Board of Ordained Ministry

Virginia Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church

Person requesting CEU’s

Phone Email

Learning Experience Title(s):

Date(s) of Event:

Sponsoring Organization(s) Name and Website/Email:

Brief description of event (include event objectives and format):

What skill(s) in the following list does this event address? (place a check in 3rd Column)

|Skill |Example(s) |Skill Addressed |Max Pts Awarded Per Quad |

|Digital Worship |Zoom, Facebook, Youtube, Etc. | |8 |

|Editing Video/Audio |Pre-recorded worship, Social Media | |8 |

|Establishing Online Giving |VANCO, Paypal, GiveHub, Etc. | |6 |

|Creating E-Communications |Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Etc. | |6 |

|Social Media (Increased presence via more |Facebook, Facebook Groups, Instagram, Twitter | |4 |

|posts, devotionals, etc) | | | |

|Video Calls |Zoom, Google Meet, Skype | |4 |

|Training Laity or other Clergy |Teaching above skills | |1 per 0.5 hours |

Please use .5 hour increments for Contact Hour recording.

Number of non-interactive contact hours (webinar, podcast, etc): _________

CEU’s requested for non-interactive contact hours _________

(.1 for each 30 minutes; for example: a 1 hour webinar would be .2 CEU’s)

Number of interactive contact hours (phone call, participatory video call): _________

CEU’s requested for interactive contact hours _________

(.1 for each 60 minutes; for example: a 1 hour webinar would be .1 CEU’s)

Continues on page 2…

Please answer these questions briefly to reflect on your experience:

1. What did you learn that applies to your ministry setting? What “aha” moments did you have?

2. How will this change influence the way you lead in ministry?

3. How will you maintain proficiency for the activities learned? What support or resources do you need?

4. As a result, what further areas of technology learning would you like to explore? What additional questions do you have?

Submit by e-mail to ClergyExcellence@; Phone: (804) 521-1126

Or , mail completed application to: Center for Clergy Excellence

VAUMC, P.O.Box 5606, Glen Allen, VA 23058

For Office Use Only: Number of C.E.U.(s) approved: _________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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