NCAA Division II Degree Completion Scholarships

NCAA Division II Degree Completion Scholarships

NCAA Program Requirements.

• Applicant shall be a student-athlete who has exhausted athletics eligibility at an active NCAA Division II institution within the past calendar year.

• Awards are limited to student-athletes during their first 10 semesters or 15 quarters of full-time collegiate attendance.

• Applicant shall not be participating in another intercollegiate sport during the period of the award.

• Applicant must have received athletics-related financial aid from the NCAA Division II member institution.

• Applicant must be within 30 semester or 45 quarters hours of completion of his or her first undergraduate degree at the completion of the spring term.

• Applicant must have a 2.50 cumulative grade-point average.

• Applicant shall not receive any athletics aid if awarded a Division II Degree-Completion Award.

• Applicant shall use the grant to complete undergraduate degree requirements from the Division II institution where the applicant last competed.

Other NCAA Details:

The Division II Degree-Completion Award value will be the lesser of:

• The student-athlete's athletics-aid from his or her final year of eligibility;  

• Tuition for his or her remaining credits toward completing an undergraduate degree; or

• $5,000.

An institution is limited to nominating a maximum of three student-athletes for the Division II Degree-Completion Award.

The Division II Degree-Completion Award will only pay for those credits the student-athlete needs to complete his or her (first) undergraduate degree requirements.  The cost for any additional credits (including remaining in school to complete a double major or a minor that is not required for graduation) will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.

NCAA Division II Degree-Completion Scholarship: MSU-B Preliminary Application Process.

MSU-Billings is limited to three student-athlete applications for the Degree-Completion Scholarship. All eligible MSU-B student-athletes must complete the attached preliminary screening form to be considered for nomination from MSU-Billings. A maximum of three applicants from this screening process will be sponsored by the university in the formal NCAA application process. The screening criteria will be based on (in order of importance):

• Your cumulative GPA from all undergraduate institutions attended (through the Fall Semester of 2006).

• Your athletic accomplishments while playing for MSU-Billings.

• Your service to the university and community (including involvement with non-athletic extra-curricular activities such as student clubs and organizations).

• The size of the scholarship award you will be eligible to receive.

Though we cannot know exactly what criteria (and tradeoffs between criteria) the NCAA selection committee will use in any given year, it appears that higher GPA’s are a consistent selection criteria with the level of athletic accomplishments and service involvement acting as a “slider” that can advance you above others with similar GPA’s. We know that student-athletes with a 3.80+ GPA and high athletic accomplishments were selected and that those who have GPA’s in the 3.10-3.20 range who were consistent players and real contributors but who did not achieve school, conference, or NCAA single game, season or career major athletic accomplishments were not selected. Given the difficulty of making inter-sport athletic comparisons, GPA will be the predominant factor in the MSU-B selection. Athletic accomplishments and service will be used as a “slider” to compensate for GPA by up to .25 (e.g., a “star” athlete with a GPA of 3.40 could be considered equally with a “non-star” athlete who has a 3.75 GPA). The scholarship committee will assign “compensated” GPA’s to each applicant based on their academic GPA and the degree to which it will be augmented due to athletic accomplishments and service. If there are “ties” for the third student nomination (meaning that two or more students are within .10 of a compensated GPA of each other), the committee will consider the size of the scholarship that the student will be eligible for in making the nomination. In the event of such a “tie,” the student-athlete(s) who will be eligible for the largest scholarship will be chosen.

The scholarship committee may recommend the nomination of fewer than three candidates if it is deemed that the nomination would be futile.

The preliminary MSU-B application is due on Monday, March 19, 2007. Selection notification will be sent to all applicants by e-mail by late Wednesday, March 21, 2007.

Those selected for nomination will be required to gather all required information and provide their completed NCAA application package to Dr. Scott Harris no later than Wednesday, April 4, 2007.

MSU-Billings Preliminary Application for Nomination to be considered for the NCAA Degree-Completion Scholarship. Due: March 16 to Scott Harris at the athletics department office.


Did you receive any athletics aid during your last year of athletics eligibility?

Yes____ No_____ (If the answer is “no” you are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.)

How many semesters have you attended college?_____________________

(If some of your college education was taken under the quarter system, indicate both the number of quarters you attended and the number of semesters.)

Sport Played:__________________________________________________

Grade Point Average (through Fall 2006):____________________________

Your Major:____________________________________________________

Name of your Academic Advisor:___________________________________

Credits that will be completed at the end of Spring 2007:_________________

Credits remaining after completion of the Spring 2007 term:______________

Please provide the following:

1. An advising worksheet for your major (available on the MSU-Billings website at: ) that has been filled out with the terms in which completed courses were taken and the projected terms that you will take remaining required courses. Highlight those courses that will be taken after the completion of the Spring 2007 term. (A copy of this should be in your advising folder kept with your major department.)

2. An unofficial transcript that shows all coursework taken as an undergraduate. If your MSU-B transcript DOES NOT show all courses taken at other institutions, you must provide unofficial transcripts from those institutions.

3. A list of service activities (with approximate dates and time spent).

I certify that I have read and understand the requirements and believe that I meet the eligibility requirements for the NCAA Division II Degree-Completion Scholarship that are posted at

I certify that I have reviewed the NCAA application for the NCAA Division II Degree-Completion Scholarship and will be prepared to gather and provide all required information and documentation to the MSU-Billings Faculty Athletic Representative Dr. Scott Harris on or before Wednesday, April 4, 2007. The application packet is available on line at

Signed:_____________________________________________ Date:_____________________


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