Kentucky Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

Kentucky Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

Minutes of the Charge/Church Conference

This is the primary required document for all Charge/Church conferences in 2014. Also note several areas on the form call for additional documents/pages, which can be found on the website (). Please include name, phone, email addresses, mailing addresses, gender and ethnicity on all attached pages/forms.

Charge _________________________________________ Date ___________________

Church(es) _____________________________________________________________________

Pastor ____________________________ District Superintendent ________________________

Members present (Attach page with attendance record.)

Congregational Assessment (Attach report regarding the mission and ministry of the congregation including professions of faith, SMART goals for next year and the assessment process you are using.)

Lay Servant Reports (Attach reports regarding activities and services in the past year)

Recommendations for Lay Servants: _________________________________________________________

(Attach page with name, address, phone number(s) and email address for each person recommended.)

“Our Mission Covenant” report

Projection for the year 2015 __________________

Dollar Amount Given in 2013____________________

Dollar Amount Given to date (2014) _________________

District Apportionment report

Projection for the year 2015 __________________

Dollar Amount Given in 2013____________________

Dollar Amount Given to date (2014) _________________

Clergy Reports (All appointed clergy attach written reports including plans for continuing education for next year.)

Retired Clergy Reports (written report)

Administrative Reports

Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee

Please complete the attached Clergy Compensation Form for every clergy person (elders, deacons, local pastors and supply pastors) under appointment to the Church/Charge.

Recommendations for Candidacy (and continuation in candidacy):


(Attach sheet with name, address, phone number(s) and email addresses for each candidate.)


Has your church or charge made changes in property matters (values, purchases, improvements)?____

(If “Yes” provide written report)

Adequately insured? _________

Workers’ Compensation? _________ (According to state law, every church MUST have Workmen’s Compensation that covers the pastor and any other paid employees.)

Parsonage survey conducted in past 12 months? _________ (If “Yes” provide written report)


Balances as of _________________

General Fund $ _________________

Missions Fund _________________

Building Fund _________________

Trustees Fund _________________

______________ Fund _________________

______________ Fund _________________

______________ Fund _________________

(Attach page with information about other funds)

How often are the financial reports presented to the Board/Council? _____________

Have the books of the church finances been audited in the past year? _____________

Nominations (Due to the growing reliance on electronic communication, it is essential to provide email addresses, if possible, for every elected officer.)

|CHAIRPERSON, ADM. BOARD/ COUNCIL |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|LAY LEADER |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

|CHARGE LAY MEMBER/ANNUAL CONF. |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

|Each charge (not each church) must elect a lay member to AC. | |

| |Address:__________________________ |

|_________________________________ |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

|Additional Lay Member to Annual Conf. | |

|There should be one elected lay delegate for every clergy person |Address:__________________________ |

|(elder, deacon, local pastor) appointed to the charge. (Attach |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

|additional forms if necessary) |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|_________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

|Additional Lay Member to Annual Conf. | |

| |Address:__________________________ |

|_________________________________ |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

| |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

|Alternate Lay Member to the Annual Conference. Represents charge at |M ___ F___ |

|Annual Conf. if lay member is unable to attend. |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

|_________________________________ | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|


| |Address:__________________________ |

|_________________________________ |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

|(IF MULTI-CHURCH CHARGE) S/PPRC CHAIRPERSON OF OTHER CHURCH |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

| |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|(IF MULTI-CHURCH CHARGE) S/PPRC CHAIRPERSON OF OTHER CHURCH |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

| |Address:__________________________ |

|TREASURER |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

|_________________________________ |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

|RECORDING SECRETARY |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|CHAIRPERSON, BOARD OF TRUSTEES |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|CHAIRPERSON, COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (if not church employee) |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|FINANCIAL SECRETARY (if not church employee) |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

|RECORDING SECRETARY, CHARGE CONFERENCE |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic_______________________ |

|CHURCH HISTORIAN (strongly recommended) |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

|PRESIDENT UMW |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ______________________ |

| | |

| | |

|PRESIDENT UMM |Phone: ___________________________ Email:____________________________|

| | |

|_________________________________ |Address:__________________________ |

| |City: _____________________________ Zip:________ |

| |M ___ F___ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ________________________ |

ADDITIONAL OFFICERS & LEADERS Additional offices that may be elected at Charge Conference include: at-large members of Administrative Board/Council, nurture, outreach, witness, Age-Level, Family, and Specialized Ministries Coordinators (children’s ministries, youth ministries, adult ministries, family ministries, young-adult ministries, older-adult ministries, scouting coordinator, single adults, specialized ministries); Christian unity and interreligious concerns; church and society; community volunteers; education; evangelism; higher education and campus ministry; missions; prayer advocacy; religion and race; status and role of women; earth advocacy; stewardship; worship; advocacy for persons with special needs; church media resources; superintendent of the church school; coordinator of small-group ministries; health-and-welfare ministries coordinator; communications coordinator; disaster response coordinator and other offices specific to your local church. Please include names, phone number, email addresses, mailing addresses, gender and ethnicity and attach additional pages as needed.

|SAMPLE |Phone: 555-555-5555 |

|OFFICE: Children’s Team |Email: jdoe@ |

| |Address: 123 Main St. |

|Jane Doe |City: Anywhere, KY Zip: 40000 |

| |M F Racial/Ethnic: Native American |

| | |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: ________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic _________________ |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: ________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic _________________ |

| | |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: __________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ___________________ |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: __________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ___________________ |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: __________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ___________________ |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: __________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ___________________ |

| | |

|OFFICE:__________________________ |Phone: ________________________ |

| |Email: _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |Address: _______________________ |

| |City: __________________________ |

| |Zip: _____________ |

| |M____ F____ |

| |Racial/Ethnic ___________________ |


Class of __________ Class of __________ Class of _________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Lay Member, Annual Conference: ____________________

Lay Leader: ____________________


Class of __________ Class of __________ Class of _________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Lay Member, Annual Conference: ____________________

Lay Leader: ____________________

Treasurer: ____________________


Class of __________ Class of __________ Class of _________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________


Class of __________ Class of __________ Class of _________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Lay Leader ________________________ Pastor___________________________


Annual Information for the Charge Conference

Safe Sanctuaries

Do you have a Safe Sanctuaries policy?

When was the policy reviewed last?

When was your last training of volunteers?


High School Students Information

Please enter information for your church for all high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors at colleges . Click on the CHURCHES link next to the UMLS symbol. The information entered will be shared with our United Methodist colleges and Wesley Foundations.

Membership Audit

Please note that specific information concerning gains/increases in membership, number of Baptisms, and Professions of Faith are part of the reporting on the year end reports completed in January. However, the results of an audit of the membership rolls must be approved by Charge/Church Conference action and should be attached. Also, you are encouraged to use the Church/Charge Conference as a time to recognize and celebrate all of those who have been baptized and/or joined the church since the last Charge Conference.

Occasional Reports to the Charge Conference (On the Conference Web Site there are the optional forms listed below. These are not required of all churches/charges for the Business of the Charge Conference. Please complete any that are applicable to your church and attach here.)

2014 Accessibility Mini-Audit

2014 Annual Report Appointment to an Extension Ministry

2014 Annual Report Diaconal Minister

2014 Appointment of Deacon in Full Connection and Probationary Members in the Deacon Track

2014 Congregational Assessment Report

2014 Lay Servant Annual Report

2014 Parsonage Survey

2014 Recommendations for Lay Servant

2014 Retired Clergy Annual Report

Charge Conference Membership Information

Pastor's Checklist

UMLS Website Instructions

Staff Parish Relations Committee Clergy Compensation Report

This report must be completed for each pastor serving a church.

A separate compensation report is required for each church on a charge.

Clergy______________________________ Church____________________________

Charge____________________________ District_____________________________


A. Base salary A$__________

This line includes the salary paid to the pastor before any deductions are made for “salary-reduction agreements” for UMPIP; Flex Spending for Health, and any amount that is excluded for parsonage expense as outlined in Section III below. It should not include any amount listed in Sections I.B. and I.C.

B. Equitable compensation supplement or missional salary

supplement received from the Annual Conference B$__________

C. Extra benefits (non-required) paid by local church

1. Every church is responsible for paying the amount for a single premium for every full time local pastor, provisional or ordained clergy under appointment to the church. This amount is not considered a part of the clergy person’s salary and be listed on this form. If in addition to the required single premium, the church pays the family portion of the conference plan or for additional health insurance other than the Conference plan, that amount is considered to be a part of the compensation and needs to be listed here. C1$__________

2. Social Security (if paid by the church — this is taxable income for the minister). C2$__________

3. Other income paid to clergy person (do not list travel, business expenses or pension amounts) C3$__________

Please specify what is meant by other income


”Other Income” listed above might include but is not limited too: payments by the church to IRA’s or other personal investments by the pastor; gymnasium, health club or golf club memberships; school tuition or fees for pastor or dependents. Do not include any payments by local church for United Methodist pension plans or amounts for travel or professional expenses that are reimbursed.

Total compensation (paid to or on behalf of minister) $__________

(Total of lines A, B, & C1, 2, 3 above)


Do you live in a church-owned parsonage? Yes_____ No ____

If the church does not provide a parsonage, then a housing allowance must be provided for all Full Time Clergy under appointment. By Conference action, the minimum amount of that allowance must be $16,000 (12,000 allowance and 4,000 for utilities).

Please enter the amount of the housing allowance $__________


According to Tax Law, a clergy person can enter into an agreement with the local church relating to before tax reductions from the Total Compensation listed above. These reductions might include: Contributions to UMPIP (personal retirement plan) which will need to be reported to the Conference Benefits Officer on a separate form, amounts for flexible spending accounts (medical, childcare, etc.).

In addition a portion of clergy person’s salary may be excluded from total compensation to cover expenses for the parsonage. There must be an annual agreement between the Church and the clergy person specifying the amount. This amount is not a reduction from salary but a designated exclusion from taxable income.

The Annual Conference is not a tax advisor and urges clergy persons to consult a trained advisor or the IRS for more details concerning reductions or exclusions from total compensation. Those amounts do not need to be reported on this form.


Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Chairperson____________________________Date _______________

Pastor_________________________________________ Date _____________________

District Superintendent__________________________________Date _____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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