Market Research Report- Sample

Market Research Report- Sample- Condensed Version

I. Short Profile (description) of company wanting to enter the market.

 Mr. Virgil’s Construction- Real Estate Company.

II. Brief discussion of the country’s or cities relevant history.


III. Geography(of country and or city)    

A.       Location         

B.      Climate

C.    Topography (mountains, hills)

D. Resources - Materials


IV. Social institutions

A.      Family Life

1)    Dynamics of the family

a)   Parental roles

b)   Marriage and courtship

B.      Education

1) The role of education in society

2) Schools

C.      Political System

1) Political structure

2) Political groups

3) Stability of government

4) Special taxes

5) Role of local government

6) People’s rights

D.   Legal System

1) Organization of the system

2) Type of government/rule

3) Laws

4) Safety

E.   Organizations

1) Social classes

2) Clubs, other organizations

3) Race, ethnicity, minorities

4) Recreational activities- Leisure

F. Business customs and practices

 V.       Culture-Traditions

A. Religion and other belief systems

1) buildings

2) monuments

B.      Aesthetics

1) Music

2) Drama, ballet, and other performing arts

3) Folklore and relevant symbols

4) Art

5) Architecture

C.     Cultural Traditions

1) Events

2) Places

3) Sports

4) Festivals

D. Language

1) Official language(s)

2) Spoken versus written language(s)

VI.       Living conditions

A. Diet and nutrition- Foods available

B.      Housing

1) Types of housing available

2) Do most people own or rent?

3) Do most people live in one-family dwellings or with other families?

C.  Clothing

1) National dress

2)      Types of clothing worn at work

D.    Social security

1) Health Care Medicine


VIII.    Executive Summary

After collecting all this data please summarize the main points. These points should be mentioned clearly as well as why you think each point is either good or bad. Your executive summary should be at least one page (typed) long.

Remember, I will check to see that you have collected this information and that you are using the information to support your perspective (either negative or positive) about Rome.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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