Office of Human Resources

Office of Human ResourcesCarrington Hall, Room 315Phone: (417) 836-6616Fax: (417) 836-6789Survey of Departing FacultyThis survey is entirely voluntary. Its purpose is to learn about factors causing you to leave Missouri State University. Your comments can help make Missouri State University a better university. Feel free to write brief comments when appropriate. The survey is administered by Human Resources, and information you provide may be shared with the Office of the Provost and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Personal InformationName:Date of birth:Department:Rank:Regular salary:(Please indicate) Salary: 9 months or 12 months.Date of first employment at Missouri State University:Final date at Missouri State University:(Please indicate) Leaving for: New Job, Retirement & New Job, Retirement & Part-Time Job, Retirement, or Family/Personal Issues.New employer (or self-employed):Employer’s location:Position (department and rank):Fringe benefits not offered by Missouri State University:Your FeedbackPlease list the three things you most like about working at Missouri State University (#1= best).Please list the three things you most dislike about working at Missouri State University (#1= worst).Please list your most important reasons for leaving Missouri State University (#1= most important).New salary: (Please indicate) Salary: 9 months or 12 monthsAdditional comments: ................

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