Letterhead Template - Matt M -3-20

March 20, 2017 President Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 To President Trump and His Administration: I am writing to you to let you know that all of America - citizens, journalists, activists, partisan political professionals, your voters, people who are neutral, and your opponents, every ethnicity, religion, gender and sexuality - we are all watching every move you make and we will hold you accountable to the our nation. We will hold you accountable to the promises you made, and accountable to the constitution, the laws and the values that make America great – democracy, free speech, freedom, tolerance, unity, diversity, humanitarianism, kindness, knowledge, and truth. Concerned citizens - male and female, millennial and older, liberal and right-of-center, Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic - previously felt safe enough to mildly participate in our government from a distance. We voted, we made donations, we stayed informed, and we felt that our contributions were enough to protect the interests of the citizens of this nation. But now, with the advent of your administration, we believe that the ideals of democracy and individual freedom are under threat. We worry for the rights of our Muslim brothers and sisters, our LGBTQ friends and family, and people of color throughout this great country. We also worry for those who may have voted against their own interests: those who stand to lose their healthcare or who have been bamboozled by your false claims of protecting jobs. And we worry for every patriot affected by your ties with Russia and other financial conflicts of interest, by the profligacy of false news and the general disregard of real news, by the promotion of white supremacy, and by the danger of diplomacy via Twitter. And so, let this letter serve as notice that we will no longer participate in government from a distance. In addition to supporting already established groups such as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, or the Southern Poverty Law Center, we have developed several projects that require weekly or daily actions, with the goal of creating greater awareness and participation in government from those who stand in opposition to the tyranny that we see looming on the horizon from your administration. As such, expect to get letters EVERY SINGLE DAY of the first year of your presidency. Three hundred and sixty five citizens of this country will be letting you know how your policies affect them. Each month we will deliver these letters en masse to various news outlets, to let our message spread. Perhaps we will inspire others to take grassroots action as well. We may not have the power of the White House, but we do have the power of the people. And THAT is the ideal that this country was founded on. We are involved and we will hold you accountable. 716897144000Respectfully, Matt 2 ................

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