Activity 1.1.2 Design Principles and Elements


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|Activity 1.1.2 Design Principles and Elements |


Have you ever noticed how buildings of similar size and shape can have completely different visual effects? Architects, like artists, must understand the elements and principles of design and how they affect the visual impact of the building on a viewer. Whether it is the intent of the architect to create a feeling of strength and stability or to create an unusual form that will elicit a double-take from the public, the elements and principles of design can be used to manipulate the intellectual and emotional reactions of the people who see and use the building.


Principles and Elements of Design Applied to Architecture presentation notes


In this activity you will identify design elements and principles as they pertain to images of structures.

For each of the following, choose one element of design and one principle of design that you feel is most prominent in the image and then justify your choice.

Word Bank

|Balance |Form |Rhythm |Texture |

|Color |Line |Shape |Unity |

|Emphasis |Proportion/Scale |Space |Value |

|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Emphasis | |

|-Contrast | |

|-Movement | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: parts of the design are equally distributed. | |

|-Rhythm: there is a repeated use of color, shape, and | |

|texture. | |

|-Emphasis: there is an emphasis on the arches because they’re| |

|grey and stick out. | |

|-Contrast: there is a contrast between the brown and the | |

|grey. | |

|-Movement: the connected lines create a flow throughout the | |

|building. | |

|-Unity: the constant colors and shapes create unity. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Texture | |

|-Form and shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the building has lots of lines on it that draw | |

|emphasis. | |

|-Color: the building is grey and brown and uses it to draw | |

|the eye. | |

|-Texture: the building has a rough texture. | |

|-Form and shape: the shapes in the building catch the eye | |

|(like the arches). | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Movement | |

|-Unity | |

|-Form and shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: there is a symmetrical balance. | |

|-Rhythm: there is a regular pattern. | |

|-Movement: there is a movement of the eye from the bottom of | |

|the building, to the top. | |

|-Unity: there is a constant color and style. | |

|-Form and shape: there are 2d and 3d shapes | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: there is a use of lines to lead your eyes to the top | |

|of the building. | |

|-Color: there is a uniform color that leads to unity. | |

|-Shape: there is a constant use of shapes. | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Balance | |

|-Emphasis | |

|-Contrast | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Rhythm: there is a pattern in the red brick part of the | |

|building that causes movement. | |

|-Balance: the building is symmetrical from the side of the | |

|tower. | |

|-Emphasis: the color and height of the tower lead to it | |

|standing out. | |

|-Contrast: there is a contrast of colors between the building| |

|and the tower. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the building is made up of mostly straight lines that | |

|lead the eyes up. | |

|-Color: there are two colors (red and white) that add | |

|emphasis and rhythm. | |

|-Shape: the shape of the tower makes it stand out. | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance |City Hall and London Bridge |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Movement | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the building is very symmetrical and looks the same| |

|throughout. | |

|-Rhythm: the pattern of the windows creates a rhythm. | |

|-Movement: there is a movement of the eyes around the shape | |

|due to the lines. | |

|-Unity: the building is very uniform throughout. | |

| | |

|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the black lines on each level draw the eyes in. | |

|-Color: there is a pattern of colors that add details. | |

|-Shape: the building is a dome to make it more interesting. | |

| Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Emphasis | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: there is a symmetrical balance. | |

|-Rhythm: there is a flow from the sides to the center. | |

|-Emphasis: the saint in the middle is larger and the eyes are| |

|drawn to her. | |

|-Unity: the painting is mostly the same throughout. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the lines around the painting draw the eyes into the | |

|center. | |

|-Color: the difference in color draws the eyes into the | |

|center figure. | |

|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the building is mostly symmetrical on both sides. | |

|-Rhythm: the similar shapes create a vertical flow. | |

|-Unity: the building is constant throughout (same color and | |

|shapes). | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Form and shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the building is made of entirely straight lines | |

|-Color: the building is a constant light and dark blue. | |

|-Form and shape: the building has many wedge forms on it that| |

|make it look very interesting. | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Contrast | |

|-Unity | |

|-Movement | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the house is in an unsymmetrical balance. | |

|-Rhythm: there is a pattern formed by the color and the | |

|materials. | |

|-Contrast: there is contrast between the red roof and the tan| |

|walls. | |

|-Unity: the single roof color and single wall color lead to a| |

|feeling of completeness. | |

|-Movement: The red road creates a smooth transition to the | |

|red roof of the house. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Form and shape | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the house has mostly straight lines that aid in a | |

|smooth visual movement. | |

|-Color: the contrast between the red and tan makes the | |

|building stand out. | |

|-Form and shape: the building is made up of mostly triangles.| |

|These make for a balance. | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance |Roman aqueduct |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Movement | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the aqueduct is vertically symmetrical. | |

|-Rhythm: there is a pattern of arches making up the | |

|structure. | |

|-Movement: your eyes move along the structure from the front | |

|bottom to the back top. | |

|-Unity: there is a constant use of color, texture, and forms | |

|that lead to unity. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Form and shape | |

|-Space | |

|-Texture | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: there are lines along the top of the arches that lead | |

|to a smooth movement. | |

|-Color: there is a similar color throughout that causes | |

|unity. | |

|-Form and shape: the structure is made up entirely of arches.| |

|-Space: the use of arches allow for their to be more space, | |

|which makes the structure look better as well as uses less | |

|materials. | |

|-Texture: stones are used throughout the structure. | |

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|Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Emphasis | |

|-Movement | |

|-Contrast | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the building is vertically symmetrical. | |

|-Rhythm: the columns create a pattern. | |

|-Emphasis: the white surroundings make your eyes focus on the| |

|gold center. | |

|-Movement: your eyes move along the columns and to the | |

|center. | |

|-Contrast: there is a contrast between the white and gold, | |

|which draws attention to the painting. | |

|-Unity: the constant color and look gives the building unity.| |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Form and shape | |

|-Space | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the columns are all made of lines that make your eyes | |

|travel vertically. | |

|-Color: there is a contrast of white and gold to catch | |

|people’s attention. | |

|-Form and shape: there are many columns to lead to a feeling | |

|of unity. | |

|-Space: there is space between the two rows of columns that | |

|focus your eyes in on the painting. | |

| Principle of Design | [pic] |

|-Balance | |

|-Rhythm | |

|-Movement | |

|-Unity | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Balance: the similar house styles and colors lead to a | |

|balance. | |

|-Rhythm: the pattern of similar houses in different colors | |

|gives it a rhythm. | |

|-Movement: Your eyes move back towards the higher houses. | |

|-Unity: the almost identical buildings give a feeling of | |

|wholeness. | |

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|Element of Design | |

|-Line | |

|-Color | |

|-Form and shape | |

|-Texture | |

| | |

|Justification: | |

|-Line: the buildings are made up almost entirely of straight | |

|lines. | |

|-Color: the buildings are all painted one unique color that | |

|creates rhythm. | |

|-Form and shape: the windows and buildings are all of the | |

|same shape and size. | |

|-Texture: the buildings all have wood paneling that adds to | |

|their unity. | |

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In what way do certain elements or principles identify the time period in which a structure was created?

In many time periods, certain styles were very prominent. All these styles have specific elements and principles that are unique to them. Using these elements and principles, you can identify the time period in which a structure was created.

What factors might account for an incorrect identification?

Many styles share many common elements and principles. For example, Queen Anne style and Normandy style look very similar. This is due to the preferences and society at the time. Also, a style might come back for a while and it might be hard to tell which time period it was from.

Describe an example of a way that design principles and elements could impact the function of a building.

The appearance of a building can impact the function of a building. For example, if you opened up a nursery school, people would be more likely to send their kids to you if the building was colorful than if it was dreary. Likewise, a building with many different shapes and colors would probably serve as an art museum. Building’s designs greatly affect what people think about them and the people or things in them.






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