Chapter 11 Water Review - Hoblitzell's Science Spot

Chapter 11 Water Test Review


1. Where is most of Earth’s fresh water located?

2. Name 3 types of surface water systems.

3. What is the relationship between groundwater and surface water?

4. What is the purpose of adding chlorine to water during the water treatment process?

5. How is fresh water used in industry, residential, and agricultural?

6. Give examples of point and non-point source pollution

7. Bacteria & viruses would be classified as which type of water pollutant?

8. Why is polluted groundwater difficult to clean?

9. Where does most of the pollutants in the ocean come from?

10. What is the largest watershed in the United States?

11. Why have some communities banned detergents & fertilizers containing high levels of phosphates?

12. What is the largest aquifer in the United States?

13. What percentage of water are humans made of? ____________

14. According to the movie “Flow” what is the most common pesticide in the


15. Which river in the USA does not flow to the ocean


16. According to the movie “Flow” how much a year do we need to spend to have safe drinking water for the entire planet? _____________

17. How much money is spent year on bottled water? ______________________

18. From the tracking pollution lab; the contamination _____________________ will continue to spread slowly through the ground, much like smoke from a chimney drifting with the wind.

19. From your tracking water pollution lab you should have discovered that water

flows from ________________ to __________________.

20. From the movie “Flow” how many people die each year from water born diseases?

21. List all the vocabulary words from chapter 11. Then define the one’s you do not know

22. Explain what biomagnification is in an ecosystem (you can draw pictures or a diagram to help).

23. Most groundwater is like the water in a sponge. Explain this analogy.

24. Identify five ways that water can be conserved in your home.

25. Give an example of how water is used in each of the following: homes, industry, and agriculture.

26. In the movie “A Civil Action” was justice ultimately served? How?


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