Detroit Metropolitan Area

Compiled by Michael Peterson

Updated August 25, 2003


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|Elementary |Elementary |Elementary |Elementary |

| | | | |

|Sterling Elementary |Macarthur Elementary, Southfield. |Avalon Elementary |Ausable Primary |

|160 Fessner |24501 Fredrick |20000 Avalon |Grayling, Michigan |

|Carleton, Michigan 48117 |Southfield, MI 48034 |St. Clair Shores, MI |Principal: Barbara Mick |

|734 654-6846 |248-746-8590 |586-445-4350 | |

|Principal: Kathlene Gibson |Fax: 248-746-8944 |Barbara Pyden, special education teacher. South |Cornell Elementary |

| |Contact: Mishael Hittie, teacher |Lake School District special education director:|4371 Cornell Blvd. |

|Richard Elementary School |mhittie96@ Good examples of multi-level |Toni Kassander. 586-435-1660 |Okemos, Michigan 48864 |

|176 McKinley Ave. |teaching but with pull-out special education | |Principal: Marjory Clay |

|Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48236 |services. |Poupard Elementary School | |

|(313) 432-4900 | |20655 Lennon |North Godwin Elementary |

|Mrs. Meek, Principal |Stevenson Elementary School |Harper Woods, MI 48225 |161 34th Street SW, Wyoming, Michigan 49548, |

| |27777 Lahser Road |313 343-2277 |616 241-0359 |

|Bessie Hoffman Elementary |Southfield, Mi 48034 | |Principal: David Styf |

|Lincoln Consolidated Schools |248-746-8840 |Marie C. Graham Elementary | |

|50700  Willow Road, Belleville, MI  48111 (734) | |25555 Crocker Blvd. |Reid Elementary, 2103 E. Reid Road |

|484- 3150 |Fairivew Early Childhood Center, Farmington. |Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48045 |Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 |

|Principal: Carol McCoy |28500 Oakcrest Drive |783-6460 |810 591-7121 |

| |Farmington Hills, MI 48334-1840 | |Principal: D. Keith Baldwin |

| |(248) 489-3799 |Clarkston Elementary | |

|Cesar Chavez Academy, Detroit. 8125 West Vernor|Nancy Ely, Principal. 248-489-3799 |6595 Waldon Rd. |Glenside Elementary |

|Highway, Detroit, Michigan 48209 | |Clarkston, Michigan 48346 |1213 Hackley |

|313-843-9440 |Hillside Elementary, Farmington. |810 625-4900 |Muskegon, Michigan 48441 |

|Principal: Javier Garibay javgaribay@ |36801 West 11 Mile Road | |616 720-2500 |

| |Farmington Hills, MI 48335 |Dort Elementary School |Principal: Marti Discoll |

|Botsford Elementary School |Principal: Dr. Janice Colliton |16225 Dort | |

|19515 Lathers |248-489-3776 |Roseville, MI 48066 |Jackman Elementary |

|Livonia, MI 48152 |Fax: 248-489-3780 |586.445.5750 |2010 Northover Rd. |

|248-473-8911 |Principal: Kathy Obrizak |586.445.5753 FAX |Toledo, OH 43613 |

| | |Principal: Betty Yee. Contact 3-5 multi-age |(419) 474-6469 |

|Kirby Elementary School | |teacher Nancy Creech who is including several | |

|285 Kerby Road | |students with special needs. creecher12@ |Pierce Lake Elementary |

|Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 | |810-773-5067 |275 N. Freer Rd. |

|313-432-4200 | | |Chelsea, MI 48118 |

| | | |734-433-2204 |

|Bagley Elementary |Kenbrook Elementary School, Farmington. |Kenwood Elementary School |Principal: Lucille A. Stieber |

|8100 Curtis, Detroit, MI. 48221 |32130 Bonnet Hill Road |240 Nahma | |

|(313) 494-7175 [phone] |Farmington Hills, MI 48334-3407 |Clawson, MI 48017 |Ezra Eby Elementary, Napoleon. |

|(313) 494-7173 [fax] |(248) 489-3711 |248-655-3803 |220 West Avenue |

|Principal:  Peggy Williams |Margaret McKinley, Principal, 248-489-3711 |Principal: Virginia Martel |P.O. Box 308 |

| (Child | | |Napoleon, MI 49261 |

|with Down syndrome being included). | |Erie Elementary |Principals: Pam Barnes and Annette Smith |

| |William Grace Elementary School, 29040 |42276 Romeo Plank Road |517-536-8667 |

|David Hicks Elementary |Shiawassee Street, Farmington Hills, MI |Clinton Twp, MI 48038 |Fax: 517-536-4914 |

|100 Helen St., Inkster, MI 48141 |48336-4954 |Principal: Dr. Gerald Evanski |E-mail: |

|(734) 419-2660. |(248) 489-3747 Principal: Mark Morawski |Only few students included in 3rd grade | |

|Principal: Ron Edmondson | School is |teacher’s class: Cari Carson |William Lee Elementary |

|One student with SXI label being fully included.|partially including students with severe | |68399 S. Forest |

| |disabilities. |Chesterfield Elementary |Richmond, MI 48062 |

| | |25925 23 Mile Road |810-727-2509 |

|William Ford Elementary,14749 Alber, Dearborn, |Pierce Elementary School |Chesterfield, MI 48051 | |

|MI 48126 – (313) 582-5327 Prinicipal: Mrs. |1929 Pierce St. |Contact: Susie Kerr, special education teacher. | |

|Blackburn. Inclusive bilingual and special |Birmingham | | |

|education. |248-203-4325 | | |

|Howe Elementary, 18000 Oakwood Blvd. Dearborn, | | | |

|MI 48124 313-217-8150 |Oakland Elementary | | |

|Metro Charter Academy |2415 E. Brockton Ave. | | |

|Andrew B. Cook-Principal |Royal Oak, MI 48067 | | |

|34800 Ecorse Road |248-542-9289 | | |

|Romulus, MI 48174 | | | |

|Phone:  734-641-3200 | | | |

|Fax:  734-641-6530 (One child with Down | | | |

|syndrome is being included at the request of the| | | |

|parent.) | | | |

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|Middle School |Middle School |Middle School |Middle School |

| | | | |

|Brooks Middle School |Crary Middle School |L’Anse Creue Middle School South |Williamston Middle School |

|16101 Chicago Road |Cass Lake Road |34641 Jefferson Avenue |3845 Vanneter Road |

|Detroit, MI 48228 |Waterford, MI |Harrison Township, Michigan 48045-3236 |Williamston, Michigan 48895 |

|313-852-0512 |(248) 682-9300 |810-790-4190 |517 655-4668 |

| | |Principal: Patrick Mulcahy. |Principal: Carl Childress |

|Brownell Middle school |O.E. Dunckel Middle School | | |

|260 Chalfonte Avenue |32800 W. 12 Mile Road |Carter Middle School |Reeths Puffer School |

|Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 |Farmington Hills, Mi 48334 |12000 Masonic |1500 North Getty St. |

|313-432-3951 |(248) 489-3577 |Warren, Michigan 48093 |Muskegon, Michigan |

| |Principal, Pamela O'Malley |810 825-2620 |616 744-1647 |

|Miller Middle School | |Principal: Ms. Dundas | |

|2322 Dubois |Power Middle School | |Delton Kellogg Middle School, Grand Rapids, MI |

|Detroit, Michigan 48207 |34740 Rhonswood |Hill Middle School |49508 616 623-9251 |

|313-494-2642 |Farmington Hills, Michigan 48335 |Warren, MI | |

|Principal: Pierre Hendrix | |810 598-7769 |Williamston Middle School. |

|Class of students who are deaf fully included in|Orchard Lake Middle School, 6000 Orchard Lake | |3845 Vanneter Road |

|10 general education classes. |Rd., West Bloomfield, MI 48116 |Powell Middle School |Williamston, MI 48895 |

| |810 229-1455 |62100 Jewel Road |Principal: Carl Childress |

|Patrick Henry Middle School |Asst Principal: Neil Currie |Romeo, MI |517-655-4668 |

|(8th & 9th grade; teamed; alternating block | |752-0212 |Fax: 517-655-7502 |

|schedule; all students have at least 4 GE |Walnut Creek, Walled Lake, 7601 Walnut Lake | |E-mail: metco1@ |

|classes) |Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323 |South Lake Middle School | |

|24825 Hall Road |Assistant Principal: David Sudbury |21621 California | |

|Woodhaven, MI 48183 |248-926-4750 |St. Clair Shores, I 48080 | |

|(734) 362-6100 Contact: Beth DeFiguerido. |Fax: 248-926-4730 |586-445-4340 | |

|Principal: Kay Reilly | |Principal: Timothy Click. | |

| |Birney Middle School |Special education teacher: Cathy Tisdale. | |

|Cantrick Middle School, 1008 Riverview, Monroe, |27225 Evergreen Road | | |

|MI |Southfield, MI 48076 | | |

|48162 and the principal's name is Jeff LaRoux |248-746-8800 | | |

| (9 teams with special | | | |

|education teachers assigned to teams and | | | |

|students with disabilities in most general | | | |

|education classes). | | | |

| | | | |

|L’Anse Creuse Middle School South Central | | | |

|38000 Reimold | | | |

|Harrison Township, MI 48045 | | | |

|586-783-6430 | | | |

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|High School |High School |High School |High School |

| | | | |

|Dawn Kellogg Crestwood High School, 1101 N. |Groves High School |Stevenson High School |Boyne City High School |

|Beech daly, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 |20500 W. 13 Mile |Utica School District |1025 Boyne Ave. |

|810 278-0900 |Birmingham, MI 48025 |39701 Dodge Park |Boyne City, MI |

| |248 203-3500 |Sterling Hts. MI, 48313 |616 582-6587 |

|Theodore Roosevelt High School | |(810) 268-4700 |Principal: Dr. Sue Stephens |

|520 Eureka |Berkley High School | | |

|Wyandotte, MI 48192 |2325 Catalpa in Berkley, Michigan |L'anse Creuse High School Central | |

|313 246-1000 |Contact: Sharon Berke, special education |38495 L'Anse Creuse Road |Howell High School |

| |co-teacher. |Harrison Twp., MI 48045 |1200 W. Grand River Ave. |

|Grosse Pointe South High School | | |Howell, MI 48843 |

|11 Grosse Pointe Boulevard |West Bloomfield High School |Dakota High School |517 548-6201 |

|Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 |4925 Orchard Lake Road |21051 21 Mile Rd. | |

|313-343-2133 |West Bloomfield, Michigan |Macomb, MI 48044 |Flat Rock High School |

|Rose Roary & Leo Lamberti, co-teachers |248-539-2500. |810 954-2505 |28639 Division |

| |Principal: Dr. Fornero |Principal: Allan Diver; Special Education Dept |Flat Rock, MI 48134 |

| | |Head: Cindy Miller |782-2458. Principal: Mary Ann McCabe |

| |Harrison High School | | |

| |29995 West Twelve Mile |Warren Woods Tower High School |Coldwater High School |

| |Farmington Hills, Michigan 48344 |27900 Bunert |275 N. Fremont Street |

| |248 489-3499 |Warren, MI 48088 |Coldwater, Mi. 49036 |

| |Principal: Randy Horne |586-429-4402 |Principal, John Heistan |

| | | | |

| |Troy Athens High School |Romeo High School | |

| |Troy, Michigan |11091 West 32 Mile Road |Traverse West High School, Traverse City. |

| |248 524-1200 |Romeo, MI 48065 |Box 32, Traverse City, MI 49685 |

| | |586-752-0300 |Principal: Joe Tibaldi |

| |Bloomington Hills Lahser High School |Principal: Gavin Johnson |616-933-7501 |

| |3456 Lahser Road |Special education teacher: Jeannie Dicicco. |Fax: 616-933-7506 |

| |Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 | |E-mail: |

| |248 339-3200 | | |


The following list identifies schools who have been observed by researchers or students at Wayne State University in which some reasonable efforts towards inclusion of students with special needs was occurring. By and large, this means that students with mild disabilities were being served in general education classroom with primarily in-class support by special educators, rather than pull-out services. Inclusion of students with moderate to severe disabilities occurred less frequently, most often through the individual advocacy and requests of parents. In a few cases, observations did involve a student with a severe disability being included in a general education classroom. In such cases, often this was the only inclusive education occurring in the school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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