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PRAYING THE PROMISES OF GOD2019 Fasting & Prayer BulletinNEIL ACHEAMPONGINTRODUCTIONIn Isaiah 62:6-7, we read “O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls who shall cry to God all day and all night for the fulfillment of His promises. Take no rest, all you who pray, and give God no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her respected and admired throughout the earth.” (Living Bible).Let us focus on four words or phrases in the above text: First, “Watchmen". Second, “cry to God all day and all night”. Third, “fulfillment” and fourth, “His promises”. Let us try to understand these words and phrases. First, watchmen; in ancient Israel, watchmen were stationed on the city walls to help sound the alarm when there is an approaching enemy1. The context of Isaiah 62 reveals that righteous Israelites like the watchmen were to be alert and sound the alarm when the enemy is about to attack. Just as the watchmen were alert to the approaching enemy, the watchmen of our time must be alert to the attack of our adversary the devil. So, it clear that the watchmen of our time are intercessors who are alert to the attack of the enemy against God’s people. Secondly, the phrase “crying to God all day and all night” is a reference to prayer and thirdly the word “fulfillment” means something coming to fruition. Fourthly, the phrase “His Promises” refers to the promises of God. It is clear then that the prophet is calling on the watchmen to pray day and night until the promises of God become a reality. This introduces us to pray the promises of God.Promises are often a reflection of a person’s will or his desire. This means when we pray the promise of God, we are praying according to the desire and will of God. This prayer guide is written to help you focus on using the Promises of God in the Bible as prayer points.As we begin our 2019 first fruit fast, our corporate prayer sessions will follow this structure. Corporate Prayer Session StructureWorshipRepentanceExplain the focus of the dayPrayer time ThanksgivingAfter reading the promise use the phrases in the scripture text as your prayer points. Apply the promise to specific situations that are related to the focus listed for that specific day. Please remember that these prayer points are meant to be a guide. So, I encourage you to allow God to refine your prayer points and prayer language as you continue to seek him daily. If you are leading a corporate prayer, I ask that you don’t deviate from them completely. Thank You21 DAYS FASTING GUIDEINTRODUCTION?Biblical fasting is refraining from food for spiritual purposes. This takes a lot of discipline and strength. Let me illustrate it this way. If you decide to diet it will take a lot of discipline and it is the same way except that in fasting you spend these times of refraining from food to pray. We believe that, as we pray and seek God and give Him our best, He will bless our ENTIRE year.OUR CORPORATE FOCUSFasting & Praying for COMPLETE VICTORY in our lives –?2Kings 13:14-19WHAT TO EATFruits, Vegetables, Juices, WaterWHY DO I NEED TO FAST?Maybe you are wondering, why do I need to fast. Here are a few reasons that may necessitate a fastDo you desire to know God's will for your life?Is there a dream inside you that only God can make possible?Do you desire a deeper and powerful relationship with the Lord?Are you in need of a fresh encounter?Do you want to develop sensitivity to the things of God?Do you need deliverance from curses & bondage?Are you in need of healing or a miracle for yourself or someone?SCRIPTURE REFERENCESMatthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14; 1 Samuel 7:5-6, Ezra 8:21-23, Nehemiah 9:1-3, Joel 2:15-16, Jonah 3:5-10, Acts?27:33-37TYPES OF FASTINGThroughout the scriptures, there are different kinds of fastsFull Fast - You drink only liquids for days that you determineDaniel Fast – You eat no meat, no sweets, and no bread but drink water, eat fruits, vegetables and the like (Daniel 1:12; 10:3)Partial Fast - A partial fast is from a certain time to another time as you will determine.QUICK TIPSHow to Begin: Ask yourself why you’re fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues etc.??Preparing Spiritually: Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Luke 11:4; 17:3-4).Deciding What to Fast: The type of fasting you choose is up to you. Only remember to replace that time with prayer and Bible study.What to Expect: When you fast, your body detoxifies and this can cause mild discomforts such as headaches, irritability and hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Spend time listening to praise and worship CD'S. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God's face. How to End: Don't overeat, begin eating solid food gradually; eat small portions or snacks.?CORPORATE PRAYER?DURING THE FASTPRAYER TIMES: Daily prayer from 5am-6am; 12pm-1pm; 5pm-6pm; 10pm-11pm.Meeting Place:Monday's – Friday’s & Saturday's on the Phone: Dial 641?715 0696 and enter code 672478# to join prayer conference over the phone. You can also pray @ your meal times if none of our corporate prayer times work for you.Thursday’s at the church from 6pm-8pm. Rest of the day on the phone Sunday's at the church?from 9-11am. Rest of day on the phoneMedical Advice:CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU ARE ON MEDICATION.?BUT I CHALLENGE YOU TO TRUST GOD AT THIS TIME AS WE FAST?&?PRAY FOR GOD TO HEAL YOU.?21 DAYS PRAYER GUIDEFor Corporate Prayer Times over the Prayer Conference LineDial 641 715 0696 and enter code 672478# to join DAILY PRAYER @ 5am - 6am, 12noon -1pm, 5pm - 6pm & 10om - 11pmIf you were charged, here are a few ways to join the prayer conference lineDial 515 7391032 and then dial 641 715 0696 and enter code 672478# ORDial 857 957 1145 and then dial 641 715 0696 and enter code 672478# ORDownload “InteliDial” app and dial 641 715 0696 and enter code 672478#Monday, January 7, 2019DAY 1: CONFESSING OUR SINS 1 John 1:8-9PRAYER POINTSFather, as I set my heart to seek your face in prayer and fasting, I ask you to forgive my rebellious ways. Lord, you said if I confess my sins you will forgive. Lord, I plead your mercy and forgiveness. Forgive me of the things I did that I even knew it was wrong – 1 John 1:8-9I plead for my sins because there is forgiveness with you – Psalm 13-:3-4Lord, I thank you that you have not dealt with me according to my sin but on the basis of mercy – Psalm 103:10-12Father I know I have been forgiven because of your mercy which is so great and you have removed my sins from me.Lord, I am returning to You. May my heart desire to please you at all times -2 Chronicles 30:9 Lord, I want to feel conviction. Convict me of sin when I am involved in anything that is against your will.Lord, sanctify me. Lord bring me to a place that nothing else will satisfy me except your Holy Spirit. Fill me with the Holy Spirit today.Lord, help me to live in the Spirit. I’m tired of living where everybody else is. I don’t want to be like everybody else.Empower me to stay strong through the physical challenge of the fast and to grow stronger in my faith. All I need is you. I confess that you alone are my Strength, O God.Father, develop in our love for truth and peace as we fast. May our hearts truly love peace even with those we disagree.Father, we ask that your Holy Spirit will bring revival and spiritual renewal as we fast this month to us as individuals and as a churchTuesdays, January 8, 2019DAY 2: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR INDIVIDUALSEphesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSLord, I pray for spiritual brokenness, deep conviction of sin, and genuine repentance in my life because that is how an awakening begins – Acts 3:19Lord, I pray that I will awake out of my sleep to you and to spiritual things. I rise from the bed of sin: immorality, greed, rebellion, insensitivity to the Holy Spirit, etc. – Ephesians 5:14Father, I pray that you bestow a spiritual-hunger in my heart and draw me to fervent intercession.Like Epaphras, Lord make meA worker for you (Colossians 1:7-8)A faithful servant (Colossians 1:7-8)A bearer of good news (Colossians 1:7-8)A person of prayer (Colossians 4:12)A true missionary ((Colossians 4:13) Wednesday, January 9, 2019 DAY 3: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR OUR CHILDREN Ephesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSLord, I pray for spiritual brokenness, deep conviction of sin, and genuine repentance in our children because that is how an awakening begins. Lord, I pray that my children and other children will be awakened to spiritual things. Let there be a hunger and thirst in them to seek you. Holy Spirit falls on them and baptizes them with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Cause our children and young people to become a beacon of light in their generation. May they find their identity in Christ and not in some sports or Hollywood “role model”. We speak against, rebellion, drugs, alcohol, violence, sexual immorality, peer pressure and the spread of occultism through the computer and tablet screens. We pray especially for the problem of opioids in Frederick County and surrounding towns. Thursday, January 10, 2019 DAY 4: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR OUR CHURCHES Ephesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSLord, I pray for spiritual brokenness, deep conviction of sin, and genuine repentance in churches because that is how an awakening begins.Lord, awaken the church in America and all across the nations of the world to your perspective. May we are focused on your agenda and not ours.Father, we pray that spiritual leaders will recognize the great need for spiritual awakening in our time because many are asleep to the things of God. When Pastors stand to preach take over so they cannot say what they want or mislead the people.Let a spirit of repentance sweep across churches in this nation and other nations of the world.Show us the sin that so easily entangles and help us to lay them aside. We declare greater intimacy in the life of churchgoers.We ask for forgiveness for any apathy toward prayer and the sharing of Jesus with others. Lord, give unto your church a fervent desire for love and unity and let there be a deep harmony among believers. We pray for healing for those who are hurt and help us to stop unnecessary competition among us. (John 13:35)Lord, we pray that you pour out your Spirit like a mighty purifying flood. Purify our motives as we pray for revival. We desire nothing but your glory and kingdom increase.Friday, January 11, 2019 DAY 5: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Ephesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSFather, we pray that every government position would be held by a leader chosen and appointed by you. Have your hand in the process of elections and appointments.Lord, we pray that the local and national governments of nations would promote peace in communities. (Use some NAMES and pray for government officials). Pray for the salvation of government leaders. Let Your Gospel go forth in local, national, and international governments so that the world might be transformed.Father, we pray, moral proceedings at all levels of government. Direct government leaders to protect what is good and to fight against what is evil. We pray for Judges to uphold the truth.Lord, we pray that you guard the hearts and minds of government leaders. Keep their hands from corruption and bribery. Let them stand for truth and pursue the good of the people they represent.We pray that you would establish order in nations where there is political unrest. Raise up godly leaders and replace government officials who inflict oppression. Father use all levels of government to accomplish the things of your desire.Teach me to respect and honor those in government authority over me. Show me how to glorify you in my interaction with my local and national government.Saturday, January 12, 2019 DAY 6: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR EDUCATORS Ephesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSFather, we know that you are the author of all true knowledge and that it is you who gave humankind the ability to acquire that knowledge… We also know, O Lord, that some knowledge can bring great good, and some can be used to cause much evil…Thank you, Lord, for those who are involved in the process of education committed to teaching your righteous way. Strengthen them and use them more.We pray today especially for the content of textbooks that school systems use to educate our youth. May those who author and compile these texts overcome any bias that may distort the truth.Father, we ask that institutions of education would the worth and necessity of creating a climate of righteousness and justice as foundational to all they impart to their students.Lord, we ask that you will give us wise and righteous teachers and professors at all levels of learning, opening doors, especially for Christian educators to expand their influences.Reveal to these educators that the true source of knowledge can only be found in understanding your ways and purposes through the fear and reverence for who you are.We pray for students of all ages to discover these realities and that a revival among the youth will sweep across the nations of the world through many institutions of learning.Father, raise up bands of praying students on campuses everywhere, who will seek you, even day and night, for an awakening on campuses everywhere.Sunday, January 13, 2019 DAY 7: DEVELOPING A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT & PRAY FOR GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRITGalatians 5:16 PRAYER POINTSLord, I lift up the issue of our willingness to be led by Your Spirit. Holy Spirit, show us any way we are grieving, quenching or resisting You. Convict us and help us to maintain a daily relationship with you. Help us keep in step with You as we live by You. Reign in us so that we experience Your freedom. Use the following scriptures in prayer: Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Acts 7:51; John 16:8; Psalms 143:10; Galatians 5:25; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:18; Romans 8:6We eagerly desire and strive for spiritual gifts. Show us the gift that we have been given(1Corin. 12:31; 14:1,39)Pray against counterfeit of the gifts of the Spirit in your life and that of the church universal (2nd Corinthians 11:14)Lord to help us nurture and develop the motivational gifts in our livesFather, we ask you to help us minister to one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. (1st Peter 4:10)I Pray for those who have the gift of speaking in tongues to pray to receive the interpretation for the edification of the church. (1st Corinthians 14:13)Monday, January 14, 2019 DAY 8: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR NEWS MEDIA/TALK SHOW Ephesians 5:14PRAYER POINTSO Lord, would you, in your sovereignty, purify all forms of media so that the things the world sees, hears, reads, and watches would be glorifying to you. I ask that you would use the media as your tool to show the world the riches of your grace and kindness.Father, we pray that you will use publishers of newspapers and magazines as well as Internet websites to report in such a manner that is ethically and morally sound. We ask that you will redeem the media to advance your kingdom. Claim the same for the television industry. We pray for the promotion of MEDIA in a significant way to spread the Gospel globally. Especially pray for the growing influence of the Internet and social networking. We pray against the spread of pornography on the Internet and that God will cause those who “surf” the Internet to come upon godly websites that draw them to salvation in Jesus Christ.Father, help us to guard our hearts and minds against all evil and impurity in the media. Help us to be disciplined in controlling what we are watching and hearing daily from all forms of media. (Mark 4:24) Tuesday, January 15, 2019 DAY 9: REFRESHING & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING FOR ARTS ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS PRAYER POINTSEphesians 4:17-24Father, I grieve with your heart over those who are separated from you because they live in darkness, the eyes of their hearts blind to you. So often, figures in the arts and entertainment industries seem lost from you, walking instead of in the ways of the world.Sometimes stubbornness against you and your ways is glorified, and the industry is often marked by an immoral quest for wealth and fame.But you, O Lord, have called us to live Christ-like lives that draw others to you, rejecting our old ways and living in holiness that marks us as yours. Father, I ask that you would help your people stand firm in holiness—especially those in the arts and entertainment industries.Make them shining examples of your righteousness and holiness so that the world might be drawn to you through their work and performance as they reflect you.Philippians 4:8-9Lord, you are the creator of all things, and you have made us in your image so that we are creative as you. Today I pray that your Spirit would fill and inspire the arts and entertainment industries so that the things we create and celebrate would reflect your beauty and purity. Let creativity lead the world back to you, the creator.As we create, teach us to emulate your love always, O Lord, and fill us with your peace so that we can share it with othersWednesday, January 16, 2019DAY 10: BLESSING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITIES Jeremiah 29:4-7PRAYER POINTSFather, I thank you for the neighborhood and community around me. Today, I bring the people of my community before you. I ask that you would make me a light of your love and a blessing to the people who live and work around me – Jeremiah 29:4-5I pray for each family and individual in my neighborhood. Make yourself known to them and let them receive your salvation – Jeremiah 29:6Call out more believers in my community to pray for your Gospel to go forth among the people here – Jeremiah 29:6Give me insight as I pray for my neighborhood so that I might intercede specifically and with understanding. Guide me as I pray – Jeremiah 29:7O Lord, I pray that you would help me to be obedient to you in every way. Teach me to live according to your ways and to glorify you in everything I do – Deuteronomy 28:1-2Make me an example of who you are to those who live and work around me. I want to be a light shining for you so that all those around me might see and come to you – Deuteronomy 28:1-2I ask, Father, for opportunities to bless and serve the community around me. Open my eyes to see needs that I might be able to meet and to practical ways, I can bless the people who live here – Deuteronomy 28:3-5Open doors for me to establish relationships so that I can share your love and kindness – Deuteronomy 28:3-5Lord, I pray against anyone or anything that might harm my neighborhood or community. Protect the families and individuals who live here from the physical and spiritual attacks of the enemy. Let them find their security in you - Deuteronomy 28:6-7Bless the land and the homes of my neighborhood, Father. Be the God of each person who lives here. Fill my community with joy and peace as the people here seek you - Deuteronomy 28:8Thursday, January 17, 2019DAY 11: GIVE US GRACE AND FAVOR Psalm 5:12PRAYER POINTSFather, we thank you that it is our year of Grace (undeserved favor). And we declare we are walking in the undeserved favor of God at all times- Jan., Feb., etc.Because of the year of undeserved favor, We declare we will experience supernatural increase and promotion – Genesis 39:21We declare restoration of everything that the enemy?has stolen from us –Exodus 3:21We declare that we would be honored in the midst of our enemies – Exodus 11:3 We declare increased assets, especially in the area of real estate –Deuteronomy 33:23We declare great victories in the midst of great impossibilities – Joshua 11:20We declare recognition even when we seem the least likely to receive it – 1st Samuel 16:22We declare prominence and preferential treatment - Esther 2:17We declare our petitions granted even by ungodly civil authorities – Esther 5:8We declare a reversal of policies, rules, regulations, and laws, to our advantage –Esther 8:5We declare that we will win our battles because God will fight for us – Psalm 44:3Father,Friday, January 18, 2019DAY 12: AFFIRMING THE PRESENCE OF GOD WITH US Deuteronomy 31:8PRAYER POINTSLord, we thank you that you are one who goes before us. Lead us in every circumstance we find ourselves – Deuteronomy 31:8In Jesus name, I declare that in the midst of my valley experiences I will fear no evil – Psalm 23:4I declare that in the midst of my valley experiences your presence will be real to me – Psalm 23:4I confess that when I pass through the waters(problem), you O! God will be with me; And when I go through the rivers, they shall not overflow meu. When I walk through the fire, I will not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch me – Isaiah 43:2Father, you promise in your word that you will be with me even when I am attacked. Show me how to deal with my attackers – Acts 18:9-10Thank you, father, that you will never leave me nor forsake me all the days of my life – Hebrews 13:5Saturday, January 19, 2019DAY 13: POLICE FIREFIGHTERS, AND OTHERS WHO SERVE IN OUR COMMUNITYMark 9:35PRAYER POINTSPhilippians 2:1-10I thank you, Father, for the privilege of knowing you and being part of your family. Today I pray on behalf of civil servants who work in various levels of public service offices and operations.I thank you for the work they do, and I pray that their hearts would be sensitive to the people and communities they serve so that they would place the interests of others before their own. I pray specifically for those I know by name.As Christ so humbly came to the earth to serve the world, I pray that these workers would humbly perform their jobs in service to the people. Give them wisdom as they make decisions and perform tasks that affect their communities.Protect those who place themselves in the line of danger for the sake of their communities, Father. Keep them and their families secure in you and give them discernment and strength when they encounter perilous situations.I pray that through the work of these civil servants in public affairs, you would be glorified. Let the name of Jesus be lifted high in my nation through the example of those who serve our communities.Galatians 5:13-15Father, we are grateful for civil servants who choose to dedicate their lives to the work of caring for their communities. I pray especially for Christian workers in these fields.Give them opportunities to speak of your love as they serve others. I pray that they would always stand for what is right.Keep the hands of all civil servants from corruption and pour out your blessing on them as they serve and care for others.Sunday, January 20, 2019DAY 14: DEVELOPING A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT & PRAY FOR GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRITGalatians 5:16 PRAYER POINTSLord, I lift up the issue of our willingness to be led by Your Spirit. Holy Spirit, show us any way we are grieving, quenching or resisting You. Convict us and help us to maintain a daily relationship with you. Help us keep in step with You as we live by You. Reign in us so that we experience Your freedom. Use the following scriptures in prayer: Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Acts 7:51; John 16:8; Psalms 143:10; Galatians 5:25; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:18; Romans 8:6We eagerly desire and strive for spiritual gifts. Show us the gift that we have been given(1Corin. 12:31; 14:1,39)Pray against counterfeit of the gifts of the Spirit in your life and that of the church universal (2nd Corinthians 11:14)Lord to help us nurture and develop the motivational gifts in our livesFather, we ask you to help us minister to one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. (1st Peter 4:10)I Pray for those who have the gift of speaking in tongues to pray to receive the interpretation for the edification of the church. (1st Corinthians 14:13)Monday, January 21, 2019DAY 15: CHARITIES, NON-PROFITS, NGO’S Matthew 25:35PRAYER POINTSFather, today I lift up organizations that serve those in need of humanitarian aid—charities, nonprofits, and NGOs around the world. Thank you that such groups exist to do this work of caring for the physical needs of your children.Luke 10:30-37So many people in so many countries need basic necessities and care, and I thank you that so many ministries exist to ensure that they are not overlooked. Give these ministries eyes to see the true needs of the people they serve.Give your heart of compassion and grace to these humanitarian ministries, Lord, and give them opportunities to speak of your love.Bless these ministries with strategies and resources, Father. I pray that they would have the workers and volunteers they need and the means to meet the needs they encounter. Give them wisdom and discernment to make decisions that benefit those they serve. Help them understand cultural and social dynamics when they work in foreign nations.And Lord, let the Gospel go forth in the work of these groups. As they meet physical needs, help them identify and meet spiritual needs. Let them mirror you in everything they do.Matthew 25:32-36I pray, Father, overall the volunteers and workers of humanitarian ministries. Guard them as they travel into war-torn and poverty-stricken areas. I pray specifically for ministries and people I know by name. Protect them so that they can care for others.I pray that the work of these humanitarian ministries would be pure and saturated by the Gospel. Let all work done in your name be glorifying and pleasing to you.Lord, help those laboring with these ministries to see you in the faces of the people they care for. Thank you for allowing us to encounter you in our relationships with others, Father, and help us treat people with the love and respect you desire.Proverbs 3:27-29I ask, Lord, for an abundance of resources for humanitarian ministries. I pray that they would be able to meet the needs they encounter.Keep these ministries faithful as they use the resources you entrust to them. I also ask for unique opportunities to share the Gospel where it might otherwise have been prohibited.Let your love pour through these humanitarian workers so that the impoverished and unstable areas in which they work might be completely transformed for your glory.Tuesday, January 22, 2019DAY 16: BETTER PRAYER LIFE John 15:4-5; 1 Samuel 12:23 PRAYER POINTSLord, you said if Your Word abides in us, we could ask what we will and it shall be done. So, Lord let our will conform to your will. Do what you want in our lives. (Luke 22:42)We are asking You, Father, to put on us a new mantle for prayer. Teach us how to abide in Your presence daily.Lord make us intercessors who are willing to be emptied, broken, made anew, and filled with living breath. Let us become intercessors fashioned in Your love.We ask you, heavenly father, that we will be persistent in our prayers until each task is done.Lord let our prayers be a constant flow as we represent others to you and plead their cause. Let us not give up praying for others.Wednesday, January 23, 2019DAY 17: VICTORY IN EVERY SITUATION 1 John 5:4PRAYER POINTSFather, we declare that we are overcomers. Our faith makes us overcomers, not our feelings. You are with us now as You have been and forever shall be. We praise You for total victory. We are driving the devil out.In the name of Jesus, We command every stronghold of Satan in our lives and our family to be pulled down – 2 Corinthians 10:5We decree and declare that every foundation of Satan in our lives be uprooted in Jesus nameEvery assignment of evil forces against our lives be terminated in Jesus name - Zechariah 3:1Father, we unlock all prison doors that are holding those who have been sent to help us. We demand their release in Jesus name – Daniel 10:12-13We demand the return of lost inheritance, health, wealth, fame, and spiritual dominion. Deuteronomy 28:1-14.Thursday, January 24, 2019DAY 18: DEVELOPING A RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Galatians 5:16 PRAYER POINTSLord, I lift up the issue of our willingness to be led by Your Spirit. Holy Spirit, show us any way we are grieving, quenching or resisting You. Convict us and help us to maintain a daily relationship with you. Help us keep in step with You as we live by You. Reign in us so that we experience Your freedom. Use the following scriptures in prayer: Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; Acts 7:51; John 16:8; Psalms 143:10; Galatians 5:25; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:18; Romans 8:6We eagerly desire and strive for spiritual gifts. Show us the gift that we have been given(1Corin. 12:31; 14:1,39)Pray against counterfeit of the gifts of the Spirit in your life and that of the church universal (2nd Corinthians 11:14)Lord to help us nurture and develop the motivational gifts in our livesFather, we ask you to help us minister to one another in the power of the Holy Spirit. (1st Peter 4:10)I Pray for those who have the gift of speaking in tongues to pray to receive the interpretation for the edification of the church. (1st Corinthians 14:13)Friday, January 25, 2019DAY 19: DEMOLISHING EVIL ALTARS SPEAKING INTO OUR LIVES Judges 6:25 PRAYER POINTS: Father in Jesus we declare that every altar that influences our lives will be cast down (rent) in Jesus. (1Kings 13:2)We declare that the offerings, sacrifices, and proclamations from these altars stop in Jesus name. (1 Kings 13:1,4)May the hand of the Satanic Priest(s) who minister at these altars be paralyzed. May they never see the light of day until they have repented. (1 Kings 13:4,6)Father as we pray this 21days, may our prayers that come before your throne be mixed with incense from the altar that is before the throne of God and let it thunder on earth until all these evil altars are cast down. (Revelation 8:3-5)As families, we raise an altar unto the Lord in our homes. And may our altars be linked with the altar in heaven before the throne. (Judges 6:26 & Revelation 9:13)Saturday, January 26, 2019DAY 20: FINANCIAL STABILITY & DISCIPLINEDeuteronomy 28:7-12; Isaiah 48:17; Psalm 35:27; Psalm 84:11; Proverbs 13:22PRAYER POINTSLord, you said, you would bless the work of my hands so I can pay my debts and live on the rest. On the basis of that word, I break the yoke of borrowing and the yoke of overspending from my life. (Deuteronomy 28:12; Psalm 35:27).Father, give wisdom and me the discipline needed to attack every lack in my life.Mighty God, teach me how to profit and bring me to my wealthy place in Jesus name (Isaiah 48:17)Father, I thank you that you would not withhold any good thing from me (Psalm 84:11).Lord, I pray for the (name of Country). Prosper this nation and other nations of the world.I pray for those who are in dire need, provide relief. May those with wealth and abundance increase their charitable giving and support to help those in need.Sunday, January 27, 2019DAY 21: WORSHIP, PRAISE, AND THANKSGIVINGPsalm 103PRAYER POINTSO my soul, bless God. From head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name! O my soul, bless God because He forgives all my sinsO my soul, bless God because He heals my diseases. O my soul, bless God because He redeems and saves me from hell.O my soul, bless God because He crowns me with love and mercy O my soul, bless God because He wraps me in goodnessO my soul, bless God because He renews me always in his presence. Father, I thank You because You make everything come out right and put victims back on their feet. Father, I thank you because you are not easily angered. Lord, You don't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. So, I praise you because You have not treated me as my sins deserve, nor pay me back in full for my wrongs.God bless you as you seek HIS FACE in 2019.It is not by might nor by power but by the Holy Spirit ................

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