Market Research Methods - DAU

Market Research MethodsDynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) – Identifies small businesses and is SBA source tool (certifications)Sources Sought Synopsis – Government tool (pre-solicitation notice) to seek capable sources to satisfy an acquisition need Requests for Information (RFIs) – Useful in soliciting Industry feedback to help formulation/refine requirements and strategies Search General Services Administration (GSA)/Federal Supply Schedule (GSA Advantage) – Identifies whether the requirement could be satisfied under an existing GSA schedule. Search UNICOR – Federal Prison Industries, also known as UNICOR and FPI, is a wholly owned United States government corporation created in 1934 that uses penal labor from the Federal Bureau of Prisons to produce goods and services. This identifies whether UNICOR, a required source, can satisfy the requirement.Search Ability One – Ability One employs people who are blind or have significant disabilities. This identifies whether Ability One, a required source, can satisfy the requirement and/or whether Procurement List applies to particular requirement Search – Identifies what businesses are listed in the System for Award Management (SAM) under the NAICS codeSearch similar acquisition Source List Files with your organization – Identifies businesses interested in finding out opportunities with your agency Personal knowledge procuring or previous purchases of similar or identical types of supplies or services – CORs and other technical personnel often are familiar with companies that can provide the needed supplies or servicesSearch the Internet – Identifies businesses that provide a particular product or service and provides background information about industriesContact Small Business Administration – The SBA Procurement Center Representative (PCR) can help identify small businesses for procurementsContact Woman Owned Business Association – Identifies Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) than can satisfy the requirementsReview of recent Market Research to meet similar requirements – Avoids duplication of effort and provides a good starting pointObtain source list of similar items from other contracting activities, trade association or other organizations – Good source of capable small businesses if available.Review of catalogs and other product literature – Identifies types of products that are available and some of the available sourcesTechnical Interchange Meetings/Pre-solicitation Conferences - Public events to provide insight on a specific acquisition/technical need and gain Industry feedback for acquisition planning purposes while drafting or refining acquisition requirements and strategiesIndustry Day – Public event to provide insight on a specific acquisition/need and gain Industry feedback for acquisition planning purposes while drafting or refining acquisition requirements and strategies. Note: ?This list is not all encompassing. ?Market research methods and approaches will differ based on the unique circumstances of the acquisition. ? ................

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