr. Trump to say a prayer, thanking God for the recently passed tax cut bill. Mr. Trump also took a jab at the press pool and said, “you need the prayer more than I do. I think”, speaking to Mr. Carson he added, “may be a good prayer and I'll be honest Ben . . . .” Ben Carson responded by thanking the Almighty for a courageous president.“During the prayer, Carson thanked God for President Donald Trump, adding that he appreciates Trump's advisers who help us all to recognize as a nation that separation of church and state means that the church does not dominate the state, and it means that the state does not dominate the church.” That part is not so bad. But Carson followed with this: “It doesn't mean that they cannot work together to promote Godly principles.” He's saying the same thing. Okay, last one. Bill Barr. Why is Bill Barr so defensive of Donald Trump? It is because he is a dominionist. He did a famous speech a couple decades ago at the Notre Dame law school, in which “he blamed secularists for moral chaos, immense suffering, wreckage, and misery. It can be clear that no understanding of William Barr can be complete with without taking into account his views on the role of religion in society. The great evil doers in his speech were non-believers who are out on the streets ransacking everything that is good and holy. The solution to society's ills, Mr. Barr declared, come from faith.” Quoting him, “Judo-Christian moral standards are the ultimate utilitarian rules for human conduct. Religion helps frame moral culture within society that instills and reinforces moral discipline. The fact is that no secular creed has emerged capable of performing the role of religion.” What does America need? Religion. “Mr. Trump's presidency was not the cause of this anti-democratic movement in American politics, it was the consequence. He's the chosen instrument, not of God, but of today's Christian Nationalists.” Okay, truly last two. I’ll just put their names down. Betsy DeVos. What did Donald Trump put her in charge of? Education. Betsy DeVos, she'd never had a proper structural role in education before. She was taken from way down that mountain. Completely unqualified, and he put her at the top of it. She's a strong dominionist. Jeff Sessions. When Donald Trump was locking children in cages on the border with Mexico, how did Jeff Sessions defend him? He stood up front and opened the Bible to Paul’s epistle to the Romans, and quoted Romans to justify the separation of children from their parents. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, followed up with a reminder that it was very biblical to enforce the law. Just one word on Betsy DeVos, 2001, she did an interview for the gathering. A group focused on advancing Christian faith through philanthropy. She and her husband. Betsy DeVos replied and said, “there are not enough philanthropic dollars in America to fund what is currently the need in education. Our desire is to confront the culture in ways that will continue to advance God's kingdom.” Her husband says, “as we look at many communities in our country, the church has been displaced by the public school as the center for activity. It is certainly our hope that more and more churches will get more and more active and engaged in education.” She has then been a key supporter of ‘focus on the family’ and its founder and leader James Dobson.Dobson suggests that parents in some states pull their kids out of public schools, calling the curriculum Godless and immoral, arguing that Christian teachers should leave public schools. “I couldn't be in an organization that's supporting that kind of anti-Christian nonsense.” Dobson has also distributed a set of history lessons claiming that separating Christianity from government is virtually impossible, and would result in unthinkable damage to the nation and its people. She has been shown throughout her entire tenure, which is ongoing, as minister of education, to be favoring Christian schools, and encouraging Protestantism, to have a role Bible teaching, prayer in public schools in America. They already have the mountain of education under Betsy DeVos. So that's just a brief look. That's just some of those ninja sheep (referring to the names under the 2 columns ‘Religious’ and ‘Political’) with the names as Wallnau would call them, that have been bringing America back to this, as the article from the advertiser said, back to the 1260 time period of a church and state union. This is the secret society, if you want to call it that, that has been working in the background. It began around the 1970s, mid 1970s. It took part in all of that Moral Majority. They had their first win with Ronald Reagan, just like Jerry Farwell. It was all part of the one movement; died down a little, it's come back under Donald Trump.And we can see, that Adventism, whether it's Ben Carson, or Walter Veith, is on the wrong side of this issue. Walter Veith, he's been teaching this threat (Globalism) for so long. Now when you see this threat (Unilateralism) he cannot give a clear explanation for Donald Trump. He can't explain Donald Trump's attitude towards globalism because he's never seen that this (Unilateralism) is the threat at the end of the world that will take us to the Sunday Law.Just like the Apis Bull, they felt special, those Pharisees felt special. They would never have said that they had anything in common with these pagan nations around them. They saw themselves as set apart and special. Adventists do the same. We think we're set apart and special. But the thinking, the methodology, the conclusions that we have come to, through Walter Veith, through those that conservative conspiratorial branch, is the exact same world view that the protestants held and we were meant to come out of. It is our idolatry, and we're being called by this movement out of that idolatry. Anyone who does not come out of that idolatry, just like the Jewish nation through 70 AD, they will fall. Our only hope is parable teaching. If you kneel with me, we will close in prayer.Dear father in heaven, thank you for our blessings. Lord we can see what is happening in the United States. We can see how this Protestant so-called Moral Majority has done its work. Lord we know that there is a process by which that Republican horn is broken, that the Constitution and the restraints do not come down all at once. I pray Lord, that we will see that crumbling wall between church and state, realize the time that we're living in. There will be no other generation. There will be very few years now between where we stand and where that wall finally dissolves. Lord we can see what it's already doing in the United States and across the world as it divides two groups. It does become complex. We see that it impacts how people view the environment, how people view vaccines, how people view immigration, and sexism, and LGBT rights, and all of these other issues, because of the enforcing of so-called Christian morality. Lord it's as ancient Israel had a pagan view of their God, we have a Protestant view of your character, and we are so, so wrong. I pray Lord that you will help us correct this view, to see your character as it truly is, that we can justify you before the world, that we don't take part in their sin, but we call them out of it. Whatever part of our world view is wrong, whatever part of our view of your character is wrong, may we be willing to leave it behind. May we be willing to put it back in the Protestant churches where it belongs and call it idolatry. I pray this in Jesus name.Amen ................

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