Michelle Lynn Morgenstern

Timothy Patrick Lee

166 Grovers Ave.

Bridgeport, CT 06605

(203) 610-1223



SUNY Maritime College – Fort Schuyler, NY

Bachelor of Engineering May 2009

Major: Facilities Engineering

Dean’s List 2005, 2007

Certifications: United States Coast Guard Engine License Program, (3RD A/E)

Universal EPA Certification

▪ Section 608 Refrigeration Certification Program


` SUNY Maritime Summer Sea Terms (2005,2007,2008)

2008: 1st class engine cadet

▪ Chief Electrician on 600 ft TS Empire State VI

▪ Responsible for all electrical systems

▪ Managed all Assistant Electricians

▪ Assigned to Chief Watch Engineer Position

Winged Foot Country Club

Winter 2007: CAD Consultant

▪ Created a CAD drawing for the existing heating system

▪ Assisted in the design of the new heating system

NRI Construction Inc.

Summer 2008:Intern

▪ Worked with Project Managers on large scale construction projects, from planning through final punch lists


Heating Load Project/Cooling Load Project

Fall 2007: Facilities Design I

▪ Designed a basic building with ten rooms per floor

▪ Selected the building materials (wall type, roof, windows, etc.)

▪ Calculated all the heat losses and heat gains in the building

▪ Calculated the Btu per hour

▪ Calculated Boiler horsepower (heating load)

▪ Sized Compressor (cooling load)

Diesel Lab Design Project

Spring 2007: Facilities design II

▪ Designed floor plans for new diesel lab

▪ Developed a scope of work

▪ Created work breakdown packages

▪ Programmed bar-net graphs with critical paths

▪ Created a work schedule

Steam Cycle Project

Fall 2008: Marine Engine Design I

▪ Calculated various pressures and temperatures in the cycle

▪ Calculated the over-all efficiency of the power plant

Special Skills:

Proficient in Microsoft programs including Work, Excel, PowerPoint, Scheduler, AutoCAD, and Ganttpv.


Sailing Team Fall 2004-Fall 2007

IFMA member Spring 2005-Present

▪ President of SUNY Maritime Chapter

SNAME student member Fall 2005-Fall 2006

ASHRAE student member Fall 2008-Present


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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