Lesson Plan Outline

Lesson Plan Outline – Alex Eaton

Teacher: Tatiana Date: 05/11/10

Form: 11 Topic: “Panic Is Rare”

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs, Prepositions

I. Warm Up (10 minutes)

1. Pop quiz to review the vocabulary from the previous lesson. Students will work individually to complete the quiz which will be graded by Tatiana and be used to give marks. Pupils will be given an English variant and their task is to write the Ukrainian variant of that word. After completing 10 translations, they will write 2 sentences in English using at least 3 vocabulary words.

English Variant Ukrainian Variant

1. parachute _________________

2. adventurer _________________

3. panic _________________

Write 2 sentences in English using at least 3 vocabulary words.



2. Review the previous topic of extreme jobs and introduce the new grammar structure: phrasal verbs and prepositions.

II. Presentation of New Material

A. Present grammar using a flipchart that has written the phrasal verbs from the book and some key examples to help pupils understand. Phrasal verbs are verbs that are followed by prepositions that change the meaning completely. A verb without a preposition is a called a notional verb, but verbs (come, go, fall, turn) need a preposition to make the verb have a distinct meaning and to be called phrasal verbs.

e.g. come 1. come across the road turn 1. turn on the light

2. come up the stairs 2. turn down the invitation

go 1. go into the house fall 1. fall through the air

2. go away 2. fall off the ladder

III. Application

Have students work in pairs to create 3 sentences with the phrasal verbs + prepositions that were presented to them. Emphasize that pupils create complete sentences with the phrasal verb structure. After finished, students will read their sentences aloud.

IV. Summary

Students will review the past lesson’s topic Extreme Jobs by completing the “circle the odd word” exercise on page 92 (#9). Each sport has a list of equipment that has one odd word; students will raise their hand and find the incorrect word.

Reserve Activity: Have students review phrasal verbs by saying aloud a phrase that has not been written on the flipchart.

Home Task: pg. 91 (#7), pg. 92 (#8, 10)


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