International Economics & Global Development

MSc in Maritime Economics and Logistics

Rotterdam School of Economics/ Rotterdam School of Management

Erasmus University Rotterdam


Lecturers: Teun Schmidt, Hans de Kruijk and Joe Francois

Contents Reader[1]

1. World trade, investment and transport costs: a bird’s eye view ………….……………. 1

• Schmidt, J.A. (2000), "Globalization and Multinational Enterprise", Trouw and

EUR, mimeo ..…………………………………………………………………...…...….. 2

• Irwin, D.A. (2002), “Long-run trends in world trade and income”,

World Trade Review, vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 89-1 ……………………………………………. 3

• Baier, S.L. and J.H. Bergstrand (2001), "The growth of world trade: tariffs,

transport costs, and income similarity", Journal of International Economics

53 (2001), pp. 1-27 ………………...……………………………………………..……. 10

• The gravity-fabric of world trade and investment, 1990 …...…………………………. 24

2. Fragmentation of international production, MNE, and trade costs …….…....………. 25

• Feenstra, R.C. (1998), "Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production

in the Global Economy", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.12, No. 4 …........…. 26

• International Factor Movements: the efficiency and welfare effects of

cross-border labour and capital movements …….………….……………….……..….. 36

• "Integrating the theories of FDI and trade", from World Investment Report 1996 ...…. 44

• Hummels, D., J. Ishii and K.-M. Yi (1999), “The nature and growth of vertical

specialization in world trade”, working paper ………………………………….……... 48

• Deardorff, A.V. (2000), “International provision of trade services, trade, and

fragmentation”, World Bank working paper ……………………………………….…. 68

3. The performance of rich and poor countries today and in the past .………........……. 86

• UNDP, Human Development Report 2002:

← Table 1: Human Development Index, pp. 149-152 ……………….................…..... 87

← Table 2: Human Development Index Trends, pp. 153-156

← Technical Note: Calculating the Human Development Index, page 253 ….…....... 91

• UNDP, Human Development Report 1991, The Human Freedom Index , page 20 …... 92

• UNDP, Human Development Report 1997, Overview ....…………..........…...……...... 93

4. Global poverty and inequality …..........…….........................................…....…………... 104

• Francois Bourguignon and Christian Morrisson (2002), “Inequality among

World Citizens: 1820 – 1992”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No.4,

September 2002, pp. 727-744 ………………………………………………….…...... 105

• Hakan Nordstrom, Trade, Income Disparity and Poverty: An Overview,

World Trade Organization, Special Studies 1999 ……...….……………………..….. 124

• “Roots of development”, The Economist, 3 October 2002 ………………………….. 134

• “Some win, some lose”, The Economist, 5 December 2001 …………………….….. 136

• Wade, R., “Global Inequality: winners and losers”, The Economist, 28 April 2000 ... 140

• “Of Rich and Poor”, The Economist, 28 April 2001 ….……………………….…..… 143

• “Convergence, period”, The Economist, 18 July 2002 ………………………….…… 144

• Birdsall, N., “That Silly Inequality Debate”, Foreign Policy, May 2002 ……….…... 145

5. Globalisation, technology, wages and jobs –stylised facts and analysis …….....……... 146

• Irwin, D.A. (2002), “The employment rationale for trade protection”,

Ch. 3 in: Irwin, D.A., Free Trade Under Fire, Princeton University Press, 2002 .….. 147

• Deardorff, A.V. (1998), “Technology, trade, and increasing inequality: does the

cause matter for the cure?”, Michigan working paper ……….…...………………….. 168

6. Global integration of product and services markets: transport costs and

the law-of-one-price ……..…………………………………………………………...…. 188

• Goldberg, P.K., and M.M. Knetter (1997), "Goods prices and exchange rates:

what have we learned?", Journal of Economic Literature, September (selections) .… 189

• Parsley, D.C. and Shang-Jin Wei (2002), “Currency arrangements and goods

markets integration: a price based approach”, The Brookings Institution …………… 204

• “Trade in services: using openness to grow”, Ch. 3 in:

Global Economic Prospects 2002, World Bank, pp. 69-94 ………………………….. 205

• “Transport services: reducing barriers to trade”, Ch. 4 in:

Global Economic Prospects 2002, World Bank, pp. 97-127 …………………….…... 218

• Clark, X., D. Dollar and A. Micco (2001), “Maritime transport costs and

port efficiency”, World Bank working paper …………………………………….…... 234

• Fink, C., A. Mattoo and I.C. Neagu (2000), “Trade in international maritime

services: how much does policy matter?”, World Bank, DECRG working paper …… 253

7. Infrastructure and development ....……..…………………………….......................…. 271

• David Banister and Joseph Berechman (2000), Chapter 3: “Transport Infrastructure

Investment”, from “Transport Investment and Economic Development”,

UCL Press, London, 2000 …………………………………………………………… 272

• Pranab Bardhan (1997), “Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues”,

Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 35, pp. 1320-1346 …………………………… 284

• Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2002 ……………………. 311

• A List of Pro-poor Policies, handout HdK …………………………………...……… 319

• World Bank, The Comprehensive Development Framework ……………….………. 320

8. //////////////////////// MIDTERM PRESENTATIONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

9. Global environment and climate change ..…...............................….........….................. 321

• UNEP and UNFCCC, Climate Change Information Kit,

Information Sheets 1-2, 21-30, October 2001 ……………………………..……….... 322

10. The international commercial system, trade policy and the WTO in

the XXIst century …….............……….........…………………….…………………….... 347

• Deardorff, A.V., and R.M. Stern (2001), "What you should know about

globalisation and the WTO", Michigan working paper .…………….……….………. 348

• Francois, J., and W. Martin (2002), “Binding tariffs: why do it?”, Ch. 54 in:

Development, Trade, and the WTO – A Handbook, World Bank, pp. 540-547 ……… 366

• Hoekman, B. and M. Schiff (2002), "Benefiting from regional integration",

Ch. 55 in: Development, Trade, and the WTO – A Handbook, World Bank,

pp. 548-558 ..………………...……………………………………………………….. 370

• Ng, F. (2002), “Trade indicators and indices”, Appendix B in: Development,

Trade, and the WTO – A Handbook, World Bank, pp. 585-588 ……………………... 376

11. Shifting international competitiveness: patterns of trade, investment and

growth - the example of South East Asia ……..…………………….…………………. 378

• Kwan, C.H. (2002), “The rise of China and Asia’s Flying Geese pattern of economic development”, Nomura Research Institute Papers, August 2002 …………………… 379

• ADO 2001: Box 3.1 Sources of per capita income and its growth ……………….….. 390

• Country competitive advantage - the Porter approach .………………………….…… 391

12. Globalisation's impact on government and ‘country’ competitiveness …...…………. 392

• Dunning, J.H., ed. (1997). Governments, Globalization, and International Business,

Oxford University Press; “Intoduction”, and Ch. 3 “A business analytic approach

to governments and globalization” ………………...………………………………… 393

• Rodrik, D. (1997), Has globalization gone too far?, Institute for International

Economics, Wash., DC; Ch. 4 "Trade and the demand for social insurance" .….…… 406

• How the global economy works: a summary perspective …..………….…... 416

13. Financial integration and the international monetary system;

European integration in a nutshell – building a pan-European house? ……………... 417

• Herring, R.J., and R.E. Litan (1995), Financial regulation in the global economy,

Brookings; Ch. 2 “International financial integration: the continuing proces” ……… 418

• Herring, R.J., and R.E. Litan (2002), “The future of securities markets”,

Brookings Conference Report ……………………………………………………….. 439

• Mundell, R. (2000), “A reconsideration of the twentieth century”, Nobel Lecture ….. 446

• Mundell, R. (2001), “Poverty, growth, and the international monetary system”,

Asian Development Bank …………………………………………………………….. 454

• Post-war European integration in a nutshell: learning economic integration,

1947-58; build-up of the acquis, 1952-1993; legal instruments and regulatory

strategy; evolution of EU, EFTA and EEA ..…………………………………………. 465

• Fisher, Joska (12 May 2000), "From Confederacy to Federation – Thoughts on

the finality of European Integration", German Ministry of Foreign Affairs …..……... 481

• Schmidt, J.A. (2001), "Transition in CEE – the international dimension", EUR,

mimeo, to be distributed separately

14. /////////////////// PRESENTATIONS OF FINAL PAPERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

15. /////////////////// PRESENTATIONS OF FINAL PAPERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


[1] The numbers follow the weekly sessions for this course


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