The Creative Mission

September 2018

The Creative Mission

A Newsletter from the Office of Enrichment Programs

Archdiocese of San Antonio Department of Catholic Schools 2718 W. Woodlawn Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78228 (210) 734-1958 ? Veronica.Montalvo@

Building A Catholic Culture of Encounter

6th CAAC Season 2018-2019

The most spiritual and talented musicians in the Archdiocese gathered to lift the congregation in song at the 2018 Catholic Schools Convocation Mass on Tuesday, August 14. The liturgical celebration was led by Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, and was joined by Auxiliary Bishop Michael Boulette, school pastors and religious guests. Joyfully, we gathered to the contemporary song "Our God is Here." During the offertory, we reflected on who we are to Jesus in "You are Mine." Communion was highlighted with "In the Breaking of the Bread" and we were raised up with a beautiful, multi-layered rendition of "I am the Bread of Life." A featured group gathered for a prayerful melody of "Give Me Jesus." After uplifting words from our Archdiocesan shepherd, the Music Ministry jammed to Matt Maher's tune "All the People Said Amen." Over 30 individuals participated as singers and instrumentalists. Thank you for sharing your time, talents and your spirit for this event.

Simple Complete survey Moments Tell Stories

Your messaging can make a difference

In a time when we are constantly bombarded with messages from every angle, it is our duty to not be an added noise maker, but instead be a megaphone for God. Put forth heartfelt stories that engage and connect our Catholic community. There are SO many wonderful things happening in your programs...make it known. Connect with your webmaster or social media coordinator. If there is none, get approval to create a page for your program and share it with everyone!! Use pictures, short videos, and even live streams!

**Be sure to have parent permission before you display any students online.

November 17 TBD

April 6 Antonian

February 2 Incarnate Word

Red Zone

March 2 St. Anthony CHS

Blue Zone

Entering it's 6th year, the Catholic Arts and Academic Competition program is gearing up for a tremendous year of developing students into the young men and women God created them to be. Through intentional integration of study materials and extended learning opportunities, we are praying for an enjoyable and academically challenging season. This year, the

contest will focus on K-8th for competitive participation. High Schools will participate as showcase performers, host school ambassadors, and assist with judging.

Catholic School Fine Arts

"Love one another, contribute to the needs of others, live peaceably with all." - Romans 12: 9-18

Welcom^ e!!!

"Life is beautiful"

The Catholic Creative Arts contest offers students an opportunity to design their own expressions of understanding and living of the Gospel Values and Catholic Social Teachings. With the guidance of classroom teachers, students are able to draw upon their skills in the areas of art, writing, poetry, and photography.

And all the people said "AMEN!"

Welcoming our brothers and sisters into our Archdiocese of San Antonio Catholic School Community There is great energy and excitement at the onset of starting a new chapter in your career. Placing all your faith, and believing that only God has brought you to this next adventure, there is a profound peace in your heart. Let's welcome our colleagues who join us from near and far, with a variety of experiences, and with dreams and visions of the possibilities.

Divisions Grades 1 - 5

Categories Art, Poetry

Grades 6 - 8

Art, Poetry,

Isabel Dela Cerda


St. Luke

Creative Writing


Amanda Duran Melissa Cavanaugh Sr. Monica Wheeler

Sacred Heart-Del Rio


St. John Bosco




Grades 9 -12

Art, Poetry, Photography, Creative Writing

The Life and Dignity of the human Person

The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from abortion and euthanasia.

DEADLINE: February 7, 2019

Perry Dean Sts. Peter & Paul


Robert Asher Holy Cross Fine Arts

D'Arcy Wills St. John Paul II


Find Jesus You might also

in the most

be interested in using pop culture

unlikely music to explore

of places! themes!

**Caution: Always review before using with students

The Catholic Catalogue

"When God conceived the world, that was Poetry; He formed it, and that was Sculpture; He colored it, and that was Painting; He peopled it with living beings,

and that was the grand, divine, eternal Drama."

- Charlotte Cushman

Where there's a QWILL, there's a way!

Venturing on a cross-curricular path with language arts, music and drama!

The San Antonio Symphony is presenting A Midsummer Night's Dream Young People's Concert once again in collaboration with QWILL and numerous community partners. Five Catholic schools are diving into QWILL this year and will be attending the performance in January. Music teachers are asked to collaborate with ELA teachers to bridge the music and audience experience for the students. An updated teaching resource will be posted by the Symphony soon. Learn more about QWILL at:

Virtual Choir: All are Welcome

Being a part of something bigger than ourselves

This summer I attended the 2018 Arts Integration & STEAM Online Conference, all the way from my office desk! One of the keynote speakers was composer, Eric Whitacre. Grammy-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre is one of the most popular musicians of our time. His concert music has been performed throughout the world by millions of amateur and professional musicians alike, while his ground-breaking Virtual Choirs have united singers from over 110 different countries. In his presentation, Eric shared his philosophy of creating a diverse musical experience through purity, wonder and awe. I invite you to take 30 minutes and watch the magnificent work Eric going to the unfamiliar and unconventional. Click link to view video: Eric Whitacre Video

Upcoming concerts? Please send me a musical note to veronica.montalvo@

Web Resources Connect math concepts with iconic works

by Andy Warhol and other Pop artists in this workshop co-presented by the Mc-

Connecting with Generation Z

Nay, the UTSA Math Dept, Institute of

There is SO much on the

Texan Cultures, and Southwest School of

web that it is sometimes

Art. This workshop will take place in 2

overwhelming to begin


navigating the waters.

9:00- 11:30am at Institute of Texan

Below are a couple of websites that may be


of interest. Use them for teaching ideas,

1:00 - 4:00pm at McNay Art Museum* videos for personal growth or student

Teachers receive 5.5 hours of continu- development, creative ways to submit work

ing professional education credit.

of self performances, etc.

Space is limited and registration is re-

quired. Fee (includes museum admissions): $35

Click to Register

Wish List

Call for Grant Proposal Ideas

We will be actively engaged in supporting the school fine arts programs by assisting in the writing of grants for fine arts professional development, teaching resources, and project financial needs.

Please complete the survey by clicking on the link>>

Fine Arts Grant Proposal Survey

St. Cecilia

Patron Saint of Singers St. Catherine of Bologna

St. Genesius

and Musicians

Patron Saint of Artists Patron Saint of Actors

Make Art

Make your

Make a Difference Mark!

Celebrate Creativity, Courage & Collaboration on Sept. 15-ish

Imagine the

power and

On October 13, 2018, bring your

family and friends to Artpace

Chalk It Up, a festival of

contemporary art, transforming

Downtown Houston Street into a

gallery ? from the ground up.

Interested in forming a


TEACHER TEAM?? Each team

can have a maximum of 10



includes one 8 x 10-foot sidewalk

"canvas" and four 24-piece packs

of multicolored artist pastels

(chalk). Deadline is 5:00 pm on

Friday, September 14, 2018.

*DCS will sponsor 1 team.

potential of millions of people around the world connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires and invites. Join the growing global community of creativity champions using their talents, gifts and energy to move the world to a better place promoting creativity, bravery, and self-expression. International DOT DAY! Buy the Book: Amazon The Dot by Peter Reynolds(video)

From the Director

Welcome back and a special welcome to all our new fine arts educators in the Archdiocese of San Antonio! As the Director of Enrichment Programs, I am here as support and as a resource for YOU. My personal mission is to help you improve, continue, or assist in building strong art, music and theater programs in our schools.

Throughout the year, I will publish The Creative Mission newsletter to provide information about events and other opportunities for the fine arts community. Please send me information on your school's programs and events to be included in the newsletter throughout the year. I am currently calling for grant writing ideas - to include fine arts professional development, teaching resources, and special projects.

I also love visiting schools!! Please invite me any time! I am happy to come to your programs or see your classroom and students in action.

Know that I am excited to work collaboratively, engage in fellowship, celebrate your victories and accompany you on this journey.

May the Lord's Grace be ever upon you

Your Sister in Christ, Veronica Montalvo Y

Do you have an event coming up? Send me a note at


(K-8) Dept. Of Catholic Schools Fine Arts Professional Development Dates: Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 Friday, February 8, 2019

The Princess & the Pea Sept. 14 & 15 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets $3 ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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