Pete's Resume [493] - University of Houston–Downtown

P. Pete Chong

4045 Linkwood Dr. Apt 216, Houston, TX 77025

206.973.2480; p.pete.chong@


Naturalized US citizen; emigrated from Taiwan in 1969.

Academic Background

Ph.D., May 1994; Management Information Systems, with a minor in Finance, Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

M.B.A., May 1987; Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana.

A.S., December 1986; Computer Science, Southeastern Louisiana University.

B.A., May 1985; Psychology, Southeastern Louisiana University.


|September 2005 to Present |Academic Research Fellow and Visiting Professor, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan. |

|January 2002 to present |Martel Corp Professor of CIS, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, Texas. |

|June 1999 to December 2001|Associate Professor of MIS, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. |

|August 1998 to June 1999 |Associate Professor of MIS, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. |

|August 1997 to August 1998|Associate Professor of MIS, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. |

|August 1993 to August 1997|Assistant Professor of MIS, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. |

|August 1992 to May 1993 |Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU), Hammond, |

| |Louisiana. |

|January 1991 to August |Teaching Assistant, Department of Quantitative Business Analysis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, |

|1992 |Louisiana. |

|January 1991 to May 1992 |Part-time Instructor, Department of Computer Science, SLU. |

|January 1990 to December |Head of the Business Research Unit, and Instructor of Economics; Department of Economics and Business Research, |

|1990 |SLU; Editor of the Southeastern Economic Outlook, an economic review published by the Business Research Unit, |

| |SLU. |

|August 1989 to December |Research Associate and Instructor of Economics, Department of Economics and Business Research, SLU; Assistant |

|1989 |Editor of the Southeastern Economic Outlook (listed in Cabell’s Directory) |

|January 1989 to May 1989 |Assistant Director of the College of Business Microcomputer Lab, SLU. |

|August 1987 to May 1989 |Visiting Instructor of Economics, SLU. Supervising two graduate students in the Business Research Unit. |

Courses Taught

|University of |Senior Project (both face-to-face and online), E-Commerce, Database Management, System Analysis and Design, |

|Houston-Downtown |Management Information Systems, System Hardware and Software, Computer Algorithms (C++), and COBOL. |

|Chang Gung University |Information Systems Innovations and Concepts (Masters) |

| |Healthcare Information Systems Management (Ph.D. and Masters) |

|Gonzaga University |MBA: Data Communication and E-Commerce, Advanced Database Management, MIS Theories and Practices, Decision Support |

| |Systems. |

| |Undergraduate: Information Technology for Business, Business Database Management, Business Data Communications, |

| |Business Applications (Visual Basic), System Applications (C++), Business Computing (Office Suite and Internet |

| |applications), Management Information Systems, and Business Statistics. For Spring 1998, Principle Finance, |

| |Principle Management, and Operations Management in Florence, Italy (GU Campus). |

|University of Idaho |Introduction to System Development (VBA and VB5), Modern Information Technology (Infrastructure). |

|Louisiana State |Data Structure and File Management, Computer Literacy, Operations Management. |

|University | |

|Southeastern Louisiana |Management Information Systems, Computer Literacy (CS Department), Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Survey of |

|University |Economics (for Non-business Majors). |

Published Papers

Chong, P.P., P. DeVries, and M. Chang, “An Intuitive Methodology for Website Design,” International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 3, Spring 2005.

Chong, P.P., P. DeVries, and A. Van Den Hoek, “Information Superhighway: The Golden Spike of the 21st Century,” International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2005, pp. 223-232.

Chen, J.C.H., P.P. Chong, K. Gering, and T.T. Chuang, “Better Customer Service through Organizational Learning – a Case Study,” International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2005, pp. 79-89.

McMahon, Peter D. DeVries, and P.P. Chong, “Building a Wireless Network Infrastructure under Budget Constraints,” International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005, pp. 445-456.

Chen, J.C.H., W.R. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Knowledge Management and Competitive Environment: A Case Study,” Communications of the International Chinese Information Systems Association, forthcoming.

Chen, Y.S., P.P. Chong, and B. Zhang, “Cyber Security Management and E-Government,” Electronic Government, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2004, pp. 316-327.

Zhang, Q., J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Decision Consolidation: Criteria Weight Determination using Multiple Preference Formats,” Decision Support Systems, 38 (2004), pp. 247-258.

Chuang, T.T. and P.P. Chong, “Searching Advertising Placement in Cyberspace,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 104, no. 2, 2004, pp. 144-148.

Chen, Y.S., R. Justis, and P.P. Chong, “Data Mining in Franchise Organizations,” Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data for Optimal Performance, ed. H.R. Nemati and C.D. Barko, 2003.

Bose, U. and P.P. Chong, “Improve Customer Relationship Management through Managing Data Quality,” Issues of Information Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2003.

Chen, Y.S. and P.P. Chong, “Information Productivity,” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Marcel Dekker, Inc., May 20, 2003, pp. 1316-1324.

Chong, P.P., T.T. Chuang, M. Chang, and J.C.H. Chen, “Optimal Purchase Decision Criteria for Information Technology,” a chapter in Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities, IGP/INFOSCI/IRM, 2003.

Chong, P.P., E.T. Chen, and J.C.H. Chen, “E-Procurement in Taiwan: Issues and View Points,” Review of Pacific Basic Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2002, pp. 1-11.

Ogawara, S., J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Mobile Commerce: The Future Vehicle of E-Payment in Japan?” Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2002.

Ajineh, N., P. DeVries, and P.P. Chong, “Using EC/EDI to Improve Transcript Processing in Universities,” Communication of IIMA, Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2002, pp. 37-42.

Xu, Hong, J.C.H. Chen, P.P. Chong, and P. DeVries, “On-Line Education in China: Past, Present, and Future,” Communication of IIMA, Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2002, pp. 80-85.

Chen, Y.S., R. Justis, and P. Chong, “Franchising and Information Technology: A Framework,” a chapter in Managing Information Technology in Small Business: Challenges and Solutions, edited by Stephen Burgess, Idea Group Publishing, 2002, pp. 118-139.

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, and J.C.H. Chen, “IT Induction in the Food Service Industry,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 101, Issue 1, 2001.

Chen, J.C.H., P. Chong, and Y.S. Chen, “Decision Criteria Consolidation in Porter’s Competitive Forces: a Theoretical Foundation from Pareto Principle,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2001, pp. 1-14.

Chen, Y.S., P.P. Chong, and J.C.H. Chen, “Small Businesses Management: an IT-Based Approach,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, Winter 2000-2001.

Chen, J.C.H., P.P. Chong, and W.C. Chiang, “TCO Best Practices for Computing Asset Management,” Issues in Information Systems, Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 60-66.

Chen, Y.S., P.P. Chong, and R.T. Justis, “An Intranet-based Knowledge Repository: A Structure for Learning Organizations in Franchising,” Human System Management, 19(2000), pp. 277-284.

Chen, J.C.H., P.P. Chong, and N. Chase, “E-Commerce: from B2C to B2B and Beyond’,” Communications of ICISA, July 1, 2000.

Chen, Y.S. and P.P. Chong, “Information Productivity Modeling: Theory and Applications,” Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Vol. 24, ed. A. Kent and J.G. Williams, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2000, pp. 225-258.

Chen, E.T.S., P. Chong, and J.C.H. Chen, “Time Management for GDSS: A Satisficing Model,” The Journal of Management Research News, Vol. 17, No. 7/8, 1998.

Chen, Y.S., and P. Chong, “Information Productivity Modeling: The Simon-Yule Approach,” The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., Vol. 61, 1998, pp. 170-200.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong, and M.Y. Tong, “Dynamic Behavior of Bradford’s Law,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 370-383, 1995.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong, and M.Y. Tong, “Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the Pareto Principle,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 61-80, 1994.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong, and M.Y. Tong, “The Simon-Yule Approach to Bibliometric Modeling,” Information Processing and Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1994.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong, and Y. Tong, “Theoretical Foundation of the 80/20 Rule,” Scientometrics, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1993, pp. 183-204.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen, and J.M. Pruett, “Information Technology Transfer in Econometric Forecasting: A Pictorial Approach,” Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 8, Number 1, March 1993, pp. 3-13.

Gibson, J.A., P. King, and P. Chong, “Treatment of Part-time Workers by Employers – A View from College Students,” Journal of the Southwestern Society of Economists, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1993.

Chen, Y.S., G. Segarra, and P. Chong, “Visualizing Business Rules in Corporate Databases,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 92, No. 7, 1992, pp. 3-8.

Chen, Y.S. and P. Chong, “Mathematical Modeling of Empirical Laws in Computer Application: A Case Study,” Computers & Mathematics with Applications: An International Journal, vol. 24, No. 7, 1992, pp. 77-87.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong and J.S. Kim, “A Self-Adaptive Statistical Language Model for Speech Recognition,” Cybernetica, Vol. 35, No. 2, 1992, pp. 103-127.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen and R.T. Justis, “A PC-Based Decision Support and Expert System for Labor Market Analysis,” Journal of Microcomputer Applications, (1992) 15, pp. 253-266.

Gibson, J.A., P. King and P. Chong, “Part-time Worker's Attitude: A Pilot Study,” Southern Business Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, Spring 1992, pp. 13-24.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen and R.T. Justis, “A Venture Capital Data Model Using CASE,” Data Resource Management, Winter 1992, pp. 55-67.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen and R.T. Justis, “Database Design for Venture Capitalist-Entrepreneur Matching Service: An Entity-Relationship Approach,” in abstract form, The Journal of Private Enterprise, Fall 1990, p. 86.

Justis, R.T., Y.S. Chen and P. Chong, “Franchising: An Educational Methodology,” The Journal of Private Enterprise, Fall 1990, pp. 73-76.

Brar, J.S., P. Chong and R. Lang, “Using Labor Market Data in Tracking a State Economy,” Delta Business Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1989, pp. 17-24.

Brar, J.S., R. Lang and P. Chong, “GSP Analysis: Louisiana Economy through a New Looking Glass,” Delta Business Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall/Winter 1989, pp. 31-41.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “Business formations in the Private Enterprise Economy,” The Journal of Private Enterprise, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1987, pp. 94-98.

Other Publications

(Southeastern Economic Outlook is listed in Cabell’s Directory)

Chong, P., “Diversity for Regional Economies,” The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report,” Volume 9, Number 2, October 1990.

Coerver, T.C., P. Chong and C. Rossie, “Caller Referral Expert System (CARES): A Computer-Aided Solution for Tangipahoa Crisis Phone,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 5, Number 3, Summer 1990.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “BEA Projections: Louisiana in the Year 2000,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 5, Number 3, Summer 1990.

Gibson, J.A., P. Chong and E. Graas, “The Changing Picture of Retail Sales in Louisiana,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 1990.

Chong, P., “Economic Development in Rural South,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 5, Number 1, Fall 1989.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “Second Annual Status Report on Economic Conditions in Louisiana,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 5, Number 1, Fall 1989.

Chong, P., J.A. Gibson and J.S. Brar, “Food Expenditures of Metropolitan New Orleans,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 4, Number 2, Spring 1989.

Brar, J.S., R. Lange and P. Chong, “GSP Analysis: Louisiana Economy Through a New Looking Glass,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 4, Number 2, Spring 1989.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “A Status Report on Current Economic Conditions in Louisiana,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 4, Number 1, Fall 1988.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “Common Misconceptions in Determining the Significance of Labor Market Data,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 1987.

Brar, J.S., P. Chong, and C.K. Martin, “Manufacturing Exports and Export-Related Employment in Louisiana,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 2, Number 4, Summer 1987.

Chong, P. and J.S. Brar, “Analysis of Louisiana's Retail Trade Sector,” Southeastern Economic Outlook, Volume 2, Number 3, Spring 1987.

Instructional Materials

Chong, P.P. and J.C.H. Chen, Building Decision Support Systems Using Visual IFPS/Plus, Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, second edition, 2000.

Prentice Hall's Learning on the Internet Partnership (PHLIP), web materials to supplement business statistics textbooks. December 1998 to 1999:

• “Census Battle Reaches Supreme Court”

• “Hunting Down Labor Market Data for Economic Analyses”

• “Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: Microsoft Rigged the Survey?”

• “What's in a Poll?”

• “Data: a Different Way to Slice the Pie [Chart],”

• “Put that Chart in Your Stock”

• “Does That Difference Really Make a Difference?”

• “Holding Statisticians at Bayes”

• “The Probability that It May Be Hard?”

• “The Profile of Racial Profiling”

Chong, P.P. and J.C.H. Chen, Building Decision Support Systems Using Visual IFPS/Plus, Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1997.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, and J.C.H. Chen, “Information Collection Weeding: An Application of Pareto Principle,” Proceedings to the IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-21, 2005.

Granek, W.S., and P.P. Chong, “E-Business, E-Commerce...Garbage In, Garbage Out,” Proceedings to 2005 Association of International Business, SW Chapter Conference, Dallas, TX, March 1-5, 2005.

Chong, P.P., M. Chang, and R. Robbins, “ER Approach to Website Design: An Urban University Teaching Experience,” Proceedings to 2004 SWDSI Conference, Orlando, FL. March 2004.

McMahon, R., P.P. Chong, P. DeVries, “Wireless Network Infrastructure in an Urban University,” Proceedings to 2004 SWDSI Conference, Orlando, FL., March 2004.

Chong, P.P., U. Bose, and R. McMahon, “The Development of E-Governments in a Coexistence Environment: A Preliminary Study” Proceedings to First AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMSiCOM), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India, December 28-31, 2003.

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, and A. Nazemzadeh, “The Tao of IT Impact: A Structured View from the Pareto Principle,” Proceedings to the 2003 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, WA, July 31-August 2, 2003.

Chong, P.P., M. Chang, C. Kuo, and E. Chong, “City Size Analysis: A Preliminary Research for E-Government Applications” Proceedings to the 2003 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, WA, July 31-August 2, 2003.

Chen, E.T.S. and P.P. Chong, “E-Procurement in the Digital Economy,” Proceedings to the 2003 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Seattle, WA, July 31-August 2, 2003.

DeVries, P. and P.P. Chong, “The Pareto Principle: the Phenomena, Theory, and Applications,” Proceedings to the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute, Island of Kauai, Hawaii, April 15-20, 2003.

Chong, P.P., M. Chang, and R. McMahon, “Toward a More Generalized Model Management: An Entity-Relationship Approach,” Proceedings to Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) 34th Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, March 6-8, 2003.

Houle, C., J. Wurz, J. Wallace, and P.P. Chong, “Digital and Electronic Signatures: E-Healthcare Technologies in a Legal Environment,” Proceedings to Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) 34th Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, March 6-8, 2003.

Van Den Hoek, A., T.T. Chuang, and P.P. Chong, “From Railroad to Internet: A Connection of the Past and Present,” Proceedings to Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) 34th Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, March 6-8, 2003.

Chen, Y.S., C. Okoli, and P.P. Chong, “IT businesses and franchising: A research proposal,” Proceedings to the 2003 Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, Big Island, HI, January 6-9, 2003.

Okoli, Chitu, Y.S. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Strategic growth of firms in the digital economy: Simulation and research proposal,” Proceedings to the 2002 International Conference of Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 15-18, 2002.

Zhang, Y., J.C.H. Chen, P.P. Chong, and M. Chang, “Managing a successful Object-Oriented Transition: A Survival Kit in the Information Age,” Proceedings to the 2002 International Business and Economic Research, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7-12, 2002.

Chong, P.P., M. Chang, and J. Yin, “Integrated Simulation/Expert System for Library Resource Management” Proceedings to the 2002 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Los Angeles, August 1-3, 2002.

Chang, M., T.T. Chuang, J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “The Effects of E-Business on Supply Chain Management: A Model Analysis,” Proceedings to the 2002 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Los Angeles, August 1-3, 2002.

Chong, P.P., J.C.H. Chen, M. Chang, and K. Chen, “Optimal Information Technology Purchase Decision: A Factor Rating Approach,” Proceedings to the 2002 International Resource Management Association International Conference, Seattle, WA, May 19-22, 2002.

Ogawara, S., J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Electronic Settlement in Japan: Its Current Situation and Future Trend,” Proceedings to the 2002 WDSI Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 2-6, 2002.

Chen, W.R., J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “Knowledge Management and E-Business: Andersen’s Success and its Competitive Environment,” Proceedings to The Thirty-Third Annual Conference of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, St. Louis, Missouri, March 5-9, 2002.

Chen, Y.S., P.P. Chong, R.T. Justis, “E-Business Strategy in Franchising: A Customer-Service-Life-Cycle Approach,” Proceedings to the 15th annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Orlando, FL, February 9-10, 2002

Chatranon, A., J.C.H. Chen, P.P. Chong, and Y.S. Chen, “Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and E-Commerce,” Proceedings to the First International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, China, December 19-21, 2001.

Chong, P.P., N.M. Chase, and J.C.H. Chen, “Pareto Principle: the Phenomena, Theory, and Applications,” Proceedings to the International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, Toronto, Canada, August 2-5, 2001.

Chen, Y.S., C. Ford, R.T. Justis, and P.P. Chong, “Application Service Providers (ASP) in Franchising: Opportunities and Issues,” Proceedings to the 15th annual International Society of Franchising Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 24-25, 2001.

Chen, Y.S., P.P. Chong, and R.T. Justis, “Franchising Knowledge Repository: A Structure for Learning Organizations, Proceedings to the 14th Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, San Diego, CA, February 19-20, 2000.

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, and J.C.H. Chen, “Linear Search Efficiency Assessment Heuristics: A Pareto Principle Approach,” Proceedings to the 30th Decision Science Institute Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 1999.

Chen, E.T., H.G. Hwang, and P.P. Chong, “Task Training in Computer-Supported Collaboration,” Proceedings to the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Regional 26th Annual Conference; Houston, TX, March 1-4, 1995. This paper received the Irwin Distinguished Paper Award.

Chen, Y.S., P. Chong, and Y. Tong, “Enhancing Quality of Distributed Database Design: A Functional Entity-Relationship Approach,” 1993 Proceedings to the International Academy of Business Disciplines, New Orleans, LA, April 1993, Vol. II, pp. 120-129.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen and A.M.M. Jamal, “A Pictorial Approach to the Information Management of Econometric Forecasting Models,” Proceedings for the 2nd International Conference of the Information Resources Management Association, Memphis, Tennessee, May 19-22, 1991.

Conference Presentations

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, J.C.H. Chen, and B. Lin, “Modeling through A Decomposable View,” to be presented at International Association of Computer Information Systems Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 5-8, 2005.

Chong, P.P., M. Chang, and T.T. Chuang, “A Heuristic Approach to Teaching Database Management in Senior Project Classes in an Urban University,” to be presented at International Conference of Pacific Rim Management, San Diego, CA, July 28-30, 2005.

Chong, P.P., P. DeVries, and R.A. McMahon, “The Characteristics of E-bay Stores in Texas Regions,” Southwest DSI Conference, Dallas, TX, March 1-5, 2005.

Chong, P.P., Y.S. Chen, and U. Bose, “A Rational Approach to Decision Making and Its Impact on C2C E-Commerce,” Southwest DSI Conference, Dallas, TX, March 1-5, 2005.

Bose, U. and P.P. Chong, “Improve Customer Relationship Management through Managing Data Quality,” presented at the International Association of Computer Information Systems 2003 Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 1-4, 2003.

Ajineh, N. and P.P. Chong, “Improving Transcript Processing in Higher Education Through EC/EDI: A Survey,” presented at the 13th International Information Management Association Annual Conference, Savannah, GA, October 10-12, 2002.

Xu, Hong, J.C.H. Chen, and P.P. Chong, “On-Line Education in China,” presented at the 13th International Information Management Association Annual Conference, Savannah, GA, October 10-12, 2002.

Chen, Y.S., Justis, R., and Chong, P., “Information Technology Solutions to Increase Franchise Efficiency and Productivity,” the 3rd Annual Franchise China Conference & Exhibition, in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, November 6-14, 2000. The Conference web site is available at franchise..

Chen, J.C.H., P.P. Chong, and W.C. Chiang, “Total Cost of Ownership: A Desktop Computing Asset Management Approach,” IACIS 2000 Conference, Las Vegas, October 4-8, 2000.

Chen, Y.S., Chong, P.P., and Walsh, K., “A Self-Adaptive Paretoan Approach to Information Technology Investment,” presented at the INFORM San Diego, May 4-7, 1997.

Chong, P.P., J.C.H. Chen, and Y.S. Chen, “A Theoretical Application of Pareto Principle to Michael Porter’s Competitive Forces,” presented at the INFORM New Orleans, November 1995.

Chen, J.C.H. and P.P. Chong, “The Assessment of Future Information Technology Needs of Prospective Employers for University Graduates,” presented at the INFORM New Orleans, November 1995.

Chen, Y.S., C.C. Lin, and P.P. Chong, “A Cost-Time Profiling Approach to Business Process Reengineering,” presented at the ORSA/TIMS conference (INFORMS Los Angeles), April 23-26, 1995.

Jamal, A.M.M. and P. Chong, “Application of a New Neural Network Algorithm for Predicting Financial Variables,” presented at the ORSA/TIMS Chicago Conference, May 1993.

Chen, E., P. Chong, and Y.S. Chen, “A Satisficing Model for Group Decision Support Systems,” presented at the ORSA/TIMS Chicago Conference, May 1993.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen, and Y. Tong, “An ER Approach to Function Point Analysis,” presented at the ORSA/TIMS San Francisco Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 1-4, 1992.

Chong, P., and Y.S. Chen, “Productivity and Usage in Information Systems,” presented at the ORSA/TIMS Orlando Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 1992.

Gibson, J.A., P. King and P. Chong, “Part-time Worker's Attitude: A View from College Student,” presented at the SWFAD Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 1992.

Chen, Y.S., K. Tang, and P. Chong, “Information Technology and China in the 1990s and Beyond,” presented in the AACP Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 13-14, 1991.

Gibson, J.A., P. King and P. Chong, “Part-time Worker's Attitude: A Pilot Study,” presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of Southwestern social Study Association, San Antonio, Texas, March 27-31, 1991.

Chong, P., Y.S. Chen and R.T. Justis, “Database Design for Venture Capitalist-Entrepreneur Matching Service: An Entity-Relationship Approach,” presented at the Annual conference of Association of Private Enterprise Education, Dallas, Texas, April 1990.

Justis, R.T., Y.S. Chen and P. Chong, “Franchising: An Educational Methodology,” presented at the Annual Conference of Association of Private Enterprise Education, Dallas, Texas, April 1990.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “Louisiana Economy: A Retrospective Look,” presented at the economics symposium entitled “Louisiana Economy: Prospects for the Future,” Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana, February 17, 1989.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “Business Formations in the Private Enterprise Economy,” presented at the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1987.

Other Presentations and Working Papers

Tang, K. and P. Chong, “Skilled Labor Worklife and Benefit: A Case Study of Divers in Oil and Gas Explorations. Commissioned by Association of Diving Contractors, 1993.

Folse, R., Y.S. Chen and P. Chong, “Reference Architecture in Distributed Databases: An Entity-Relationship Approach,” October 1991.

Chong, P., “Employment Outlook for Tangipahoa Parish in the Year of 2000,” Coastal College, Hammond, Louisiana, November 21, 1990.

Chong, P., “An Assessment of Louisiana's Economy Using Labor Market Statistics,” a CPE course presented to the Louisiana Chapter of CPA Association, Covington, Louisiana, June 28, 1990.

Chong, P., “The Educational System and Louisiana's Economy,” guest speaker for Amite Rotary Club, Amite, Louisiana, January 30, 1990.

Chong, P. and R. Lange, “Immobile Generation: Another Reason that Louisiana Must Diversify,” featured in business editorial column, Morning Advocate, April 1989.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, guest speakers in WSMB Radio's program on Louisiana and New Orleans economic condition, January 6, 1989.

Brar, J.S. and P. Chong, “A Status Report on Current Economic Conditions in Louisiana,” Special Research Report Number EBR 11-88, November 1988.

Chong, P., “The Tale of Two Platforms: the Economic Impact of Democratic and Republican Party Platform of 1988,” commissioned by the First Guaranty Bank, Hammond, Louisiana, October 1988.

Grant/Scholarship Awarded and Recognition

“A Study of a New Methodology of Improving the Effectiveness of Financial Management in Transnational Corporations,” a joint research project with Professors G. Tang and H. Bai of Shanghai Second Polytechnic University and J.C.H. Chen; supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2000-2002.

University of Idaho College of Business and Economics Summer Research Grant, 1999.

Wilfrid and Patricia Loeken Faculty Recognition Award, 1997.

Jepson Scholarship Awards, 1994-1996, 2000.

KEY for WORKGROUP, a software grant from Sterling Software, Atlanta, GA, January 1996. The commercial value of the software is about $253,506. With J.C.H. Chen.

Paradigm Plus, a software grant for this Object-Oriented CASE tool from Protosoft, 1995, valued at $50,542.25. With J.C.H. Chen.

Application Development Workbench (ADW), an academic grant for the CASE tool from KNOWLEDGEWARE Inc., February 1994; valued at $298,000. With J.C.H. Chen and B. Cummings.

Professional Activities

University, Current

Member, Academic Technology Committee, 2004-present

Member, Planning Council, College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown, January 2002-present

Member, AACSB Subcommittee for Assessment and Continuous Improvement, University of Houston-Downtown, January 2001-present

Member, ORC selection committee, January 2002-present

Member, Scholarship Committee for Scholarship & Service (Red Rose), September 2003-2005

Faculty Advisor, CIS Student Organization, University of Houston-Downtown, 2002-2004

Faculty Advisor, Pilipino Student Organization, University of Houston-Downtown, 2003-2004

Scholarly: publication

Editor, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2005-present.

Co-editor, Special Issue, International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 issue.

Editorial Board, Electronic Government, 2003-present

Editorial Board, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2003-present

Editorial Review Board, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2003-present

Editorial Review Board, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2001-2003

Reviewer, AMIS 2003 Conference

Reviewer, Journal of Internet Commerce, 2001-present

Reviewer, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 2001-present

Reviewer, various conferences

Council, SWDSI, 2005-2006

Program Committee, International Association for CIS (IACIS) Pacific Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-22, 2005

Track Chair (E-Commerce), SWDSI Conference, Dallas, TX, March 2005

Track Chair (E-Commerce), SWDSI Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2004

Track Chair (Management), SWDSI Conference, Houston, TX, March 2003

Track Chair (E-Government), Int Conference of Pacific Rim Mgmt (ICPRM), San Diego, August 2005

Track Chair (E-Government), ICPRM, Chicago, August 2004

Track Chair (E-Government), ICPRM, Seattle, August 2003

Webmaster, Association of International Business, SW Chapter (), 2004-2005

Network Coordinator, ICPRM, San Diego, August 2005

Network Coordinator, ICPRM, Chicago, August 2004

Local Coordinator, ICPRM, Seattle, August 2003

Member, Murdock Teaching with Technology Faculty, 2000-2001

Member, University Admissions Committee, 2000-2001

Member, University Faculty Election Committee, 2000-2001

Member, School of Business Technology Committee, 2000-2001

Member, School of Business Graduate Curriculum Committee, 1999-2000

Faculty Advisor, GU MIS Club, 1995-1998, 1999-to 2001

Member, Decision Sciences Institute, 1999-present

Member, Resource Allocation Committee, 1997-1998

Member, Student Service Committee, 1993-1998

Member, Research Council (University-wide), 1996-1997

Chair, Student Service Committee, 1996-1997

Member, Strategic Initiative Committee, 1995-1996

Member, Academic Advisory Group, 1996-1997

Member, Information Systems Advisory Group, 1995-1996

University-wide Internship task force, 1995

Faculty Advisor, MIS Club, 1995-2001.

Faculty Advisor, Vietnamese Edu-Culture Association (VECA), 1993-1996.

Faculty Advisor, GU Ski Club, 1994-1995.


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