[Pages:34]1) UFMG

1.1 ) Introduction Founded in 1927, the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) is noted nationally and internally for its excellence, on account both of its academic and scientific work and of the professional training it provides in a huge range of subjects. It is recognised as one of the most important universities in Brazil, with outstanding performance in teaching, research and outreach. In Belo Horizonte, the capital of the State of Minas Gerais, UFMG is situated on the following sites: the Pampulha Campus, which comprises most of its activities; the Health Campus, comprising the Medical Faculty, the Nursing School and the University hospital buildings; and the city centre sites of the Faculty of Law and the School of Architecture. The Montes Claros Campus comprises the Institute of Agricultural Science in the city of Montes Claros, in the north of Minas Gerais. UFMG offers a wide range of museums and places of scientific and cultural interest, such as the Cultural Centre, the UFMG Conservatory, the Natural History Museum, the Botanical Gardens and the Museum of Morphological Science, all of which are open to the public. In addition it organises major arts events, such as the Winter and Summer Festivals. Mention should also be made of the services provided in the Hospital das Cl?nicas, the Risoleta Neves Hospital, the Dental Faculty and the Veterinary Hospital, as well as the sporting and recreational activities conducted in the Centro Esportivo Universit?rio / CEU (University Sports Centre) and the Centro de Treinamento Esportivo / CTE (Sports Training Centre). UFMG's excellence includes the desire to become more and more democratic through activities of social inclusion. Examples of this are the bonus policy for disadvantaged groups in the university entrance exams, the Affirmative Action Programme and the Special Programme of Academic Grants for Evening-Course Students. Teaching The quality of UFMG's undergraduate courses has been verified by both internal and external assessment, which show high levels of intellectual and scientific output. Excellent course performance reflects the excellent teaching staff and infrastructure and demonstrates the University's competence and reliability. More than 6,000 undergraudate placces are available each year. With respect to postgraduate study, UFMG has distinguished itself through its decisive role in the training of researchers and teachers who are working in institutions throughout Brazil and abroad. The university currently has more than 70 postgraduate programmes, with more than

14,000 places offered each year, covering medical residencies, specialisation, masters and doctorates in a wide range of subject areas. In addition, the university offers courses by distance learning, with more than 2,000 students in 2012. Research A centre of excellence in research, UFMG has cutting-edge projects in more than 800 groups which are formally registered with the Research Groups Directorate of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and which cover all areas of knowledge. Outreach UFMG is recognised nationally and internationally as a pioneer in outreach work, especially in the way it integrates that work with research and teaching. On the one hand, it is the research activity which enriches and sustains activities and projects developed alongside various institutions and social groups; On the other hand, the outreach activities demonstrate constant interaction between the University and society, thus ensuring the dynamism and sense of relevance and social commitment of the research undertaken. UFMG has projects in various areas of social vulnerability in Minas Gerais, and works in the fields of environmental protection, citizenship and public safety, education, health and preventive and social medicine, the promotion of cultural diversity and heritage preservation, technology transfer, technological innovation and entrepreneurship, amongst others. In 2011, its outreach activities benefited more than 17 million people. UFMG and the World UFMG has built an increasingly impressive network of international partnerships as a result of its activities in collaboration with colleagues and research centres in different countries and in all continents. International exchanges are offered from the start of students' training on undergraduate courses, and have been significantly enhanced for postgraduate programmes through the support of funding agencies. The University is continually improving its facilities for the reception of foreign students and researchers, and for the consolidation of international groups and networks that work in research, teaching and extension. Thus, UFMG has entered into agreements and partnerships with centres of excellence in a number of countries. Fundamental to these is a spirit of multilateralism and reciprocity.

Structure: Total area: 8,769,690 m? Built area: 639,777 m? University campuses: 3 Academic units: 20 Special units: 3 Academic units in Belo Horzonte: 19 Academic units elsewhere in Minas Gerais: 1 Administrative units: 3 Hospitals: 2 Fax number: 27 Centro Esportivo Universit?rio / CEU (University Sports Centre)

1.2) International exchanges in UFMG

UFMG receives foreign students as part of memoranda of cooperation entered into with other

universities and mobility programmes. International exchange students can attend for up to

two academic semesters at UFMG. Awards are conferred by the student's university of origin,

and UFMG issues transcripts of grades representing the academic record of the student during

the exchange period.

Both undergraduate and postgraduate students can take part in an exchange, as long as they

are duly enrolled in a foreign institute of higher education with which UFMG has a

memorandum of academic cooperation.

UFMG offers the following pathways for foreign students who are interested in exchange:


Study of subjects in existing courses;


Development of research projects under the guidance of a UFMG academic.

The requirements for applicants are:


Foreign students can apply for an exchange at UFMG as long as they are duly enrolled

at a foreign institute of higher education that has a memorandum of understanding with



It is recommended that exchange students should have intermediate ability in

Portuguese, but UFMG does not demand proof of proficiency or submission of certificates.

Subject to compliance with the above requirements, the partner institution must send the

following documents to the DRI:


Application form (available here);


Study record (in Portuguese, Spanish or English);


Copy of passport;


2 3x4cm photos;


Letter of intention;


Copy of diploma - for postgraduate students only.

Notes: Undergraduate students who are approaching the end of their course and postgraduate

students who wish to develop their research at UFMG should, in addition, send a one-page

summary comprising the theme of their research and the activities they intend to undertake

during the exchange.

Dates for receipt of the documentation at the DRI:

- First of October ? for commencement of exchange in February/March

- First of April ? for commencement of exchange in August

The DRI cannot guarantee enrolment of the student if the documentation is submitted after

the deadline.

Letter of acceptance at UFMG

The DRI will send a LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE at UFMG for those students who fulfil all the

above-mentioned requirements and whose documentation has met the deadline. The letter of

acceptance will be sent directly to the International Relations Office of the student's home

university. The student must submit a STUDENT VISA, together with the letter of acceptance at

UFMG, to the Brazilian consular service in the student's country of origin. UFMG does not

accept international exchange students who do not have a student visa.

Once students are in Brazil, they must present themselves to the Federal Police within 30 days

of their arrival in order to be registered in the National Register of Foreigners. All the

information necessary for registration will be given to students once they arrive at UFMG

during the Foreign Students Week.

Health insurance

Exchange students must have full international health insurance covering the whole exchange


2) DRI

2.1 ) Introduction The Diretoria de Rela??es Internacionais da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / DRI/UFMG (International Relations Directorate) is the body that facilitates international academic and scientific relations and which identifies, implements and monitors inter-university projects and agreements. Its mission is to strengthen UFMG's international profile through interaction with foreign institutions and bringing a cosmopolitan aspect to its academic activities. The DRI's strategy is directed towards increasing internationalisation and towards creation of programmes and projects that facilitate international cooperation throughout UFMG. Both students and academics have taken part in international academic programmes, agreements and exchanges. At present the International Relations Directorate manages agreements with a large number of universities in various countries and apart from other activities receives, every year, hundreds of students and many delegations from foreign universities. Through the International Relations Directorate, UFMG participates in important academic and scientific cooperation agreements with countries in Asia, Latin America, North America, Europe and Ociania, with the objective of developing collaboration in the areas of new technology, teaching, research and outreach.

2.2) Areas of activity >Building high-quality partnerships with foreign institutions. >Uptake, implementation and monitoring of international agreements, conventions and interuniversity programmes. >Management of academic exchange programmes in both directions. >Dissemination of international academic opportunities both within UFMG and outside. >Undertaking official visits to foreign higher education and research institutions. >Reception of official visits from foreign institutions.

2.3) Contact details Avenida Presidente Ant?nio Carlos, 6627. Campus Pampulha ? Pr?dio da Reitoria, 1? andar. Tel: +55 31 3409 4025/3409 4401 ufmg.br/dri comunica@dri.ufmg.br


2.1) Preliminary requirements Registration with the Federal Police and Issue of Temporary Foreigner's ID Card (Carteira de Identidade de Estrangeiro Tempor?rio / CIET) Necessary Documents: Valid original passport; Copy of used passport pages; Visa application; Two recent 3x4cm coloured photos with black background and in frontal position; Federal Police form completed and printed out; Proof of payment of two fees. Federal Police Form The form is available at .br. You should complete it, print it out and take it to the Federal Police together with the other documents. Once you have entered the Federal Police site:

1- Click on the ESTRANGEIRO (FOREIGNER) link on the left-hand side under Servi?os (Services).


3- Select the option REGISTRO / EMISS?O DE CARTEIRA IDENTIDADE DE ESTRANGEIRO (REGISTRATION / ISSUE OF FOREIGNER'S ID CARD) and, at Option 1, you will find the form you need to complete. Complete the obligatory boxes in the form.

Advice on completion: Against Unidade Pol?cia Federal (Federal Police Unit), select MG (Minas Gerais) and BELO HORIZONTE; Always write names in full and in the Brazilian order: Name and Surname (e.g., Maria Silva);

Against ocupa??o principal (principal occupation) , select ESTUDANTE; Against Endere?o Residencial (Residential Address), enter your address in Belo Horizonte. If you do not yet have a fixed address, enter the address of the place where you are living at the moment; If you do not yet have a telephone in Brazil, enter the general DRI number (31)34094025. Save and print out the document. Requesting Federal Police Register Appointment After completing the form: 1- Return to the principal page of the site (.br), and click again on the

ESTRANGEIRO link under Servi?os. 2- Choose Option 2 again: REQUERER REGISTRO E EMISS?O/RENOVA??O DE C?DULA DE

IDENTIDADE DE ESTRANGEIRO (REQUEST REGISTRATION AND ISSUE/RENEWAL OF FOREIGN ID CARD). Against Option 2 you should click on VERIFIQUE AQUI SE EXISTE AGENDA DISPON?VEL (FIND OUT IF AN APPOINTMENT TIME IS AVAILABLE) para saber os dias e hor?rios em que poder? solicitar o agendamento na Pol?cia Federal para realizar seu registro. 3- Enter your Request Code, which is at the top of your Form for delivery to the Federal Police. Then check the days and times available and choose your preference from what is available. Click on salvar (save) and print out the document confirming the day and time chosen. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU KEEP THAT APPOINTMENT WITH THE FEDERAL POLICE Notes: If you cannot make an appointment on the website, you can go to the Federal Police at the address: Rua Francisco Deslandes, n? 900 - Bairro Anchieta, or at the address: UAI na Pra?a Sete, Avenida Amazonas, n? 500 - Centro (Pra?a Sete) - Belo Horizonte ? , or at Confins airport, taking with you all the documents needed for registration, within 30 days of the date of your arrival in Brazil. It is recommended that you go early in the morning. Payment of fees: Guidelines on payment of fees can be obtained on the internet. Follow the instructions below in order to obtain the Guidelines: Step 1 ? Guia de Recolhimento da Uni?o / GRU (Federal Tax Collection Form) 1 - Access .br. 2 - Click on GRU under Servi?os, on the left-hand side. 3 - Sselect Option 1: GRU - FUNAPOL (foreign, private security, international transport, weapons) and then Option 3: PESSOAS E ENTIDADES ESTRANGEIRAS (FOREIGN INDIVIDUALS AND BODIES)

4 ? Complete the Guia de Recolhimento da Uni?o ? GRU: the address should be in Brazil; in the unidade arrecadadora (collecting body) box select: MG (015-9) MINAS GERAIS REGIONAL DIRECTORATE. 5 - In the C?digo da Receita STN (STN Receipt Code), type 140082. You will see on the screen: Registro de Estrangeiro/Restabelecimento de Registro and the amount to be paid. 6 - Check the data entered, click on GERAR GUIA (CREATE GUIDE), and then print it out. Step 2 ? C?dula de Identidade de Estrangeiro (Foreigner's ID Card) 1 - Repeat instructions 1 to 4 above. 2 - In the C?digo da Receita STN box, type 140120 (CARTEIRA DE ESTRANGEIRO DE PRIMEIRA VIA [FIRST ROUTE FOREIGNER'S CARD], VALOR A SER PAGO [AMOUNT FOR PAYMENT]). 3 - Check the data entered, click on GERAR GUIA (CREATE GUIDE) and print it out. The guides should be printed out and paid at any branch of the Banco do Brasil before the expiry date and before registering with the Police. For registration, take the proof of payment given to you by the Bank. How to get to the Federal Police Office The Federal Police Office is located within a shopping centre at the following address: Pol?cia Federal: Av. Francisco Deslandes, 900 ? Bairro Anchieta. Tel: (31) 25179900 ou 25179943. Bus 2103 goes to the Anchieta district and passes in front of the police station. If you are at UFMG or in the Pampulha region, we recommend you to catch the 2004 bus, get off at the Pra?a da Liberdade and catch the 2103 bus at the same bus stop. For more information about the bus timetables and routes in Belo Horizonte, access: Remember that you must register within 30 days of your arrival in Brazil. After the deadline, a foreigner is liable to a daily fee and becomes an illegal immigrant. AS SOON AS THEY OBTAIN A COPY OF THEIR REGISTRATION AT THE FEDERAL POLICE STATION, IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR ALL EXCHANGE STUDENTS TO TAKE A COPY OF THE REGISTRO NACIONAL DE ESTRANGEIROS / RNE (NATIONAL REGISTER OF FOREIGNERS) TO THE DRI. Confirmation of Enrolment At the beginning of each semester, students should go to the College Representative(s) where they are studying and request a Certificate of Enrolment confirming that they are enrolled for their chosen subject(s) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ESSENTIAL FOR CONFIRMATION OF ENROLMENT We remind you that all students (except for exchange students who have come to carry out research, practice/placement or work for conclusion of their course) should gain at least 12 credits per semester. Those who are not exempt and who enrol with less than 12 credits must


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