Global Distribution of Water - MR. SAURER'S CLASSES

Global Distribution of Water

Name ________________________________________________ Period _____________

1. Calculate the amount of each type of water, based on the percentages given, if the total amount of Earth’s water is equal to 1000 mL (1 Liter). It’s pretty easy to convert from a given percentage (out of 100) into mL of a Liter (out of 1000).

|Global Distribution of Water by Types |

|Water Type |Approx. Amount (%) |Part of 1 Liter (in mL) |

|Oceans | 97.3 | |

|Icecaps, Glaciers | 2.0 | |

|Ground Water | 0.675 | |

|Freshwater Lakes | 0.009 | |

|Inland seas and Salt lakes | 0.009 | |

|Soil Moisture | 0.005 | |

|Atmosphere | 0.0019 | |

|Rivers | 0.0001 | |

2. Label the first beaker at the bottom of this page: “Total Amount of Water on Earth” and then color 100% of the beaker blue.

3. Label and color the correct amount of milliliters for each of the types of water on Earth (from the table above) in the rest of the beakers at the bottom of this page.

4. In the last beaker, draw how much water is available for you to drink and label it “Drinkable Water”. It’s not given, you need to add up the types of water in the table that we can drink.

1. What types of water make up fresh water on Earth (there are 6)?

2. What percentage is fresh water (add the 6 together)?

3. What types of water are reasonably available for you to drink?

4. Is all groundwater available for you to drink? Why?

5. Is all icecap/glacier water available for you to drink? Why?

6. Why is it important to protect the quality of Earth’s fresh water supply?

7. What places on Earth have a water shortage? Why?

8. What could people do to have more water in places where there is a shortage?

9. How might a water shortage in one part of the world affect people in other parts of the world?

10. Do you think that water should be privatized (a person, corporation or government owns it) or do you think that everyone has a right to clean water regardless of their socioeconomic status?


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