Submitted: December 3rd 2010 For Senate meeting: January 18th, 2011Committee Name:Admissions and Academic PoliciesChair:Kristi RobiniaSubject:1. Proposed New Selection and Retention Standards for the School of Education2. Proposed New Selection Standards for the Department of Nursing (AAPC vote on 12/03/2010)The AAPC committee recommends the Senate take action to:1. Approve changes in the entry and retention standards for the School of Education including: a) replacement of the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) with passage of the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Basic Skills test and b) increasing full admission requirements from 24 college credits to 28 credits.Rationale: The School of Education unanimously voted to accept this proposal in order to conform to current practice, clarify confusing standards, and edit out redundancy. AAPC agrees that the new language provides clearer directions for students without compromising academic standards. The competitive nature of admission requires careful advising by the School of Education and monitoring for readiness and potential for success in the teacher education program. This expectation is clearly outlined in the proposed language. Rationale for item a) The State of Michigan developed a new test (MTTC) for basic skills for teachers in 1992 and all but two of the 34 teacher education programs in Michigan (besides NMU) use the MTTC as the sole standardized test of basic skills competency. Requiring two tests appears unnecessary, and as teacher candidates must pass the MTTC test by law, it is logical to drop the PPST requirement. Rationale for item b) Increasing the full admission requirements improves admission standards and keeps students from enrolling in their education sequence too early in their academic career. As full admission into the teacher preparation program is highly selective, it is important for students to have successfully met all the requirements of one level of their program before entering the next. See Appendix A for all bulletin changes related to this proposal.Effects on other Departments: This proposal affects students in every department that has a teacher education program. However as the overall intent is to simplify and clarify admission into teacher education, it is anticipated that this will have a positive impact. The Secondary Education Committee, which has representatives from each of these departments, unanimously voted to discontinue the use of the Pre-Professional Skills Test and supported the use of passing scores on the MTTC as appropriate for admission standards. The Director of School of Education and Associate Dean of Teacher Education, Dr. Clarken, also sent the proposal to all the Department heads of each of the impacted departments.Costs: For students, there will be a cost savings of $170.00 as they will no longer need to take the ETS Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST). For the department, there is the potential that a greater percentage of students might pass the MTTC than passed the PPST, which would result in some increase in enrollment. The School of Education feels that these increases could be handled with current staff and faculty. However, policies allow for other options to limit enrollment if needed. Implementation Date: Fall 2011Changes in “Full Admission requirements to a teacher education program of study” language (old language struck through and new language highlighted):Admission to Northern Michigan University does not necessarily imply full admission to a teacher education program of study. Full admission to teacher education is determined by the Director of Teacher Education Student Services or the Certification Counselor in the Department of Education, or, on appeal, by the Teacher Selection and Retention committee.Full admission requirements to a teacher education program of study are as follows:A.First semester freshmen applicants entering directly out of high school must have:an ACT composite score of 20, or an SAT score of Verbal 450 and Math 500; anda high school GPA of 2.75 in college preparatory subjects.B.All other undergraduate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in undergraduate level college credits;at least 24 credits in liberal studies courses outside of their major and minor with a GPA of 2.5; andACT, SAT, or PPST scores (as listed below in D)All post-baccalaureate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in undergraduate level college credits; orat least 40 credits in liberal studies courses outside of their major and minor with a GPA of 2.7; andACT, SAT or PPST scores (as listed below in D)ALL students, prior to enrolling in Education courses, must have shown competency in the areas of Reading, Mathematics and Writing in one of the following ways:ACT subscores of 21 in English and Reading, and 20 in Mathematics; orSAT scores of Verbal 450 and Mathematics 500; orPre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) scores of Reading 174, Mathematics 173, and Writing 173. If the computer based PPST is taken, the required scores are Reading 321, Mathematics 318, and Writing 319.Students are not eligible to enroll in any ED prefixed courses above 100 level until they have gained full admission to the School of Education. Full admission requirements to a teacher education program of study are as follows:All undergraduate and post-baccalaureate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in undergraduate level college credits with least 28 credits andpassing scores on the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Basic Skills testApplicants may be denied admission if they do not meet the above requirements or if they have: more than five repeats in college coursesa combination of excessive repeats and withdrawals from classesmore than one repeat in courses required for their major, minor(s), their professional education sequence, or, for elementary education and special education students, the planned program and required cognates combined.Applications from first semester freshmen will be considered for admission prior to new student orientation. All students who indicate teacher education as their intended curricula will be advised by the School of Education until they meet the standards for full admission or are denied admission. Applicants who are already attending NMU or who are applying for re-entry must submit to the Director of Teacher Education Student Services an application which verifies that all entrance requirements have been met. An NMU transcript and transcripts and transfer evaluations from all other colleges attended will be required.New transfer students must apply and have all transcripts submitted to the Transfer Admissions Office at least eight weeks prior to the beginning of classes so that eligibility requirements may be determined. Students with a baccalaureate degree must apply and submit all transcripts by May 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the winter semester. Students who do not meet all entrance requirements and the prescribed deadlines will not be authorized to enroll in education classes.Admission to Methods Phase. Admission to the methods level of the program enables students to take courses in their professional education sequence numbered from ED 306 through ED 406, MA 353, and secondary education methods courses as long as deficiencies do not exist and prerequisite courses have been satisfactorily completed.The screening of candidates for entrance to the methods phase of the program is extremely important. The Teacher Selection and Retention Committee is responsible for overseeing this function. The faculty is interested in determining whether or not the applicant possesses the characteristics that are necessary for effective teaching. Just as important, however, is the faculty’s interest in identifying students who need or should be given opportunities for remediation, further academic preparation, special assistance, or special consideration of some kind. In pursuit of these objectives, interviews, application forms, portfolios, recommendations, correction of deficiencies through remedial courses, etc., may be required. The information gathered about the student is combined with the information outlined below in reaching decisions about continuance in the program. Applicants who have deficiencies may be advised about suitable courses of action. Methods Phase Requirements and PoliciesPrior to entering the methods phase of the program, students must:Submit an application before registering for any methods level courses. Applications are available in the School of Education and online at nmu.edu/education. Possess a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or plete thirty-two credits of liberal studies with a 2.5 GPA or above. Successfully complete required pre-methods level field experiences at the appropriate K-12 level.Attain passing scores on the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Basic Skills tests. Declare a major and/or minor.Earn a grade of “C” or above in EN 111 and EN 211.Possess a GPA of 2.7 in the pre-methods education sequence (ED 201, ED 230 or 231, and ED 301); with no grades below “C.”Complete EN 111, EN 211, MA 150 and MA 151 with a grade of “C” or above in each course where required in the curriculum.Correct all deficient grades (C- or below) in the required social studies and science components (elementary education and special education programs only. Have no more than one repeat in each of the following: the major, minor(s), the planned program and required cognates combined, and the professional education sequence.In the event that more students qualify for admission to the methods phase of the program than University resources can accommodate, a selection system may be established. The criteria to be used in selecting students will include (but not be limited to), GPAs, PPST scores, faculty recommendations, representation from under-represented populations, and subject area demand.Retention in the Program. To retain eligibility in the professional teacher education program, a student must:Maintain an overall GPA of 2.7 or above;Maintain a GPA of 2.7 or greater with no grade below “C” in the professional education sequence, the major and/or minor(s), and the planned program and required cognates combined;Have no more than five repeats. , with no more than one repeat in each of the following:major(s);minor(s);professional teacher education sequence courses; andthe planned program and required cognates combined;Maintain minimum standards of behavior as prescribed in the section addressing professional integrity.2. Approve the Proposed New Selection Standards from the Department of Nursing Rationale: The faculty of the School of Nursing approved new selection standards for the Department of Nursing on October 22, 2010. Currently, criterion for admission is cumulative GPA only. Increasing attrition rates and feedback from students, parents, and stakeholders indicated that only using a cumulative GPA score might not be the best method for admitting students. The department’s student affairs committee conducted a literature search and discussed admission policies with other Schools of Nursing. An internal review indicated that science courses continue to be gate-keeper courses and students who received lower grades in these courses were not able to meet the rigorous requirements once admitted to the nursing program. In addition, students completing prerequisites at NMU also have an improved attrition rate. The School has now proposed an admission grid that takes into account cumulative GPA, science GPA, previous degree awarded, and completing prerequisites at NMU. Important to note is that prerequisite course criteria and admission minimum GPA remains the same. This proposal simply seeks a better system for ranking admissions given that more students apply than can be accepted (See Appendix B for Grid and Proposed Bulletin Copy).Effects on other departments: None identified.Costs: None.Implementation Date: Fall 2011.Appendix ASchool of EducationProposed Bulletin CopyEducation at NMUThe School of Education offers professional studies courses leading to the Michigan professional or provisional teaching certificate at the elementary and secondary levels as well as courses for continuing professional development through the master’s degree. Students must be eligible for admission to the School of Education in order to enroll in education courses.All NMU education programs are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council and approved by the Michigan Department of Education.Northern’s School of Education carries primary responsibility for:Curriculum for elementary school teachersCurriculum for teachers of children with cognitive impairmentCurriculum for teachers of children with emotional impairmentA sequence of professional courses in education for secondary school teachers.In cooperation with other departments, the school also sponsors graduate programs for teachers and school service personnel leading to the master of arts in education. These programs are described in the Graduate Studies Bulletin. Most education courses at Northern Michigan University include field experience in K-12 classrooms. A number of education courses meet in public school buildings to expand teaching opportunities. Another learning opportunity is an apprenticeship in special education, which provides students with a chance to refine goals and polish skills.Student OrganizationsMichigan Student Council for Exceptional ChildrenStudent Michigan Education AssociationElementary Education ProgramsSatisfactory completion of the program in elementary education qualifies a student for a Michigan elementary provisional certificate, which is valid for teaching kindergarten through grade five and major and minor fields in grades six, seven and eight, and self-contained grades six, seven and eight.Special Education ProgramsSatisfactory completion of a program for teaching students with cognitive impairment (CI) or students with emotional impairment (EI) qualifies graduates for an elementary or secondary provisional certificate and an endorsement to teach children in kindergarten through grade twelve in the specialty area, as well as elementary classrooms in kindergarten through grade five or middle school and secondary grades six through twelve in major or minor area only.Secondary Education MajorsStudents who satisfactorily complete a curriculum for secondary teaching qualify for a Michigan secondary provisional certificate, which is valid for teaching grades six through twelve in majors and minors only. Some programs, however, are kindergarten through grade twelve.Post-Degree Teacher CertificationBaccalaureate degree graduates without teaching certification may complete a provisional certification plan of study for teaching at the elementary or secondary level by enrolling in undergraduate courses. If a student has completed courses as an undergraduate that are applicable to a teachable major or minor, the undergraduate credits may be counted toward the state requirement for provisional certification. If additional credit hours are required, they may be obtained through enrollment in undergraduate courses. In addition to the major and minor requirements, the student must complete the State of Michigan requirement in professional education. Provisional certification programs are available in elementary education, secondary education and special education.?Post-degree students who qualify for a Michigan provisional certificate do not automatically receive another Northern Michigan University degree. In order to do so, all requirements for earning a second degree must be met and verified.All post-baccalaureate applicants must have:?a cumulative GPA of 2.70 in undergraduate-level college credits; or30-40 credits in liberal studies courses outside of their major and minor with a GPA of 2.70; and ?ACT, SAT or PPST scores as listed below in D. Department/Program PoliciesAdmission to Teacher Education ProgramAdmission to Northern Michigan University does not necessarily imply full admission to a teacher education program. Admission to teacher education is determined by the Director of Teacher Education Student Services or the Certification Counselor in the School of Education or, on appeal, by the Teacher Selection and Retention Committee.The complete set of standards (Teacher Selection and Retention Standards) to which all students in the teacher education program must adhere is available in the School of Education and can be accessed through the following Web site: nmu.edu/education.?Admission requirements to a teacher education program of study are:?A.?First-semester freshmen applicants entering directly out of high school must have:an ACT composite score of 20 or an SAT score of verbal 450 and math 500; and a high school GPA of 2.75 in college preparatory subjects. B.?All other undergraduate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.70 in undergraduate-level college credits; at least 24 credits in liberal studies courses outside of?their major and minor with a GPA of 2.50; and ACT, SAT or PPST scores as listed below in D. C.?All post-baccalaureate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.70 in undergraduate-level college?credits; or at least 40 credits in liberal studies courses outside of?their major and minor with a GPA of 2.70; and ACT, SAT or PPST scores as listed below in D. D.?All students, prior to enrolling in education courses, must be able to show competency in the areas of reading, mathematics and writing in one of the following ways:ACT subscores of 21 in English and reading, and 20 in?mathematics; or SAT scores of verbal 450 and mathematics 500; or Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) scores of reading 174,?mathematics 173, and writing Students are not eligible to enroll in any ED prefixed courses above 100 level until they have gained full admission to the School of Education. Full admission requirements to a teacher education program of study are as follows:All undergraduate and post-baccalaureate applicants must have:a cumulative GPA of 2.7 in undergraduate level college credits with least 28 credits andpassing scores on the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) Basic Skills testApplicants may be denied admission if they do not meet the above requirements or if they have:more than five repeats in college courses; a combination of excessive repeats and withdrawals from classes; or more than one repeated course in any of the following areas: major, minor, professional education sequence, or the planned program and required cognates combined. Appendix BSchool of NursingGridNorthern Michigan University – School of NursingCandidate’s Name_____________________________________________ ____________(Printed) LastFirst Middle NMU INLocal Address: _________________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________Email: ____________________________Category I – Cumulative GPA4.0-3.753.74-3.53.49-3.253.224-3.02.99-2.7576543Category II – Science GPA (average two chemistry grades if two courses taken)*If anatomy and physiology are taken together, grades will be averaged.AA-B+BB-C+CC-Anatomy10.008.757.506.255.003.752.501.25Physiology10.008.757.506.255.003.752.501.25Chemistry10.008.757.506.255.003.752.501.25Med. Micro.10.008.757.506.255.003.752.501.25Category III – Previous Degree (maximum of 4 points)LPN or Baccalaureate/Masters4Category IV – Prerequisites (12 credits of required prerequisites completed at NMU at the time of application.)Completed at NMU7 Total Points of Admission Criteria /58Reviewer Initials_____________________ Date___________________Proposed Bulletin Copy for School of NursingAdmission to the Baccalaureate Nursing SequenceFor Students Admitted to the Nursing Program Fall 2008 or BeforeBefore applying for admission to the nursing sequence, applicants must:be admitted to Northern Michigan University; ?have completed or be in the process of completing the following courses: BI 201 Human Anatomy, BI 202 Human Physiology, BI 203 Medical Microbiology, CH 109 Introductory Organic and Biochemistry for the Health Sciences, HN 301 A and HN 301B Nutrition for Health Professionals, PY 100L and PY 100S Psychology as a Natural Science, and SO 101 Introductory Sociology or equivalent courses. Prerequisites must be completed with a “C-” or better. In special circumstances, the department may substitute BI 104 Human Anatomy and Physiology for BI 201; and ?have a 2.75 or greater cumulative NMU grade point average. Currently enrolled NMU students with 12 current NMU credits will be given priority over transfer students.For Students Applying to the Nursing Program for Fall 2009 through Winter 2011 Before applying for admission to the nursing sequence, applicants must:Be admitted to Northern Michigan University.Have completed or be in the process of completing the following courses: BI 201 Human Anatomy, BI 202 Human Physiology, BI 203 Medical Microbiology, CH 109 Chemistry, PY 100 Psychology, SO 101 Introductory Sociology, HN 301 A and B Human Nutrition.Have a 2.75 or greater cumulative NMU grade point average. Currently enrolled NMU students with 12 current NMU credits will be given priority over transfer students. For Students Applying to the Nursing Program for Fall 2011 or laterBe admitted to Northern Michigan University.Have completed or be in the process of completing the following courses: BI 201 Human Anatomy, BI 202 Human Physiology, BI 203 Medical Microbiology, CH 109 Chemistry, PY 100 Psychology, SO 101 Introductory Sociology, HN 301 A and B Human Nutrition.Have a 2.75 or greater cumulative NMU grade point average. Currently enrolled NMU students with 12 current NMU credits will be given priority over transfer students. Students admitted to NMU in Fall 2011 will be admitted based on the admission criteria grid, see website: nmu.edu/nursingNote: Admission to the BSN program is very competitive. Meeting prerequisites and minimum GPA criteria does not ensure admission ................

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