California English

CATE Board Reports ? ANNUAL REPORT March 2017-February 2018Greg JohnsonPresidentDenise Mikkonen, Past PresidentPresident/Past President Annual Board Report – Mikkonen 2018This year I served as president of CATE until July and then I assumed the role of past president. I continue to work with Greg to streamline the ins and outs of the CATE Board along with focusing on a smooth transition to our new president; we focused on defining the roles and responsibilities of the board members throughout the year. We are up to date for policy revisions and are working on developing a clear “brand” so teachers seek out membership. Having co-treasures is helpful for all due to the amount of work involved in the job. We were able to replace some open liaisons positions on board, a DOE representative and we elected a CYRM representatives. I attended NCTE in Houston along with NCTE meetings with Greg Johnson, roundtables and annual business meetings I have prepared the agendas, collected nominations for Classroom Excellence, Awards of Merit, Scholarships and Distinguished Service Award. I participated on the Finance and Convention Committee. Jill Hamilton-Bunch, Vice PresidentCATE Board of?DirectorsRE:? VIce President Annual ReportFebruary 19, 2019This year has been both busy and gratifying in my role as Vice President.??My work on our local Kern Council included providing registration and billing for our council speakers events.? In 2018-2019, we welcomed Kelly Gallagher, Nancy Frey, and Pedro Noguera.? In addition, I worked with our local and state membership chairs to register the new members from these events.In my role as state Vice President, I coordinated executive council advisory calls prior to each board meeting. I also secured contracts for hotel rooms, meeting space, and meals for our May, September and December board meetings.I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve on the CATE Board.Respectfully submitted,Jill Hamilton-BunchCarole LeCren, SecretaryAs secretary, I ensured during each meeting that name placards were prepared for each board member, consolidated each board member’s board report into one report, ordered business cards in September for any board members who wanted them, and took minutes at each board meeting. I am still working on keeping accurate board contact records, and making sure that board reports and minutes are posted to .Patrick Keough, Co-TreasurerAngela Halpin, Co-Treasurer/MAL CollegeAngus Dunstan, Capitol RepKathy Nichols, Central RepCentral Council President’s Report December 1, 2018 10/12/18 - Asilomar?11/11/18 - Mercy High School Awards: Award of Merit: ● ?Lit Crawl ?● ?Steinbeck Center in Salinas ?Middle School Teacher of Excellence: ?David Harlow, Morada Middle School, Lodi Unified School District ?Conferences: ?● ?Asilomar was a huge success. We earned $600 in scholarship money from our gift basket raffle. ?● ?Continued progress on the Yosemite Conference on April 6 - 7. We are still in need of a Sunday brunch speaker. ?Membership Drive: ?● ?Satellite Group in Lodi will have a Pizza and Publications Night in January. More information to come. ?● ?We are still looking for more board members to serve on the Central Council. ?● ?Our Interim Treasurer is Liz McAninch ?Writing Contest: ?At our November board meeting, we read all of the writing contest participants and selected winners. ?Janina Schulz/David Wisar, FACET RepFACET 2018 Annual Board ReportIn late November 2017 FACET board voted to submit Willow Reed as our nominee for Classroom Excellence for Middle School. She received her award at the CATE Conference 2018.After Yosemite Conference 2017 we took a winter break for two months. Several FACET members were key players in the negotiation of a contract between FUSD and Fresno Teacher’s Association. The negotiation was successful and a strike was avoided. The union members voted to ratify the proposed contract on February 6.FACET Board reconvened on February 21 to plan the remainder of the year and set our vision for 2018-19.The week after the CATE Conference, FACET presented two writing awards to high school students at the Young Writer’s Conference held at CSU Fresno.Between March and May, we were busy preparing for our upcoming reception to show appreciation for Willow Reed our council's award recipient. The party took place on May 10th, and we had over 40 people attend the event. Our spring/summer book club read Dear Martin by Nic Stone. Two copies of the book were raffled off at the reception in May. FACET is working with Central council to put on the Yosemite conference April 5-7 2019, and are developing ideas for workshops we can offer in the 2019-2020 year. This summer, we had a successful book club that focused on the books Dear Martin and Girls Burn Brighter. We are carrying on the tradition with a slow read this fall of the book Purple Hibiscus that we will discuss over winter break. We are continually looking for new members and find ways to reach teachers in districts that have low membership/turn out.FACET board and Yosemite Conference Committee have both worked mostly on Yosemite Conference during this fall semester. Along with Central and TUCATE, we are thrilled to have Kelly Gallagher as our keynote speaker at Yosemite Conference April 5-7, 2019. We have been working on securing a Sunday speaker, and believe we have narrowed it down. We're hoping to have that speaker finalized soon so we can publish our flyer. Gina Vattuone, GSDCTE RepKim Flachmann, Kern Rep[vacant], Redwood RepJennifer Silver, Southland Rep2019 has brought a slight shift in leadership for me within CATE.??While serving as Southland's representative and council president, I helped to coordinate several professional development workshops and social events. As well, I shared ideas and strategies about membership retention/growth among other council presidents.At CATE 2018, I volunteered for several hours at the registration booth and hosted a council meet-up along with attending a number of sessions throughout the weekend.I continued my service on the Publications committee this year, selecting writing contest winners, drafting prompts, and responding to growing social media presence and its implications for CATE.On the Convention committee, I offered ideas about exhibit hall and registration and helped to troubleshoot CATE 2019 concerns as they arose within the committee.??Also this year, I've assumed the role of CATE 2020 Chair.? I've collaborated on upcoming convention logos, put out initial feelers for speakers, and crafted the Sunday Brunch teaser.? I'll shadow Annie G. during the 2019 convention and examine the convention handbook as I plan a more specific agenda in the coming months...and embrace the subtle art of delegation.Our Southland Council is undergoing some constitution and policy revision this year, and I'll be eager to share the results of that process with any interested folks.Respectfully submitted,Jennifer SilverSCTE President/CATE 2020 ChairCarol Surabian, TUCATE RepEnd of Year Report:? TUCATE????? This past year the TUCATE Board has looked hard at the level of participation at local activities and attempted to find new avenues of developing interest in CATE.? We are working with FACET to develop new ideas and participated in the Yosemite Conference 2019.? I continue to serve as the conference registrar again.??????? ?????? TUCATE continues to strive to be a viable council and look to local and state leaders to help us as we continue in our efforts to be of value to English teachers of Tulare and Kings Counties.Respectfully submitted,Carol SurabianTUCATE PresidentGina Cole, Upper RepJulie Pearson, MAL ElementaryI have decided to run for MAL-Elementary for 2019, and since I've received an absolutely spotless bill of health, I am happy to be working on that process now.Respectfully submitted,Julie PaulsenCarol Battle, MAL MiddleMAL – Middle SchoolMarchIn addition to my regular classroom and ASB duties as a Middle School Humanities teacher, I have joined a new campus Diversity Team where encouraging diverse literature and addressing self-biases are the main focus. My team continues to use CATE resources to build classroom libraries with books that reflect the diversity of our students.I have been working weekly on marketing our upcoming CATE conference via social media. I have also sent two press releases to smaller media outlets in San Diego County. I have also accepted the duty of creating an online market place for our t-shirts so patrons can customize shirts and we do not have to front costs. I look forward to a great conference.?MayAttending the CATE conference was the highlight of this quarter. I returned to school with ideas and resources I shared with my colleagues. It was exciting to watch the majority of my team grow after attending workshops and I'm grateful to my administrator for supporting our learning. A few of my greatest takeaways were that we need to engage student voices in our classroom on a more voluminous level and teach them ways to share their thinking on a broader scale. My middle school students just created social media awareness campaigns to share regarding issues that were important to them and researched and written about as if they were argument essays. I've also shared the movie?STEP??and the resources that were shared during the workshop with colleagues and with a civic organization I am part of to try to get the focus on students and their stories. Knowing students as individuals will help us best reach and teach each child, particularly at the middle school level.On a personal note, I've just received the honor of being named the 2018-2020 Distinguished Teacher in Residence for Cal State San Marcos. I will teach classes for the school of Education, Supervise student teachers, conduct research and participate in governance boards during my stay. I'm thrilled to get the opportunity to go and grow!SeptemberSince our last meeting in the Spring, I've been busy hosting Teen Writers' Camp through the San Marcos Writing Project where over 80 6th-10th graders attended a 4 or 8 day writing experience including author visits, mini-lessons and the creation of a camp anthology. Additionally, I participated in a book study of Gallagher and Kittle's?180? Days. This school year has seen a big change as I am now part of the Middle School Credential program at Cal State University, San Marcos where I am teaching pre-requisite and mid-level pedagogy classes as well as supervising teacher candidates at middle schools across Northern San Diego County where I reside. I continue to be on the local GSDCATE Board where I have assumed the role of VP of Membership. I will be the GSDCATE delegate to attend NCTE and will participate in Writing Project Activities as well.?DecemberSince our last board meeting, I have continued to teach courses in the School of Education at CSU San Marcos while also serving in the role of University Supervisor in the Middle Level Credential Program.I attended NCTE as the San Diego Council Representative and am eager to share some ideas I garnered about diversifying our CATE membership and better serving the students of California including the creation of a Diversity Caucus or potential board committee to effect change the way award winning states like Georgia and Michigan have.I was also able to attend a "Notice and Note for Non-Fiction Reading" workshop hosted by Heinemann where I was able to interact with Kylene Beers and Bob Probst.Robb Polski, MAL SecondaryTo:? CATE BoardDate:? February 20, 2019Re:? Annual Board Report, MAL SecondaryI attended all KCTE Meetings (March, May, August, and December) serving as Resolutions Chair.? I have attended all CATE Board Meetings (February, May, September, and December) serving as MAL Secondary).?? The focus of our meetings were the planning of events for members to get involved and to provide support throughout 2018.?? Our events ranged from a Welcome Back to School social, to student essay contest and award to supporting One Book, One Bakersfield to our KCTE book club.? I continue to work as a 10th and 11th grades (AP English Language and Composition) at Independence High School, Bakersfield, CA and as an adjunct instructor of composition at Taft College, Taft, CA.? This summer I attended the 2018 Advanced Summer Institute of the South Coast Writing Project.? It was an opportunity for SCWriP fellows to spend two weeks writing and teaching and collaborating.? Our main focus was planning and supporting future SCWriP endeavors, how to become more involved, and how to take greater steps in expanding the reach of the project's mission, teachers teaching teachers.? My big take away was designing a business plan to bring the Young Writers Camp to Kern County. I have been involved in some KCTE events and activities.? We held our Back-to-School event in September, and I am hosting our December board meeting, food and libations, a book club discussion of Tommy Orange's There There, and our annual book exchange.? I published a poem in the September English Journal titled "Poem's Poem,"? which would not have happened if I had not had the fortune of attending the SCWriP Summer Institute in 2014. Respectfully Submitted,Robert PolskiJeannine Ugalde, MAL SecondarySommer Iamele, MAL UnspecifiedCarmen Carrillo, MAL CollegeBill Foreman, MAL Small CouncilMAL, Small Councils, Year-End ReportMy CATE year was a short one since I was only elected this spring and began serving when my term began in summer 2018.? My CATE responsibilities are mostly related to my position as program chair for the convention.? We began taking submissions on August 1, but due to the diligence of CATE members, we have completed a full slate of presenters.? We received over 100 submissions, of which over 90 scheduled for CATE 2019.? We have only a handful of cancellations.? I fulfilled my duties as program chair, choosing presentations in conjunction with the convention coordinator and the convention chair, arranging presentations into sessions, editing titles and descriptions, working with Carole LeCren and others to finalize the program, producing vouchers to facilitate the distribution of stipends at the convention, and communicating with presenters throughout the process.? One strand that we added after the Call for Presentations was published developed organically.? Many presentations this year will deal with non-print media, either as a subject for study or as a means of teaching; we will call this strand “Multimodal ELA.”? Respectfully submitted,Dr. Bill ForemanLiz McAninch, MAL UnspecifiedAnnual Report 2018 – Liz McAninch:Past President and MAL UnspecifiedOne of my last tasks as Past President was to send the 2018 Election ballots to CATE’s Webmaster and to our California English Editor for inclusion in the spring edition. Denise Mokone assumed the task of counting ballots in May and announcing results.NCTE’s 2018 Convention will be held in Houston, Texas on November 15-18. I nominated Rachel Watson for NCTE’s High School Teacher of Excellence. I also checked out all the awards given by NCTE and we will discuss the possibility of CATE applying for NCTE recognition in other areas at the Leadership Committee meeting.On April 22, I attended a meeting of the Central Council led by our new president, Kathy Nichols. We met before our Young Writers’ Reception and welcomed new board members, several garnered from attendees at Central’s reception in San Diego. All the new board members expressed interest in assisting Annie with anything she needs for CATE 2019. The Central Board is also excited about joining forces with FACET and TUCATE in putting on the Yosemite Conference in April 2019. Central is working on finding speakers for the event. The Young Writer’s Reception drew an enthusiastic crowd of parents, teachers and friends to cheer along the writers as they read from their prize-winning pieces. The young authors received gift certificates along with their certificates from the Central Council. In addition, each writer selected a book of choice from the generous donations by board members. The writers may be seen on CCCTE’s website and Facebook page. Since Central has joined FACET and TUCATE in producing the Yosemite Conference in April 2019, we met in Modesto with Marina Santos, Kathy Nichols for a planning meeting last July. I also attended a meeting of the Curriculum Study Commission in August. I spent three weeks in July working with Ron Jones (best known for The Wave) and our intern from Santa Clara University. We worked with teens at the Marsh Conservatory Theatre and focused on scenes and shorter pieces with love as a theme. The hit of the performance was the college intern’s texting version of Romeo and Juliet’s balcony scene. I sent updated copies of the election and awards forms to the new Past President. Rachel Watson from McKinleyville will receive the High School Teacher of Excellence Award at NCTE in HoustonCentral Council’s first meeting of the new school year was held at Asilomar in October. We kept up the tradition of raffling baskets for the Chiyo Scholarship fund. I was delighted when Mary Adler won the first basket, plus adding $600 toward scholarships. As a member of Curriculum Study Commission, I also took part in planning and on-site registration.In November, Central Council met in San Francisco to read entries in the CATE Writing Contest and select our winners. I also will be assuming the role of Treasurer for the council. We also discussed several candidates for our Teacher of Excellence Award as well as Awards of Merit. Kathy gave an update on Yosemite to new council members. I also teamed up with playwright Ron Jones again to produce The Third Wave at Mercy H.S. tin November. We and the students collaborated on his original script to add and/or change some of the original dialogue and scenes. It led to an exciting and creative process and a performance that enlightened many about how fragile our democracy is.Joan Williams, MembershipMEMBERSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2018Joan Williams, Membership ChairDuring 2018 I served on the Leadership committee and chaired the Membership Committee. I also served on the Advisory Board and participated in the conference calls for planning meetings.I received monthly reports from Precision and checked for incorrect information in order to change member addresses and contact information. I also addressed requests and concerns from individuals regarding membership issues and worked to resolve them. I ordered additional council badges for attendees at convention and have them ready to distribute at our next convention. I ordered supplies for Precision for mailing out membership reminders and cards.I worked with my committee to update membership procedures, especially related to convention.I assisted with the development of the new registration system for convention.The QR code idea that we tried out at convention to gain the membership information for those who would like to be more involved in the organization was not successful. We have given this task of soliciting new leaders to the Leadership Committee. Plans for 2019 include a session at convention to introduce new members to the nuts and bolts of CATE. We began work on this concept during 2018. I will continue to contact NCTE members who live in California, invite new teachers and pre-service teachers, renew our connection with former members of CATE, and explore ways to reach out to all of our current members. In addition to my work on the CATE board, I have been serving as a leader of Redwood Council.Michelle Berry, Convention Coordinator2018 Annual ReportConvention CoordinatorAs Convention Coordinator, I oversee the planning and implementation of the annual statewide convention. I serve on the Executive Finance Committee, and lead the Convention Coordinating Committee. I also participate quarterly on the Advisory Board, which meets by conference call a few weeks before each Board meeting. Further, I answer emails and phone calls throughout the year addressing all things convention, coordinate the CFPs for upcoming sites, negotiate contracts (space, room blocks, food and beverage guarantees, AV, internet, and such), and guide convention chairs and the exhibits manager. CATE 2018, “With Literacy and Justice for All,” was held March 9-11 in San Diego at the Town and Country Resort and Spa, under the leadership of Jeannine Ugalde and Carole LeCren. Our speakers included Ernest Morrell, Martha Barnette, Viet Mai, Kelly Gallagher, Meg Medina, Matt de la Pe?a, and Melissa de la Cruz. Kelly Gallagher received the CATE Distinguished Service Award. CATE 2018 met both its room block and food and beverage minimum. We had 953 registrants, up 46% from the previous year in Santa Clara, and 7.6% up from 2016 in Costa Mesa. One-day registrations were up over 80%, and there were 804 new and renewing members at convention. Preconvention was more popular than in the recent past as well, with 182 attendees, only 48 of whom did not stay for convention. Planning for CATE 2019 began more than a year in advance, and will pay off beautifully in February. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency SFO/Burlingame, with the theme “Voices of Literacy in Pursuit of Human Rights.” The local chair for that convention will be Annie Gervais of Capitol Council. Speakers for CATE 2019 include César Moreno Pérez, Ari Dolid, Ruta Sepetys, Lauren Markham, Reyna Grande, Sarah McBride, and Tommy Orange. We look forward to another successful annual convention!Cindy Conlin, Webmaster/RegistrarYisel Parra, Exhibits ManagerAnnie Gervais, CATE 2019 ChairJennifer Silver, CATE 2020 Chair2019 has brought a slight shift in leadership for me within CATE.??While serving as Southland's representative and council president, I helped to coordinate several professional development workshops and social events. As well, I shared ideas and strategies about membership retention/growth among other council presidents.At CATE 2018, I volunteered for several hours at the registration booth and hosted a council meet-up along with attending a number of sessions throughout the weekend.I continued my service on the Publications committee this year, selecting writing contest winners, drafting prompts, and responding to growing social media presence and its implications for CATE.On the Convention committee, I offered ideas about exhibit hall and registration and helped to troubleshoot CATE 2019 concerns as they arose within the committee.??Also this year, I've assumed the role of CATE 2020 Chair.? I've collaborated on upcoming convention logos, put out initial feelers for speakers, and crafted the Sunday Brunch teaser.? I'll shadow Annie G. during the 2019 convention and examine the convention handbook as I plan a more specific agenda in the coming months...and embrace the subtle art of delegation.Our Southland Council is undergoing some constitution and policy revision this year, and I'll be eager to share the results of that process with any interested folks.Respectfully submitted,Jennifer SilverSCTE President/CATE 2020 ChairMindy Montanio, Liaison CTABill Younglove, Liaison Common Core ConsultantCATE Board Report for 2018/19 year, from Bill Younglove:?? Member of SCTE (Board; plus Getty/LACMA trips) and CATE (Board; Convention Presenter), attending all meetings for their durations.?? (Still) Credentialed CSULB student teachers/interns in Southland schools/districts.?? UC(LA) Advocacy: Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon; Congresswoman Linda Sanchez.?? Holocaust Study-related: Presented at CSULB’s 10th annual weeklong summer Holocaust Workshop for Teachers and attended Association of Holocaust Organizations Conference, Charleston, SC???Trainings: CA Better Together Teachers Summit; UCLA LA Times News Literacy Camp; UCLA and CSULB TEDX Talks; CSULB Symposium on Inclusive Pedagogy and Growth Mindset.?? Book-related events: California Writers Club (monthly), L.A. Times Festival of Books; Men of Mystery (Board).? Updated paper: A Nation at Hope: THE Eighty-five Percent Solution?Gale Caswell, CETA LiaisonTim Dewar, Liaison CWPJennifer Howerter, Liaison CDECarol Jago, California English EditorAnnual Report, 2018California Englisheditor, Carol JagoCalifornia English is the quarterly journal of the California Association of Teachers of English. This year, the journal was given the NCTE Affiliate Journal of Excellence Award. In 2018 the magazine published four issues focusing on issues of importance to California English Language Arts teachers. Manuscripts for the journal are garnered through calls for manuscripts focusing on a particular theme and then sent out for online review. The calls are circulated through multiple electronic forums and shared across California Writing Project communities.Along with articles on teaching and learning, the journal includes news of CATE work in the field: conferences, resolutions, the CATE ballot, the CATE2017 convention program, and CATE writing contest winners, both student and professional writing.All reviews are conducted via email, forwarding reviewers manuscripts that have been submitted online. The quality of the manuscripts received has been consistently excellent. The editor has attempted to make the most of the magazine pages by asking writers to keep their articles under 2,000 words. California English includes advertising from publishers and education-related businesses. This revenue assists in covering the costs of publication and mailing.The CATE Board consistently provides the editor with suggestions for topics to present as calls for manuscripts as well as the opportunity to offer a “Meet the Editor” session at our annual conference. ................

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