
Join us in welcoming the new certified staff to Amos Alonzo Stagg High School! Our newest Stagg Chargers are excited to work with the students and community! It is through their own passion for education, teaching, and kids that engages them with the students every day. They are fully prepared to help students grow in confidence and the ability to think critically, be empathetic, and to share their voice. Welcome to the new year!





School Calendar

Dates to Remember



Labor Day - No School


Band Jamboree

17-18 Freshman Play

20 Homecoming Parade / Game

21 Homecoming Dance

26-27 Variety Show



College Financial Aid Night


Fall Band Showcase, 7pm


NHS Induction, 7pm

14 Columbus Day - No School

15 Parent / Teacher Conferences

(no student attendance)

16 PSAT/NMSQT Testing (juniors only)-


17 Fall Choir Concert, 7pm

18 Picture Re-takes during lunch periods

22 8th Grade Open House

31 Fall Play


1-2 Fall Play


8th Grade Testing


Veteran's Luncheon

14-16 Orchesis Performance, 7pm

15-17 District 230 Snowball

16-17 Music Parent Craft Fair

27 No School

28 Thanksgiving Day- No School

29 No School

Mr. Anthony J. Serratore, President Mrs. Melissa Gracias, Vice-President Mrs. Susan Dalton, Secretary Mr. Michael Hardek, Board Member Mrs. Kate Murphy-Peterson, Board Member Mr. David O'Connor, Board Member Mr. Patrick O'Sullivan, Board Member

Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Eric Olsen, Principal

Charger Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. "An equal opportunity employer"


Dear Stagg Families,

Welcome back Chargers! The start of the school year has gone very smoothly with students and staff now developing the pace and rhythm that defines a school year. I have had the opportunity to work with Stagg student leaders this year and we are very excited to begin defining the success of the 2019-2020 school year. As the year progresses, please make sure that you take time to read newsletters and communications from the school so you and your child can plan for all of the events and important work of their high school career.

A parents, it is easy to distance ourselves from our child's education, as they grow older and more independent. However, the research is clear, involved parents increase the likelihood of their child's educational success. There are many ways to become more involved in your child's high school experience.

1. Take time each week to review your child's grades, attendance and discipline in Skyward. If you need assistance accessing Skyward, please feel free to contact the school and our staff will be happy to assist you.

2. Ask your student about their day! This might seem like a minor act, and the busy life of a student and parent often makes this simple act difficult. Make sure you set time aside for this daily.

3. Join one of our parent organizations! Stagg's PTO, Music Boosters, Athletic Boosters and District 230 Educational foundation are all ways to become active members of the school community while providing an opportunity to be social with parents of high school students just like you!

4. Come to our great school and watch an athletic event, attend a band or choir concert, or watch one of our plays or musicals! Our students are tremendously talented and whether your child is involved in one of these events or not it is a great opportunity to see Stagg's greatest asset, our students!

5. If you have a question, just email or call! Often parents feel like the high school is too busy to answer simple questions, but this is far from true. Our staff is ready to assist parents and students whatever they may need.

The beginning of the school year is an exciting time. Schools are one of the few times in our lives that we can start fresh each year, refocus our efforts and set new goals. Please take time with your child to discuss what his or her goals are for the year and develop an action plan to make sure those goals are realized. If you have any questions, or need assistance, your child's guidance counselor is a great resource to assist your family in planning for a successful school year.

Have a great start to the school year and GO CHARGERS!

Eric Olsen Principal

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(708) 974-7400 | stagg.

Stagg Pride Survey

In High School District 230's ongoing efforts to assess the effectiveness of its communication efforts in order to best serve our community, we appreciate you taking this brief survey. We hope you will share

your thoughts honestly to assist us in improving communication efforts.

Thank you!

Stagg Drama Club

Freshman Show Performance will take place September 18th & 19th at 7:00pm

in the Performing Arts Center at Stagg High School.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

On Tuesday, October 15th, Stagg High School will host parent-teacher conferences from noon-7:00p.m. Conferences are based on appointments made in advance, and you can make your appointment one of two ways:

1. Access the online appointment scheduler through Skyward. The tab to make those appointments will open in October, and a separate email will be sent with directions.

2. Call the school at (708) 974-7400 during specific designated hours. The dates / times for appointment registration support will be communicated in a separate email in October. Be prepared to provide your student's ID number.



? Class of 2021 PSAT/NMSQT: Wednesday, October 16th, all juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT during the school day at Stagg. This test, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, measures students' verbal and reasoning skills important to performing well in college. Juniors and their families should consider this test to be important for two reasons. First, the test offers students an opportunity to take a practice for the SAT they will take in the spring of junior year. Second, students who score within the top 1% of test-takers nationally can potentially qualify for the National Merit scholarship competition. Overall, the test will provide students and their families with valuable information regarding academic strengths and weaknesses, which juniors can then use to better prepare for the SAT.

? ACT Testing offered in October: the ACT will be offered at Stagg on Saturday, October 26th. Students must register for this test through ACT's website by the company's registration deadline on September 27th.

? AP Exam Registration: This year the College Board is changing AP Exam registration. Students in full year or 1st semester AP courses will need to complete their registration and payment by November 1, 2019. Students will register for their AP exams online through their College Board accounts, and will finalize their registration by making a payment through Stagg High School's Total Registration page. If you have any questions, please contact the Guidance Office.

PASS/GRADE OPTION ? Grades 11-12

A Pass/Grade option is available to all Grade 11 & 12 students in District 230 for a maximum of one non-required course per semester. The guidelines are as follows:

1) A student must declare his/her intention to exercise this option by the end of the first quarter of a semester.

2) If, using the classroom grading scale, the student earns a grade of A, B, or C, the instructor will assign a grade of P (Pass). A student earning less than a C will receive the earned grade. The student will be graded like all other students in the class.

3) A Pass/Grade Option is available to sophomores in Drivers Ed only. The purpose of this option is to allow all students the opportunity to take classes without having the grade affect his/her GPA (Grade Point Average). Students should contact the guidance office for the form that requires parent signature.


Counselors are excited to begin working with students for the 2019-2020 school year! Each student's counselor can assist with many aspects of high school. Students can obtain advice on good study habits, registration for classes, academic issues, social/emotional concerns, planning for post high school options, etc.


Students are encouraged to visit the Guidance Office on an as-needed basis. When they wish to see their counselor, students may make an appointment by emailing their counselor. Counselors will contact student and send a pass as soon as possible. In an emergency, students should inform one of the guidance secretaries to receive immediate assistance.

You can also follow us on Twitter @aasguidance

for announcements!!


Students who drop a class during the first quarter of a semester will not be penalized, but cannot add another academic class. The course will be removed from their record. Withdrawal will be permitted only with parent and teacher approval, and consistent with building guidelines. Students who drop a class during the first or third quarter will be placed in a study hall and will not be permitted to transfer from the dropped class to another class. Students who drop a class during the second or fourth quarter of a

semester will receive an "F" unless illness necessitates a reduced course load, in which case the course will be removed from the student's record. Students who have failed a yearlong course the first semester may be placed in a different second semester course if space is available. Seniors will have first priority in such placement. If space is not available in a course, students will be placed in a study hall. Students dropped from a class as a result of disciplinary action may receive a grade of "F".

(708) 974-7400 | stagg.



Throughout the first semester, well over 100 college and university representatives visit Stagg High School. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about academic

programs, scholarships, the application process, and more! Students sign up and view the list of colleges and universities found on the Guidance Website.


The National Defense Authorization Act allows military representatives to ask for unedited lists of juniors and seniors. The law says that the school must provide this information unless parents send a letter to

the Principal or Guidance Office indicating that their child's name be omitted from this list. If you wish not to have this information disclosed, please notify the Director of Guidance in writing by October 1, 2019.


Seniors who plan to play Division I or Division II college athletics must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should register after their junior year of high school.

Eligibility is based on Core GPA (16 classes) and ACT score using a sliding

scale. Student-athletes may register on-line at and contact Rich Kowalczyk in the Guidance Office at 974-7447 or rkowalczyk@d230. org with any questions concerning the NCAA eligibility center.


Thursday, October 3rd, 6:30pm in the PAC. Stagg will host an informative event on college admissions and financial aid. Guest speakers will include college admission representative and author/ financial aid expert, Frank Palmasani. This presentation is for junior and senior parents, and all who wish to begin planning on paying for College.


Visit with our ISAC Financial Aid reps on Financial Aid Fridays in October on the following dates: 10/4, 10/18 and 10/25. Please visit the ISAC table during your lunch period if you have any questions in regards to your FAFSA.


The Stagg Guidance Department will host a FAFSA Completion Night in conjunction with Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 15th in the Media Center. Session 1 will be from 3:00pm - 4:00pm and Session 2 will be from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Time slots for parents to reserve will be available in October. This presentation is for junior and senior parents, and all who wish to begin planning on paying for College. Parents planning on filing for financial aid are encouraged to attend.



Throughout the fall over 100 colleges and universities visit Stagg to speak with students regarding admission requirements, the application process, majors, scholarship opportunities and much more. Fall visits are primarily geared towards upperclassmen. College representative visits take place during the regular school day. Students are required to sign up for the visit 24 hours in advance. Interested students should sign up via the Stagg Guidance website at

Below are a list of colleges visiting Stagg at the beginning of September. Please visit the Stagg Guidance website to view the complete list of schools.


9/09 7th hr. The University of Alabama

9/10 2nd hr. Ball State University

9/10 3rd hr.

Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)

9/10 7th hr. 9/11 3rd hr.

Lawrence Technological University

Loyola University Chicago

9/12 4th hr. University of St. Francis

9/12 7th hr. North Central College

9/12 8th hr. Trinity Christian College

9/16 7th hr.

Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame)

9/16 6th hr.

University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign

9/16 8th hr. University of Miami (Florida)


Targeted to upperclassmen, students will have the opportunity to explore postsecondary career-related interests through Moraine Valley Community College. Interested students should contact their school counselor or Mr. O'Neill or Mrs. Ellis in the Guidance Office.

Friday, Sep 27th: Health Care Career Fair 9am ? 12:30pm

Tuesday, Oct 1st: OAI Manufacturing Day 10:30am-12:30pm; company tours

Monday, Oct 7th: Fire Safety Day/First Responders Career Day 10am-12:30pm

Friday, Oct 18th: Public Service Career Day 9am ? 2pm

PPS Teams

Each student at Stagg is a member of a Team to support their academic, behavioral, health, and social/emotional needs. Feel free to contact any member of your child's Team for any concern you have and we are happy to assist!

Team Dean


Social Workers




Student Assistance Coordinator

Orange Jerry Palumbo

Mark Talbot/

Shannon Mongan

Marcelle Karwowski Randy James

Beth Gulden

Leah Ellis

Frank Kowalik Linda Vollinger Jessica Nelson


Shannan Sisk

Matt O'Neill Karin Stearns Leigh Johnson

Shannon Mongan Paige Lombard Randy James

Frank Kowalik Linda Vollinger Jessica Nelson

White Chris Campos

Rich Kowalczyk Erin Samec Mark Talbot Marcelle Karwowski

Shannon Mongan Paige Lombard

Frank Kowalik Linda Vollinger Jessica Nelson

(708) 974-7400 | stagg.


ALL IN Attendance

Recently, the District 230 community received a letter from Superintendent, Dr. James Gay explaining the District 230 ALL IN Attendance program. Stagg High School is excited to be a part of this program as we encourage our students to attend every period, every day. We know that students that attend school regularly are poised for success academically and emotionally and will be well-suited to take on any challenges that await them. As part of our first Advisory class of the year, students took an ALL IN attendance pledge and we will be asking parents and guardians to do the same in encouraging their student to attend every period, every day. Be on the lookout for more information regarding our reward system for those with positive attendance. You may also turn to the following page on our District website, , for more detailed information on the program along with other helpful resources. Please contact any member of your student's team at Stagg with any questions. We value each student at Stagg and look forward to working with them each day!

On-Time Arrival to School and Class

Stagg High School and District 230 are ALL IN for student attendance: every day, each period. An important part of school attendance is timely arrival to school and class. Please leave plenty of time to arrive to school in any weather condition and when there is heavy traffic. School begins at 8:00am every day but Late Start Wednesday (9:30am start). Additionally, students should go directly from one class to the next during passing period to arrive on time to each class period. Parents will be alerted if their child is struggling to arrive to school or class on time. If your family needs any support to arrive to school on time, please reach out to a member of your child's Team.

Student Drop-Off

Parents can drop off their child(ren) at designated areas on campus only. There are student drop-off spots in the East and West Lots. For safety reasons, students should never be dropped off on 111th Street or Roberts Road. Please pay close attention to signage in the area and directions from staff in the lots when dropping off your children.


Social-Emotional Learning Series

Charger University is a monthly series dedicated to social-emotional learning. Each month a guest speaker(s) will inform, educate, and provide an interactive forum for students to learn about significant topics facing teens in our area. These topics include health concerns, mental health issues, current social issues, community/ school issues, and topics related to social media.

Charger University will be in session from September 2019 through May 2020, with one speaking agenda per month. Charger University connects directly to the District 230 Successful Schools Successful Students Touchstone by engaging students in their own socialemotional learning in an ever-changing society, where they all face very unique challenges and needs. Charger University students will be afforded the opportunity to develop relationships with District 230 staff members who are specialists in their areas. Charger University will provide students with educational information in a way that they are not always exposed to. Access to experts in these fields is not typically offered within the regular school day in such an intimate setting, which makes this unique. Upcoming topics include: Motivation and Preparation, School Safety, Stressors for High Performing Girls and Boys, and Safety with Social Media.

If you are interested in your son/daughter participating in a Charger University session please contact Mary Pat Carr 708974-7490, Shannan Sisk 708-974-7790, or Jessica Kaffel 708-971-4119.

Deans' Office Services

The Deans' Office provides students and families a variety of services throughout the year. Please contact us at 708-974-7494 for assistance with any of the following:

? Safety or Security Concerns

? Busing ? Parking Lots

? Lost and Found ? Attendance ? Discipline ? Conflict Resolution



Lauren Arkin (German): Lauren graduated from University of

Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and worked previously at Yorkville Middle / High School. Lauren is very excited to join Stagg and has already begun to show her pride in the Orange & Blue!

Courtney Beninato (Social Worker): Courtney has degrees

from University of St. Thomas and Loyola University. Prior to coming to Stagg High School, she worked in Districts 130 and 132. I am very excited to be working at the high school level. Courtney looks forward to working closely with the staff and students of the PALS and Ultima programs.

Danielle Doidge (PE): Danielle holds degrees from University

of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as well as Trinity Christian College. Prior to D230 she was a personal trainer/group exercise instructor for 8 years until she did her student teaching at Stagg. During her time student teaching at Stagg she knew that it was the school that she would be honored to teach at. From the students to the staff there is not a better environment to teach, learn and grow and she is so excited to officially be a part of the Stagg community!

Eric Elget (Math): Eric is a graduate of Illinois State University, and

an alumna of Andrew High School. Previously, Eric taught for five years at Brother Rice High School.

Emma Hansen (Special Services/Math): Emma is a recent

graduate of Illinois State University, which she attended after graduating from Lincoln-Way East High School. She has expressed her enthusiasm to be a new teacher at Stagg High School, and says she could not be more excited to start her career in a District with a reputation for excellence in both academics and co-curricular activities. She looks forward to helping all of her students grow as good learners as well as good people. Emma is D230 PROUD!

Julie Heinlen (Family & Consumer Science): Julie graduated

from Illinois State University and is an experienced Family and Consumer Sciences teacher. She is excited to be working at Stagg this year, and has noted she has a great group of students that she is looking forward to working with in Consumer Economics and Fitness & Nutrition.

Tim Klahn (PE): Tim is a graduate of Eastern Illinois University.

Previous to coming to Stagg High School, Tim worked at Ralph Ellison High School and ECHO Joint Agreement. Tim is an alumna of Stagg High School and several of his family members attended Stagg High School as well. Tim is very excited for the upcoming school year, and says is has always been his professional goal to work at his alma mater, and is looking forward to giving back to the school and community that did so much for him.

Peter Krason (Social Studies): Peter holds degrees from DePaul

University and Olivet Nazarene University. Peter is an alumna of Carl Sandburg High School, did his student teaching at Andrew High School, and is married to a Stagg alum! For the last 10 years Peter has taught in School District 127.5. He has expressed how thrilled he is to be here working with such an amazing group of students, staff, and community members. The students have been demonstrating dedication, eagerness for learning, humor, kindness, and a range of talents and skills, and have given Peter an incredible sense of pride with his role as their teacher.

Michelle Kohs (English): Michelle graduated from University

of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and recently taught at Waubonsie Valley High School. Fun fact: Michelle's mom is a graduate from Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, Michelle graduated from Carl Sandburg High School, and then Michelle taught at Victor J. Andrew High School. She has the D230 trifecta!

Constandina Kyriakoulis (Special Services/English): Dina

has degrees from Saint Xavier University, Olivet Nazarene University, Lewis University, and American College of Education. Prior to teaching at Stagg, she was at Lemont High School. While living in the community, and having a strong sense of value for education, Dina is honored to be part of D230's passion, family and love for its students, community, and staff.

Izz Matariyeh (Applied Technology): Izz has degrees from

Illinois State University and Olivet Nazarene. He has been a teacher at Carl Sandburg High School since 2009. Izz is honored to join the Stagg family and community, and can already tell that it is a unique and proud place of which he is incredibly excited to become a part of.

Jessica Nechvatal-Glavach (Spanish): Jessica has degrees

from Illinois State University and Saint Xavier University. Prior to working in D230, Jessica spent time teaching in Plainfield South High School. Jessica is looking forward to a great year with such a dynamic group of students and staff!

Katie Pickrum (PE): Katie has degrees from DePaul University

and The American College of Education. Prior to joining Stagg, she was a P.E/Health and Drivers Education teacher in District 228 for four years. Katie is excited to be at Stagg and looks forward to working with the students and their families to ensure success both in class and in other endeavors in life.

Katy Przybylski (English): Katy graduated from Washington

University in St. Louis, and recently taught English in Greece. She also taught in St. Louis for a year. Katy is an alumna of Stagg High School and bleeds Orange and Blue! She is so excited to be back at the place that shaped who she is, and loves her classes!

Jacob Randulich (English): Jacob has degrees from Saint

Xavier University and Grand Canyon University. Jacob was at Plainfield School District 202 prior to coming to Stagg. Jacob is a proud Stagg graduation, and claims he is the embodiment of `Charger for Life.' He is humbled by the opportunity to come back to his high school and teach with the educators who shaped him into the person he is today. He hopes to give back to the community that gave so much to him.

Colleen Regan (Special Services): Colleen is a graduate of

Illinois State University. Prior to D230 she worked at the Southwest Cooperative in the Communication Development program. Colleen is a graduate from Carl Sandburg High School. She is looking forward to an amazing year and is excited for the opportunities to be part of the Stagg community!

Additional new staff that have joined the Charger Family include:

Patricia Eilenfeldt, Food Service Erin Healy, Special Services Aide Colleen Laughren-Lusk, Receptionist Jorge Mauricio, Special Services Aide Neveen Swais, Special Services Aide


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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