HIST 113: Modern Europe - University of Washington

HIST 113C: Modern Europe

Section Syllabus

Spring 2007

Instructor: Daren Salter


Section is your opportunity to review and clarify course readings and lectures, hone your writing skills, prepare for exams and assignments, meet new people, and engage in intellectually stimulating discussion. Our primary task will be to unpack the course readings and link them to lectures. Large lecture halls tend to be passive learning environments; sections, conversely, are meant to facilitate more active student involvement in the learning process. Toward this end, section is designed to provide a less formal, discussion-friendly environment where students learn from one another, in addition to the instructor, and feel free to take risks and explore new ideas.

Section Times and Locations:

Section AB: Fridays, 11:30 –12:20 in Clark (CLK) 119

Section AG: Fridays, 12:30 – 1:20 in Chemistry Library (CHL)105

Contact Information:

Instructor: Daren Salter

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (or by appointment)

Office location: Smith 10

Office Phone: 543-8753

Email: dmsalter@u.washington.edu (I check email frequently; aside from coming to office hours, this is the best way to contact me)


1) Preparation

– First, complete all of the reading and attend every lecture during the week. Second, don't be a passive learner. Rather, critically analyze the material in your own mind before coming to section. Come prepared with questions and comments to contribute to our discussion; write these questions and comments down if necessary. Occasionally, at the beginning of section you will be asked to write a short response to the week's reading to help stimulate discussion. Please bring all relevant course texts to section meetings.

2) Attendance

– Attendance is expected at all section meetings. Exceptions may be made for emergencies or other situations provided the student consults either Professor Felak or myself, in advance if at all possible. And please be punctual. Repeated lateness will lower your section grade.

3) Participation

– Just showing up is not good enough. To receive full credit you must also actively participate in discussions and other in-class activities. Be inquisitive, offer opinions and explanations, disagree with your classmates and myself if you feel so inclined, and take risks – that's how you learn.

4) Classroom Etiquette

– For this section to function properly, an environment of mutual respect is critical. As such, it goes without saying that disparaging remarks or behavior directed toward myself or especially toward other students will not be tolerated. And please turn off cell phones and other electronic equipment prior to entering the room.


1) Section accounts for 20 percent of your overall course grade. Your section grade will be based on your attendance, the level and quality of your discussion participation, and your performance on in-class assignments.

Written Work:

1) There are 4 assignments for this course: Two in-class examinations and two 5-page essays. I will be grading these assignments according to the University of Washington’s 4.0 scale.

2) History Writing Center: I encourage everyone to make use of our department’s excellent History Writing Center, located in Smith 210-C. The writing center is designed to help students with the specific demands of writing history papers. Writing Center advisors hold regular office hours and are also available by appointment for individual consultations at every stage of the writing process. For more information visit:

3) Plagiarism: Don't do it. Most plagiarism occurs unintentionally because students don't understand what, exactly, constitutes plagiarism. Willful plagiarism will result in a failing grade and will be reported without exception. Please see the attached handout for more information on the University of Washington's policy on academic honesty.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind:

Friday, April 20: Paper #1 Due (20%)

Tuesday, May 1: Midterm Exam (20%)

Friday, May 18: Paper #2 Due (20%)

Thursday, June 7 @ 8:30 a.m.: Final Exam (20%)


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