Summer Research Opportunity Program for 2007

“Can You See Yourself

Doing Research This Summer?”

A Selected listing of Summer Research and Enrichment Programs

for Community College Undergraduates

in STEM Majors

Dear MESA Student,

Congratulations on your desire to pursue a degree in a STEM Discipline. STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math degrees are considered by many to be the most difficult to pursue yet most will agree that they are among the most satisfying and can be the most lucrative. As you are probably already aware, your major will require more critical thinking skills, study time, more units, and more time in college. Summer Research and/or Summer Enrichment Programs are an excellent way to gain hands on research experience to prepare for graduate school and the world of academia in the scientific community. Therefore, I encourage you to peruse the programs listed and apply to more than one in case your top pick is not available. Also please encourage your fellow MESA Students to also apply because today’s classmates will be tomorrow’s colleagues. Good Luck!

Section I - The University of California

“Can you see yourself at the UC this Summer?”

The University of California is comprised of ten campuses including:

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Irvine

UC Los Angeles

UC Merced

UC Riverside

UC San Diego

UC San Francisco

UC Santa Barbara

UC Santa Cruz

MCB Summer Science Research Program (MCB SSRP)

The Molecular & Cell Biology SSRP is a faculty-mentored 10-week intensive summer research program for undergraduates in the biological sciences. The MCB SSRP program is designed to increase graduate student diversity; therefore, applicants from diverse populations and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Participants receive a stipend, room and board, and travel expenses to and from campus. Applications are available online in

Lawrence Berkeley Labs

US Department of Energy - Community College Institute

This program places students from community colleges in paid internships in Science and Engineering and Technology at any of several different locations (see Choosing a Lab). Because of the comprehensive nature of this program many of the participants have felt it has had an enormous influence on their careers. Students work with scientists or engineers on projects related to the laboratories' research programs. They also attend career planning and numerous training/informational sessions. The different laboratories each offer different research opportunities

NSF REU Biology Site - Berkeley

This program is designed to expose participating students to core concepts of Cell, Developmental and Evolutionary Biology. The thirty participating faculty provide a broad range of research options in these areas. They also share a strong commitment to working with undergraduates and promoting diversity in the biosciences community at Berkeley. 

Under the direct guidance of a UCB faculty mentor, students will gain first-hand research experience and training in state-of-the-art research facilities, working on individual projects.  During the first week of the program, group tutorials will survey the interconnecting fields of cell, developmental and evolutionary biology and bioinformatics. Through the remainder of the program, weekly seminars will further expose participants to the wealth of ongoing research in these areas. Professional development workshops and interactions with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and UCB undergrads will familiarize participants with the graduate school experience, including the application process, what to expect in graduate school and the career possibilities it opens up.  Social events and excursions will permit students to explore the attractions of the Bay Area. In the course of the program students will prepare a short scientific paper on their project. During the last week, a mini-symposium will permit the participants to share their accomplishments.

The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) at the University of California, Berkeley, was established to promote access to graduate education among undergraduates who have been educationally or economically disadvantaged, and who may not have had exposure to the academic environment of a research university.

The program offers internships in the humanities and in the biological, physical, and social sciences for sophomores, juniors, and seniors (not graduating in the spring semester/quarter, except UC Berkeley students). It is an eight-week program that will commence on June 1st and continue through August 9th.

The goal of this program is to increase the level of diversity among students entering Ph.D. programs by providing research opportunities under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Special consideration will be given to applicants who have shown potential for success, but may have had limited access to graduate research or other academic opportunities. The program strongly encourages applications from undergraduates who have been educationally or economically disadvantaged, and who show potential to benefit from exposure to the environment of a research university.

The Department of Energy's Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) is the largest of the undergraduate research programs at Berkeley Lab. It is open to any undergraduate student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, at least 18 years of age, and enrolled in an accredited U.S. College or University. It is for students in any scientific or engineering discipline.


Science Applicants. Undergraduate students in the biological sciences (including biochemistry, chemistry, immunology, statistics, toxicology, and bioengineering Amgen Scholars at the University of California, Berkeley, will participate in 10 weeks of intensive laboratory research in the biological sciences while living on the Berkeley campus. Each student will have both a faculty mentor and a graduate student advisor to help him/her acclimate quickly to the Berkeley campus and the program’s demands. UC Berkeley offers students the opportunity to learn from leading scientists working on cutting-edge research in the biological sciences across several disciplines.


UC Davis

Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates in Marine Science

Bodega Marine Laboratory is seeking 10 motivated undergraduate students interested in marine science careers to participate in a Summer Research-Experience-for-Undergraduate Program, supported by the National Science Foundation. Over eight weeks (June to August 2007), students will develop confidence and independence in doing research and communicating science.

Faculty and other mentors will provide one-on-one research training, from choosing a topic to writing a paper, in a friendly supportive environment. Students will learn how to communicate their research results in an effective way in special modules during the program. Students will also develop essential career survival skills, including scientific ethics.

Participants will receive a stipend ($4000) plus all laboratory housing and meals and travel costs.

CBST Center for Biophotonics Science & Technology

The CBST hosts a Summer Internship Program for Undergraduate students.  For a period of 8 to 12 weeks students get involved in on-going reserach projects in the following areas: Bioimaging, Molecular & Cellular Biophotonics and Medical Biophotonics

Goals of the program

Engage students in exciting, cutting edge, interdisciplinary scientific research.

• Introduce students to various career paths in Biophotonics

• Increase the diversity of undergraduate students participating in CBST-related research

• Help develop the professional skills of undergraduate researchers

Benefits to you

• Work with scientists, postdocs and graduate students in a real laboratory environment.

• Opt for a research internship at the UC Davis Medical Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UC Davis campus, Mills College or participate in research that will allow you to bridge these locations.

• Participate in weekly Professional Development Seminars, where career pathways in biophotonics are introduced giving you the opportunity to acquire or improve your networking, writing, interview and presentation skills needed to compete in academia and industry.

• Attend the Annual CBST Retreat, where you will meet and network with the large community of CBST faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students; attend the scientific sessions, and enjoy free time for fun activities in the area of Lake Tahoe.

• Participate in fun extra-curricular activities, including day-trips and pizza nights, aimed to bring interns together and favor their interaction.

• Receive funding to support costs of living and travel. Placements range from 8 to 12 weeks.

UC Davis Research Experiences for Undergraduates

In the summer of 2007 the Department of Physics will host an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates site. During the 10-week program students will live on campus while working alongside our faculty and graduate students on an ongoing research project. Students will get a view of physics very different from typical coursework.

Program Summary

Research Project- Students can choose from several of the physics subfields represented at UC Davis. Each student will have a personalized project, to conclude with a 15-minute presentation to the rest of the REU group.

Housing & Stipend - Students will live together on campus. Housing and meals are provided by the program, and students will receive an additional $380/week stipend. Support is also available towards travel to and from the program.

Student/Faculty Interaction - During the first two weeks of the program, faculty will give introductory talks to put the students on a common ground so they can discuss their research. Throughout the summer, weekly lunchtime gatherings will be held, with a faculty mentor present, in which students will discuss their work.

Social Programs - The program will include one local and four out-of-town field trips, the latter mostly on weekends. Trips may have a scientific emphasis, such as touring a national laboratory or industry facility, or may be primarily recreational.


Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. This is a condition of our funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Students must have finished at least one year of college but may not have completed a B.S., B.A., or equivalent degree.

College students from two-year or four-year institutions may apply. All students must be continuing their college education in Fall 2009.

Strong preference is given to students who have completed at least one year of calculus-based introductory physics.

UC Davis Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)

The Office of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce research opportunities for undergraduates through the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP). The 8- to 10-week summer research program is designed to provide undergraduates with a mentored research experience and prepare students for the competitive application and admissions process to graduate programs. Students participating in the program are provided housing, meals, travel expenses, and a stipend of $3,000 for the summer.


Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE)

This program seeks approximately 15 undergraduate science and engineering majors who are interested in pursuing a 10-week summer research experience in a dynamic, collaborative research environment. Interns participate in weekly group meetings to develop oral presentation skills, attend special seminars and present their results at an end-of-summer poster session. Students receive a stipend of $3,800, plus up to $1,000 for housing expenses or free arranged accommodations, and up to $500 for travel to and from the UCSB campus.

UC Irvine [pic]

AGEP Summer Research Program

UC Irvine's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Summer Research Program, is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The program is designed to prepare African American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islander students for graduate education. The program offers juniors, seniors and master’s level underrepresented minority students in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields an opportunity to work closely with UCI faculty mentors and graduate students on exciting research projects during an eight-week summer research program


The Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Chem-SURF) at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), provides a unique 10-week summer research opportunity for undergraduates to become fully immersed in a wide range of exciting, cutting-edge specialized and interdisciplinary research projects.

Participants will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of challenging and original research projects that explore a diverse and exciting range of topics in chemical biology, chemical physics, and analytical, atmospheric, bioinorganic, bioorganic, computational, inorganic, materials, organic, physical, polymer, surface, and theoretical chemistry. 



Students interested summer research in any area of biomedical science, chemistry, bioengineering or chemical engineering are encouraged to apply. Students will be paired with a UCLA faculty mentor if the student does not already have a mentor. Please visit the Amgen Faculty web site for information on over 100 potential mentors on the UCLA campus.

In addition to working full time in the laboratory for 10 weeks, the program features:

• Weekly luncheons where students can meet and discuss science with invited faculty speakers

• Weekly workshops on such topics as applying to graduate school, how to write a personal statement and how to give a research presentation

• Three- day Biotechnology Symposium sponsored by the Amgen Corporation held in Los Angeles

• GRE test preparation

• Access to UCLA campus facilities

• Social events to network with other summer researchers


Summer Programs in Undergraduate Research (SPUR) offers hands-on research experience working in the lab of a distinguished UCLA faculty member. Each student is matched with a faculty mentor and works as a member of their mentor’s research group for eight to ten weeks. SPUR encompasses 10 distinct programs across the UCLA campus.

Center for Research, Education, Training and Strategic Communication on Minority Health Disparities

This federally funded 8-week program is designed for traditionally underrepresented minority students who plan to pursue advanced degrees in health-related fields with a focus on research and a commitment to helping reduce or eliminate health disparities in racial/ethnic minority populations in the United States. Students participate full-time in a research project under the supervision of Center faculty from the life sciences, Chicano Studies, Medicine, Nursing, Psychiatry, Public Health, Social Welfare, Sociology, and Urban Planning. Participants receive a $2,400 stipend plus room and board in University housing. Transportation costs are reimbursed as appropriate. Applications are available online in December.

For Engineering, Computer Science, and Physical Sciences

The Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS) is developing Embedded Networked Sensing (ENS) systems and applying this revolutionary technology to critical scientific and social applications. ENS systems are massively distributed collections of smart sensors and actuators embedded in the physical world. Research areas include: Adaptive Self-Configuring Wireless Systems, Coordinated Actuation, Collaborative Signal Processing, and Micro/Nano Sensor Technology. The societal applications of this research includes: Habitat Sensing, Seismic Sensing and Structural Monitoring, Contaminant Transport Monitoring, and Monitoring of Marine Microorganisms. /


UCSF is proud to offer summer research opportunities in the health sciences for undergraduate and master's students. Students planning to earn a Ph.D. spend up to 10 weeks working with UCSF faculty members on research projects, attending workshops and seminars, and developing their skills as scientists and scholars

Additional Summer Research Opportunities at UCSF

[pic] UC San Diego

Experience the Summer at UCSD

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (MSTP SURF)

Offered by Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), this federally funded 8-week program is designed for motivated ethnically underrepresented undergraduates who have completed their freshman year toward a bachelor's degree in biological sciences. Research is conducted in the areas of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic, and sleep disorders. Applicants must be interested in learning about a physician-scientist career. Students receive a stipend and housing; meals are not provided. Travel is reimbursed up to $300.

Marine Physical Laboratory Summer Research Internship Program (MPLSRIP)

This 10-week program offers juniors and seniors the opportunity to work with oceanographers who are currently doing research in a variety of ocean sciences. Students may also have the opportunity to take sea trips throughout the summer. Majors in physics, engineering, applied mathematics, and chemistry are encouraged to apply. This program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Students receive a stipend of $450 per week. Room, board, and transportation are not provided by the program.


Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program

The Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPECB), in association with the Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, is committed to providing fulfilling research experiences to undergraduates. As a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site, CEPCEB provides research experiences to students of 2-and 4-year colleges who have limited opportunity to learn about the career options in plant cell biology. Eight to 12 qualified students are selected to participate in a stimulating 10week residential summer research program. Each student has a faculty and a graduate or postgraduate mentor. Students are introduced to the basics of plant cell biology as well as developing areas in plant cell biology in which UCR has expertise, including genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics, through a series of lecture/laboratory exercises. Students participate in workshops to enhance learning skills and professional development, and to discuss ethics in science. Students receive a $3,900 stipend.


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)

The SURF summer program is designed to introduce participants to the scientific endeavor in a professional setting. Juniors in chemistry and biochemistry participate in an intensive, hands-on research experience in an active, modern laboratory under faculty mentorship. Each SURF student receives a stipend and on-campus housing. Students learn to communicate about their research orally and in writing.

Summer undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology


Juniors or seniors in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, bioinformatics, or a similar area participate in an intensive and personalized summer program for women, minority, or disadvantaged undergraduates. Participants perform research directly supervised by a faculty member, and attend weekly seminars. Students receive a stipend, housing, and roundtrip travel.

The University of California’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (UC AGEP) is a partnership among the 10 campuses of the University of California and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The goal of this partnership is to increase the number of underrepresented minority students who acquire doctoral degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and ultimately enter the professoriate.

To achieve this goal, UC AGEP created a series of program initiatives that span the pathway to the professoriate from graduate school outreach, recruitment, and admission to success in graduate school and in the acquisition of postdoctoral and professoriate positions.

To obtain information about UC degree programs, current and past research, campus demographics, and additional opportunities please visit the following websites:

SECTION II - Multiple Sites In State and Out of State

The National Science Foundation Science & Technology Centers (STCs) offer summer internships at each of the 17 centers, located at prestigious universities around the United States. These summer internships provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct research in a "graduate school" setting in the following fields:

biological sciences

computer and information sciences



mathematical and physical sciences

TUFTS University

Boston, MA

The Sackler School offers 10 week summer internships for undergraduate students interested in pursuing research careers in the biomedical sciences, beginning the first week of June. Stipends are available to cover travel and living expenses, and housing is available in the university dormitory.

During the course of the program, students conduct research under the supervision of a faculty mentor. They present the results of their projects at a poster presentation at the end of the summer. Every two weeks the students meet in small groups with a faculty facilitator to discuss each other's research. This provides each student with useful feedback on his or her project as well as the opportunity to learn about what is going on in other laboratories. The program also features several field trips and counseling on applying to graduate and medical schools.


Baltimore, Maryland

Program Overview

The Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides an independent research experience under the direct mentoring of established Hopkins researchers.  The purpose of this exposure to biomedical and/or public health research is to encourage students to consider careers in science, medicine and public health.


For undergraduate students interested in PhD programs in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES

The Stanford Summer Research Program in Biomedical Sciences is a fully funded, eight week residential internship program. This program offers undergraduates from across the county a unique opportunity for advanced research experience within a world class university.

The Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies (CPIMA) provides qualified undergraduates in chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, physics, and related fields with a ten week summer research opportunity. The SURE program allows students to work on independent research projects involving direct interaction with research scientists, post-doctoral scholars, and graduate students at Stanford University, IBM Almaden, University of California - Berkeley, University of California - Davis, or a CPIMA Industrial Affiliate. Students participate in a number of SURE activities including the CPIMA Forum where they present their summer research in a poster.

SLAC – Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

The Department of Energy offers internship appointments under this program at a number of DOE-supported laboratories. SLAC has an exciting program offering summer internships for undergraduates, and for more than thirty years has offered 20-25 students an eight week paid internship at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in Menlo Park, California. Many of our participants in the program have decided on a career in science and engineering because of their summer experience.

Applicants need at least one year of college-level physics to be selected by SLAC. Students who are majoring in physics, engineering, or computer science are encouraged to apply.

For engineering and science students with broad interests across disciplines focusing on nanotechnology

The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network ( NNIN ) is an integrated partnership of thirteen user facilities, supported by NSF, providing unparalleled opportunities for nanoscience and nanotechnology research. .

The chosen undergraduates taking part in the ten-week NNIN REU program will receive hands-on nanoscience and technology experience through research with applications to bio-engineering, chemistry, electronics, materials science, optics,optoelectronics, physics, and the life sciences. The research projects are designed and supervised by the faculty and technical staff at the NNIN research facilities. Interns work with faculty and graduate students on projects using the unique resources offered at their award site. A three-day scientific convocation, attended by all the network interns, is held in August to allow each intern the opportunity to present their work to their peers in the form of a concise scientific presentation. Interns also must complete a written report, akin to a research paper, summarizing the findings of their research project. These reports are published as the NNIN REU Research Accomplishments.

The NNIN REU Program is supported by the National Science Foundation, and co-sponsored by NNIN and its industrial sponsors. Participants receive a $3,800 stipend, plus housing and all travel expenses to their research site and the convocation site. They may be responsible for their own meals. Full participation in the site program and network convocation, and the submission of a final report, are all mandatory.

MATE - Marine Advanced Technology Education Center's mission is to help prepare America's future workforce for ocean-related occupations. The MATE Center utilizes information from employers to improve and develop educational programs with a focus on marine technology. The Center focuses on community college education and the creation of strong links between community colleges and high schools, technical schools, 4 year institutions, research institutions, and industry, government, military, and labor organizations.

National Institute of Health NIH Summer Internship Program in

Biomedical Research

The Summer Internship Program (SIP) at the NIH provides an opportunity to spend the summer working side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. Students sixteen years of age or older who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and are currently enrolled at least half-time in high school, an accredited U.S. college or university or an accredited U.S. medical/dental school are eligible to apply. Students who have been accepted into a college or university may also apply.

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) and the Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship (MURF).


The URF allows students to conduct research in the summer with an ASM member faculty mentor at their home institution and present the results at the ASM General Meeting the following year. The fellowship requires a joint application from both the student and faculty mentor.   Application are available online at . Deadline is February 1, 2009


The MURF provides an opportunity for historically excluded and underrepresented students to participate in research projects at their home institution or at selected institutions throughout the U.S. and gain experience presenting the results of their research at the ASM General Meeting the following year. Applications are available online at . Deadline is February 1


Center for Nanoscale Chemical-Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing Systems

University of Illinois , Urbana-Champaign

The Nano-CEMMS Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program is held for a 10 week period over the summer. This is a chance for students to engage in full-time research on a nanotechnology-related topic and to gauge their interest and potential for future research at the graduate student level.

Pre Med Pre Dental Students


Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a FREE (full tuition, housing, and meals) six-week summer academic enrichment program that offers freshman and sophomore college students intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation.

Increase your chances of getting into Medical or Dental School     

Case Western Reserve University Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine (OH)

• Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and College of Dental Medicine (NY)

• David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and UCLA School of Dentistry (CA)

• Duke University School of Medicine (NC)

• Howard University Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Dentistry and Medicine (DC)

• The University of Texas Dental Branch and Medical School at Houston (TX)

• UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical and New Jersey Dental Schools (NJ)

• University of Louisville Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (KY)

• University of Nebraska Medical Center, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry (NE)

• University of Virginia School of Medicine (VA)

• University of Washington Schools of Medicine and Dentistry (WA)

• Yale University School of Medicine (CT)

SMDEP Program now online:



Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

for Sophmores and Juniors interested in graduate school in the biomedical sciences

The Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates to conduct laboratory research. SURF students work with leading scientists in a broad range of areas including biochemistry; structural biology and chemistry; molecular, cell and developmental biology; immunology; virology and microbiology; neuroscience; physics; and mathematical biology.

College sophomores and juniors are eligible to spend 10 weeks during the summer in a Rockefeller University laboratory. The program begins the first week in June and ends the second week in August. Placement in laboratories is centralized through the Dean's Office. Students are matched with laboratories according to their stated research interests, and work on projects under the direct supervision of faculty, postdoctoral fellows and/or senior graduate students.

Office of Graduate Studies

The Rockefeller University

1230 York Avenue, Box 177

New York, NY 10065

CAL TECH The Student-Faculty Programs office at Caltech administers several undergraduate research fellowship programs. Application procedures and selection criteria vary among the programs, but the programs have similar elements:

|[p|Students collaborate with mentors/co-mentors |

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|[p|Students write research proposals or project plans |

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|[p|Selected participants do their projects over a ten-week period in the summer |

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|[p|Fellows submit technical papers and give oral presentations at the conclusion of the program |

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During the summer, SFP coordinates seminars, professional development workshops, and social and cultural activities open to participants in all programs.

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT is located in Cambridge, MA

The HST Summer Institute is part of MIT’s effort to help facilitate the involvement of talented students in engineering and science research, in particular underrepresented minorities, first-generation college students, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The HST and i2b2 Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics program (BIG) introduces students to the intersection of quantitative and biomedical sciences, providing them with broad knowledge of clinical relevancy as well as specific skills in the information science of genomics. BIG brings together nationally recognized leaders from the basic biological sciences, computer science, genomics, bioinformatics and epidemiology. Undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in bioinformatics and genomics are eligible to participate in the nine week Summer Institute in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics.

The Summer Institute offers unique, hands-on research opportunities to outstanding, highly motivated students who are currently sophomores, juniors, seniors, or in their first year of graduate school. Students engage in research in a scientific community internationally recognized for its leadership and commitment to excellence

Other Resources

Rochester Institute of Technology

Co-Op/Internship Opportunities Clearinghouse

Includes internships for international, pre-vet, ecology, biomedical, engineering, genetic counseling, immunology, and much more

For Science, technology, engineering and mathematics majors who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

American Society of Plant Biologists

ASPB created SURF to encourage students to pursue advanced degrees and careers in plant biology. SURF helps students conduct meaningful research in plant biology at their home institutions early in their college years. Ideally, students should conduct their SURF-funded research the summer following their sophomore year. Exceptionally well-prepared first-year students and juniors who provide evidence of a strong commitment to plant biology will also be considered. Recipients are expected to present their results at the ASPB national meeting in the following summer. Some funding to attend the meeting may be available through the SURF program

Chemistry at Kent State – Liquid Crystal Institute

Kent State University Summer Research Program

$3500 Stipend

Free Room

Travel Assistance

State of the Art Facilities

Hands on Research


Ivy Leagues consist of the following schools:


Providence, RI



New York, NY



Ithaca, NY


Hanover, NH


Cambridge, MA


University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA


Princeton, NJ


New Haven, CT

The Leadership Alliance is a good research for finding summer research at the Ivy Leagues. You might also wish to visit each campuses website and do “search” for summer research programs.

The Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP), principally for underserved and underrepresented students, offers undergraduates the opportunity to work for eight to ten weeks under the guidance of a faculty or research mentor at a participating Alliance institution. Through this one-on-one collaboration, students gain theoretical knowledge and practical training in academic research and scientific experimentation. SR-EIP is designed to encourage students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities to consider research careers in the academic, public or private sectors. Students are required to present a written report and/or abstract at the end of their summer research activity and complete a program evaluation. All participants are expected to participate in the Leadership Alliance’s annual, national symposium and to make oral or poster presentations of their research. Students receive a stipend, travel and housing.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program

Program Description Each summer the Yale SURF Program brings a group of qualified undergraduates to Yale for eight weeks. The experience is meant to familiarize students with the kind of work they can expect to do in graduate school, provide them with insight into the many steps involved in building a career based on Ph.D. level training, as well as foster a sense of confidence regarding their own abilities and potential.

For students interested in a career in biomedical sciences

Gerstner Sloan-Kettering Graduate School Summer Undergraduate Research Program

The ten-week summer undergraduate research program begins on the first Monday in June and runs for ten consecutive weeks.

Students will learn from scientists conducting research in:

• developmental biology and genetics;

• signals and pathways involved in the control of cell proliferation;

• cell-cell interactions, adhesion, and protein targeting;

• tumor immunology, immunotherapy, and transplantation biology;

• genomic integrity and human cancer genetics;

• drug development, drug resistance, and clinical therapeutics;

• chemical biology and structural biology;

• computational biology.

ACCESS- Summer Research Program for Underserved College Students

For students interested in PhD programs

The Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences (WCGSMS) has established an internship program for training under-served college students in the biomedical sciences. Interns are given hands-on experience in a biomedical research laboratory and are encouraged to apply to Ph.D. programs. Selected students are placed in laboratories at the Weill Cornell Medical College under the mentorship of an experienced faculty member. In addition to the laboratory experience, students attend lectures and discussions aimed at enhancing their understanding of the current status of biomedical research, the pathways available to enter a research career, and the range of career opportunities available. Students also participate in weekly journal clubs, attend workshops that teach them how to prepare for interviews and seminars, as well as taking part in various social activities

For students interested in MD-PhD Programs:

Gateways to the Laboratory Program Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan Kettering

Every year, 15 students embark on a 10 week intensive journey of learning about the challenging and gratifying road of becoming a physician-scientist. Over the summer, students will:

• Work independently on a research project at Weill Cornell Medical College, The Rockefeller University or Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, all located across the street from each other on the Upper East Side of New York City.

• Present and participate in weekly journal clubs.

• Participate in a hands-on tour of the Gross Anatomy Lab.

• Sit for a Mock MCAT exam.

• Partake in a Lab Techniques Workshop and Clinical Skills Workshop.

• Participate in Career Development Workshops (Presentation Workshop and Interview Skills Workshop).

• Scrub into surgeries at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

• Give an oral, written and poster presentation of your research in front of your family, friends and colleagues.

• Have on going mentorship by your "Big Sib" (a current MD-PhD student) as well as weekly meetings with the Program's leadership.

Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics

Under this program, up to ten science and engineering students from around the country will be invited to participate in research at the Laboratory. The program is enriched substantially by contributions from the Physics Department at Wayne State University, the CLEO Collaboration, and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). In addition there are several other REU programs on campus with whom we share housing and programs.

The ten-week program to participation in research, the program will include informal seminars, formal lectures, tours of research facilities, social and recreational events, and a forum at summer's end in which participants present the results of their research.

Participants will receive a stipend of $4200, a housing allowance, and a travel allowance for a round trip to/from Ithaca. Group housing will be available through Cornell University Campus Life and it is hoped that all the students can participate in this arrangement. Cornell Dining also has meal plans available at its various dining facilities.

Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Princeton University

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Department of Molecular Biology & Lewis-Sigler Institute

(9 weeks)

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA

The 10-week REU provides nanoscale research opportunities across a wide range of disciplines from materials science, mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics, bioengineering, physiology, chemical engineering, and electrical engineering

The Undergraduate Research at The Nano-Bio Interface program at Penn’s NBIC is an REU that combines a rich research experience in nanobiotechnology with structured professional development focused on cross-cultural issues.  The focus of the research is molecular interactions at the interface of physical and biological systems organized around themes of molecular motion, opto-electronic function of biomolecules, and single molecule probes.  Faculties from two universities collaborate to provide a rich research experience for undergraduate students.


Projects in summer will focus on:

•  Invasive Plants, Pests & Pathogens

•  Plant Biology, Population and Community Ecology

•  Large Ecosystem Experiments and Permanent Plot Studies

•  Conservation Biology and Biodiversity

•  Forest Ecosystem Response to Global Change

•  Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics

•  Reading and Conserving the New England Landscape

Students are paid a stipend of $4920 for the 12-week session.

Excellent on-site housing and a full meal plan are included as part of the program.

Assistance with travel costs to and from Harvard Forest is also provided.

We seek a diverse group of students from a variety of undergraduate programs across the country

Visit for the on-line application. 

Applications are due February 1, 2009.

Columbia University

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

in Materials Science and Engineering

Summer Program for 2009

The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Columbia University, called the Center for Nanostructured Materials, will support approximately ten outstanding undergraduates as Summer Research Fellows for the period from May 27-August 1. The National Science Foundation - Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) program provides a $3500 stipend for each successful candidate, free campus housing (worth over $2600) in which you are expected to reside, and possible assistance with round-trip transportation (up to $500 if necessary). Those selected will have an opportunity to participate fully in the activities of one of the nation's outstanding interdisciplinary Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers, as well as in other exciting materials research on campus. This Center draws faculty from Materials Science, Chemistry, Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Physics, and Electrical Engineering, and works closely with nearby universities (including CCNY) and industry (including IBM).

Columbia Research Opportunities for Biology majors

Important Tips for Successful Applications:

1) Apply only to programs that you are eligible for.

2) If you have any uncertainties about applying for the program e-mail the contact person before you apply to the program.

3) Once you’ve submitted your application you may want to e-mail the program coordinate to let him/her know that you’ve applied.

4) Meet all the Deadlines posted.

5) Make sure to give your recommender(s) adequate time to write a polished letter of recommendation for you. Give them as much information as possible about you, the program you are applying to and how you see this program as beneficial to your academic and career goals.

6) If possible, send your recommender a copy of your resume and personal statement or essay questions.

7) Allow yourself enough time to gather required documentation such as official transcripts, medical insurance coverage forms, if needed. Some residential programs require that you have medical insurance in order to participate. If this is the case make sure you have this complete well before you begin the program.

8) Apply to more than one program.

9) Decide whether or not you can commit time to this program. If you are taking a summer course, decide how much time you will need to study and commute to class. Will this take time away from your research? In the past many of our MESA students have successfully participated in research programs while working and/or going to school. However, most students who have done this wish they had focused more on their internship by postponing the summer class for the fall semester.

10) Familiarize yourself with the program. Avoid blanket statements such as, “I want to be accepted to a summer research program at MIT because it’s a good school.” Instead talk about specific research being done at that institution and in this program.

11) Last but definitely not least, bring your applications to MESA so we can give it the once over.

Good luck!!! [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]


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