Tablets Lesson Outline Template - Scoilnet

Tablets Lesson Outline Template

Objective: To foster team working skills

Practice skills related to analysis and synthesis.

Practise reading skills and language analysis.

Class level 3rd Class

Overview- Children will work to unscramble sentences that are jumbled up in their groups and then work as a class to put the sentences/paragraphs together to create a story.

Step by step guide

Preparation-Choose a story suitable for the class and cut the story into short paragraphs/sentences and with these words create some word clouds, using Wordle.

Divide the class up into groups and distribute the tablets to the class. Each group will have different sentences from the story.

Lesson activity-

In order to rebuild the paragraphs, they are expected to read all the words carefully and find out the right way to join them, taking into account capital letters, their function in the sentence, and anything else that might link words together.

When they have finished, they have to upload their paragraph to Edmodo in order to share and see what the other groups have found out.

All the paragraphs are of course in a jumble order and they have now to put them together correctly and rebuild the whole story. Here too they have to analyse all the sentences carefully and decide together on their right order.


Finally they have to suggest an appropriate title for the story; a poll is now created on Edmodo and they use it to choose the best one. 


Use easier sentences for less able groups.

Have the sentence started for some children depending on their ability so that they only have to unscramble 2/3 words and add to sentence.

For the more able children they can unscramble a number of sentences/paragraphs from the story. Also capital letters and full stops can be removed from the words to make it more difficult to unscramble words.

Hints and tips- Ensure tablets are all charged fully.

Ensure children are familiar with using tablets and the rules around using them in the classroom.

Assessment- Self Assessment using Edmodo

Teacher Observation

Extension Activities-

✓ write a story of their own; 

✓ illustrate the story using comics or a video; 

✓ create an image which presents the story;

✓ dramatise the story;

✓ rewrite the story but set it in another country and consider what should be changed;

✓ create an audio version of the story.

✓ They can prepare such activity as homework working together in groups using Edmodo while in the next classes they can work together to improve and complete it.

✓ A class will be devoted to their performances or presentations, which could be filmed to be shown also to parents, for example.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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