Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) - …

TRUSTEE ANNUAL CHECKLIST 3508375-59880500At the first meeting of trustees after a group AGM, the trustees should satisfy themselves that all RDA responsibilities for membership of the Association are in order. This checklist is intended as an aide memoire to remind group trustees of these requirements.Write YES in box to confirm items in order or N if they are not, and make short comment on actions taken to address or support needed by trustees.Y/NCommentAll group trustees have read the Essentials of RDA and are aware of their responsibilitiesThe group trustees have membership clearly defined and keep an up-to-date list of members of the groupGroup Risk Assessment kept securely with group records, to include access, venue, facilities, resources and updated at least annuallyGroup Accident/Incident Book readily available, with completion of all reports in line with RDA guidance and kept securely with group recordsFirst Aid kit readily available with up-to-date contents Name(s) of First Aider and Safeguarding Officer displayed at each session Group Insurance Certificate is displayed All rider/driver application forms complete and kept securely with group recordsUp-to-date list of all volunteers, with completed application forms, references and enhanced disclosure checks, kept securely with group recordsVolunteer Green Cards, completed as relevant, for all volunteers including teachers, helpers and parents who are active in group sessionsGroup Child / Adult at Risk Protection Policy available for all to seeAll group coaches registered with National Office and trustees aware of their qualification level and when their reviews are due; ensuring sessions are run only by coaches within review date.All group coaches in possession of completed Log Books, showing all training including their current safeguarding certificate, and all rider records kept up-to-pleted by:RDA GroupName: Position in Group(should be Trustee)Signature:Date:This checklist should be copied and returned with the confirmation of Trustees and Group Roles to National Office. The original should be retained on group files. ................

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