We’ve tried to avoid jargon in KeyStone but there …

| |Statement |Use this space to record any actions you|We do |We can |Complete |

| | |need to take and/or the locations of |it |prove it |(initialled |

| | |your evidence | | |and dated by |

| | | | | |assessor) |

|1.2 |If you are a registered charity you know your | | | | |

| |charity number. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Charity number | | | | |

|1.3 |Your committee members are appointed, resign | | | | |

| |or retire according to your governing document| | | | |

| |and you keep appropriate records. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |List of committee members | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Governing document | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Annual report | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |AGM and committee minutes | | | | |

|1.4 |Your meetings and Annual General Meetings are | | | | |

| |held as stipulated in the governing document. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Governing document | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Minutes | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |AGM minutes | | | | |

|1.5 |Your committee members understand their roles,| | | | |

| |responsibilities and powers. Any conflicts of | | | | |

| |interest are declared and managed. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Declarations of interest | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Minutes | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Register of committee members interests | | | | |

|1.6 |Your committee members ensure that the | | | | |

| |organisation meets its legal and | | | | |

| |constitutional requirements. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Members and trustee lists | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |OSCR/Companies House annual returns | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Committee members declaration forms | | | | |

|1.7 |You know where to get help and advice for your| | | | |

| |organisation. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Telephone numbers and websites of helpful | | | | |

| |organisations | | | | |

|1.8 |Your organisation has clear aims and purposes.| | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Mission statement | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Governing document | | | | |

|1.9 |Key documents are kept safely and securely and| | | | |

| |you know where they are. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Examples of evidence include: | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Folder of key documents | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Notes on where documents kept | | | | |

Section 1 complete (

Signed (assessor)

Assessor name


| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.1 |You know where your governing document is, make sure all committee members have a copy and refer to it as necessary |

| |Your governing document may be a constitution, |SCVO - Governance and structures |

| |Memorandum and Articles of Association or Trust Deed. | |

| |Ownership | |

| | | |

| |For some halls the property is held in Trust with |Your local Third Sector Interface or Council for Voluntary |

| |nominated individuals on behalf of the community and |Service can help you understand your governing document. |

| |appoints a management committee to manage the |

| |day-to-day operation of the hall. In this case it is |tact-details/ |

| |important to refer to both the Trust Deed and | |

| |management committee constitution. |SCVO – Recruitment and induction |

| | |

| |Whatever form your governing document takes it is |uitment-induction |

| |important because it is the legal document that sets | |

| |out the rules for your organisation and it should be | |

| |available for reference at committee meetings. | |

| | | |

| |Induction will help new committee members get up to | |

| |speed with their role, the organisation and their legal| |

| |responsibilities. | |

|1.2 |If you are a registered charity you know what your charity number is… |

| |It is important to understand whether you are |You can search the OSCR database for records of your |

| |registered as a charity or not as charities are |organisation and find your charity number if you are |

| |regulated by the Office of the Charity Regulator (OSCR)|registered |

| |and bound by the Charity and Trustee Investment |.uk |

| |(Scotland) Act 2005. | |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.3 |Your committee members are appointed, resign or retire according to your governing document and you keep appropriate |

| |records |

| |Refer to your governing document for process when your | |

| |committee changes. | |

| |If you are a charity or a Company Ltd by Guarantee you MUST |Office of the Scottish Charity regulator |

| |keep written records/minutes of all appointments, elections, |

| |retirements or removals. It is also good practice to record |d-good-practice-for-charity-trustees/ |

| |when their term is up and if they are eligible to stand again. | |

| |Your annual report that forms part of your accounts to OSCR |Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |will also record your committee members (charity trustees). |.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| | | |

| | |Your local Third Sector Interface or Council for |

| | |Voluntary Service can help you understand what you |

| | |need to do. |

| | |

| | |ces-contact-details/ |

| |If you are a company you should inform Companies House of |Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |changes to directors within 14 days of it taking place using |.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| |the appropriate forms. | |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.4 |Your Meetings and Annual General Meetings are held as stipulated in the governing document |

| |You should meet as set out in your governing document. |Your local Third Sector Interface or Council for Voluntary |

| |If what is set out is no longer practical or reasonable|Service can help you amend your governing document. |

| |for the effective running of the organisation then you | |

| |should consider amending your governing document. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |SCVO Guide to Constitutions and Charitable Status gives |

| | |information on governing documents |

| | |.uk/setting-up-a-charity/write-your-constitution/|

| |You keep records of minutes which record attendance, |SCVO – Meetings |

| |order of business, decisions and actions. They are |

| |signed when approved/agreed and as set out in the |ings |

| |governing document. | |

| | |Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |If you are a company limited by guarantee you MUST keep|.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| |your minutes for ten years but it is good practice to | |

| |keep them at least for as long as the company exists, | |

| |as a record of the organisation's past. | |

| | | |

| |For non-companies, there is no statutory period to keep| |

| |minute books but good practice suggests they should be | |

| |kept for as long as the organisation exists. | |

| |All your committee and general meetings are quorate. |SCVO - Meetings |

| |Your governing document may set out rules for making |

| |decisions in an emergency or when meetings are not |ings |

| |quorate. | |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.5 |Your committee members understand their roles, responsibilities and powers. Any conflicts of interest are declared |

| |and managed. |

| |All committee members are equally responsible for |SCVO – Roles and Responsibilities |

| |decisions made by the committee. | |

| | | |

| |If you are a charity your committee members (charity |All your committee members should have a copy of OSCR |

| |trustees) have duties and responsibilities under the |Guidance and good practice for Charity Trustees |

| |Charities and Trustee Investment Act (Scotland) 2005 |

| |which they should understand. |practice-for-charity-trustees/ |

| | | |

| | |Your local Third Sector Interface or Council for Voluntary |

| | |Service can often offer committee member training |

| | |

| | |tact-details/ |

| |If you are a company your directors have duties and |Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |responsibilities under the Companies Act 2006. |.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.5 |Your committee members understand their roles, responsibilities and powers. Any conflicts of interest are declared |

| |and managed. |

| |Your committee members should declare all interests in |All your committee members should have a copy of OSCR |

| |other organisations and businesses that could conflict |Guidance and good practice for Charity Trustees |

| |with their role. They should be aware of conflicts of |

| |interest caused by family relations. |practice-for-charity-trustees/ |

| | | |

| |The OSCR Charity Trustee declaration form for new |OSCR charity trustee declaration form |

| |charities could be used as a template for a form that |

| |all charity trustees sign. |s/trustee-declaration-form |

| | | |

| | |Template for conflict of interest policy and simple form to |

| | |record members’ interests |

| | |.uk/sample-documents/conflict-of-inter|

| | |est/ |

| | | |

| | |Your local Third Sector Interface or Council for Voluntary |

| | |Service may be able to help you understand conflict of |

| | |interest |

| | |

| | |tact-details/ |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.6 |Your committee members ensure that the organisation meets its legal and constitutional requirements |

| |If you are a charity you MUST keep a list of all |Guidance and good practice for Charity Trustees |

| |committee members’ names and addresses, when they came |

| |into office and when they resign. |practice-for-charity-trustees/ |

| |If you are a company you MUST keep a register of | |

| |members and directors and inform Companies House of any|Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |changes to your directors. |.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| |You MUST ensure that you complete OSCR or Companies |Gov.UK – Running a limited company |

| |House (if applicable) annual returns and accounts on |.uk/running-a-limited-company |

| |time. | |

| | |OSCR Annual Monitoring |

| | | |

| |If you are a charity or a company (or both) there are a|OSCR guidance and good practice for charity trustees |

| |number of things that can disqualify a person from |

| |being a director or charity trustee. It is the |practice-for-charity-trustees/ |

| |responsibility of both the individual disqualified and | |

| |the other charity trustees or directors to collectively|OSCR require charity trustees setting up a new charity to |

| |to ensure that no charity trustees or directors are |fill in a Charity Trustee Declaration Form. This could be |

| |disqualified. It is good practice for prospective |adapted for prospective new trustees. |

| |charity trustees or directors to sign a form before |

| |their election to confirm that they are not |s/trustee-declaration-form |

| |disqualified from acting as a charity trustee or | |

| |director. | |

| |If you are a charity your committee members can’t be |SCVO payment of committee members |

| |paid for the work they do as committee members but |.uk/long-form-posts/setting-up-a-charity-faqs/ |

| |under certain circumstance may be paid for particular | |

| |services. They can, of course, be reimbursed out of |OSCR Charity Trustee Remuneration. |

| |pocket expenses incurred as committee members. |

| | |stee-remuneration/ |

| |Things to think about |Where to get help |

|1.7 |You know where to get help and advice for your organisation |

| |You can get help from a number of sources. Don’t be afraid to ask! |

| |Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) support voluntary |Find third sector interfaces and TSI |

| |organisations locally throughout Scotland. |

| | |tact-details/ |

| |The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)|SCVO website |

| |supports voluntary organisations nationally. |.uk |

| | | |

| |Local Rural Partnerships support voluntary |Try searching online for Local Rural Partnership in your area|

| |organisations in some areas. | |

| |Local Authorities can be helpful – try community |Local Authority directory |

| |learning or external funding teams |.uk |

| |Funding Scotland is a free funding search for the third| |

| |sector in Scotland. | |

|1.8 |Your organisation has clear aims and purposes |

| |Everything you do should fall within the objects of |Your local Third Sector Interface can help you review your |

| |your governing document. If it doesn’t then it’s time |governing document |

| |for a review. |

| | |tact-details/ |

| | | |

| | |SCVO’s Guide to Constitutions and Charitable Status can help |

| | |you understand and review your governing document |

| | |.uk/setting-up-a-charity/ |

| |It’s helpful to have a mission statement that clearly |DIY Committee Guide |

| |defines what your organisation aims to do, who the | |

| |beneficiaries are and how you will do it. | |

|1.9 |Key documents are kept safely and securely and you know where they are |

| |It’s important that key documents are kept together, |You can use the KeyStone folder to store your documents |

| |that the committee members know where they are and they|and/or note where they are kept |

| |are passed on to new committee members. | |




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